SCHOOL mm mm om 12 mm mm Barrie an p1ved road via Highway mum for 1556 Grades For Grades and Sahry Sdledule Seplember 1966 Category $2800 In $5500 Category $1100 In $7100 02ng $450 57500 Category SSJOO to $3700 AUDWANCE for experienu up to six years CUMULATIVE sick leave APPLY staï¬nz qualiï¬caï¬mm experwmx name of last in spcdm age marital status ada dm and phone number la MIL ROBINSON chair man NEW LOWELL ONT or REV OBRIEN Seembar BOX 254 SFAYNER ONT lzTENDERS SEALED TENDERS dearly marde as to contents and in envdopes supplied will re oeived at me ofï¬ce at the under signed until 1000 am on TENRSDAY SEPT 15 1960 for uaepamplote mnftmdim of an equipment and storage gar age er the County of Simme Road Depaxtmenl in the Village at WV Infonnaum lo Bidders Plans Specificaï¬om and Tundc Forms may be mined at the office 01 the undersigned upon deposit of $1000 which is mnMund able cerï¬ficd cheque or of the amount of the mnlrad bid must ucwmpamy each umder and me successful bidder will be quimd furnish 1002 Perfor mance and Pawnem and About upon execuLwn of the Contrast Agreement TEACHERS WANTED mm LADY 09 mm mm garan The lawcst or any Wider necessarily accepted CLARK REHL Counly Engineer Omnty Ammmracm Building BARRIE Onlano ï¬nd playmn nddlmm the WM Mann leral Schod localed on the llodclay sidemad lust nonh of Ormlgovllle Plans and spiciï¬mflm may be obtained from lhe dlioe Carswell and Grimm on dcpmit cem llod cheque we amount $3000 Chmue will be rammed when Lhc plum 1de ctr Linn have been returned ln good Closing dalefllor Twila will be ml mm mm pm on Tuesday Scpumbcr at the ofï¬ce of the Nahum Plans and medications will be on dtsrflny glawflg The km any lender vull not mosmnly be numul CAIISWBM GREZSBMI Mhiwdx 305 um OOUJNGWOOD OnL Sum T¢mcx1 1an sumvlkl Will be mtivul by the mlmdunul up On mm Sm mxlrr I2 Inc the supply 01 um um 21000 mnle now plmvm lummml ml Med 19 rudem nllmwua lnr m7 Mmk 54m mu SUNL Ilflrrkijmfnnn 5lm lrucl may be lamech lhu llnnnl mGn yard HM ï¬nd llmrw Imu any lmdcr not mo mruy mmiï¬l IIIMUGHANV My lflk TENDER FOR TRUCK ï¬nk 1mm voltan mwlhl wdl In Imivnl Ivy um Iuhwlzml up pm hlmifl II mm hr HM pur flwr In llw Aly Ilmh lll Im Mn ml Plan 340 MM ha nun 71 hill on flu mun IMII n¢wn mu TNIIN mud Ill um human will M1 or ml mnmmr flm IM mil ll ï¬lmmmr Mil blinding 0mm mi but within mo your mm Talk MW ma bu nb niw IN 311 UNI Imus HWY ï¬nd IM mm um Bum4 or lily lmlr nu manly W1 11 snuwlm my um TENDER rog LAND TENDER FOR EQUIPMENT GARAGE OraflEeviue Area an arc invmd Afar tin TENDERS or my 1va °fvt° 03 mil ï¬gmmmo Inhaéslgnrw hm received WTth 3AUCTION SALES EMEAésTxiALL 386 Blake Skeet BARBIE on SATURDAY AUGh27 Antiqw Frencil valncm and Good mum BIA Anilque Oak Dining Room Suite mleu Dining mom Suite Andrvw Maluulm French Pm vincizl pieces Pair French Provilwial Mtg ulna Red Velvet Hostess than double Pedestal Table antique Mantle lop Dalian Figwine base Table antique Mantel Rm di Walnut and 3Mer m1 hm lamps An Lamps And quo Minor refiniM vidur es Figurines and objects chunks almost new Dim Suim gold drain bmwn ile km 01er Clack Walnlt wdl made Vikm Washing Machine Antique Clocks Wall Chub WW driven Sew mock Wiggle mun WW mom Chair Coffee Table maple Drop Leaf Maple Table Gm Living Room hair mu Yellow Radio Small white Ra dio PowavMawer mw Omï¬nwlal Bed with llcdtl boaxds GE Floor Pallsher ANTIQUE Bras