nm lrrlnllrlau mm ialnm llw Nnme erpvl ilmr church II In nrnlc mp pqx 1m llu lawn nl Mr and Mn lanr illlll Nil IO Hm Murphy Mu VII Ill anhrr linlnnv ml Min MNN lflhnl llmm mg mm Mka lvlp during whlrh lhry mum Ilvn Kuwarflln Lulu llhIlkl Imumnn Mgnnquln rmk nnl uwul Hm lul IO day In ml Mr and Mn lx Cumr nml Mn Hm urm and N81 and Mr Iml Mu Villlnm dewl Tumult nwnl Aul 7uilhlrlrwh In sum gm nnd Mrs Howard have mumM lo lhe rcclnry Mum will lhcir children lhry hdvn enjoyui month vncn Jan In norUum OnLmu Mr nnd Mn Arlhur Clmprr Ind Mr and Mrs Wu Illmllr Ilen rtlunml hnmr Invlmt went mcrnl dnyl lourlnk Nur Mm 0mm my exljuycd hip ulmnl thelollr nm Ex lmm orhrlme lo Moon 11 nml Ivy boat lo Mom Inc my Island Al the Museum In Cum In alklni wilh llm cup at lhcy rarnrd lull he nnd 11 Wife Md Mu John Dullon ululm IMIr Dnmld Smilh ol Lns Angelo Ipcnl wrka vncnlinn It In home his pannu Mr ahd Mu velar Smilh Mm Rum ol Gmnd Hmd Ls also vuitor nl hc Smilh home Ruby mm returned weak ngo lrnm nilwmmk mention in Jamaica ling by Mr ViThis zslmlflï¬al uncrian tu ï¬rst heavy mm min 5hr lhnmlddle June Tï¬ugh it has cnme loo Me or mm min and mil crops lurmm me graldul or rcnew al pasture and want 11pr Thu min was nctdtd fur the polalo mm It was with regret the people of Cookslnwn learned he dth of Rev William Rnynblds n1 Riverdale Hospital Toronto Aug Mr Roynolds along with his rule and Wu sons erliam and Erlc came to nhflown Kn lhe all 1917 and he served minister of 130 Presbyterian Church hm 1g our years Sympalhy ex dud to his wile and sonso Kymmu Smpnhy Is extended 10 Mrs muce Mayors who rcccived word Aug ol the dull of her lAlhct Joseph Watson ol Ennix len Formnnagh Ireland and Mr and Mn Edr Slurgcss 9h line Innisï¬ whose Ion he died suddenly July Mrsi Ira Viisnn Mrs Jcbh and gr nddaughtcr Balbara Jchh spent iew days at last week with friends in St Cath arlncs tirs Ethel Jcbh spent the ï¬st woekend in Barrie visiting and Mrs Iomnce Hunter Miss Marian Robinson anon to was holidaying last week in town with her sister Mrs Di Evans and Mr Evans REV REYNOLDS Hum ml mu mm lvl Tmm nmm hum an ummm In my mum on Misses JoAnne and Judy Mc Farland Susan and Beverly award and Joanne RiIcy are attending twoweek Bible smdy at Pioneer Camp in ma fluskoka dislrict VMrs William Thompson oi weir Quebec is visiting her niece and ncphcw Miss Gladys Nixon and Allan Nixan QUEENS HOTEL Mm mu Mum when Ihl Atllnn IL Agriculture Minister Greene shows cattle at the experi mental farm Ottawa la Ivan Spika XLm Yugoslav arm GOGO Iho Dawn Tvio lillTl 10 11y MISS McMASTER YUGOSLAVS STUDY CANADIAN FABMMEIIHODS Um COOKSTOWN NEWS ml yr nhlm Ind Mn Har mn uwnl cw um 1hr plul urrk Al Wunl urll and Snuhlc Men In Um Owru uml Illllrlrl Mr urnn And Tnmnm Ilwnl Aug Aurlrullurc Samy wlsll III In kcrp ln mlnd he OIII Tymc Flddlcn rnnlnl Frldny mm In 50m ml the allowing work the annual kaslnwn lIll Fall Fridly nml Silur day SrpL and 17 SenHI kaslnwn llniml tnnxrrznllun nllcmlnl mun In Irrvlce In Tlmrnlnn Unllrd church Ann 14 Lloyd Cum TI II TOTFI7NHMI Slum 11w annrnl Mluinnnry Snrlrly n1 Frmr mhy Iumh hm hm hm mlhu or man lhnn yrnrl hmluz Ilnxml hml In If Iln Gumm Irl nllnr In rhunh church Ann 14 Lloyd Cum mlm Slrnml Nlllllllllld lhu mvrr llw nlnrnre nr nav Mr Mllmy who on mlldly 11w Hum ulslm mm Mn 1mm mu mum lhutnlon ml Ilully will wnr