Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 Sep 1966, p. 2

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TIEATLEI IIMUIED JOIIANN IIUHU Boulh lkn MU11m MUM Mme mmlr ll hnnmd hy Hm Smllh Mrlun manilaIn have been harm rum South MUM lhv nullnnulxnlrmlllul dummy Tlmu Irpmlul flumlny MM lhty In ml nimdui Ivy llw xuvrrmnout 9an In In Iml lnluull ton fly lhm new rmmbm rm to 1mm Ln Ibo County Court IIVMM lor iudzlmz nunmwnl trunk Al MI quiomlwr Irulnn lug ml 1nd 1013le mini rt nwm mun lmvy nuflunl Mic SEMINAR acmlnar In Flnnnca and Tannin sponsored by um Bur rla Chamber of Commerce In toopernllon wllh Depart mcnl of Education Onlnrlu will be held in suite No wu Ion Dullding Fred Grunt SL each Tuesday night at 730 or Appoint New Members To County Court Of Revision CANCEL RECEPTION Promsive conservative re ception scheduled or Wedanny allernoon he Bun1e Country Club has been cancelled because Ihe cmcrgmcy session Par Unmonl NO FIRES Barrie Flro Dmarlment re port quiet weekend wiih no 1ch in the city An ninrm was turned in from he Brewers in tail Siam on Anne SL at 755 this morning Cause for the Iinrm was lubed vapor tom the nir conditioning uni Dead Louise Agnes GNY eyes at Muskeg Lake near Whuchorse She had been vlslung her ter Mrs Harvey mu Camp Borden Miss Gmyeyns was killcxl when the car driven by David Carter Stacey 19 of Camp Borden went out of control on curve and Ilyearold woman visIllng Cnmp Borden from the Yukon died Saiurday after the car In which she was riding overturned on County And 15 elght mlles not Allklon liuvo dfluymr Wilnm Car Overturns Driver Killed LOCAL AND GENERAL RETURNING HOME AFTER LAST HOLIDAY WEEKEND ZlYEAROLD WOMAN men wHENIHIS cAR OVERTORNED The county mum approvel In Immln Hrmnl French Ivvrmfl mlnnnl Ilmlw at IrIllnle rulrmnl mun cult In lm dam Ihm hemrwi lenzoéi Mnnhuu Mclml and uan wllhdmn TM WM valnlai we lldlonl lmmmmr led by Tollenlum vllln Ipmu no xpmmmmlod Modem Towruh ml Den mom momnmod I11 Wm Owllllnlmy Mnre vho la munly monument chnlnmm Id luv mmlnhmnln wen uman la rmrwlm Nil My mume nanny 4w 5mm ma Mm I131 lluhflll ll MINI ml mm upmt um L1 in Innml In Um mdnn Enrrlc Pound report no dogs picked up over lhq weekend MEETING Churchill Womens Inslllulc will begin Ha all season with IncellnLin Community duy avcnlng beginnlnx at 830 sun The lapIc hlxhllxhl wUl be Historical Research and 01mm Events ROTARY SPEAKER Next meeling of tho Rotary Club will be Thundny noon at Community House The speaker will he Jack Lee of Toronto firm wk TransCanaan Plpa lflE Mn 3mm chal 01 hut dnfll In scrim condition In Toronto hospital following teak accident on Hiyrway 89 Saturday Mr Zauwal riding In car driven by her husband was struck on the head with mml the period Sept 20 to Nov 22 Parllcipnflon is restricted to owners and opuralun of bus nesscs Sticey smlered only minor hr juries 1n the accidth which oc curred al 950 pm Saturday IN HOSPITAL overturned In the ditch She was pronounced dead on arrival at Stevenson Memorial Hospital Alllston DOG POUND Roy Kelly mtor Drillll Tuwmhip mama wu rumm ed Iv regional Wm 51 Got ml mmcll amwovul at yur In Mldlund when In mince Ian bucking Mr hmm Mina menuy Iml Traffic mm min NANA dmo Mun um Lflzm Mon ul mi van hold up or o1 day 1mm um Np Inn Mfrw lo Mmmf iliu Gallium00d aulfercd nceralwn and Inlzma mqu alter his car uvmumcd an gravel road near Stayner Boat Overturns Girls Rescued 0mm no Oshawa girls were rcscncd by cotlnxcrs when lbck small rowboal mu swamped and overturned by 1ch tool wave on Laku Simme yes lcrdny Police mid me girl Gml Crassmnn 14 and Marilyn and Eileen mm and lzrwm swm away lrom sham by sud dell brie storm with wind of so m1ch an hour The truck wan owned by Con nor Transport and driven by Dgrfald Ralph Playw ol Kes In another weekend mishap Qngpld Palpmnd 299 Oaknst part that flew off truck mv