Vikh the claw sunny skins films far today and tummw the wmpmmm should slowly rise to their scasomblc nonmal Some ShOWNs 0r Lhmdmskww as an forecas corded at The Ex amimr 0mm 12 night was 50 degrees The Wm at am was 50 195105 Synopsis warming spell ls expected in develnp accom panled hymainly sunny skies ln squlhem Onlaria but shaw ers and lhundcrslmwers will likely ocqur in ï¬le far northern regluns late Thursday uncmunn and evcniug as another cold outbreak approaches from lhc norlhwcsL Lake St Clair Lake Eric Agata Scythem Lake Huron Lake Ontario Windsor London Toronlo Hamil ton Mainly sunny will sloxxly rising lem pefptufcs 33qu light TORONTO CmForecast 5qu at 530 am Nnrthenl Lake Huron Suulh em Georglan Bay Clear with lowly rising temncralurcs Iggllgm Must at the mid dcplorcd the nssasslnnllon of Prime Min ister Hendrik Vrrwocrd but nnly few statesmen and common tators had praise for the fallen South Mricnn lender Thvy agreed that Vomnunla death Tuesday would leave South Africas pnliplrs of rnclal npnmllan Inmlly unchanged The Landon Tums 5an us WARMING SPELL is ex pected to dcrckrp may lcctinz most of pntario and Most Of World Deplorés VérWOerds Assassination THE CANADIAN PRESS DISTRICT WEATHER Ihhh Wm IInp TIL dqu rlnimmu ma Imi lanl lhyHHiclI mm MIL In An 1mm pwflrh In Balm Marv 11w mm luvth ml lhn mla mum mkqu ho Mk II mu amine innhn up puium to Iml lildzyl In Haï¬burlqï¬l Killnlne Northern 1THE EARN EXAMINER WEDNESDAY 55 195 Warming Trend Seen With Some Shawers OPPOSES VIET NAM ELECTION in 11 Hay Timagaml North Bay Sndbury Clear sunny and Winds snulhwest 15 Forecaxt lempmlum Low nvemlghl hlgh Thursday Windsor 50 73 St Thomas 48 75 London 43 75 Kitchener 48 75 Mount Fares 45 72 Wlngham 45 72 Hamilton SI 18 St Catharines 50 7B Tornnlo 52 IE Pclcrbnrouzh Kingston 18 7B 45 7B Algoma Sault Ste Marie Sunny with steadily rising tem peramrcs Winds light While River Cochranu Sunny with cloudy periods and scat tered showers and thunder storms in the late aiiempun and ning Winds southwest 15 to Western James Bay Vnr bin cloudiness and warm Wllh scaucrcd showers and thundnr storms Winds southwest 15 to buawa Mainly sunny warmer Winds llghL sassinnlian always ranks In Paris the canscrvalhu Le Fitnro comments The stale will contiqu to luncllnn norm ally and the pulley to uhlch Dr Vcrwmll gave lhc name wlll tonllnuc lmpcrlurbnbly and un pcrlurleLl he Egyptian government nwnvd newspaper AI Akhbar said Vcrworrdl nxsnssinnllun will not solve the npnrlhcld Quebec ammemmmmesfl ions cPwmmma Nun ATHNVI rhtï¬m Hm ritlxl Mvm v4 Mdl ermz Unlan mama lrwh who Im Im In Inm um mu Inr um than 90 by in mm Male mum gnumum tl my hr Ngvnm 4on I11 mln mm In chase the and Trenton KiLlaloe Muskoka North Bay Sudbury Saul Sta Merle Kapmkuslng White River Moosonce TORONTO CPMnrlne lore casls Issued by the weather tice at 330 am today valid un MI 11 am Thursday LakeVHumn Georzlnn Bay Nnrlh wind In 15 knou be coming light variable me his anemnan and sunlhwcst In In 15 Thursday monulng Fair Ln Supcrlor Southwest winds 10 to 15 knau Increasing to 20 lo 