Jo HElP WANTED Qualiï¬ed W13 engineer ur gemly MIAMI Should be mat um Wigenl individual Sell btarler and capable nl compet ent work with minimum super visim Should ha experienced in plant layout mam ewm curing time study line balanc ing and cost arm ledmlquu lrcmemiws me for right ag izressve type individnaL Ee ports to Final Manager Salary oommeruurale with backgroumi and madewe Send msunleplgack und aqd experience In emtï¬dence Pm MAME basi ill be required In oom plcie threeyear Lmming Mme composed dassmmn and onthejoh instruction Dur ing Raining and to laser de gree 011aan die training 1m iod will be transferred at pui odic lmarvals within the mov incn Salaries and beneï¬ts very favourable No Experience quired Minimum Grade XII educa Mon Successful applicants ill be ycq 110 work ona shigl Any young man wishing In em bark on career of this nature shouid rim writlm applica tion skating age qualiï¬cations and other patina dam to PERSONNEL OFFICER ONTARIO HYDRO Applicanls should be mature intellisz individuals capable nl unmet control of all as pod uplanlmainlmance ma chim shay and be familiar wnh jigs I001 and dim Experience in relrixcration wuld he advan mm Sud resume background ed ucaï¬m and exme in hdnmo la Mam Mnmgtr P0 BOX 648 BARBIE ONTARIO HYDRO requires the 759M905 Wu good salary plus comm and mumn Knsurnnce Vehirie supplied or amen expenses panl it own car um My In mm lmndwnting swing com plcla resume 1on Ala Dan1 mus swam llan Muxrcd behvecn age 01 and 111 pm salesman Must be ano to trawl al 1045 iu¢1s pa leek Jab mumy kn hm menma mm am ll 3an Id Good um Ttltnhon mm mum Inflflfllflon gm Anmqmi mu LP me or coamown Numnu Lm Lxmnmn not mp Mun md unrklnl rondnum 0d hhnrly rm nflrd ammo Ilrl hiephom mm lHIllJl Willi llbo nlri llm pnnm nquma mmmmuy liltldy lmplaymrnl AP ly Ill pu go mum Morln mm in luï¬lr Aunmonm Mmmum lnr ml wulrm 0mm munn mm Nu nm in nu rln Mun yawnmum um um um Wm mnluhfl In nu M2 Imu nmlJn IIIIIFK HIVIII Hlnlld II jllll In rrmnm mm Io mu tl Ipllhml In Mn llrl Nun pmm auly In Mm Mn Mlnl llmlhd 101 mm um mu Industrial J2 Engineer UNIVERSAL COOLER Maintenance mm Ar 111104 Cnmnr mm 1le nvumn mm mm 11 UHIM nrpfllhnlfl alumnuan mu runm In ml nu mm mom AHInn rnmnnm we MAImNr Izmir um lqulrrd Ln mnurmum lur mm In muuum mI wanna ml mm nwhlnrlllv mud Nu mum mo phlwl mm In Lui lrwll my UNlVlmSAL COOLER LTD P0 BOX 648 BARRIE mum mummum wuuum mm nu mm Imn mm Tle In vhrlul wlll mnlruu nimlu mm my mm nun IIrv mum um pun IN MI uml Iunl luv um III In mm unqnvmul yumm um mmn In hum wmvvl mm um um In It In Ilmu EMï¬LOVYMIiNTWWANTED will run run mum Vn mm mm Ivnlul Imum 7m um um Mnlvmmq muwm hm 1mm mum umvu mmm mm bH qMMM mm Ira am wui Ivnlwkl Mu um um Ilium mum MVIIU Noun mm MM mumn In MI vm yv Mun unlmmuwh PM pm Mr rm hum hm pm Mr an mm nuNa In my um ham mu thy Tunrm iJIm STATION OPERATORS MALE HELP Foreman Bi Collier VStreel BARRIE Ontario Li nu undo Plant mun in mm URGENTLY REQUIRED FEMALE FACTORY WORKERS Yam in In HELP WANTED Teenagers Mather Grandmo thers to start at once showing luxurious Gnristmas card to friend and neighbours Earn ex tra cash or Christmas this easy wayl