Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 Sep 1966, p. 4

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Walla Publisher Delegates to the Ontario lilunicipal As sociation convention at Hamilton last week ado led resolution urging the election trustees to district high school boards The roposal which vould be given effect rough an amendment to the Secondary Schools and Boards of Education Act should receive early and favorable consideration by the Ontario government Here in Barrie the district high school board members are appointed ihe spend large sums of public money bot municipal and provincial but they are not msponsibie directly to the voters The fact that the city andldistdct have been well served hf conscientious men and women on this onrd over the years does not alter the soundness of prin ciple of responsibility Sloddart chairman of tho board was quoted as saying that the men cur rently sllUng on thg board would cer Barrie Examiner Sept 1051 Barrie Recreation Council closed summer pro gram with display of projects on Par enls Day Daiion Nesbiit was super yisor Award at merit went to Brock St piarzraund which had Vilmn honghurst am John iticci as supervirorn iourinx Parks on final day weroiier Vorrhip iayor Mrs Marjorie Hamilton James Boorman council chairman Rev James Ferguson representing iied Cross and Miss Betty Ball nris and crafts unper viaor Sir Vincent Park produced excel lent model oi itiartyrs Sirrine iai iom4 iinsonnnd icon Garrick vcrc superjianrs 15 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Training rogram began nl Barrie Armoury by Hi AntiTank Re lmuni ilCi under commnnd Major Mk Clark Iii Kiwanis Club dinner speak er was iiumll Nclilvion mnnagvr oi Bank of ioronlo on uubjccl thi iiuronlu Means io Us Joseph honA nox lhmniom 1051 am when hit by bolt lighining Mn Cori couniy champion also won womenl iii liar rio no iiuh braiing himRoy Smith in final Mn iinrry Young won lites 7le Trustees Of High School Boards Should Be Elected Mam or VIHmfiznnéuhml lhnl Maurice Illchcll would hruln his wcrk makan Al the 13mm Arena In My Earth iEXa1niliPr IMIlwaukco Jmlrnah Qulol wu onco nvallahlc to those 111 In In hlko mm lull ml II but now the molar uoolm mnmlng wlldcrnm In It mom clip Snow ncollm Ikllkr mm lrosly Held In winter Mcclmnlml nwmlm declar cs Hm NMlonnl Commlllee for lho Im lcctlon of Tull Cmmuy whlch Im on gnnlml In mm the gmllna hlvminn An English manulucturor hu develop ed 11qu lounulcr Hovercran or SILENCE I5 DISAPPEARING LOOK ATTENTIVE EDITH Publisth by Cahadlnn Newapuparn LImlud 16 Bnyfleld Street Burrle Ontarlo Isher Wilson OTHER EDITORS VIEWS DOWN MEMORY LANE MoPhorlon Managing Editor TUEsbAY smmm 1m mm tainly not be interested in contesting trusteeship Perhaps they might feel dil iereniiy about the matter however it the government decided on elections ra ther than appointments Alter all it is an honor to resent the people espec Ially on senor board that deals with the education of children whether elect ed9r appointed There are exce tions to the election rule of course odics like the parks board are directly responsible to the city council and must de end on the mayor and aldermen for unds The school board is in different category It op eraies largely on its own and has the right of appeal from adverse council de ons Again we say we have been favored with the highest type or rcpmsentaiion on the board and there can be praise for the wark and devotion of the mom bent But this in no way weakens the cieciion principle Freparallon or junlor mlnlng camp lnslon Ilrulns Conch llnp Emma snld prospects were ood or Barrlo Flycrs lo defend Mcmorla Cu won his year or first Umo Ed rmcrson of