Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Aug 1966, p. 12

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1Send PM Letters OTIAWA CPITwo associa tions delivered inner In Prime Minister Pnarsnn Saturday urg ing Canada to withdraw support of United Slates policy and ac lions in Vie Nam4 The latter were handed lo Jim Coutts appointments sec retary to the prime mlnlster as Mn Pearson was about to leave QltaLwagUplnqd Airport Representatives of he 0n Iurio branch lhe Voice of Women and he Ottawa Com mittee end the fur In Viet Nam the two associations were present Uplands VANCOUVER CPlA threat against the life Premier IL Bennett of British Colum bia iorccd canneiiaiiun his appearance Saturday in ihe an nual Pacific Naiionai Exhibition parade through ow Wu sircats The premier schcduied to lead the parade in an open car inslead watched the parade from the official viewing slamL The assassination threat was telephoned tn newspaper and radio station about an hwr before the parade was due to start The Anonymous male caller said Bennett would he shot as the parade vns moving along Hastings Street meme lnlLr laughed of the threat saying he doesnt worry about such Ihings Io Hm President Johnson at Campnbcllu Isiand of New Brunswick month strike at Dominion Tex lile Cor Ltdlongest and mu est in the industry in this pruv inces histnry could end will 5000 strikers returning in work as early as Wzdncsdny Marcel Pepin resident the Quebec hased oniedcratlon of National Trade Unions said Sunday The striking National Feder ation oi Textile Workers iCNTU membership called meeting or Tuesday In vote on ratification of an agreement in principle which if accepted would sixnul lhe end oi the viu imcevriddcu strike which began April in Mngog Que WASHINGTON AP Prcxv idcnl Jnhnson has been asked by 49 members of Congress to seek an agreemenl with Canada postponing for One year pro posed lDpcmcnt increase In St Lawrence Seaway 0113 In lull In lnhman un alors and Huuse members said this Is needed In give Can xrcss sulficlcn lime In act on Icglslallnn proposed by Rapu senlnliw Henry noun lDmVm and Scnmr Wal or Mondale DcmMinn which would make he toll in crease unnecessary NEWS ROUND Ink5mm Arthur consider himsd man In lhe world 111er former Owen Sound res dcnl now llving here Is allvn bmnuc ll kldncy dtr md by a1omma uann mm an learnan play gall again with an unifian nrm du nnlcd by nn nnnnymous bene lnclnr Mr Van Znndl suflcmd lid noy luiIum In April 1965 Md Wm fnr mnc monIJu deptMont on An nrllfidnl kldncy mnchlno In Toronto Vtxum Hmpllul He mciml kldncy Irnnr plnnl Inn in wlun Frances Ga illnnll III anflnlu will Inlnlly injurtd In In nulnmuhne nrchlcnl HNANTFOIH INNTho d5 nlnpmml hndy mnn WM numl Sumth In parked car In 1le of hluhwny nl nmlu lmrlnnl nnmllnnl pour mm lhr body HUIer have bun In Hm ell nr III we Nth Thry mm nu nan trrnl llnurr Hmnlnl Kllch tnrr Mm vqwnnl mluing lhm Mrlu in Want Agreement May End Strike WWW Out Tll mrnl mvlco mil hrld WM nmlny nr Jnlm llrndrr mu Mlmum 7V uhu mm HI ANN lnlnldvy yrnu Lucky Man Find Body MONTREAL QBThe Minister Dies TORONTO CF LONDON BCPremiers Life Threatened At Parade Tobacco Vnn land the luckiest before retiring in 1959 He died 5399 rcprcsen nx rampor mners and local uvemmunt olllclnl who have ecldcd not In sup porl Prime Minister Wilsons austerity standstill on pay and prises He had served in London twice as well as in parishes in Lakclield BranUord Paris Wipdsof Winnipeg Torontn and Saint Jéhn N3 WASHINGTON AP The Snvlel Union has begun lrnns milling lo the United States In mmaliun obtained from 1L5 wgumj smug Cpsmo 123 This Is the iirst tim the Rus sinus have used the cold line weather link between Moscow and