xhlp ln lhr Unlird church Iurr Ronn uuvsls wih Mrs McMaslcr included Mn Earl MC rr loAnn lnulim and We rornnm Mr and Mm Kuln Murray and son erlmcl of Windsor Mr and Mrs Dunran Nlchol Hum vllIc ML Ind Mrs Bassingm mile at Toronto 5mm day rcccnlly wilh Inucr sis cr hlrs William Walker number cub 1nd their rub mum from town mm In enjoyahln woekrnd Camp Wildmnn Gmrglm Ely Dis Allan Kcll Donald Wilwn Tammie Caldwell nrinn Hints and John Cooper spent the weekend of Augun 13 in Bqflllu um Nllxara Falls Mr Ind Mn Don Mnnkmnn Cathy and Lenin have relurn cd ram rip lo Saskamhcmn visiling Mu Mankxnans mo ther Mrs Kuiiak in Valrom and two sislcrs in Regina am Winnipcg In the kin of almost 700 miles the dmugm exporicnccd hen was evidcnk in all the plates visited Hismry made it way int his journcy whcn he travellers met lady at their hole by the name of Mrs Watson llclenv Corhcfl Her father John Car belt native at Oookstwn penned names shop besida he Medley Haul later moving his business Io Thornton izamm advcnlscs own FlddIcrs comm held early in September Carling at theCaIednnia Hausa Two cruise boats Miss Musko Xa and Lady Muskukn make several Iripa day to and from Eraccbridge and Gravenhursl While in Port Carling the group Visiwi Rev and Mrs Kol logg and live children Mr Kc Iogg former minisler ol ha Unilcd Church Cookslawn has or the last night summers spent August holiday in Port Car ling supplying on the vwmpolnl chars 01 Port Carling and mm and Buy $24000 SHARE 11 WENIll Adminlon We HIGH ST SPFTIME JALKPOI manager during visit to the arm Four senior members the Yugaslav agricultural purchasing agency are touring Mm NuScwlu Chmm Evny Mondly 00 pm RCAF assoc wmn BINGO MTIVIIIIM TIM PM 101 It AND mo IM MNIIM TN AND IN PM hmml mvim wrrr Am II or HIV Villa at Grlmlhy mm In unrrll Hnmr Mr ll HOMIZRVIIJ Mr And Mrs Ttd inrll Jr have tomplclrd mm inu an lhrlr hmnc Mr And Mrl Albm leny Ire Imlnu Hie llnlxhlnu luurlm on ntw man And rrruwny nl llrlr homo cunzr Irnrlur Inn rrrrnlly relunml her 1mm Mlslan Ihowllal nml ll II lmmd In mm hlm luck ln IIII nuke ll lho Dxlnk number of School leash and 0mm mm the Unlud Church Journcycd lo Thrcn Mlle Lake Aug Ind were gum or Mr and Mrs Ilindle Il their collage Rev Ind Mrs Mllmy and NHL drrn Mm are holidaying In that nrla lsn were xucxls Mm hm bountiful meals wcre njnyrd and xlngsnnn Mr Milmy rxprusud lhc lhlnkl all Uw llindlcs and ended mm xhpr dcynliohal Inlk Mrs John lluughlnn 51 has ralurnrd Iller manlh vnullon In Vancnuvnr 110 where we enjoy lnmily muninn with her qluhl brother and lelrn Mn Ilaughnm nnw In In auxst her daunh lrr 5m Paul Jnxos and dull drcn Mldlaml Mm lllIrJorle Eldridge and Mn Vu llimllo won mm It mllcclllnrnux slxnwtr August 12 In Churchill lnr Mlu Gnu lllndlc Srplnm brr hrlllv Mr and Mrs John Far and Mr and Mrs George Far spent the pasl week vacation lng It Canadian Kcswlck Part Carling ROW Mrs Arthur Hayes nil¢wis ville Texas has rclurmd home after visiting rcccnlly with Mr and Mrs KC and Mr Elbert axes LlelEllTMN TEACHERS The Cubs and Scouts of his town had paper collection last Thursday These collec thms will be made once month as they have contract tn supply pann lo one of the Baffle factories Mr and Mrs Wilson Wright Barbara and Min are holiday 1m his wnck with lricnds Manitoulin Island Robert McMamr of Toruntn is summer