elung In the opposite direction Provincial Folks at Alum said the 2m cm Bash bond on Higimay as Wth the Ms ddvoshafl flew pan sending chunk of mm Enough the ded mm was cut by the fly mg glass wick The mlzhap occurred Sunday at 345 pm It struck Mrs lama ml the head new between two children rldhg In the back seat and mashed through the rear wim ow Tourists Go you For Chlnolo Food Cull Roy Lem RESTAURANT Dunlap num Because of conllnuzd real tanCe from workers nt Homo pnyne Winnipeg and Caprcoi transcontinental train have been restricted However they should get gnlng by knight said the spokesman About 50 workers employed In Barrio joined the wanklung The list pnsscnger Iacnmo live passed through Bank at 1146 am Monday heading for North Bay The panorama Vancouverbound came lhrnugh usual Monday at 625 pm Frelght train Torantu and Mcnfurd urn backon regular Normnlly according In cnn spokesman seven train day mch through he city but be cause of continued work slur page clscwhcro tram remnln 3d relatively light the past three nyl Regular shill am balm work ed on lhe yards and members the Railway Carmen Bralhur hood who received word ram lhelr unlon representative in In Toranlu early Saturday mom Ing are back on the job Three passenger trains have gone through the Barrie slnllon since Mil ordering thurmcn buck received parliamentary ap proval Thursday night SHIE BAlmlE EXAMINER TUESDAY SEPTEMBER Tile whistle LI biowing down iha truck nuce Again at the Barrie railway station when operations are back to normal following nationwide nil strike Aug 26 to Sept mm mm mun IMvmlmw le Wank um um Ward mam tun 1m Wm 5mm ml Radar Aalwnhr 7m IBM Mn nr mull mth My Mum Tu Nah will your paymh hurl Back To Normal At Barrie CNR howdy Tam CITY NEWS NOIICE 1966 FINAL CITY TAX INSTALMENT IS DUE BY DA Wan WINNHEG Cl 16an Ion rail sarvlm arm the nnllonwlde mike Iul man libmd haluuw mm in all mm In Lam1y grain tanInna mm loggy Hal warm krwcr lo hlghrr cl mm rupuml In lower Nov 5i onu unchnnxrd May arley l5 lawn Dcc 135 la hlxhrr 0d lflh oy in Socicly Award Merl candldalu mm cxnmlncd the sumo lime Fny nurncfl of Elmvnlu pulled wllh Bl per mm and lab lnzlchm also of Elmvnlc Ichlevnd lug qurlménl Hui Average wcluhlnl prlca wlmlcmla mm In mo dmn cmlmu mm Inn to large no Amcdhun am Avxmnll Intermediate Rod Cum on 05qu Include the allowing who passed Pnulcllo Jones Toilcn hnm Mary Ann Truce Elm vale Colin MEDcrmld Slnynu Bradley Davies Aurora Ann CubHL Nollawn llld PM Mr trlsan horn Suwd per cent The following passed their Jun lor Red Cms mu Entry Wein burg Toronto Shirley Johnson Edgar Carol mackde Schmu bcrg Yvonne Mlddlcbrook Tol cnham Darlene Millzr Vyo vnlc John Ronny Sla nu Les Ho Hnscnpflug Toilen Am Ed dy unsoby Ldroy Dnrel Fowl cr Vlllowdnle Mnnle Hack wull Schumbcrx Mike Obcary golgan Susan Andcmn Schem 31K nod CNS xnmlnnllon or all awlmmm who mm absent ram previous exam wen heldM sday nt Morn Pool Slmcoo County Oonmmnfly Re creation Service nsored he esu under an ncn W01 Schnmehom and Sit Mur crgfl quo Borden Thu worker walked out leek Ing wags increase 30 per tent Jab security provision and number of fringe benefits among which are ack leave vacation clauses Ind hnxplull lzlnllon health and wallets bene L1 xhlke but me numbcr strian Barrie resident was The Act of Parliament out lath lha mks urdered an Immedmu return to work the 110000 strng CNR and CPR emplnyecs with guaranteed wnga Increase of at least la per cent In 1966 and 1967 or all workers lnvolvcd Youngsters Pass Swimming Tests At Lions Pool Momnm 1cm mm FARM PRICES 19M 10M 19M Smmlinm muLu uanhvl map Nntflmn 0mm You la run Pmry Rand In Run inmr him In mini mum uplnmlnu Kirk Mm mmmfly tark Ad by Alnrrlmn AWL Um wmu pnml romh haw 5man and Um Wm any Indian mu ms hey could min kokn Um lady uskrd he mmfluy IsLu how hf the exhibition Ru um on In Toronto