Washington to transmit data mm the wgather sgteliit Weather nnmnls here hope It means the beginnin of close co operation between two coun tries tn massing weather infor mutton LONDON Reuters Bril ains labor uninn movement headed today toward show don with the govemmcnl as two mare unions reballed Iagainst the new ply freeze pol cy The 350000 member Shop workers Unlon And the 30000 strong Clerical Warkm Unlnn fabled qu other maljnr nylons Th decislon Increased lhe chlihaod sflnxinr rcbufl la Wilson he annun cnnlerA ence of he made Unlon Cam mess opening two wuks mm today or Pearson has sent mossaxa sympalhy ha Prime Mln lsler 01 Turkey allowing Iha disastrous earthquake lhnl mktd lhnl country Friday ipokcsmnn or Iho external aflnirs dcgarlmcnt said the gov emmunl to cumull with the Cinadlnn fled Crass nboul the msslbllilic prnvidinfl aid or lhe vitUmI lhe earthquake TORONN CPIThe chrr allnn of Women Tcnchm Mm clnllonfi of Onlarln nppmvcd $792000 budch Inr lho coming term at the annual mman whlch gndtd Sammy Hellyers Football nrlts rcsnlmlonn calling at lho Amoclnlwm mstilution In be chnnnrd were rdcrrcd lo the null nnnunl mmlin he came wan ImpmstIc to gather logelhcr quorum cl deloxfuc Melba Woollry ol Ounwn was timed pruidcnt nl he 5000 mrmlwr oranMuIHon lnr lhc coming war She Illrreedn Mnrznrct Grunl rl TMDMO Exchange Weather PM Sends Message TOHONN CPYHIIL Inn lnllmhm warllm mmmnndr of Nth Highlnndrrl Cam mln mm Snlunlny rltnm Mlnmrr Innl Nelly ll mnkln polllknl lmllmll out in IIKrnllnn ol Jlnndnl mmd lawn Govt Showdown In umch lo the Amldldfl anlnrml Hxhlbillnn Illmlnu Approve Budget OTMWA CPIPrime Mlnlan MHREHBINE IIIZFMAHTBII CHUCK STEAKS RIB STEAKS LIAN HAMBURG PATTIES DYCKS PREMIER BENNETT l50 Colllar 2010 STEAK PACK Wm ll vulny Wlu lmlnhnmo TMll Ind NIIMI Unln unions miners gulch sup Wilsons we brlgadicr nch the mugmrg of the armed tomes ton im portant In be the onlbnll politician It WW suggested that it might suit the ministers pain cal convenience to create the single unified am In time for the Liberal leadership conven tion in m7 TORONTO CF Contract renewal settlements between the Stee Co at Canada and the United Steelworkers of America were announced here Sunday for employees at the companys 14 branch labrteating plants in Ontario Quebec and Alberta Larry Salton director or USW District said In statement that union members will vol today on whether to accept threeyear contracts Earlier lhls week agreement was reached between 11000 em floyccs ol the Stolen maln plant llamlllon giving them to tract that union officials sai wlll make them the highest paid Steelworkers ln the world Hamilton Local 1005 also is to vote today on its agreement SUDBURY CmA package Froposal or new contract of crcd by Fulcunbridge Nicks Mines Ltd was rejected Satur day by rbprescntalives of Local 596 Internallonnl Un Inn of Mine Mill and Smelter Work ersr He said servicemen are ww fled bocause was apparent the dalence minister had an abjcc live or total Integration but won reveal his plum Robin McArlhur presidcnt of the locai said lhu union would sublnn cgunleqqroposal log The hargmnmg committee was given full authority to go In conciliation by special meeting of the membership last Vgneggny and 113xlrd Muiuumr said he did not think arbitrpllon would be nec BSSGIY STRATFORD 0m CDThe National Youth 0mm under Ihe direction ol Walter Susskind Sunday held It first cancert of the 1966 season he lure capacity audience in the Slranm Festival flhcnlre Th program included three works by Czechoslovakian com posers Overture lo the Bar lercd Bride by Smelana Der Wain by Berg and BMW Syrmiwny No in Minor Soprano soloist Mary Sim mom of Toronto sang lhc Dcr Vcln number TORONTO CWAn