No experience needed our catalogue does the selling or you Over 300 llama heautilully Illustrated In fullaolour Write today or Christmas cards an approval and free catalogue MONARCH CARD 00 Dept 217 Cannon HAMILTON NATIONAL EMPIDYMENT OFFICE 40 Owen Street Barrie Ontario 7282648 CAMan omn reruum Inf lellml housework 1m Tue phnm 12341 or IppoLnlmrnc lALEMlLLP Rewind in nn um um Apply In mm In mm Dunlap surgt wm 13mm man mural mowmen qmm pm mu mm upan employment pod apham mum at wmlmm momsnow hwflklrply an tompwlon on In on ham hm noun ma comm uve Tar3m cob lm mm mm unmm 151qu noun awï¬umrm lup plled um hundend Apply In pu nn lining Wu Dunlov Em pm Imni mm alrnm mulnd by In lnl math uv or mu phu room Inn bond Yum rm nu Ilo In Ichml Nvtday um mom ELLmu mimq ml lnnlpoflnlnn Expemnr no knlh Apply pmfln llam mam crown In 1mm lulcpmm 7234011 In Inn an ruu mm on Im Tim many mm autumn ma Mob Inn at om work mun plenum Ind mm inan ubuc Anpk In Gnumm 11r hm mutual wwmm lar ï¬rmn mwn Chm mum mun hl tl Plrflmd In Ilml unplaymuu wolklnl mama Applv rm Im lummm Dunlou Emu Wm 1mm WOMEN Mislmas sell ing starts early with Avon Costumespart 0r full lime vaunhla sale ten1mm naw available Wrilg Mgs LAnY common qumd tomInth am nnly an Dullu In commnu mam mum Mlmxbcr In Awly Armmyn lo Amwhonl thud pl mumm mu Apnllrvi m1 me In an 1000 In Ir mllll nullllrlunnl Vm mum unplannan mnm llfllv Tllvrhonl HIWI In It for mum mum in cail 7165 PalMime work Mature woman muircd Tuesday Friday after noon 15 and Saturday morning mam Payroll experience prclmed Rem emu pleas Far interview Telephvne mam MISS QOUGfl SALES HELP AGENTS An Allansz mmrmve Inmufndunr nl building muln Imamo ml mum mnlmll mull umrlmmi MIN mu Mam who ran mm and mmniv Iaer 14er Mu wmrmu mailm lhzï¬ mnmlmtm nwanlrnl hum Md ulvmmnml lunh mm mm hmmnm wllh me IIrnl ml Ihk my 1111 mm Im 1w multh 1m mm Mus applwmts sand Mama physoal ly able to mm day and my at steady mm ur Sï¬ib per 5am Trmmew Payroll Clerk Typist WELL HELP YOU WRITE FEMALE HELP WANTED NOW 11 Barrie Exmniner uan m1 mullI Enmluu Im Tnlm ml hmuy to hip you mm 71m rlnAIINMI 10 9M Wt ml uniIa dlnl mm cum an Dom Classic Chemicals mt nulr mlV leii AVON PHONE 7m 1m $1 meme or salesluï¬Ã©i deglk1bmda 3nd Jima1 uainng prayam mole 4am supplied medium mommum ad vanoement mention percentage has mm paid by salary commission at drawing 35 Phone Mr 0rd MeetToronto 3538161 at inmiew or write BOX A7 BARBIE EXAMINER HELP WANTED SALES HELP AgENrs Sealed Tenders In envelopes supplied wfll be rmived by the mierï¬gmd up to pm September 12 1966 or the pur chase from the City Barrie for Pan mu and 15 Plan 30 which has frontage 73 eel inches on the north side 01 Essa Road and which Is med C4 Tender must sun hat the lZTENDERS bun when lhcy wwld be commenc ing commmian buildmg Wmcurm must start wimin me yqar me Tends etopes may be ob tained City Clerks Ofï¬ce 31 Colllcr Street Barrlc Ontarid Highest or any lender not mn essarily accepted 51 MUGHAN City Clerk Scaled Tenders in envdwu supplied will be received by Ihe undersigned up to pm Sep tember 11 1936 or he supyly complete wnh mow plowing equipment and subkcl trndcin