Dandy pallcnk aurina 430 4111 mm Ihuw uurmr Inc Jun ucnnm 11 law Kmpl awry va 610 AN 64 Inllln Klnlun NI Tm Cllnlu numm Mun no ma II Luna MINI Lim Hm Wm In llnhhy In In um lrmc cmunmuan dnnt candemn my sincere and cerelul method at treellng lrylnz to treatpsarlasle In any event more of the many proposed rornediu have seemed to warkin certain case1 at though elnre psoriasis can come and wlthout any visible rea son or even step without any treatment all It hard to any whether remedy really his wurked or Just hpppened to 44 mum 5m nm or Mva tThn hem llom nx Mn my nrunny comvmy Hz um méu Fanlr Mu lenxnmlr Alf IL Am Mm mm Nva mm Mm hm um mm mm I4 um no Lm tnlm mum Ihl Hum I1 nu may ml muml 100 1m noun 1Armdur Tr lynmfly lWnrfllnl ma so IA lit Thus an wimp such diet should be under strict su pervlslnl Our physiclgn spam IlCnlmul ll NI Manama smmm zmma on nu World ann mm llNmnlull Noun noproleln dial but on reslrim It Care must be excrcked In using the diet especially Among ado lqcenls who growing are more urgenuy 11 need pm uin thin 0mm mm um rmmu 4mm mum ï¬rm Jvununy Inmlnjl Dillerenl kind die have been Iried but hqvc not been found effective one whoa 1w lieve mm is hdplul Anmhu school eters low lat high plvteinl Inc So you are here is WIda dmerenu In Qplnlou cntl amine one ol the amino ac d5 prateln has been suspected at being pearly alarmed by psarlasl pallcnts To reduce Intake of annnl is necessajy la ml the Amount of protein from an ma mums and to use special cooking procedureo leach out he Iaurine RESTRICTS DIET mm ll 49mm Hun rmny mm 100 5m Foltumuler psorluls ordinar Uy does no harm except to ones appearance and ls not maxim It just 1m bad when Inr any ailment rc Habie remedy at last appears than the other proposed rem edial quickly fade out 01 nu Psoriasis is one he mos aggravating maladies we kmw because nobody to due has found any we cure or it Oh yes there are plenty of gunned media but we are much in the dark as in ma exact camera his skin condi lion um um have no saiislac anyway nmcking ll And with Wewunexplaincd nil ment the result is host 01 unasth remedlu wilh no as nuxgmce um my Will really be Have that nupmleln die 11 help himxwhnt Ix ynur oplnlbnJ an Dr Malgm My son has severe gevotpsorlasis lung 30coon HEALTH JOSEPH ï¬reman MD NO SurevCure IFaund Fof Psoriasis zBUFFALO FDARRIE iBUFFAIA LTORONTO llIMMILTON DNFJIMY TELEVISION PROGRAMS Jan LIIn mum AMI WEDNESDAY MVHUHT II TUESDAY AUGUST IO EVENING YGUST MORNING Ina Ibhnwflmfll AYJHII UMII 41m on IMmudnbu 56qu mm Magi 1100 Ihpln AMA lAndy ll um um Mn llr Mu Hum 09 Llama Luwmon um um hr Imu ITnvunh Tndly qu lrflwlnfln rmmlu hm Nu iNunnflly 15mm In In Hm 13an nu qua 5mm IGmnlf llanh mppoamm 1D Klldlrl Liirmov ilone nlulon WI onu Itch Summtr Inn 411 um um um um Arm II Jump IX Ir 9511 Moum In car uDamu am 14 hr Mng an Cu rerun hm amn vn um Ianh 10mm 7M um mm mum qummu nnna lln rmmu lUn nu um 09 Lum rmm uane tn IImmnunm 41 mm ll1llllllnl hllM 7430 nvm Hn 7mm IMulkll showm irlhl Vlmnl lml tn NunI mun Ami Ilr Nmmumo Nun Imul mm Recent visitor Lloyd Simpsons were Mn Sump son Bmle and Mr Ind Mn Gnmegï¬nmpwn Torunto Mr In rL Cameron Ind Mr and Mrs McQuay attended the Tuunnn Bun portalmanta OKecle Cen lng snlgngdny eve Mn Narmm Sloddm wen seven day last week with Mr Ind Mn Wilbur smddm cotllze non Honey Hur ur lly MRS CAMERON Missu