Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 Sep 1966, p. 3

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OAKLEY PARK Public Sdioill Prindpol law inborn wclconics studuits on their first day oi the new school year tit to right are ch bin McQuom and her stsiors Jadtlo and limiter Below Grade students at North Collegiate check ordors posted 23 35 Ki on doorway hciore beginning their iirst day wt in night om Harry lilorrlson Briton Dunn David Clark and Don Harvey Examinor Photos Local Scouts Outstanding llt Bendale Patrol Meet in poth from St Atxlrvwl Honda Scout Troop vuln iomd by me newt tmm lat Grcnirl 1m nllmdod the third Will invitational camp out oi Tomlin over the uvoirmd rhli crimp was mated by Dcr dnlo District at Grraicr Toronto lieger lo Klvu soma iun ici lowship and tho lucmrtmmi pcds oi tambmc nio intrr mtlmoi flavor was odici to tilt yrzr comp Ivy nttmhnro night US mimis imm ltociics tor Emirn and iluiioic man The Dcavcr Patrol 2nd Dru Pic Troop led by Qiltm Scout Stuart liiltl dLitlnzuésiwd than Iciucs unplctimi lirst ihu ii lilg corms typo cimts musing csxxclllly in liixlu land Coll an simianin and trro mmniihm nsiiznmmii linmis unit limvc stealing critics our irun out without loudiiu Um trtr null 1hr Canadian Military Team To Investigate ilirplane Crash TOIIONTO iCIl inliro Hominy tried umuccrnsiully to arm summons on tho lenrirr It loom ni Amuirnn lllllilill wruiignllng tho unit Friday Unllrd Hintu Navy Ilunt pinup nin Illmliliinl uu imml by Dr hinrinn Sliulmnu TUmnIul rlviri cornnrr Nilllrlnfl Cmvlr illirry Wollrr oi tirom llc Mich In Iyprnr Ill on Inqtlrll 1an Mt Iirntli oi lrlcciililln llirlliml illltrr Ji ilCinir ttllvrr lnrmiwr Ii tits Illuu Ansrll lying lrnm was tillrd iriiiny ulirn rhino Suritlny ilirn they rc uml In piiu llllil mm oi tuu pulls llirvy hml rrrpnrril ilio USN nitlms llicikril trill oi imlri hiumln nilrr lllt wrro urtlrmi by Mmlvlmilnn tu return to tho lll lttttlll tlicy couldnt compicio lllu invczilga iinn lollcn arrived Iii lilo twirl lnirr liul vrro Illlliltflfllill in lornling tho lflIlIIIIlrIiI irnni lullin mn stnruiing tzunrii om the urethra ni llll nir pori unlii tho Iniriilgnlltm In Irnllezy tho rvrunrrl otilrn Lairr Mnrttlny Clillmilnn Awid lllidi oi Aberrclihc iCJtGIZfl hunt Tho Nil liauk Palm iod IJY Quasi Stmt Jim Smith put in mcml painimam in tho Borxznl 1m ovum and carri oi lumnblo mtian by their camp orgmiirniiw mu donut non other emf indudod duff bluish my limit turning llmullo lrlnm 1711111 and iurrldiu in the my ilio llnirin patrols um or nnmunirri to crimp Ivy District unnmimlonrr oi liomprnlril iiny District Allan Grrcn lists tnnt District lmmnlnsionrr iilYI Scoutmnstur oi 2nd Darrin lint inwcl Ashllimi illrirld CIil nilnrr Ital llyor and trout nuvlrr oi lst Gmucl Jock Trmvy ivur Souths Iran from the us not two imn hunch L5 during SWillL rr limt iapwl who hum llc not At oi liuw ilmhlo Livilntlmml iwvxu wrvm avmaul tinlain lDKllltS lr Mntlid Vmunlp whimr ui lurid llrvyil IAIIZII Ililhiillii NIIW ililK lAllA nut lmuiii npiwlni fimuiny at In niilru it tho nnumlnlti flmllr Inpcr iliu karr wmlilng spectacular twocar crash on Duni St Suturduy night resulted two cars being to ally demolished and an toyear oid Barrio youth charged with dangerous driving careless dri ving and driving with no dri vcrs Hum charged is Paul Reynolds 33 lienrySt who was treated and released lrom Royal Victoria Hospital otter sutiertng chest snd eye injuries Other crr involved was driv en by Brian Ruben liarnilton so or onDrusy lane Ii sun gcr in link cor Jsrnm 17 oi lit bulletin St suliered shock Corist Hollis Steevrs estima ted damage at $660 The mishap Man Dies When Struck By Car row Vapor Ont man died instantly last night alter being struck by our on Highway ii at Gasoline Alley Dead is Henry Alexander Hal vorfiem of RR Verner He bod apparently run across the hmw Mm struck