allmance or 1547 Muck Hon truck TEN DER FOR LAND Tender envelopes and specin aniom may be obtained at Ihe City Cluks 0mm Colilcr Strodflhrr Onurio me 1947 Mack 54m truck may be mum at the Board Walk yard MW Sheet lumuum duhcs cutlery up plxunccs nnliquts am an SATURDAY SEPT 1966 130 pm the Stmud Community Ar um Show Vinnie the Arena Hoard madly Mcmlcd STMUGIMN City Cltrk Salo emiva unlith bed room sullo electric molar An llque mild Id huml dishes vnsu bicycles lrkyclc heals lewd Jewry helm mil xuflnhlu far HI vmrk nnd many oduor artides ISAUCTION SALES damp or JOIN MrmlJ Inl Conceuim Ho Tunnelhip miles wul AND mllrn mm Elmvnlc niler on PM slim Sale 70 hrmld lImf tnllle lull inn Mm mndllnrry amln nml mm hnunnlmltl rlfml THIN huh resme farm mid AllCIHIII UHLWILL Audion Tram cash VERNON AYIHZS Autnnnm TENDER FOR TRUCK required or GRADE AT ANGUS For infmmalhn Nahum Mr Wflhxd 001e 4356600 Mnndny Sept IIAhMIr lLIy at pm uhan MI MIME ST llllADFOHD lllmwny num Inll AVA SPARROW Rain 11 blah rlnu Mllclvlvl lumlluru rericnl annnru lwï¬llnu linflu mmu triankm gall Mull IHVGWMI lnollI NC Tmm rash Nn mu ul Um NM mun he Iflllul IICIHH OUUIIIJN AUCTION BALI Thurmlay Seplmnhor nl Sim or EX SIM mncrukm an Ewilimmrr ml ml llrnlllml Mu null uul n1 anny IL PM had vugimml and ma Gumsy mng munUL pimp um um Mny and mun Tum rnh rm my hum nhI WJUH VHGIIIJN Audinmvv anlh lull HM RM ll MSSYFIIIED ADS WILL BRING RESULTH TEACHER Aucrioismc smummv 5mm Awflumnr WMNI lur In lut 541i lNVESTMENT DEALER HICHON SALE AUénoN SALE TEACHERS 01$ or helpful hm not AUCTION SALE SATURDAY SWIM at pm Slurp 1101 THE CARDINAL CABINS and VARIETY STORE on the beach front 3t 11m Wanna Beach miles west of thumb drug The list lnclud as coon ooh machineslarze dairy counter Inc fool meal comm and cooler cash to zisws show cases common groceries several table and mm animus hot plales several doubIe and single beds chednrfleld odd main drawnI and wash stands pols pans dhhes Menu 1001 TeeNu rails 12 out moulded plywood boat and Evlnrude mMor pow lawn mower new breaklost set and many other articles too numerous or list Term cash no reserve theOntario Gov lornanmi has both the park an JERRY 00UGHLIN Auction IiiAUCTION was NM hay mm farm mach lnm household Item includan norm unflqu ma undersigned auctioneer Ila received mum lmm BRIIMNGER BRO$ lot 20 Con Nomwasaga Tmmship on paved road mile south Slum WEDNESDAY SEPT AT 100 PM SHARP CATTLE Holstein Heller years old bred to mle Sept 25 Holstein Jersey 0W you old bred to lmheu Sepl 25 End Durham Cow years old bred to lmhon March Holsteln Jersey Cow years old bred lreslm Dec Hereford Holstein Keller years old bred to freshen 0d Hereford Holstein Helm ymrs old bred bu freshen 0d Roan llmlor your old bred to rtshén Oct 28 Brindla Keller year old bred lo shen Feb 10 Purebred Durham Bull 11 months Durham Sheer 18 month old Durham Heller ls rnonlh old lhlstdn Stee l5 ninlln old Bali 5165 momhs old Yoarllngs mlx od heilm Md steers Calves months old Holstein ï¬lms mixed Calf months POULTRY 75 Leghom HAY AND GRAIN IE Inns of Mixed Grain 900 square bales ELEMENTS AND MISCEL LANEOUS Massey Ferguson 25 diesel