Lamp ml Giina Shade Tea Pot Pr Carnival Candle Sticks Bras Ink Well Papar mm Cov Glass Buuex Dish Prubarge 01in Vases cm Crystal Goblets Coloured Glasl Vase Covered Giza W05 Silva cake Stand Silver and Glass Omen English Cniet 91 Beaver Jar cuppa 1mm Sugar and Cmarnm Blue Gigs Vase Clam Vase Leadm swan cm Mark Wmuzh Im Lamps flour Black Wmiht Tron max nzine Rack Small Snack Tab les Buffet type Server Floor harms Wham Board Table mesrcrï¬eld mum 01am a1 Bu 5d Lamp hma Bowl Bridal nose Tea Set Pickle Casur White Imu wme Toich Sci Mustache Cups Plume Frames Silver mksa in vm use munkm 1m Seat Vic wxiem Rocker VMnrinn SH hair mock And mmly ouwr small nudes Om numemus to list Team Cash No Rescrvc Nminl be wed until sel dad for mm and manage mm will not be held monsible or wide on pumaRy any sale Rank Wdb and Mike Coughlin Clerks JERRY DOUGHIJN Audioneu Auériou SALE Saturday August 27 ll pm Sharp EMBASSY HALL sea Blaka st Barrie diflmnl consignments of good household lumiluna mdudinl nnflqws Term cash No re nerve For luxth lnlomuuon contact nohcfl Wheeler 7163967 JERRY COUGIILIN Auctioneer at 1230 pm shnrp for UN OIJITA GUITAGHS Ninth Avmue Oakview Heath oil Moseley ngn Beam llst includm 10 rdrixcn ml oil spars humI they lcrhclds un lnblm Ind 40 chain rnllawny beds pic nic mm not of harm slum garbage munnm didm AIL verwnle poLI Md pant hol lnus munAu 45 vmollm 11mm so large nhccll pillows and pillw 51km bed spmxdx lawn chain looll benches beds mailman and mum And many mm Inlrlu too nummu la ILL AUCTION SALE Tmm xh No man he 0nan Comment In Imuuhl Iha parklml JHlHlY COUGIILIN Autumnu AUCTION SALE WEDNESDAY Am 31 Aucï¬oNsm Wednesday cvcnlng August 11 pm mam PW MILS NORMAN GilTEN be Tall Im 2mm Nlrth vev Onkviow llmdl Matu Dead lacing Um wMer lmnl 9110 11 rd Muiwnml In II 10 than 11w IN lnrlmlu lrlnzcmlmm Ltlevhkwu MM wmh Mnmk lumilurm lwltlml Ilmm pol ml mm lawn mm lnyfl ptrmm drmm ml many 91M mild lm mmoruul in In Tmnn tmh No mu Mum iuvrlmnrnl mum lho ptnwfly or parkland JICIHKV XNHHIIJN Ind VMHPTIY hlUllF brndl mm ll HI Woman mm mllu mm he mnln kn Tru IN mmr mu MI mumlnrn lam dairy munlor Innu Ml lurnl numltr And mum rad mm mm mm mum 1mm Mun UM ml um rlnflfllw plum uvmd dnulula ml my hull thMIvflrld III 4mm vlvrlwr ml Irab Mywh pollY mm dirk minim Imlt TNvNM mun ll ml maulde plyuwl Im ml Evhmk rm Imm iuTcnoNs sMnulAvs ma ll pm Hmnl N5 mm mm nw lxrnklm ul Md many nth nrlklu mmmnuu In Ihl Tmnl um mum ma mum Hun Immml Im Mum In llml JFAIIW tUUGIIIJN Amlumm Audlawr pmvmeggm at pm slurp or JOIN McGILL at Lot 16 Concession Flo annship miles west AND miles south of Elrnvale 0R mils wes£ of Phelpston Sale of 70 head Hereford mule full line at farm madflnery grain and some houseth eflyfls IiiAUCTION SALES mm Ammn comm Aucï¬meex at pm sharp THE BMLLINGEH BEDS 20 concesslun Nnuawa Iaxa Township on the paved road miles south of Slayner Sale ans had of cattle farm machinery hay min poultry and sums household effects in cluding mm antiques Terms cafdh reserve as the arm is so JERRY COUGHLIN Auction Wald for list September athathm Day pm diam 13mm 5L BRADFORD Hialwsy 11 for ï¬le whale of Lhe late AVA SCARROW Sale hm Class household fumjtnm relectrical npplhnces mg lmmumquflu 51mg Term cash No rcserve the $316 must be settled JERRY OOUGHLIN Amwr Wald for full list Sept half way between Highways 27 and 12 at the Evergreen side road Complete