VorsIcr is II III antl Cnmmunlsz who is bcIIcvcd In In mare extreme segregation Hun was Vcnrncrd He has swccplng powers at chenlloxI nnd Imusu mrusl and has Imposed rcsIrkIlun on 450 persons under the Supprtsslon of Communism lIcI In nddl llon MEI pcrsnns have been held under Iaw cnahllng 0r slcr In delnln people In suIIIary tuancmtnl In prcvonI lhcm tram Icnvlng Inn enunlry iransport mlnlsicr Schoc man has devoted lilmscll cncr geilcally to ensuring ml the Milans Irnnsparl systems lunc qlion effocilvcly llu has not played malur role ln public lln Ihe nuvernmcnls racial pol cm Vnrscr also as sum 115 person when ullcrnnrcs may not be publishrd In South Mrlcn nnollwr pmvisinn of he iupprcsslun lsm cl Sclvocmnn Mm slMlDd hl worklnu In runway liw mun uulllnLd hix vhilnsuphy and III lhmxuhls nbou Soulh nix like Vorslcr he is mm lugporgcr apartheid Successors To PM Support Apartheid Jusllcc minister Vprslnr has acquired an internmonnl rcpulniinn as the stem enforcer his guvemmcnls phllcsophy npnrmeld 1mm separa llon 1H Dunlapï¬gï¬ Edgar tccnagc sun of Wil llam Hughes wan first Mace or Showmanship also winning the lshowmanship In compcminn th all breeds of moms in open com petIqun Justice Minister Jahn Vorsor and Transport Minister lien Schocman at South Mri two men with dinerth personalities political backgrounds emerged Tuesday in possible successnrs to assassinated Pre micr Hendrik Vcrwocrd Hughes Brcrhers Strand brought homethe bncon from Tornntnnhnn hcir Lela win nings were added up They got Grand Champion at heir slal illlan as wall as ï¬rst and re serve champianshlp ï¬rst and junior champlnnship for mare ï¬rsk andreserve champion Shlp for another Icmnle geld In brought second and serve champlon Their sixAhorse Earn won first uh the sqyr WON suommsum heavy Iran loam wan third and the four horse team came third Also on the list was first for ï¬rmware mare first and second for three and ouryear nId mare sccnnd prize far draft gelding irst and second prize for two mares any age th Hm prize for prcgmy of ï¬lim second and énird to gut ofsire three hams each ggrokzzzyomxMMRï¬r Stmudijfbthers ï¬rm unnan mummy wnnwnfsnn Sam4 INNISFII NOTES ymm WIIHH and vidu uhnlcu of mlum Wm you ymm ul lmuty nml pmlmtiun nwsu m1 mnily Mt Hluyu clunn looking or lly llculnrs pg 11 ENDURANCE aliddun NEWSPAPER MAN DIES MONTREAL 1Cl Arnoll Gladuyn Magum $1 longtime newspaper man nnll publiclst ilkd In hospital Tuesday mm In bricl Illness Hum In Vinnl pm In vms educmcd In Ollnwn nml slnrlcd newspaycr ca ncr with he old Mnnlrcnl ller uld In lhc early 1910 Mr Mn zurn Joined lhcMonlrml Slur and later became ls real came cdllnr UnHl lllsRzllrcmnnk lwo ymr ago Mr Mnnum was Quchm runnscnlallvc or In Fnlrrhild Iuhllwliolls rm 1e puslllnn Ohm Suulh Mrita should cslnbv sh an Independent republic hy negolinlion ilh vlclorimu Gnrmany Schocman old he Nullanul party congress in ma that he hale fulurn Mriknncr Unr mcr Dulch lmmlgnmls do plndcnl man Vlclary Durlng the Second wankl Vur both men were strongly opposed In South Arricn Joining he sde ml 10 Allies If we want to challenge this danger which Ihrualcns our Cuminqu cxlslcncc man salt here must be the greatest measure at vhlte unny Jusice and fairness to lhc nonwhlle but dclcrmlnnllun In cxornhllily and dcdslvcnus as rcgards the maintenance of he supremacy we thle man In Smnh Africa lie warnc out Africans of the threat Mack naliunnllsl and of while liberals who wanch to give political power in Africans Africas future In speech Johannesburg in The luncheon at the Exhibitlnn on Frlday was In honor Farm ers and Livzsdock Day The guns speaker was to have been Ihu on Greene Minister Agriculture or Cnnudu How ever Mr Greene could nut be awuyrrrom Ottawa and gem hlr Deputy MIanlrr Mr Barry lo read his speech In the gath ering was old that Mr Green had been recent visitor to lhe Argcnï¬ne and had reached an ngmmrnl wllh that govern mmt to endeavour to set price on expnn wheat that would en sure farmers of both countries fair proï¬t Argentine L1 Can FARMEns DAY was worth the trip down the Fah just to watch the Hugh es homs In the parade in the Coliseum along with other breed for tho ï¬nale before they had ed back Strand Thls wai the Toronto mm 1le rmrd for Edgar who wlll not be lullowlnu he lair lung with the Hughes llroLhers who yIlll attend nearly evpry day at lnlr Edgar wlll be back an Barrie Dislrlct Colleglnle but just may he nble to get half day of or Bunle Falr to drlve again TOP QUALITY OIL HOUSE PAINT Rog 5an Price GAL I035 Our dhtrlc losing another fnmlly Mr Mutt Campbell Tollenda Id last Week or