motor 650 hours ycnm old good as new Back Fad Insular or may qu sun tmctnr Oasu Model anr in working order MBS say Harris Mum new plqggh jn mud rA am nauonnl 400 Tudor Manure Spreader in good condition New Idea Trador Pm Mower Imcmnï¬onal it cut gmin l1n der mod as new Massey Hur ris Seed Drill 13 run 26 IL Bale Elevator Mount Forest 23 43 Threshing Machine 140 foot threshing boll Cm side delivery rake in good cunde Bale Dunchcr mbbcr ller um and rack wmpluc Massey lkuris Hay Tcddcr Heavy mm arm trailer wiun le farm Cockshuu grinder 10 inch wiln ngw platen Cnr Il racks Buzz Saw Famlnz Mflb Set action spring moth drag humus Set 01 mcdon Hur mws camplcle with draw bar Sci mm HarnJMI com plete with draw bar Steel land miler Mrum Cochhull rac lm culLNalnr 114mm Suiky rake walkm plough Setol nub dcm lnbcmnllmnl tractor dlscs Anilquu km furnace kcmc v1st grain rlndcr 19 be on grain grinder 75 cedar pom 20 md ml of now strand Iona mlls mm taming Many llnnl tloctric cream unamwr 500 1b cnpm dly nmxly new Mel 31H mm 501 scam 10 card nl HL longlh hardwood Stu lcrn Slolghs Antique Mush Icrapcr Road dram and nmlqua ï¬lml vï¬ml wnum Md box Forks 21am apex Tmll nnd many other smallm mum too mmcmm 1L1 FlleTUllb Antique Ml upright plum studio mldltl Pine nlplxmnl llan 1H dwr Klldwn dm mm dmln Imuauo mm mmka wnh wringu llcnm Savnuo mmhmn mmplm ml mim unnllrr mflcln 1m num wu In 194 THRIin mth Nn rmrvo nu 0w 11m In thlnl lo be mnmfll uml Maul lg mm or numul bu Md Hamlin ï¬lmy or WINK munw any oi Ilorkn JENNY IGIIHN Auer lhrM Hm TIA3ND nl 1150 pm Iharp 1hr UNUFN IHl II In 11 lmwumu Team mh Tnmuhly It ml nlrnlxhl um lllxhwny 27 flala ul lmny rntllo My mum qulpnmu lnrm mnrhImry My ï¬rm mm ml Imll huMwlvl rflrm lndmlnx In llqm Tmm nah uva ha 1mm 0N My Tuesday Svphmbrr 20 Al pm phnr lnr EIFWMKU MPWAllLITIH haw hM FIMVA Mr F3 KIMIIL LTD ll Films on Mmn1 VI Imml Ima and mad lleuluul MINI lquy Ulrl ly rhMlI NV flrlllml Mmdllnn mr Hull mmnnm Amunnm wum In In llxl M1llnfll ARCHER wLwiLL Aunmm lrnnk mummgm Culhum MICIION SALE SAIUIHMY AUGHDN SALE Ami mi um mums amtWm Mr and Mrs Cal mead ed the ColeBoxer wedding Boxer Corners Plum Mr and Mn my Ram and lamlly have moved their homa undies Mr Johnston Smud has punhnsed the Rama home here We are nu sorry to ace the Rnnca llmily luv us Johnston Barrie Mrs Murray Funnierand childrm Mldhursl Mr and M11 Wl Ar cher Elmvaie Mani Butte at monk all at William Coun link Mr and Mn came Bd mkcr and Emily of cum Mr ml Mu Fred Davis Im tvnt Fem Dave Chalmers Linduw It Alex Almnder Ru and Jamey Nicholson lhronto It Wilsons ML md Mrs Elmer lhomplon and son of Handiton and Mr and Mrs William Pmlval glVWeslgn gt Recent visitors In vicinity wen Mr and Mn Paul mam and olToxpnloN£r 131d gm By MR5 BTURGESS Friends and nelzhbors gath ered in Knock Commhy un Im in honnr nl Bowman and Marjorie Allen who an leaving the communin to take up dence in Allandule con 19 were wasth with an end la Mulrs Mnand Mrs Frank McFIrlane and daughma ol Tor onIo and Mrs Britlan at Mn Edllh Nmonl Oonmtulauuu Run Stew and Jim Mabelrm who wm married Aug 27 and ï¬usock pretty weddln WH adorn nixed In the Mg cm