Gloxln and Sylvl lame ne Spendlng twelve dly It Glen Mohr Camp Ben vegan gmllp lenders N019 Mn toe nu msnn why chronic calm should impair your ability to have children Multiple sclerosis lnvolvlnz hardening scattered areas in the mm or spinnl card can resemble Parkinsonlsm super ï¬cially but the major symp lama weakness jerking movemean and lack co mlnmon rnlher than mere Rambling Movemenis the rye and sgeecl mannerisms if aid speech so may be Xnvolved The essenuai dilference 115 In Parkinsons disease no hands and other pamol th body trembla In pillrolling motion because at dhnrder of part of the brain which gqvegrggmuscylar yawn Dear Dr Mahler Pleas dil Iercntiale belwten Parklnsonl disease and multiple sdemk can say My own prdcrcnc is to put such case under the super vision oi dermatologist wiih use at one treatment or another primarily aimtdni keeping the skin 50 and preventing itching Thai at Lamina the rkk oi having infcciion start be cause ncruzching Lha mi plicilen Exposurev lo sunshine or In name other source ultra vioiei aim seem in helpbu Aguini dun be disappoinied it it doesnt cure the problem ii tends to help and than the best be In use whenthe psoriasis suhsldd spnntgnemly MR5 Ind Mn Glen vlnnm GUTHRIE ENIMI xND AFTERNOON lTbnllhl nu aMam CHIN tIna now my mum Dom IINnu wnuur Ivon mm llNuu Wmh 5w Ilummm oum an mum bmm Brynn llJhuxu Ind nm Tm ml 141 unud 591mm IL um mun Humu le bPIlllcnn lunallol QLA anA Tim noun Illuul Ilmm hm hr min In Cnnnlrl IlUnnnl um um 10 iNiwmlrulm tsmmm on no tour Am MO lAnnlmr wmd lTu 1m Im 1Nlh OJlo ml Ith ma lA mm le II nun mm mm II MIL wmm tum Mm new 1000 lUFOI nnm unmn 1L JO 230 IVnu mm In am yum mm Ill IDMU lTIl II In Th1 IM145 Mman II In um my 11 mull Luhfnv Vqu 1m JIM lllnl er 110 mlr Ml lhmny cm ll Congratuintlons to Suunhe Cumming who hxd the hlghest point In the novice section at the recent North Simme Ml Livestock Judging compntition and 1150 won the CNE Shield Bubnra hicCunig wax runner un in the novice ciauo Carl Cumminz wns high junlar judge 11m Ora Hi Dlry club pincud ecand In the Inter club competition Ind 0m HI nnci club pllccd third Glen 0m Junior Fnrmm won the turn trophy Members were Roy Clmpbcii Bob Currie And Normxn McKay Part liumn liiich spent the weekend at Nonnm Stod dans This week Sylvin Ind Nlncy Moore of Barrie Ire holidaying with Sundn Stod dm while Michael is visiting Mr and Mrs Scott and am ilyo gregiei Dr Eamon and sum Iain and flush of Buni0 visilrd ML and Mn Alex Gnth In wuk JUNIOR FARMERS West having noted the spade asumed that South was weak in spades and therefore at the 10 of npades at trick four This was exactly what South had hoped for and the result at Souths deceptive play at trick two was that he mum up mule In the mum by later dis carding two ol his chm losers DAILY CROSSWORD But Instead placing th un ï¬m hopes on straight hear ï¬nesse he decided he could 1n crease his diam by cashing the are d5de at trick two and discarding spade rather mu making flue more nnlura discard or club He then led um queen of healL1 and flqgssmklosï¬ug in tin king Southmadnxoodplaylnmls hand and was wall rewarded for his effort Wm led diamond Laken lndumnw with line king and Souul saw that he was lab pd with lhc pmsibilily ol losing three Mn and hoarl of trying to deceive Lhe mos tion during uh play 01 Lbs cardm pm Are defender