dispersal Reg lstered Holstein cattle and dairy equipment including 33 can bulk conler like new Tenn cash 10 TBSCIVLE ARCHER COLWILL Audionzcr AUCTION SALE WEDNESDAYSEIPT AUCTION SALE SATURDAY SEM iAUCTION SALE wan SEPTEMBER at pm Sharp for woonnow Mccomw Thurmiay September at pm Sham or ALEX SHAW at lot 10 wucessim West Gwillimbury milks norlh of Bradlmd and miles west of highway 11 Sale of 40 head regislemi and grade Guernsey came mflkers sheep farm ma chinery and grain Term cash no name as the am sold JERRY ooï¬GiiLIN Aucdoncrx Watch for mu 115 Sept at 1230 pm sharp for BURDEN BEST at In 17 Common Tommy seth Tonshiy mile urnigh west Highway 27 Sale of Jersey mule pigs milking equipmm arm madalwry hay straw grain and some homold effects including am dques Terms mix na mm the mm is sold JERRY mUGflLlN Autlmnccr Wald for full list Smmmhcr Ihulsday September 15 1mm sharp or ERNIE DOUTHWAITE at In 32 uonccsxlon Mount wunga Twndxlp hull way be twch Slgynur and Cglligxwyod Sale 01 4o héad nl Sword and Durham calllc arm much lnery My in barn Terms cnsï¬ n6 mob ulhe mun ooiiGHuN Aucllmmr wmcu lnr lull List 5ch 12 AUCIION SALE Tuwlay September 20 B1 Pm for HDWMLU MEWAITERS bcinu held nl ELMVALE 5M PS SPAIIIJS LTD mile MM nl mmvnle llimlwny D2 no hmd of rcxlucred and zrmlo llcnlonl mule madly Old 0r durd and llodnnz Mmdlint mm wuu ARCHER DOLWIIJ Aï¬dlméct AUCIION SALE SATURDAY SEPT 10 AUCIION SALE Wednesday October 12 nm or JOHN OUIUHE In cm 10 Nollnwlungn 11 ml west nl 0011mm on NI ll head in not made llol lain mule Airy mmme ln dndlnf 36 can hulk twlcr lull llnu hpdi rlnu larm machlnrry lndulinn mm Term cash no menu mm mm up lurmlnz MIGHT XDLWHJ Avdlonrfl AUCTION SALE Wednesday Odnber 10 1130 pm mam Fur MAIUTUS 069 OwnMm WMl lwulllnlnny nulm MN mum1 and In mdh nl Hail NIL mllm nl llmlhnl and mile Mrh Midway Ma 70 Mul nl Inlml Mlln Ilkkilulu IIIMMI milk ml 1le M1 ml Muck mlvra pm Ilikm hnyuflmw in pin lulikry hny Maw min ml unn llmdwlvl 1rd My Mme quw 1111 ml Nu 1w um mm HIM mun oumuw AUNVIHNI WM Hr lull IM Huh AUCTION SALE Mow3y 59m cash no xeserve farm AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS CALL 7282414 mnvcl TORONTO CPIA leading United States child welfare au ihnrity is to arrlve today to he come mediator in the dispute between the board at dlrectnre and the stall ul the Wurrendala treatment centre lnr disturbed children in suburban Etoblcoke John Pollock president at Wurreudales bnard oi direc tun said Thursday that Samuel Herman senior staff offl dal oi in Child Welter League l0 America has agreed tn net as mediatar Mr Pallock said Mr Barman will meet wiLh John Brown th recanfly retired cxecuuve direc tor and alher stall members In an attempt to prevent OTTAWA CWA public tri bunal to hear reasons or Auto rnodve Inydls in Canada was amongeight demanch carried by cinch of the Uniï¬ed Auto Workers to meeting Thursday 20 three federal cabinet min era AT WHBRENDALE mm One cabinet member them was Industry Minister Drury whnse USCanada automotive Irade agreement was blistered In brief prescnlcd by the UAW Seeking Public Tribunal luau The nu all as Ing loprotm layoffs In three Ontario cilies blamed on re alignment at automotive pro duction causcd by pact To rax Mom has in 9ch aid of 2600 men or Oshawa by deciding not to re call them when he changeover to 19m model production begins Another 250 men have been