urgent mcssage broadcast by Torunm rndlo stnUnns gave an almost blind Guelph youth chance In regain Iull gighl Saturday youlh mm on wny lrnm Guelph In the Canadlan Nalional Exhiblllon hm wllh lricmLs Salurdny when he heard mum on Toronto radin lailnllon asking him In call pm cc William Clair Jr 16 was re ported In maslmory cmadillon Sunday allowing cnrncn transplant Toronm Gmch Hospilal Salurday Gillm Gregoire Credillue MP for Mmlnle Sunday was elednd pmidrnl ol the Ilnllicmcnl Nu llonnl nnd became lhu llnl lumwn member of flu House cl Commons la mppon Qutbeo parnlfsm imdmlon allowed mm Smurday In uhlrh ho lrld dele xniu lo my nNI nnnunl mm In have om goalo nunln Nlmumk and mommy ln drmmlmu Qum And will work wllh all my might In Rd Qurlmc out mlcdtrnllon Mon pnuilllo Reject Package Renew Contracts First Concert Elected President Regains Sight THY EXAMINER WANT AN PHONE mil VIUIORIAVIILE Que CP lbs $225 Cu FOOD MARKET $19 7285339 $5 lb 69 lb 59 At least 78 persuns died so cidenlally across Canada during the weekend 60 01mm 1n ral ic midcnu Canadian Press survey from pm Friday to midnight Sunday loca times also In cluded drowniugs one fire dean and our deaths in Mar mishaps Ontarlo repelmi 18 families wllh rallic accidean account lng or 25 lnduding six motor cycle dealhs Two persons were drowned and one died in fire Quebec had 16 traffic deaths six in five vehldc crash near St Pascal Que three dmwnings and one person who sulfocaled No persons died in traffic accidents in each 01 Saskatche wan and Athena There wen Ihrce sud alamim In British Columbia where one man aka was killcd when he jumped from moving rain and two werle overcome by umcs in we Nova Scolla counted live drowning and three road dcalhs New Brunswick had five traffic laulillc and one drawing and Newfoundland three Irmfic deaths and one drowning Manitoba had one lrallic death and one drownlng Prince Edward Island wnsla talilylrcc Th survey does not include huduslrlal or ualural deaths known suicidcs or saying SUNDAY Pc Frederick Inn Campbnl nach ol Orillla slalioncd at RCA Fan Osborne Winnipeg when his car went out of con lml during highspeed police chase In Drillla Kennth no at Jewell Saul Sic Marlo OnL In mu Jclc accident in 52m 549 Marie TORONN CMRuss Dax or Lunenburg Onl won twn um Dillon and momi In chncso ahwin nl thu Canmllan levnal Exhibillnn Mr nnxlcr upped the yound block cnlomd thccsu and um 601mm block whflu lnclory chm clam Thu Mink Chmso nnd Bullcr CM Cnmpbclllord 0nL won two llrnu or entrlu the hlalml ludlvidunl scan and whlle Mary them By THE CANADIAN PRESS Scattemd showers and cool er temperatures are forecast mm Manitoba lllmugh Mishaps QnWeekend Claim At Least 787 Wins CNE Prize For Top Cheese The Ontario dead Wu lulu lel IIIII MAM nhry rumml MMMHANT nulup Tu and Wad GERMAN CHOCOLAIE lAKEVIEW BAKERY SPECIAL Rog SPECIAL Suva 10c ONLYI Bcnnit Crateau 18 char fierville Que drowneddn Big Creek near Lnngton Ont WHHam Maxwell RMand 53 of lnwood and Qlaytbn Sutton 20 of Owen Sound when their car went um control and struck at Bldgeway SATURDAY Gordon Hadlicld 21 of Im rora ind Larry Pembeflon 15 oi Newmarkel when their car stmck freight train while Ihey were being chased by pallce near qumarket Mm Anm silver 75 Tot onto in hospital of injuries re ceived when she was slmck by car while crossing street in Toronto Franklin Slder 33 of Niagara Falls 0m when his car hit culvm on the outsklm Max ara Falls John Gannon ZlmonLhcld son of Mr and Mrs David In men or Samla Townshlp lwocar collision miles an Sarnla Melvin Mon 22 cl Tflbury and Richard Larry Mormon 22 of Chalhnm In lwocar collislon near Merlin Archie Sauvo 15 of Samla when his motorcycle collided wilh can near Snrnln Bruce chagc 