Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 Sep 1966, p. 1

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In mhliuon In hluhwny InA HHHM knuvlian Im Mirch Ll Mlllltlllnl lenlhs lmm pm Friday In mMnighl Monday lnrlmlrd nine Iroun 1m tour lire drnlht om Mill in Inmhly nnll HEM milcvllnn mu dcadululng1nu mu uni lmnl lo Imsl 121 The old the Mn Mmihl What Day hwlhlny lull In If 100 hnl wnx lwlnw Nu 11ml In mm which lnrlmlml lrafllc lainlillr llnmlwkk bu Ibo ham to The gun fur cxccrrkd lhu Canadlnn luhway SnMy Coun til rrcdldiwn 77 mm ninth far the mlmr lmiidny ALTIIUIIUII Illnrs Edward Mm Mrh he Winmu In numlwr ol Mxhw mm In Ml prulnlinn NM By THE CANADIAN PRESS Trnflic mm lurlnx lhc Ln bor Day wrrkcml warm to at kid an nHlum high Cfimdn or any lmllday week We were not armed In any mnnrr lo combat pollen farce hn mld Our main aim wax lo slay out roublcf He and nlne mhcr prlsonuu bmka out the Jail last Thirs IDl said he Canadian lpuld b0 charm wilh nuns Kcnnelh Leishmnn 34 mar of mu discussed details thug lulunational night with renalm In the Lake County jail at nearby Crmm Polnt Were fellow gullly wanl In our lmulnmfi ho sald nothing more He denied any the cur ex changed fire ch pollcc GRY Ind GRANThe al lzgud mastermind of daring lmnlpcx Jailbreak snld nlnndny hcnnd his three convict cum panluns who flew to Indiana in slolcn plnne are no bunch of mad dog killers Weekend Traffic Deaths Hit An AllTime High ll conkvfim Mn Wm Escaped Convicts Captured In US mucmm Oahu aim wiUI tear gas gun used in quelling tinting hmmds in lhi mam mummy Salur IOan You No 207 NVld PM NS NI Qua Onl Mun Suit Alva ICCo ll Dulkl l00000 pawlHM 0mmnmoopoomommanm Quaint Nurllfil dl rnfllc lmllu er dnrwningl mo lmnlnl mfltlrnl mul me man My UNI nllcr lalllna Ilmm IIMII 0mm hml hlflhwny lnlnliHIn lmlr damning lwa QlINW nrlo munml lur more um hw hirll III lmal llalm lhll year Imimu muh in lrnmc IMMI Hn linu The CI dinn Irru hr knit 1n 107 was an In the llvulny Christ was hflHtlny mu uhcn am nwlxknlnl dull lnlnl MI 13¢ min haul idilcd in Iim lhrwdny Dominion i1y Hlktild his ymr nnd l1 inran the Victoria Day holiday The van holiday oil is 177 in 761mm Dmnininu Day holidny 1m and hut in chum highway denim ONT IIHIEHT the highway ml uilh Iho numlwr mllu lev T1 Nlnnllr vvmlmru lrml lhr ml In tnunhy In high Ily dud both popula had mnlncLl In Gnry which cuuld have pr Vidal real sanrlunry for mu Ho would not clnbarulc but added flnd hm been the opporlu nily to establish firm conlnct wn would never have burn seen 115mm Mailing enrlng on lhe charges Arc Leishmnn nnrry Kay Duke Just 11mm 25 and Gmrge Ln are 16 Montreal Both Lcclcrc and 1214 me were slightly wounded In thy cgplurc Lusth formed preposter ous romrl they had hurled gold bxflliun gout Indlnnn Lederc was transferred lo ha Jail fiay rom hqspilal mung slalcn aircmfl was an international bqundnry The fugitives wme captured here by some to pnllcc whu wounded twn of lhcm in rmflap chases mu the WM my GP wimpluo day PM mmm dlrd on Ihc high way In Now Srotln Mum nnn xrwn nLIn IN In In lira Aml man mu hllrd when rnr mln film he mu waran ml Nrw llrumwlck hml lwr mm knlhu um HM and rhlkl Ilrurk Ivy min Two dlod on lhn hluhwlm In New lmnullnnd The IWVlyV mu lnclwlq indium or natural drnlhl hymn mkldu Human Inn lmll Ind In dthn rer 150mm mil Iriwn Hr um In ma Ike In war In uhlxh the numlwr mun mm lullMo ClNuu mnpl llrlleh mkkma dcnllu Inmling 11 In lrnlllc and we Mphyxinlons Mbuln Ind nix xhllha on he highwnyl two drowning NI