by on auto operoiiod by Jack William Drum lit of BR 0m Stratum Putin said the vehicle wa travelling north at approxi mately 60 milu per hour but the driver applied braid below impact No charges vase laid by Coast Carl Beam Barrie OPP who lmcfiigmd at 50 pin Dmnage to the car was tsuth at $730 Prwindad pulled at Bands ex perience the busiest weekend oi tho year with 22 unini turrets rnidsaps reported since Saturday rimring Totau damage is esti mated nt $5905 Time eoddmls this mulls resulted In dunogo estimated at 51750 upwind by Stewart John ltcincan Edgar rolled over on Highway ii at tho Mon of Highway 90 em molt lna in 51an damage No injur los wore reputed by immigr fidiiou 07ml Onw Volilclu drimi by Word Ro land Price RR iStmLId and Alfred lavvmcrtd Scarboro vim implied in collision on llhgtmay so at lilidulst at 06 um Prion was drama with ohm loss driving by Gum Oawiml who entrth darmgc at 60 Maid baroque rm Dorrie has charged with carom driv ing inlifllru chatter tum oollism on Highway it it St Vlrmi St Mord0 at it pm other which involved was op emtnd by Joseph McAuioy iii Varmint St llama No1 drrmxo vm afimotod nt 6000 Over 400000 Visit Shrine Near Midland MIDLAND Ont iCi ShintoMario omong lho Nu ammo dbl to the white tor this your csiudhy And will reopen next lliay During lhn liwcck lcoson visitors irom morn than 60 countricl in six continents and 11117 pupils tram on Ontario and NM York state schools were conducted on tourssome bilingualoi Oninrinl iirIt Eu rnpcon community nnd the min lion hrodqun tor six at Nurth limeri thlil French Juult inlnyr mints It spoliumon said that ncnrly 400000 adults owl chlirirrn have viewed the limo cnr vrrnn limited by tho nlvmlty pi Western Ontario tor the Ontario luyrnuncui Iiilrr completion of tin Ilruc tum during tho next two monllis all buildings in the lhrccncro Iritirmrnl will ho iurnlthui ml nn ndJncrnt ori cuinilon centre will bo Mini SCHOOl Cars Wrecked After Collision ownsed at was pm just east of Fenidale Road Brion lockland Trumlflcy Ii Dowrtsvtew was charged with tolling to allow halt the road following tow collision Sun day morning other vehicle involvcd was operated by Norman Ellis Shellswell id of Kempen icit Drive Consi TM John son who investigated at 105 am cstimnteddsmogo at $425 The mishap was reported It Dudaworth pt Dunlap St $409 damage accident was reported on Dunlop St and Anna so Satiuday at 1220 pm Cars involved were driven by Real Albert Carrier 20 of 33 Collier St and John Edward McLean Id of 215 Dunlap St McLean was charged with making an improper lcit hand Coast Johnson investiga curmotorcycle collision re sulted in $105 damage and in Barrie youth ndmiited to 1W lauthoring iratoned right Douglas Weaymouth 13 oi 32 Kempenieit Drive operator oi the motorcycle was in collision with on auto driven by Cornel in Jackson 60 at 54 Kempcru felt Drl The mishap investigated by Oonst Hollis Sleeves occurred at Bcrczy iind Dunlop St Sat urday at 523 Em Wcoroid ttle lake man was charged with drunk driving ioliowing minor twocar colli sion Sunday sitemoon at Brod iord and High Streets Cliargrd is William Mc Guignn 0thcr vehicle invo3d was driven by Tom Hayes 31 oi no Burton Ave Const Dari Bulmer who investigated at 126 pm estimated damage at $60 REV lllIcKENliE Will Welcome New Minister Westminster Presby tcrinn Church in Dorrie will uri como It now minister liov ltnlph linclicnric with service of ucogniilon Thursday evening Mr lilodrcnrlc who will also preach oi Zion Church lin gus comics to Darrin irorn Duri troOn ncur Ooliingwood whtro ho Icrvcd ilvo years He was born at Drlhousic NJ and cdlwniut nt hitflill Unl verlily nod Prctbytcrinn Oat lcge Montreal serving It in chorgo in Prim Edward island bcfmu calling to Ontario Mr lioclieozie is current mod erllor at the churchs llorrio Ircsbytrry which exitrub throughout most oi Simcoo Coulu onl Minskohi lie