guest of his grandfather Dave Hemmer lugging cousch Mr Ind Mrs Navils spent weeks holiday in he Parry Sound distrid Mr Ind Mu BruceMcLenn and three daughters have re turned utter twpweek holi day at Owen Sound at Saublc Hench with Mr MCIAIH mm and hrothm Mrs McLean Ind Donald Congratulations to ML and Mrs Jlm Arnold Willa Mae Lyons who are honeymoon lnz in the wcslcrn pmvlnce following Ulclr wedding in Markdale Aug parents Mr and Mrs Kidd Canada to 51de agriculiura research facilities famflng op eralian and farm machineryv planls CP Wiropholol mm you mun rr hrlvl Sman lluuhu Sunwr vlllu wax Um hmhaml he lnrmer Flnnncu Crnwlnrd IIL In Krnnrlh Cramfan No time In rhomlan ynunz mun Ind wnl mlnlnlrr whll wu known hm 1hr Tawn Ilnc Preshylrrlan Church hill wly hclwrrn kallnwn ml Tlmmlnn nn lllthIy 27 ll wn than mu Ind mmlnl Cuwmrd whn wu me rhurrh vulnhl Sympathy nlrmlrd Mn Sumrrvlllu anfunl hmfly Ihosc on holiday Um week are Mn and Mn Gnnlon IX and two daughters molarIna In Paciï¬c 00ml Mr and Mm ll Simpkim Me in Manilohll 0V and Mn Hul dmhy and amin mm he for uni numb on their Mm Edm my Jnrk nml Dnvld Sub Inn at Home Furlnry wilh lhnr cumin Ourdyn IInIndrille who mum hm in the bland hmpktnl or Hddmm and In in Shnrnu Mary load in Toronla the dauglllu Mr and Mm Hurry Ferguson wha lived hm In UK 405 Tm munllu mo they Km up arming and are llvjzu invanurkcL Wm in Spmgualer Park Midhum Aug Friendship km and lmï¬c for young and old is promised Bring picnic basch Md mjoy the Minsk games hall and hmscdwe pitdï¬ng number mm hm wcm In the Royal Black Pcrcmlory par ndc and Celebration held 31 Owen Sound Saturday Aug 13 nus On July 30 Mn And Mn Slum Mcwmrlur allcndul he wedding 01 Mary Ferguson and Dmnis Brat In SL Andrewl Prcsbymian murch Newman with rocmllnn and dinner Several rem hem mended flue Iuncruzl service Rev MI Somrville an Saumiay n4 Cooks lawn with Imminent Ln Thorn lun cmncimy He was married lo former Innlsfil girl Flar ante ormm In the early day flu ministry he used to supply In Strand and LcIroy Prmbyluian Churches Mr So mcrvilie yws old and liv ing in Grimdyy had been in hospital there or six weeks PICNIC Be sure attend 1h 10m muowalcr And Gcor edt UI MI Deep regret is tell at the pas sing on Friday at Mrs Luella Johnston She had been inï¬lm pltal tor three weeks Mme medical science rild it utmost ta combat diabetic condition Mrs Johnston gave dedicated service to Stroudpublic ovor the lust 15 yam as Central tou Lhe Strand Telephone Company and the last twu year as despalohu tor the police and fire departments or lnnistil She was very ahllging anxious to give service and wonderful neighbor Dozens of homes my own included have artiï¬cial fluwm and novelties of loam paper and wool that were made by her skillful and nimble tingl the scene but was umblela quell the lam blaze Fortunate ly the animals were on pasture but two handcarved leather saddles valued at over $500 werq dcslmyed CHURCH NOTICE On August 21 me PitMer ian Chumh will dismiss and vote on melpmposed emch of cross in Innisï¬l Park and church service there Bess Wallace win Nuke Lhe service In United Church Aug R1115 JOHNSTON 11 flnccyearald ham Ghaflcsvlucas Yonge Street was mm by Hm Monday al temoon The mner was at work vegetable inmlm at Bradlord His son Jon m1 coming 1mm Barrie was walk ing to thebam when