Ioundlnnd whore he has mth pusluan wllh the new noting plant minwrm Io lend lot his lumlly won qulnhc hm hm 1mm local ed The Cumbclu have livid In Tullcndn nr number years and Mm Campbell Mercury UV MW Shtppnnl Park Com munuy Ctnln which concluded lhclr summer mm with cum nnd winner must We hope the iamin will con inimie nn historical sketdl or our new lnnlmi hlsiwy also that many oi hose who crumb ml send In story will get ll in he mmmillee hands soon We nm in have all the manor lal nvnllzble soon in know lww many pages we will have Not only family hlslnrles but 1111 lum ui persons and gmherlnu will make in real addition to the book Please mud to Hlnorlcal Commlllcv Siroud Ont STOP FOR SCHOOL illSEE Our Ontario Lrnmc law have been changed in rmulre nil traf lic lo slop holh way or school buses unloading or loading pup ils Be sure in obey the huh lnn md slop ligth on busu Pcrsnns who have driven in lhe USA for any dlslnnce will re mcmbcr thai his law has been in eileci ihere arr wme years wlile up till now it was only necessary in mm behind xchool bus in Ontario MOVINQ WFOUNDIAND HARDWARE We have enquiry mm Mr Alden Haw 01 TM who wishes to know If anyone can ml him about nm or Eva Reynolds son George Rey nnlds He would like to contact my person who know than odosbiggesc competitor both in when and bceil tiheret have two bodies day wee in order to curtail home con sumption oi boo which is rais ed much mom chelpiy than in Canada He mentioned the int air that were sirictiy agriwi cuï¬i Imiddle t2 oyiouiulre st oy an porthn part in the Canadian National Er hihition We must not only im provo our cereal production but our iivesimk pioys big part in leading he woriiiAï¬endonce was Just under three miilion dur ing the fair ROLLING PIN TIIROWN Thomas oi Gunhill phoned on Monday to any that he had been listening to radio mm at ilodoester New Yak and heard toilingpin mm ho ing broaden in which the doom ihrmrrr mdoiooieet nchcs beioro crowd oi 15000 iimy shouid have had our chom pion Carolyn Armstrong who won Wrist watch or throw ing pin over 115 lee and was world champion for no im An other mention of brick throwing reached us mm county coun cillor who had purchased newspaper in Nairobi SW Al rita in it was story of Stroud England winning th world champimuhip or bflck throwing against Show Canada and two oiher countries Smaii world REYNOLD ENQUIRY 30 975 72824 340 QT Chinll Mum thulu lunllmmu yIwind fur mm mm 1qu mum IIllll Wllnul Ilflllh thml Umlt Rog 27498 In Coppeflon mi nu anllly Cuptil tn lbs numbed lullwidth uhlnn Ihrlvn Full polctllinhed Inner nblnd Mr flwlngvonl Ilnhl Mlmldlh hum door pnrl Ihdvu lulu un ruh Inlllln lock WEAR EYSTFM WMle NEAR F00 fllOHAGE WARRANTY BONUS DISPOSARLE PROGRAWEDCOOXNG 8hr cook vibe Id nnlnx flatly Anlomaflc Oven PieHen nnhvlled Vuhble BM BuIIHn Clack Conlmlled Missedox Xnflnflo Heat 5M9 Rcmovlble Own Door KENMORE Washday TeamAt Lowest Prices Ever N0 DOWN PAYMENT Jull Sly Clnm II All Kllll In elmk or lmmodlnln dvllvm at mnsl falalnmm Nahq mfluns SAVE 3110 ON 23 SILVERIONE lOWEOY CONSOLE KENMORE SPECIAL SAVE ON PRICESAVE ON FOOD COSTS ALUMva OVEN 1mm CAN BE REPLACED OR RENEWED A5 REQUIRED NOW mm mum mm Mm rlm 9mm mm Illa 243 1200 Month wash programs washrlnse temperature water levels save water SELFCIEANING mm Ken never see it NEVER ave to clean it Supcr Rotowlrl Agitator Boautilul Acrylic ï¬nish In Gmpedom $10 Em Frlu Cu To CLEANS LIKE DREAMI aoI ELECTRIC Ff AUTOMATIC IIAs INFINITE HEATS ms PROGRAMS SELFCLEAN FILTER WATER LEVELS 24995 23495 r95 mo Monlh Coldopo 15 cu 99 Upriam Hold Glam 487 ll of Food 22495 sAvgzom COOKS 1300 Month 00 Momh Rog 26495 Rog 25495 24495 NOW hold1mnl um mum um um mum mo cmmm um um and 11 um vat OIIIHMIIMIIIO Illlll nlhlln mnm Hm omd 3mm Ln rmer luneton 4H mum Slidebut Mm Keeper Pomllln mm vanbl crnw lullwidth Chroma Shem FUu SYEAB H5112 WARRANTY 11 Downhill 10 Extra mu mm nanum mu mosm m1 5000 SAVING CONTEMPORY STYLE STEREOCONSOLI SOLID STATEI topmrï¬nl ui km lm Hon 1mm lmMm ll Adlumblt Flud IvVEAfl IAIIOUII WARRANTY 0N COMPRESSOR AND ï¬VflTKM LVEMI FOOD BIOHAOE MillAm Nw Thlnwm FumedImlllu lunllflou Connlerhlllnnd BulltIn Floodlllhl Ind Ml IJFFJIMH lflllCElMN IJNINO NOW Hmo 7mm llmpnnuun IQNII Dow NOW Pomhln Lined 18 Culdlpot mum Rog 15495 404331 234 NOW FUU WIDTH DAIRY BM In Coppertom 40 Interlm um 11 min PM 900 Monfh 1th mm guesswor mm mm selection Door Safety Mm Bufltdn um Semen Speed mm DRYING PROGRAMS PLUS SOFT HEAT Rog 16495 95 Izoo Monlh 15495 mo Monlh uxmm hlu Prlu Cu COLDSPOT 15 cu FT ALL FnosrLess DE LUXE REFRIGERATOR FREEZER 354s IB00 Man sun Reg 3749