Vespn lurkcy Farm collcclcd 25 county boun ty for shoollng largo bmsh wall near 701 llno Vcs Jack 81 Clalru bakery on Sop la St West gultod by llro George Caldwell elmlcd to Onlnrlo follcgo Warm Councll Roy Chrlstlo ntlcndcd lA rotnllm convontlon ln New York No new schools wlll open In Bnrrlo lhls lerm and one ls closcd lomvcr Vlctorla School lormorly Control 13 being replaced by Coddnglon New Sl lllnryr Sopnralo School wlll like cure of overflow lrom old hulldlng on hchonIlll SL Too soronllo vanshlp mlobrnlcd Ccnlennlnl wllh hlrtorltal pnmlo and spam day At Evomlt Onlarlo Prcmlor lmllo Frost comigrnlulnml Barrio Exnmlncr on vlnnlng anon Trophy or best nllround weekly newspaper ln Cnnmln Scnlor nollbnll llnal at Queens Park oaw len ml lerclrlc bcnl Emma Eloclrlc 03 on base hlt by George Mllu Alko lurm hull pllchul or ICE lnl Poland for limmx Fll lll llon only un nounml lllal rnll lrnlnlnu by llorrln Alr Cadet Squadron would Ilarl ynoxl week plmure use ll can nklm at three mlln an hour over land and wnlor lummrlul on own nnhlnn nlr now am phlhlmu mulor mom has been duplay ml at Ilrmlnn lnlcrnallonal Cycle and Molomyflu5hpy ullcd wlnlor and Imnmor by mp plng ryllndm nn Inn at In oh and term and mm the Mr the har uml modern cnlwn mm mm have Ill llv rhnim hm Ilnlf rmlun hh rats nr buy sum nr Iamllyshul Iluvcr mall and Joln In In dln 1m ml General Mnnngog WASHINGTON Speclnhr Bohby Kennedy 15 of and run nlng Upand dwu the coun ry he vgou keel prouudlnl and MI flowing the Meat Imdnlsm on Democradc cam palgn Ianrms and Ihe mum alljacloq yum jnle Be gs out local party clndldutu 1n fink falls oilyear Congressional Medians Ha animal hll chief Lyndon Johnson In scrlpa lomhu what 15 Ian or whencemightV consensus 01 pa ur mum In 1m averybody In Vuh lnzlun hum Scum Kenncdy running or the the House He has gained no manyynrd hll lhe you and 0119 prqles hi 1h 11 and profes sional ha uniaflmm ol poulMe ml up he will succeed Johnson Thu questng hag LasTwccks Gallup Po xhw ed Democrnlic vnten prelemd Mm lo Jduwou by to pg cent and mdcpnnlontsas to per cent or lhe 1968 Democrat ic Nominatlon According to thin survey he could beat Governor George Home cl Michlxan leading new loan contender by55 to 333m Former VlcePmldent Neh ard Nixon who Is very much in lhe running or the 1960 Re publican Nomination prcdlmd Johnson will dump hLI Vice Pmldem Kuhtr Humphrey and take Bobby as M1 1968 running mam Stma Democratic pm ma the and speculate lhu Party my dump LBJ dump Hubby do lhe Km nedy the Bobby Bubble wlll bun It inflated Ioo lam loo sunn 1m whlle he sinks IIowly Into lhe quicksands Via Nam lasing stature by the month Ihn agile Kennedy he is scampcxing nrotmd naulng dmm be political support med od for the eventunl mmkullm MCKS APPEAL has predictions are ynasly mucous and premature They reckon wkhom Lyndon Johnsom who still has his lug hand an the political levers and hug hgrdly begun use 13m Balm he chmber clac llun he plum to visit clam slalu possibly 20 He In much ream demand thin Johnson wha d05le his pow er luck the Kennedy appeal andfl dhlrusted lri name an that not kw local randldalcs hvpo he stay out helrdislrids landing owe Dmocm quoted saying think he good President but comu our in me propie cl low Just blob Pwpio an dismal in And auspicious of his mo tive and his looks Too Imlri Too clever Too slick Too ex Mimi corn ane Ihlnks Johnson the real combnll ornlon L1 loo Illck something is horrendoust wrung wjm Imam Kcnnrd Image Is hr 1mm perlccl The 1mm nlll trusl hlm nowmmcr lo thelr mkx and remember 11 hazin nimu as lawyer wllh Jon Mc Cnrlhys SimChamber Commib 12 The rinhllwlnzcn Ind hlm only slightly more pnlnubl lhnn Hubcfl Ilumphrty Young ruthlch and