is morrtcd Mill lldl mom to Barrio with his lilo Phyllis Mm Gordon and daughter Heather let an HR Shofiperis loan to cover those extra bac toschool expenses ROBERTJENNINGS FORMER CGE EXECUTIVE Robert Jennings Dies In ltobcrt Malcolm Jennings inr mcr Canadian General Electric cxccutlvo in Dorrie died Sunday at Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Toronto Mr Jennings 58 won criticoi iy injured in on automobile ac cidth tour yearp ago and hod been unconscious since that time lie was born in Woodstock HE and educated at the Uni versity oi New Brunswick Mr Jennings toincd CGE in 1932 and rose to become vice prcsident and general manager at the small Ipplianco depart mcnt its come to Barrie in lose and soon became active in commun ity niinirs us first chairman of the Unilcd Appeal lie is survived by his son William Jrnntngs oi Peter bornugh Mrs Jennings the tor mer Mnry Menzies was killed at the time at th riccidcnt lie is resting at the Canistch no amount wm ADE Puma mull JiitiliS Bllflli STtlitli Used Books Buy Sell Trade ESSA ROAD le Oulrlnlu Ill Worlmnhlhip TELEPHONE lZHJll Ian COVERING 0Ult ONLY llUSINESSi Unlvoml Rug Co at Illrrle The Hours oi llro liroldloom Culllrr De daulle Given Quiet Reception your vun$uew and CF French President do Gnulin law into one or the mustest receptions oi his round ewarid tour when he arrived here today for oneday visit Fiags fluttered lrom buildings and ships in the harbor and burn dreds of people waited to wet conis the first French head at state to visit this tiny Anglo mulch condonlmlurn in the Po Billiitlii iillllliSiitltll 35 Donald St rim Strch Wen End Plan nroom rten ruuulu with memiiy mm nunsry Ichoni Ignlpmrnt Writ lulled til intludu uzalsrznsn NURSE Claslly npflvilrd illl Ind outdoor lusiurll Vsrted pruchoal tunmllrn pruumnu lncllrlrs Ill phuu tour will tonillhulo to your childs Inilrut ltd xiimnitu his or Mr lulu insiders Ahproxlmllrl um I¢lfl Trlflxpofllflafl In pilld mull um cults TotOnto Funch Home in Petcrborough where service will be held Thurs dny Sept nt pm Burial will be at Little Lake Cemetery nuclérln Youu clllLD NOW 7296330 7284097 5300i DillPES NEVER AGAIN Ailcr eluding drspcrtcs no more uneven hams shrinhge poor pressing excuses or Mclllcd Sour Dupes Rely on Wright Cinnerl Wrights Duper Form drapery cleaning is iuily gusthired Igllrlst rhrinhge gives you benutilul decorator ioirls Ind even helm wcll ovcn rehrmg the drapes Clll us today It 5531 Ind bcnutlly your home immcdilicly lhltlll tilllliili 7285 om Drylieid Plenty oiprrking 55 Dunlop iii rimf Tigrrlllsliirlr Shinto mliiilnrylunm imk nm the in lnrnmeul mum null Illniicring linimpplilliur from KOISOI Aluminum Siding inlu lrr all log rnl nu Ill llu Airport uiivluun your umlutorl in Iin1 il ur and Kulsordenlors mu tun ntlnnn inhibition cnuglilyou niwtn It liliuimnn out ad lilo TIME TO THINK tlmvagntnn use You can and minimum wont Ind mats your Iimrrirnnr nwny irllln thn OF BACKlOSCHOOL Hill It lmviiy lmlfl Illting wnlrh unruly rrnilrvl Ivy union to ill Hlmppor Imn illlyrmviilo nu VIIUHMRIHII uysi Iuy Ill iiien homo sparkling new with Kolmlilumlnom siding Your Knluv doctor will show you niociion oi modnn colours and uutlln the 20 you tunrioh Iirvo Vour lockTo VOUR School Home Clunul BACK TO SCHOOL 1F Ibil numnm which adds vrluu to your home HEADQUARTERS lf i71flt3f imnmggmygg mnvmlmtlvv leon it com to Aluminum Stilton Aluminum Vlttlt imwil ma that mm writinl townmuummnmunmw Duml orWlnriows you not the omluy you upset ill Chou Ivom him no Knlw denim Consult your ynilow Til timl sclxtlm NUSERVICE pron or contact lny in on sale now It um WT KAISER viirwri snow WEBB JEWELLERY or St Dunlap swxxtlmpim mm UMINUM Two ominous 10 vrnvr mu Alhiontm Road Sclvbovowlb 00 EMA Till Ind DillINTOWN ililiJlililTlll Dunlap 111 m1 Clapporton All about our main hm

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