17 Sudbury In hospin 01 Injuries received in carmotorcycle collision Friday night Quebec May The west will be sunny and warm Mod of the Marifixnes will be sunny OPPORTUNITIES AN INTERESTING CAREER at HIGHER THAN AVERAGE INCOME Let us train you for career in Hairdressing VII our modom uhaul phone av cut WI coupon at wmplm Nonmxlom FILL IN THIS COUPONmm AND MAIL IY T0 TM SCHOOL NlAIIST YOU NOW LOCATIONS BI PlneSL Colllnqwood 4451821 343 WWW Sheet londcn 4322522 1182 WyandoHc St Windsor 2521402 flak £cfa1 SCHOOL OF HAIRDRESSING Ronald Muthcrs 30 North Bay ma larmer when his truck wem nut at control and rolled over on Highway 64 about 30 miles northwest 01 North Bay Norman George Anger 24 and Jan Kathleen Banwcll 19 both of Windsor whnn Lhclr mo torcycle collided witha car In downmwn Windsor Paul Lewis Wells Ton onto when an car In which he had hltched ride skidded all mad along the Lake SImCOu shgre hear Kcswi Alex Neilson 1lwhen fire destroyed his house three miles west 9am fibronlo phyxiclan iwhcnhhé car in which he was riding crashed Into tree near Bath wiLh seasonablp temperatures Fixurw on line map mdbm gxgecleq lgrquralmes In In nuiiad man When hé walked in front of an oncoming car on MACdonaIanrficr Free wgy nearA Ki Kennth eyw 19 Sud bury in molomyclecar NHL 5an In Sudbury Goldwater today crwimpm Gdodchild 91 tu 12 THE BARIHE EXAMINER MONDAY AUGflSI 22 19 The weauxeman Is not pmm 15in much in the way arm pleasant weather far today or mmormw Temperatures will main on the cool side and again 10an we ban expect same light showers The record ed lvw at The Examiner oflice last mm was 52 degree The lemperatm nc 840 am was 58 degrees TORONTO CmForecast Synupln Nmpergture are expected in be on um coal side due to lack of sunshine with the possible exception ol the Wind sot area flung southerly winds metal 551 am msdair malialy elbudy with ac oaslonal shuwem and little coder Wind nurtth 15 Lake 01m Laka Erie liakg Huranlrfllngsog Lpgdon Niagara Lake Ontario Gem gian Bay Haiiburion Kiliaioe Toronto Hamilton Mainly cloudy wiiil law showers Not much change in temperniure Winds wesl 10 Timngami Aigama Saul Ste Marie North Bay Suflmry Mainiy cloudy with law show ers Not much change in tem pcgabure Winds Ii Cochrane White River Mainly cloudy with occasional rain and not much uhanze ln lemperaturg Wind lighl Westem J5me Bay Variable cloudiness and little change in lerpperalureL Wipd light Windsor St Thomas Landon Kitchener Mount Forest wingham Hnmlllon SL Catharine DISTRICI WEATHER Otlaw Cloudy wiliwperlods ul rain Continuing cool um winds ilighianderr cl Canada had Lha place of honor among 7000 serv ice veteran and militia who mmned in the Warriors Day parade at the Canadian N24 lanai Exhibition Saturday Abmfl 050 liighinndors mm across Canada and parts of the United Slain and Bermuda marched inlhelwohmzr parade the grandstand area Mme aims 20000 people had gaih HONOR Mb TORONTO CF The Cloudy Showers Again Tuesday lath Toronto Peerbnrough Kingston Trenton Killulbe Muskoka Nnrth Bay Sudbury Earllon Kafiiskamg White River Moosonee Timmins Whenyou turn 21 youre no longer cov ered by your parents Hospltal Insurance To keep insured you must take out indi vidual membership Within 30 days Get your application form at bank hospital or from the Commis sion Tho lamlly Hospital Insurance premlum must now be pald to cqver hpsbgnd and wlie Nogiiy our group Withou do lay OR if you both pa premiums direct not tho Commission To keep Insured allow lhnlnslrucflons on tho Hos Hal lnsumnco Cetl flmlooPnn1m1l Fovm 104 ha your prosnnl employer 13 mnulmd lo glvo you on leaving Your ONTARIO HOSPITAL INSURANCE uy1uuw lmwmlnmu Plan

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