ambllloul Hmme Lumuul By GORDON DQNALDSON BmsrbE In on mix all Elantr Examine mrwnnnn Imlhorhtd nl 1mm dun null Pm monl Oilw pnymnl mum in tuh Dally Sunday And SlMulory llolldnyl txcmlul Subscrlpllon me dqu hy curlrr 5c weekly £1140 yearly Slnglo tor In me mull mm mm ym Onlnrlo 10 yum mulnr Ihrnwofl yrnr Mnl ouuldo Only rm yur Outaldo Cl 1mm mllonl no ynr And orelzm moo yur 0mm c1 Unlvmlly Am Toronto MO Calh rul 5L Monlrul WI mo wm Irnder 51 Vanmuvu ILC Mrmlm UN Cnnndlul Dilly Nuwnupcr Puhluh Auocll Ion lho Cln Irlim Xml and A041 Humnl ol Circulmwl The Canmllnn Im In mlualwly enlluul lo Um um or rnpuhllrnllnn All nm dlnpalrhrl In lhll Imprr cn llnl III II or An Mrd lrm nr llmtm and Illn Um ocal MM panIhnI MnIn Kémiedfir Is Running For The White HoiiSe WASHINGTON CALLING words must omen med to des ctha hhn BOBBY HAS aLAMbii But he hu zlamor which mun 10¢ In nation mare Ind morn attuned to Dhth 1er tlcdlum HI perlormnnca 1n and out culls Sonata ha hem mulerlul This should sur prlu no om who emmvlzera he wu In elm Deputy Pmldmt dnrln his brothera administra xlnn but mnehvw It does 40 he mu jgoks gulle lesa yodni maif mixtflefiienfi on civil the waxy pro mm V15 Nam Ind soclll oInUon 1n Ibo mderdevdoped cowllei are 0an allzhdy lhn Ht Johnsons but hey man II to sound crisp clean and dfllerenl In the biz wurid outside Waminmn Kennedy pm nmlmemenl clrries almost the weight Presidential Procla malion and is much easier to Oneomeafias most disthmulstvlsilmnwflxeymwas WeNdmbudnmhfiwohrm Nelsonth becmSWlJHummemhlmmmdldlhkwewim MWJMMWUMMMVSMZWMM It was durinu be American Revolufiowv War and Ndsm was captaindamgm he Albmnafle Whnnhewu mm at pdvam 011 the coast 01 Nova 5mm Ndsonl crew hegmtonflckwnwvymi Mzotpmrésslmmtmfim to for Sepmnfourhueoluwmostdulimmlmmolflwymrh Quaint Wm autumn leam addingmir blilrmt mm md Nehunlellmdcciuspeumspecmlyflmthehclpdhmm Ion wmmmmmmbewmmwmwmmh uwmhtmhmfdlmmmeaflymmmpwfllywkh munkmwn mmmmmmnhucmw lheyuxudnot change Nelsons MMMW andkbsabd thatwa Imulotmelmflbmnnflemimadbackwaadutyhxa Nelmmvcrgvtbadnlomndamrmaryshmmawn Vflk Ndsvnwmmtvcthh Antwanwaturmhenlao ammmmmmwwmmmwmmm frst dune Staten lsmd Hosatd Ihat Nebon appumd la ho he ymmcapmmhadmummnmmwyhndngxwm uheadolhin AmpuMPrimemhmbacmmoaymhdlhe mm News Nelson said that hewasa man Pnmca wwznmmmmmmmbmmwmm hvmwimhwaanfibhdbyampdmmbmmhem havm an flair with the dmthol Spank chiral CANADAS STORY Horatio Nelson Nearly Married Quebec Girl One Canadian as the other flu glance lho cuvvlnu loom Iho mam typla ally Cnnldlun Bul ll you look lllllo doonor youll DndIhallho phonolooIInslonlahlnalndnndlnn III nol luul that Canadian In anhblonl lolonhonu mm In Ilw world Wovo hld Ihnl dlullncllon In numb yam now and we no ould aka II lllbulo In tho qunllly nnd ow cello our Iorvlco No llm Canndlnnllm lm phonl In the not Ihnl ovar 05 all lolo phano oqulnmlm In made in Canada Ihnt Bell Canada ll ownod ugh howom 03 at our sham are held by CunndIn mldonm ml Northern Eloclvlc Uollo munuiaclullna lublldl My II dwoloplna new and nnlquo Inllmmonll nmj luvch Io mm nmclno Conudlnn nuadl Thnll why our ndvorllaoumnll ollcn uy butI mmmd Ind owned by Cmadlm By BOB BOWMAN Bull Cnnudn manlat um jtmlohsmm mm New York not bmmd by diplomatic ninth and doesnt haven act on it yet Them L1 lenty am he orc 15m nLBYqul 519p afln lrcrinvlhv Pmldancy lies file ho backdalra on hm lepnflygly Kgn ywllllleap kin mum Hubert hm member him has In ed so dismafly him may ham to replace him in 1968 But Kennedy would think long and careltu helm accepting the seem spot he took and Johruon mud dlo in mm he wauld come have chance to entrench him self In the White House 10th djd More the electlnn 11 not he wank have the choice