thumb Salurdal evening whcn Suzanne Marshall and David Connell were united in manInge by Rev Mr wan Mr Ind Mn Wallace Rey mflds Ind Garry Mr and Mrs Willhm Brooks Ind Mrs Slane visited friend at Rmmu and Pflrry Sound Sunday AUCTION SALE Thursday September 15 pm ham or ERNIE DOUTHWAITE lot 32 concuslon Nuna wmn Township ha way be Ing C011 laAUCTION SALES Sale 4o hén and Durham came am much lngy hay Mrrbalrnkclf arm cash remxv is me JERRY CDUGHIJN Audlmcer WATCH for M1 list Sch 11 COMPLEIE DISPERSAL of matured Jaw cattle and dairy equipment on TUESDAY SEPT 11 For FILED STEELE 11 miles east mm or mile mm of suymr Cadmmu mar 5113 of 3m cows hdlen and calves 66 hand many lmh or due In m1 mmlhs Terms cuh No mes Sick nm lama Balm AMER DLWIIL AIMle Public School Bus Routes September 1966 N0 ICamnmdnz bundle and and 0m Norm nu llh Io Mldunt Village And through IubdMslm lo Pom um School Thence to ltd Dan Mitt Momi to and Can on md to and mum mum to Hwy wolelwa00alld¢mad30 Emmi UM MOW Rand on knmy Ilmd to ram Hill School on Hwy 17 la Otdarviow Sdml NO zvawnm 1mm and We on mm 71 Io Mm vkw Sdmi Md Hwy 01 Vegan imam lo Pom NlLl Sdtool In 011 VespMFbl Townum Hwy 71 Fem lldl uni Oudanbv N0 JFAgfldfl Drive at uni llmiu an mm In uh Con Momllwy mitomfmuflmokl Hwy 00 Wu 1001 hm tn Omnld School return to Hwy 90 In PM FN vkv 5mm lo lath 0m nu Clh lo awan turning pnhl Rmidnb mud In mama Mum Io HUI In HUI In WW9 lumlmx mm in mm MM to Gmitl Edna In Mimi Edna Eun humunchirhmmaflnwmwbhdrmmdmuu Om N0 GOumlwnru at 51mm And md 6Lh GIL Ah 0nWmlkhuflmnhNmmllnSamanvyllwl 91h 0m mm In 7th le 501m Funnklah and NloflhmdlethmflmXXhlo EHIINMIUIIAMRM N0 Lanmalnu Comm Mull mm mm pm yrr No0ummtdnluuh0nmiflwy MJOMHmllwwll MI 01 to No WY Yunth Twnlkm In 10 hull an to Hal Om mum in Mull to him Milk Rind to 0m me Amrn Mm me 14PUBLIC NOIICES BNTEN MILLS 1m Wiéumr 7mm SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS BOND HEAD ï¬dnvl In WI in IMAM Rim and Hm In On Natl In Na ll Mimi FM pick 11 AH mm Im Flt 1mm MINI mum Gum warm 72 VESPRA TOWNSHIiFSEHOOL AREA mvlu In Ml mind by pm Nun phnu KNOCK YHERE IS NO CHARM ION THIS SERVICI VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOUMELI CAR AND TRUCKS All on WIII Ddlvmd To You um CARRIER MISS YOU 7282433 mumMr Mn Parker and tho lulu Gama Parker who mod the blrdwm erheru some years Igor Mrs Parker in nursing home In Peter bormh flley also called an Mn John Wm Awhou home Mr Parker bum when ha wag ï¬llgo biackmlth Mn NI Breedan Mrs Green and the hardware store when Mn Fewer let them look lrmmd their ormgr hymn ma and Mr 076 McDongAiI My ed on The Pauleua mating wlll be held at Mm Nmnan Ridmd sons mu Sept 816 pm Amide at max sale to be mum lnm necking or left at Mrs Ws home Mn Oummhlu ls able In be boma mm hospital Mrs Brooks wnlowgalc mylnz with her Mn and Mn Glén XianL1 hm moved Inlo their new harm on be my line By MRS PM Synwhy L1 gxlonded la Vie lor Caverly whose mother Mrs Ella Cavefly died In Barrie how pm PAULEHEJ Joe Mm ls relumlng lo ghaa to attend Univermy of Sn kntchewan alter working in Tor onto or the summer Inn Taylor passed Gr Ind will lend Yorkflqlvg Mr and mix