wx She wanted bu know Ll it wax or my alt Whon mm ll mu huge as mull umldl Ht 1ch ml lo KT hmlmrj Yiwzuo dd ml lmr that Thaw not It up hm Inlnm Mn 11 mlly L1 luck homo Invade 121an km hug L1 In Ju cucmmmmd lady nskcd Im noing north Dehut um on the MM mad Many ol the MINI NMI without mm th prim mm in lhe comm hanzmz om mom than 20000 mad maps Lh tum mm the um 5m came norm some unusual pm madman for tourist banom Often they mm asked What Um roads won We nbom Suds bumc Or Lakc mum Wm anywhere near Odin Ordth Even whm m1 vmm chm Term0 Vishnu asked when Vakl Snkl Beach was wmxn COUNTY FAIR win mum wSuQlor omnch cm HOTELGARAGE mm the Kirk fink they are mnnmg mbmfim hmd Eamge m1 unusum for mm stopinnnd swearan wives K0 inLn one of the bad Mom In change babys Um1 During the hot spell In July it bcmmu mmprm to mgischming Inlu Ihu mm stan five girls have hmded Mmmmmmoflmnm and pammm th summer to twist mgishmingot the cm tn AmermwrvieooIW hbookmgolmmvdiom The 5mm will pay or up umqampupcxmwnulw the me erratum vxmeonmnu nu Those am An nar reduced aw 111 be on hand um he official mgbbarmflnmh Over the wmkmd My mz 15W 550 partlu of maids mmwflngnm than 1000 pu ORANGES 3m99c AXEL SWANSDNidi and in at halalmd mm Rec Marlon Flhdvy receme mmlhemflmk way wwwmam unnamme mummmmg ohcekdireflmtoPmM makodlflhseasan STEAKS 99° BREAD 21rvu39 Busy Year For Staff At Reception Centre USA KUNKIST SIZE TENDER SIRLOIN WING TBONE or PORTERHOUSE FRESH CHRISTIIS BUTTERMATE fly DAVE IIENSIIAW Exnmlncr sun Wflm Wednesday Only lrr Al v1 ln0rmnt kw lllm fmwlory TM Mn DOR dm In mun lAvflmlfl Hm unluN wlm IHHIIMI Uluhmaul tho mum1 at mum min No no Mmhvllh nu mu Ilr ma Mn Nan Dunbu 04 Nm Imrlll mum III Nmy It Klnnflh llllvuly m4 umy Mn 4mm rm 1mm Mm lulm mu Im nmy Iml mm Inmywu nun ma numvom IM rllllvnl Imrm AIM UN malt nuvk In Nu umh Um 91 hurvhm Wynnu DIIAIHLN TthlIKM Ill unnlmu rmrn Iln mu on muny 59me 44 Thom Human nu Lama mum mm mm Am our nun Alkl on sumy AllunwnSIDlmmbIIJ mu lwu Vlowdn llmpml 1mm um mm maxu ml bumm 5L llllnlon mom MI 114 mm um dru mnum 0mm 11 54 himLl mm WWW sum 1mm unm Hunm mum ummt on rwhru man umwixibm mm mm um um mm pm yum ny gory mm In £51 near 5F 7me mm ounm Tunay Inamm kmtnl Mom Henm Ltmhlllp inan mm cumw cams 5m men than 300 rave Mum mm the United States on sum to visit Humvaspmolawwkm tour Lhmuxh Ontario and Qm bgq Ln mm hr Cam murmur lmm wanna1 noon when mm mu mm on Thurany Sepme pm Interment um Ln cummy m1 Thkwcckmdmomw Mn Jonah ol Woodstock N11 11 In Mn Jammy mun un Cvmml himul can 336 Huh SL Iemhomwn mm bud1 dmmm mu me am wen able on speed man than 14900 gmups an man way north Heavium montzh cl the Dem was July when em pmemkxx mm mm mm advice the Last year the 1er looked al ber mew partial mm In the same mind In had mm vis flora 52m UNUSUAL CALLER Most unusual mm Ihn yoar was Wraith Indian elm Msmwdhonbuwaym tho Wasaga 2m Amer andul observation the xrl decided that Joe wow loud Hamish Shift san dall Mfllmlowd sham stack and peaked cap Abasoball sax armed Josuphlne outfist net runring Show to smwm vmm Light sum Mensa and awnms mm Illlculn uucm uu Mm nonnu 1w mm on sumy mwm ml mam llllcoxm unnlnn Mum Ly at Commm st 1mm beloved munm o4 mu Mm cum dur mm or vuun my DEATH brings you Toxaco Fuol Chlof all winter long Yw all only onto llh It hum Dun Ow dum tiny ll kl mun MIM nupply 1mm lml OM all on Ihmuhwl hull AWL Mll lhll ull MayIll In Inn mlullbll 1mm Visited by families 9mm Jo hannosfmz Sm Mrkn and Melbourne Ammfia iIMCOE PETROLEUM 75 ANNE 51 7264715 rm Dept nun flmlm OPP One call thats GIL 72mm ADVANCE TV VACUUM SERVICE NEW USED TV SETS 11 Mnlcultr 72H AUTO INSURANCE Sea Inny Pmmm 10 Collie IL um um omu 1mm 1mm um um mum Allulmuhlll lnluuntl cu IS YOUR DR vmo by TV YOU CRAZY EMERGEN NUMBER can tad anlw gunman um Just call 7253111 7mm

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