and under take some form dccqfltm than is danger that you might fool ymzr partner mm your intended mini he declarer but you are the declawr and Miami deceblimi your mun Call b9 only defender Mudm 10 Ham um 21 mmer Monnun imam gnu mm 11 Bnmpl Dulw Cmmml menu lmnmxn 17 Artur min Pull lurln lllml a2 VtmlAhItr or wlno 81 MI and hnpuullh Illhmvnl mum um Mmn nlrknnm am I1 tlxlul av lullf MIMI um 41 Nmmnrd mumd Mum DOWN MM 11M Opgning lead queen of an er mm Scum dealer NnrlhSouw vulnerable nowm ma yam QAK c1 yd nodal chmbcr Donl mums 11mm Than am 3M Fara honmfy 53mm got In tho bomn office the thought luddenly occurred to ma Why not speak or myum CONTRACT BRIDGE no nous Man soum ¢Aq4 cums +19 mm 19 nhnbd mavnk hllvr lumnr DJAVIIm llnuxlry IMmprvvu lhnhllnn 71M 5111an Idlrlu 60mm murmur Amml Fall at unpup Innlrk ulnar Bx JAY BECKER Congratulations In Mr Ind Mrs Dauglas Cundull n2 Mnrflyn Comer who were married In the United Church wflhflm Inception uklng pllna In Ihe Cammunlly Hall sunr dny Aug 20 at 330 p111 Mrs Charles Stewart 1nd Mr and Mrs Villilm stem and daughlm Regina Snk wen all guests Mn Sla phen and family or cw dnya Mrs Robert Lneby 1pm Lhc weckcnd 1n Oluwn with her husband Mrs Eur Gilmore Is pl llcnt In mm hosplm Mr mum RI Law And daughter were weekend gucsls of mm Ingnm Mrs Jlm Reid went by pllnu Hawthorne New Jersey where she visited her mm and nmuy and also said good bye to her mother who wn returning In Hollnnd Inu lengthy holidny In LenDy Ind lllwthomc Mr and Mrs Brad Frld Ind Stephanie ol Cooksvnle In pcnding holldays guest at Mr Ind Mrs Grme ll lhch caluge on 0m Hench flfl Illullrl LCMOHL Annuth mm mm amtMu Cu to mm Munlnm nm mum xvmum Recent visitors with Mrs Thamxs Stephen Ind family have been Mrs Wlll Stephan Ind Mr and Mrs Fred Steph ens 01 Owen Sound Ind Mr and Mrs Ivm Stephen 01 Hamilton Mnnnd Mrs Pete Len Ind family spent weekend with relatives at Balsam Lake Mn Lucy Dollcry Ind Mn Jnhnsan Toronto spent dly with Mn Ed Jackson Int week Miss Linda Murdock Tonmm spent last week will Mr Ind Mn Lem While 0n Suturdly Aug 13 Ma Roland Corner wss husless trousseau to In hnnor of her daughter Marilyns coming mlrrhge In Dounlls Cundlll Mrs Corner was assisted by Msrllyn Ind Mrs Cundlll in greeting the guests Showing the guts were Mrs Plul Cor ner Mrs Brhn Witsnn and Mm Lynda Burma The brim elects snudmulhar Mn Stephens poured Serv lug were Mrs Slcph ns Mrs Rnbm chkson Mrs Ruland Corner Jr Ind Mrs Wllusm slewm Allis Ing were Mrs Norman GI mure Mrs Frank Corner Ind Mrs Dough Reid Ily MRS MAURICE REID TKOUSSEAU TEA 9n ghe KJ cl spades All Md course had Wm been wearing his mkroscupicglasxes he might hay seen through de clareru scheme and shifted club the exuan point but he was certainly not helde much by Souths preterm ol wenknm In spades he lost Vheirlraridfllwo clubs llnd South dlscmied club on um Me diamonds and then taken lnxmp fincsse it 15 like kz that West would have shifted to club trick our and thus delcaed he contract LEFBOY 1mle Aunt ms nu 51 dolly mm Mumnu aouarumwnmwwu quflnamomouv imfl UN W5 MHI DWLL WM Ile ï¬ll 4W WI DHALM waueamy mumsmur NOW Ira name new AND LANCAmtn coma DOWN rams Grimm ANDTALLWSS GROMNG OJ BOTH SIDES M000 WMMIE EXAMINEW TUESDAYAUGUST 66 Amormmomnd mchxmmmnw VWWMMQGv lm WM mu smut lam VCURIIO IIYIK CM an mm 04me LEAR SAILN6 A5 DOWN DAVE SWEL 33