hecomln mailm Humphrey or trying to 1er LBJv an unpopular and per hep lmuiblo counc TORONTOThe queann possible price and wage com ml was in the new recently when the question of Inflaan amaup In the Hausa Com om Apparenlly no than being nlven to discussing can roll at present lhnuzh this wag the first Immuan that wu loll Do you think wa Mlllend up wilh cmlrom bums heard qufle onen It would seem most unllkely that we ever wlll have controls The only way one can foresee them through drastic toll Hon and with ll chaos In the economy jlllere anllmnlrol cellos among people who hold power ln the country Buslnass against and lo ls labor par cqlnrly ho leadersz sector The reason or fill are prl murlly selfish But also mm mm genuine belle man In penceuma controls are noprupcal ol ML CONTROLS PRACTICAL 151 becnllso may would re quire masslve administrative mgchlney Secund bmuse on item such as load Ihe decisions on propm price levels would pre sent political probiem lhai are alga ierriiylnz For these manna and album xovunmenls or the most part are slmngly opposed In con tram One cant see tho Ewart government here In outstand Xng exnmpla of Ireemlerprlse administration ever voluntar nxnxmglpg lo contrqlg would sccmrnt Hill point OTo Orlllla HTo lluntsvlllo PPrldayslhpress from ESaL Express to Orillla Odllla NEW SATURDAY ONE DAY EXCURSION TRIP 080 mm Dania Terminal 705 pm 1035 am YVrkdan Contra 600 1m 05 mm Twanlo 510 pm Mund Trip Excursion Faro 1mm Barrio $235 Good on this round trip only and on Dam of Sale TO TORONTO DAILY 635 amexc Sat Sun 01 510 am 155 pm 850 mm 110 pm 1030 am 555 pm non 011sz 1235 pm 11 405 pm TO COLLINGWOOD In OWEN SOUND DAILY 1030 nmexc Sun 01 40 pmJlo Cnllingumd Only 405 hmSal Sun Hal 1715 pmoxc Sat Sun Ilol 735 pJnSalllrdnysTn Coilingwood 10000 pm4un Ho One Way $210 EXPRESS SERVICE TO TORONTO DAILY 345 mm L50 nmcxc Sun Mo 1030 mm 155 pm T0 WASAOA BEACH 1030 munEm Sun 0L 735 NIL0X0 Sat Sun 01 T0 MIDLAND PENETANO DAILV 10 mumcu Sun No 00 pm 05 LmSalunl1yn an MILcm 51L Sun Ho 00 nun51L Sun Ilnl DAVLIGHT TIME 10 800 pmIrL Sun or XML 1025 am WESTERN CANADA TRIPS EACH WAY EVERY DAY T0 SUDBURY DAILY 1235 pmVia Gravenhurst 8c BaIa 145 pmVIa Hwy 103 735 pmVIa Gravcnhursl Bala 835 pmVla Hwy 103 155 NILVIA Hwy 103 DAILY THRU TRIP TO AND FROM TIMMINS Lv Barrie 1235 pm LEAVE BARRIE TO NORTH BAY DAILY TORONTO by Bus enigma 55351 7th 966 10 TrIpI Evory Day Low Flru Good Any Dly Ticket and Intonnallon nl QUEENTSHPKBK TIME TABLE CHANGE DoNot See Contrql 0f Prices And Wages ha we limos mdy will re ceive mong economic guide unesguldelhm that wmfld be maplable though quesflqndflo in vaiue It also may end up wiggusome temporary curbs on am can nlm Mme the pow ersthalbe going 31011 with lbexe though probably with considerabye nluclance Bu DIE would appear limit for comm In is 111 time 1n the meanllme tho mem mem here has no 51mm any gm aware or the mall Llon and at least ludylng possible approaches to cope with Shrinks Piles Whammmmnw Whudmnhdamxdfim renowned resend mum hu fnund MTu huflng Iubxhneu with lhn lb It to thunk hemor rhagdwunxgsly prengvegumn maid duluslydlnflzveskchln and Id Ill1102 in Ingram Ind II fnmém In use liter use while uniy relhvlng Iln lamInducuan uhdnknxa ME phce Most lmpnrtant Illmum wen so through ml lhlllmpmvo men wu mflnhlned ova period may months TM ms Accomplished with mil hulln tubalnumbDym which ulu 1y hzlps lml lulu 0911 nimulm growth new Naw filoDyna oflmd In ohm men Ind ugpoxltory lorm called Enpmtjp Aak drug Ragamoney buck manta Announce New Healing Sullslance nAllMI I10 TERMINAL mm In Elmo mm 7mm nnml Anmr Euurn $380 5705 pm 735 pm 01000 pm F1000 pm 230 am

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