Mrocullon IIDII boy killed In In mm cm Snaknlr chcwnn Ml our road drum AIM Mnnllnbn lwo lrlmu FAlwnnl LIXan had rm IC hknlal Inlldilirl lira death And baby who ch nnulpltcp ol meal The nextolholast Gunlnl sho will attempt our major new cats recon first oxblt mudczvous and linkup with In Agcnn satellltc dash to rec ord altitude 061 miles flying Iormnllon whllc mu the Menu by lwloot cord and an muoka reality hquh the nmosphm or hair hunchan Friday on 41 mm day space ugh Cmdr Chalk Oanrnd Jr and LLGndr Yulth Gordon Jr will concentrate in the next few day on reviewing lhclr mm Jan and wading key phases of the dcmmdin mis sion In spread flm utor CAPE KENNEDY The all as Fla AP today An enlarged farce of hdmetod police with riot such used tear gas gun bath Saturday and Sunday nights to quofl the dis tmbamcx which resulted In dazen arrest the first night and 11 the allowing There were 34 pollco lam ln lho village when hundreds Wu mostIv tum ages surged up Mala sum Saturday mm and massed in mm of the pollce dominant bulkian to demand the release ol youth 11ch for dxlnldnz un datum All we to appear In magiy kalea court this morning lacing charges varying mm creating dislurbanm In car rying concealed weapons All but five are charged with llqum olicnscs GRAND BEND Ont OP Its judgment day today for 13 persons amsled during two successive night mob vio lence in his resort communin an Lake Huron about so miles northwest of Inndwn ILS Astronauts Prepare For Flight Weekend Riot InGrand Bend mm by mafia at 00 ludl TM le hem um m£ll lhal my mum urA IDNIKIN NT Thl Cum mrnwmih prime mnhlrn cunrmm mm mm milk lrrlllnn kql lllml Mlnlxtrr mlmn lm hnir v1an dll Mum 10 rnlifll unlu hn mun fanndnu Mva fimilh Im mmnrsnllh mvmry normal anmmml MIN lh qwnlvm lummlllkl Ml Wllumu flier la vnmla ll halt dull Hm we Jr By THE CANADIAN PRESS Stubborn strike at the Lake lmnd lodny rcprescnlcd the only Immediate obstacle to normal nallonwlde relth nnd passen gur operations by Cnnndn rnil wnyl lIlahl hcnvlly lndm might lrnim rumblm eastbound out he Iowcr mnlnlnnd mllnn 111th Columblu Mondny Tho Commonwealth PMs Open Meet Sudan flocked to Dmiol other your dudiu Above éalbgiatcs and human my Emml 5k ochmhmhmumform omrcowxuuithththl Rail SerVice Reported Nearly Back To Normal TV lJIInnn lulu4 Wmnk WMUIw7 Ann Linden4 My Nunl luulflrdlID Comlmll hum HIIMrH Ndllnvllll Npaflbl The Examiner Barilo Onlaflo Quintinfund Sypfiminr TODAY BARBIE STUDENTS RETURN TO anOois sunku lhnl ll mm gm be yfdlfd we IMr tn puma 00m hm mm min my mu nImIl he rule he Imld me In my in nmmnlmu mm 5mm nlmrvfll rpmlaud llw rranHnn WHM ll lbulrd will main by norm laden In In luum Inc th or mannllm Mn lm mm Mum Md Mrlrn mm hm um damame laugh mugt lunlmn HmImunu wum 0U he 52 MW In Iw him In wsldn during Ibo lllmlnlnn yrunzlm Ill IHPHI Inn nrhldo Innrhlnlall curmen mul nlmrlrnl wulm nro rm lmnmllnlrly rmullnl lo lha onnrnllnn lrnlm bul lo wnyn my my mum nol nlonu wilhmll flwm lnr mm Hum law an murmu uhn hnvo mam Io mnllmm llm MckJnnu lulkc Um wn nunan by Id Imlll mrnl Inn numdny MAY HIHIIUIT RUNS Huucvrr Ihmlaw WM cm an the opllmlsllc uuflook the tounlryl rnll mvko by IxLl up Ihlgn emplayrcl DoUI CM and CF 0111 cxpmxcd hope thnl numngcr amino out Vancouvw Nd be mumrd today All rnll lmfllc he Mlnnllc provlnm wns rcponmi mavlnx nnrmnlly today annr aulklnl rnll workm at Mnnaon NJI vow lo mum llckcllnu nl Manclan hnd su ml rnll mvlco leren lhn Allnnllc pmvlnm and crnlml Cnnndn Thu 10 up as vc Ill uauan nl Knmloops HC look 11 um or