laid all at rho Onkvillc plant of Ford Motor Co of Canada and Mc Kinnon Industries Ltd plant In Catharina thch makes en glne blocks or GM has dropped another 250 men EXPECTS BAD NEWS Helan lhe doors closed on the mecllng Geurge Bun Canadian dlmtor of the unlnn was heard to say lhal more bad news is In store And Ihe brie lncludcd Ibis hale Not unlil ha 196 model roaches scheduled producllnn will the lull exlnnt oi Lhc loss manulaclurcd llems be known mu quwu The proposed lribunal Wnuld require auto producan lo show cause before any layofl can be considered including the pres em hyor GM In em and Catharian and Ford at Oak ville isweliare Authority To Mediate Dispate uu Six mensums lo cushion the 2mm oi the layoff wen pro pusnd including neiocailon aiiowuncu changes in rcguinliuns of an exisling wurker assistance scheme retraining ccnlrc in Oshawa dmiaralion Oshaw laborsurplus men under lhe manpower mobiliiy pm uram prdcrcminl hiring laid workm and ndvnncrd mm dale pinnnM Osh nwn roaconirmllinn prolftu mm The brief said Parliament should he 15de lor legislation anythi polnl Wu mm The dilcgnunn nso mkrd for lullstale cxnmlnallun at am obllgaflom undtr lhe auln pacl Tho brie 51M the flncrraud unploymcnl Mr DNry mom lsld has not shwwn un In ad 10m lnynfll In Windsor nmvcrlon Ont And In other Saturday Odom 22 1230 pm um Fur HIMtXID ONE 11 Olmakll IL Eu Mum Ii mile um of Thom Vilma ml min mu 11 um only lKaJL 5114 luukl nl mind with 25 ml plus muny mm mndlimy Imy ulnwl mln ml um hamlth rum in cludlnu mllrnn Nn men In IiiAUCTION SALES mm hrmn banner xv ICHON SALE hxmihm InnNun km mem mmun DMMUNITV INK HATUIHK mTlf ml at lzm mu Tmm Nval To Hnumn vnMn LONDON mm um Amï¬mm AucnON spur Jmuuk mmmmn 12th hnur walkout stall scheduled 101 Aug 31 All socialurnrkcrs 14 the centrehavu served name they will reslgn effective Aug 551 Mr to meet Mr Barman but he Attessed that study ha mu anon should have been mada months ago and lint it would take more than one or twm day visit by Mr Barman to do 19m nu umqu All 1h board has to do what have repeatedly asked them to do and that in put in writing what they expect ram gheWarrendale slalff afler Aug 15 areas had been calMed by an ndJusgncnt ed Mr Poliock talks about am dispute Thu 11 no dls pute The 5an want speciï¬c rfl recflun to what is expected of them and lb Illa hoard uses do iii grown yiircctor n1 Illa privately owned centre since Bum Bulldlnl um llli tun luv munch minted hm Dulldlnn ml 30pm CONTRACTING DEPT DENIS SHEARD ND PAINSWlCK 051 BARRIEfl DIAL 7235961 1953 has dalmad was Ired lwn wcelq ngn becduseihe de sided Ia run NewDemo crauc Party candidate in the next provincial decflnhl was replaced By his for mer assistant Rabat Henry who aiso resigned beams he said he could not come In an Emmet Eggdlng hl fluxAV the céntié STAFF vom mus Mr Brawn said the board of directors is well awnra Ihn the Warrendale slall whuld never leave the chlldrelL at the centre in thelurch Bu out lunar um mu our mumu MfllworkKllchnn cmneu Custom Wlnde ma Door es Custom munm ARCHITECTURAL MILLWORK lHflE BARR EXMIINE 1mm AUGUST 26 151 MAN CANT AFFORD 10 ARGUE IFHE l5 WRONG IF HES RIGHT HE DOESNT HAVE TO You kmw youll be right Mm you deal with us Theres no argument about the rm that we give my value or every dullar sppnt hgm You gwg It to $51 123176 magaioaeu wiul ut xenon Hwy 11 Equipment MASSEY FERGUSON 726148