30 lhl evening Fair Lake Erie North winds In 15 becomlnz light variabic lo nlghg Fair iake Onlnrln North wind 11 to 18 km becoman gm var nhle tonlght Fair problem because mm mm ban of hls gang are mm trcmlst in allowing such vile pout In Moscow lhe musslnnllvn ruled only Ilnzle paragraph on the Iron page of lho Com munm pnrly newlpaper andl lodny Tho mills new Izcncy dlspnch rcporlui lh denlh luc lugll wflhpuilcommcnl Calral government radlu Inld lhe nllminauon of Verwocrd should encourage the Alrlcnn and Aslnn people In tarry on lhe struggle nxnlnsl ha hand syglcrp or npnrlhtld lnNcï¬l or anlom 5mm anld Mrhnm In Lho UN were plnnnlnz lo lhmw chum Inuna may to celebrate lhvl um Innllon UN Socrclnry General Thnnt called he murder de plnmblu bccnuu any violent nc Ian deploran Them wu mumd lauxhler whtn lhu nsmnlnnllnn WM nn naunwl In lho Zamhlun IMIIA mun hut Imldcnt KcnncUI Knundn mu zmrnmtnl mlnln the hllltr WM nul nn Mrlcnn or culoml per mm mm annlrlnn nonm mrnl nfllcinl Mnny South Mrlcnn new pnprrl compnml ho nunulnn llnn wllh that lmldenl Ken nedy In DnXIM In November 1w 11m Cum Tlmu Inld Var warn and Kmmdy wrre olu mm In ouuool but may nhnml Hm Ilrnngu Ma under he lnxcrulnhllfly ml provldrnm Mm murdrml or no ob vlaul Innam In Suulll Ahch the Hand Dally Mall HM Vrrwucnl hll Irfl hh mull Indcllhly on tho Mrrnn mm mi rm lhu uljnln wmlll mnn nu VllL Tm Jnlmmmhurl leknnnv Innzunzo DI mGrlml um ur Irmlrr hnl Men My III Ilm tnuplo mr Inlhulnnd 11m lmnlln an no mv wllh mm In fly IHFT ma MAIKK In Suulh 1ch the Dally Mall HM Vrrwucnl nnru Rnluamlmml rlclm NnHu nnl Yunnan pl Knuth Mrkn ulxl Vomncnll ulmlh win no lm In manklmL llu puhlklly unolnm Mind Klmlnng lmlnml TM my mm who uIIl Iumnn Mm um um um Mlm In mlnm lhAl tlltll untold lullfllnl In Mllrun pmylp m1 Mher NINA uhlluq minm ha mu um lhrul lu ka Illma Mlnlulrr IM nn In Ilnlvmml llvnl he WM IlIIKhJ Iv illllnl Innmenl IMJ run lhlnl only the human lrunly Inch an Kaylean npruenl lmldml lnhn rm Ion mu ml In South Mlkflll lmlvlenl hum Sum and print mum lo Vrr mrdl wile MARINE FORECAST SHOP AT BUEHLERSV AND SAVE lEE CRUSHED DADS OATMEAL MAXWELL HOUSE INSTANT with pitcher OZ JAR ONLY USA SUNKIST SIZE 180 BUMP or nounn STEAK nunsws gm OWL PHONE mom l6 DUNLOP cwssu ALL DAY MON oven 1025 Wm muns SAT mm rm MM llllllfll STEAK MINCE MEATY CLIIB STEHKS BUEHlERS PURE BEEFBUBEERS°F288c PUflh HDEK BONELESS EXTRA LEAN COLD CIJTS EAN MEATY SEASONED PINEAPPLE PRESSWOOD BRAND COOKIES PKGS FOR COFFEE ORANGES ONLY 2001 TIME ONLY 169 3Q 601 Pkgé For sac lOOK WHAT 88d WILL BUY IN OUR MEAT DEPARTMENT 333 39c CHRISTIES BUTTERMAIE NEILSONS JERSEY WETHEYS ASSORTED Mlx or Mmh Virlefles MITCHELLS APPLE JUICE TINS ICE CREAM Lb 88c BR JARS 889 l6 DUNLOP ST EAST 51111713 BACON PORK CHUPS SLICED OR BY THE PIECE AT 00R SERVICE COUNTER ONTARIO NO SNOWWHITE snusnaa MEAT Boman ONTARIO NO FRESH WAX GREEN BEANS LOIN FRESH DAILY BY THE PIECE FRESH SLICED PORK LIVER ONYARIO NEW CROP i2 CLARKS VEGETABLE OR BLEACH APPLES SNOWY SAFETY it MATCHES LB FOR LB TOMATO SOUP MB PKG LI BAG LB LB FOR BOXEs IOOZ TINS 0N LY 15