Ihe bcllcr Monday In 500 rnll workersIns 01 ha holduuu In lho ruvlncovulcd la back lo wor today movnmznl appnrcnlly lenle 019 and wandan lLC 966 mmnnrnn an Kl Imlmalhumt nn mm Mu Mnny Mantrcnh 7000er shop wflxm mm Mm mmému In my on flmku nnd In Wm1W1 picer maximal lo pmiufi mo IvSmmzuzi ynnln and In Fort Huugo nnd hnmtann alums The publlclyrnvmul CNfl nu mrlul nurmnl nr nearrnormnl upcrnuom ncrus lho country Thu cxlrnl the rebellion among lhnr mm workcn wax no lmmulnuly clunr The CPI rcgorlul omly lnduy that Ila rclgl nml pamnzcr icrviLu nuns Canada was lnr gcly back Ia normal will lhu exccpllon lranblo Ipal For Wlllinm Onl Gmde ID uu llo lnld mom driuuc hcllonl rcqulml la hand In nllu nllan In llhndcsln Snndlons hnvo been ncxllgl Me ho Inld Pcmnnlly am In lnvor the lhrcnl mllllnry lnInrvnnHon an wp plcmml lo Item that haw nl really been tnkrn Caplan unlveully My my lcclurcr cxpcllod ram Rhodesia In July laid Iludenll nt nhmlcslnnUnlvmlly Col lrge wanted lo dcnounu lhu government unllnlcrn declar num of Indcpcndnnm but were lorblddtn by lhclr prlndpnl Yau am now our upoch man Cnplnn old dclagnlu la lhe unlunn annual con grass Man you In lake stand Phllowphlcnl or lnlcflcc unilhnll Irrelevant bul Ilka mmu matcrlnl Rand HALIFAX CmGurnld Cap Iun Tammo Monday appcnltd tn the Canadian Union Slu dcnu to lake and ngnlml nhodeslnl whllcmlnorlly gov ernment and Ihe union spondul with similar appeal lo Prlma Mlnislcr Iwnon Dnvld Pull wealthy white Innnu llrcd lwa huflcll lntu Vcrwoerdx lane in Pretoria April 91969The hufluu worn expand and the prim minister man believed ln be of Greek dawn was taken Into 315406 soon alter the attack The lender nl ha house Tram port Mlnlsler Ben Schumann said Verwoerd was mulled dead an arrival at the Groom Schmvale ln Cgpe Tam Thu Wynnsold leader the apartheid Republic South Al rlm was killed by dross ad In me unifmn valia mnfaw momma Verwoerd was stabbed to death In the mural Assem bly debating chamber the lower haule It wax 111i second nllempt on chjoerds Ilfu since he be came prim mlnhtcr In 1858 Students Urged To Take Stand Against Rhodesia CAPE TOWN CPIA while assailant killed Prime Minister Hendrik FVerwoerd today by nlunginz knife metal time into his neck as he aai on his bench in Parliament Verwoerd Stabbed In Neck By White Man In Parliament Nat MonTlunlOe ParCopy 12 Plflll About In mlnulu nllcr be luck Vcrwmd was carried on Ilrclrhcr In the muln en trance he Purllnmcnl bulld lnu Thu chnmbtr wnl hushnd nud nhockrd Vnrwmd Ilum ml at his dash his hrnd dawn hl Inca whlto Ono dockr lrlcd In viva him by xlvlnz Mm lh mnqlhlomaulh muscllallon Vcrwocrd was ed 11 can hm llmcs Hi1 nssnllnnl wm nrmrd wilh mm knlvcs ono which lookul liku ung Vcrwocnl looked up II he expected the museum wn gm In lo ipcnk la him The msln lhcnnrlunxcd lhu km lulu Vcrwod ncck Membtn Pnrllnmnnl ump pch with km and pinned him In lhe floor unlll hn wn removed mm the chamber Soon after Vcrwmd had taken hl mm on lhu front bench lhu assassin walked lo wnrd hlm The mm was dressed In blnck and men unflnrm of pnrllnmcnl gar and members took or named ho was on omdul duly aymgu Wfljl 411mm PRLHE MINISTER VERWOERD Today helm lhu members sitting near the prime minister realized what wax hnppcnlng tho mnn plunged his knflu 1m Verwocrd mernl tlmns mood spuntin 1mm his neck mnda Inrgo Fool an the green carpet along do his sent was released mm Pretoria hospllal within month mu was nent la menu hasplmL SEE PAGE TWO

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