Jack McArthur mended um BamlngHalg wed ding in Bellwllla on Saunday By MR5 CAMERON ML and Mrs Cecil Cameron and AmHy Attended 15m wed dill mnivemry celebrallon for Mr Ind Mn Oakley um Hilda Tracey ol arenal at the home ol Mr and Mrs Cyril Jackson lflnesng Im5uduy Mr and Mrs Alex Graham Donald Tom and Billy of Gun spent week with Mr and Mrs Mex Graham here Donnld visit Ld hls cousin Kent Mellon Huntsville yr the weekznd un Jamu 130 MM Roy mum was gu of honor at premuptlnl party fur Kennelnun ï¬ends at the hum of Jlm Cammq Salurï¬aylevenlng Larry llasllngs nndilï¬l his wnre at Camp Iona Muskoka last week ï¬lm mm Mr and Mrs Ben Jnmleson say they had trip In ha Hot Spring at Jnso per Park and are seeing many xucunh lrom 0mm on their trip to the west coast By MRS LAVENDER Sympnlhy goes lo the Bounty mum at mu community in lhe passan Fred nunnoy He was one of our oldest nelzh born Mr and Mn Wnltnn John Ilane and nmlly mnlorcd dur lng tho weekend of Aug 21 to their sunl Mn and Mn Blll Johmlonc Ollnwn They drove lhrnuxh Upper Cnnnd Vlllnga Ind Alon Illa St annnce Sen way Recent visllon with the Sim ID wcra Mr and Mn Locks Ind duulhtcn Mount Hope and Mr and Mn and Leach oIVVGeoygclown uMï¬ ermnn Dwinnel hnme hnlpllnl Mr and Mn Ylnbtrl MEM ST PAULS GUTHBIE CLOWES Igler gudpury gtlendfd 19 Clown school reunion Aug 10 and visited the farmers brother hIlnw and nkterMr and Mg Jaggetmgddge Ford Onkvllle Ipent Lhu weekand of Aug II with Mn Dena Dicker Indint tmaded the Clown School re on Clowe W1 met at home oLMrl Perry Bouncy AIIL 23 no call was answmd by each one mlklng and wearing their Thu mnllo Quits of In digestion Ll caused by peep having to eat their own word was Elven by Mm Eldwell The speaker was Mun Coral HendersonBI1rle on spices Tha Mystery slum wan ra venled quilt lop has been dannked by Mrs Ford of Oak vl or yhlgh ln sellucketsu The 4H leader Mrs Bell Dybgll prqscqlgd apom hal er plaquo to Misses Gloria Per kin and Myrna Slmvsun for completing 12 units nuccessiul ly The president oi the mu lute Mn Ken Dicker presen ted the Hi Club leader Mrs Belly Dyhall with mean hold er plaqus or leading the II unlu Lunch was served by Mrs Charles Simpson and Mn Pct cumming The October 11 meeting will Phonl azlzhu to Im hum delimyl EACH WEEK Your Barrio Examlnor carrier boy is HHlo merchant I10 has Io pay for his papers ouch week War he has pald his bill wha ls loft is his profit HELP YOUR CARRIER BE SUCCESSFUL IN HIS BUSINESS PAY YOUR CARRIER be helm tha horns of Mm Frasgr Mrsthuy Dybnll and Mrs Alfred Perkin altended train Ingschobl at Orfllla Aug 22 orfAcccnt on Actcssorlcs The ksmecUng wlll ha hem nulls lenders home 5an 37 830 George Bldwell has relurï¬cd home after spending some time at Lynn Lake Mun rumors rLowsnsuow BEETON Slnfl With Mail 80 polnls Mrs James McKay was the highest pom winner at the annual Aun us shuw he Beeron HM culrural Society Because sha was previous winner Mrs McKay dld not quality or the wlnning Eaten lruphy whlch went to Harold Wnlm wills 66 polnlss Mrs Albert Bulman won ch shunson uwhy will 64 point and John Gray the Beclnn Womens In smute award with IL ugmuuhhhl auntsq