he noticcd smoke coming out at the ventil Mon where hay was stored he ï¬re blfgade was mm on By 11123 nwmm NELSON The community is shocked learn mat DSproule former reeve and aucLimeer of am county not impmving as had been hoped An nsflrmaflc condiflom phMyilIs and heart snack since going to the howit al have 121 him in weaken ed cvndiliml August 15 was his 6013 binbday anniversary FIRE FEATURE AT 111 IM MILE NOW PLAYING Egrmér ILnniéï¬l Reeve IsIll Ianospitjal 11mman Squiru who phml er In ha ltngur Ilnrlrd lhclr pinynUH hm Aug am mm hnnllouuhl lelnry our lhirdLWThnmlnn uun lhe gnmg Everyone knew Frank Valentino 15 was shocked to hear at his tntal accidenL by shooltnz Aug at ht hmc Lot 10 Con 10 just Inuh 01 he old Mount Pleasant Schoot RR Thurman Sympathy is cxlcndrd to lhe bereaved tam ilyl Funual service were held Aug 10 at St Pauln Church Altiston with interment in the adjoining ccmclery number 1mm Caulcstown and lolly rangrrgatinnl In Wall as other mum were presrnl at the maman vlrc Trinity Umtm Church In Sunday In Mar Lloyd Cumming of sum speak an he rnnllnual leUv whlch no nll wane Our ntlnmlon wax drawn to the armour wear which wuuld he ulllnblc to combat the vnrtws nltackl The tone Shim acmmpanlcd by Mr mnthrr Mm Don Hana delith all with their lrtn 44 Thu xminaIKmo placed JUNIOIK SIUIITH The main barn an Ioundntion on ll Aria Schaly arm RR Thornton war burned Aug TM is situated at All Can lnanlil lhcrclore was allnnd ed by lho lnnlslil Fire Brigade The loss included lhc contents mainly baled hay Luckily he wind wa in lavorablc dlrcc lion su hat no nlhcr buildings were end allhough sparks mm carried some du tanw FATAL ACCIDENT Bums Ls in New markez hospital tollnwim an ill nesg on Wednesday may had expeded to move Wayweek to their nevi home the former Ed gar 111mm Inrm In spite of the fact that some walks on the Eiflel Tower Pet an closed to the public be cause 346 people have commit ted suicide from it since 1906 anolhm man ended his lile lrom it last week It was Ihe him cs lawn In H1 wrld 100 WllDlV WMIOI WU WWW mum lam mww 1W son and Mr anduhm D611 Really have been in Toronto at helnncml their cousin quglas gcamg attending commem at Port Elw in the UnwindAuto Work er Educational Central me The theme the conterence 13 Women In Tummws19i lies Hon unglas will be present at he banquejN day evening Mr and Mn Todd oak Mm Biggar to Port Elgh of 1966 cthue for $25 was received from Twmship ac ï¬rst prilu float in Hue ï¬eld day par ade Mel Cook thanked the four haani members and their wives who had worked on he project Plans Im Hallwaen pafly are underway Mra Roy Brown Biggaru Mk hqslgemvlsl net siy BOARD we hall board meeting Aug 11 dmtauon was pre sml to ask Im lreejuse the hall In the almwons Since the hall is In the Rd schedule of allemoon murals was drawn Boy Gpodlgllqw Iurned over diam Miss Alice Robertson Nmau Mm has been with hu sisler Mrs Sumedmd or three weeks relumed on Sunday with another sister Mrs Gray or two weeksvisi¢ in Toronto Fire Destroys Thornton Barn Mr updgï¬fs Efï¬gy Thognp warunl AvaSthTeasel Wmnoomaooml mm Jlï¬wmbWSEaflflm Hams mun By M115 HOLT SYARIING TOMORROW Mammy vmmurï¬miuiuiï¬ 551am ntccnl vlallnrn Mr and Mn ll lmrock mm the Inl lnrl nunlu and unclex Mr and Mn Jnhnaloxl ml hlltlflll IJMnM and Mr and Mn Illlrhlc nml rhildrcn Lucknow Mr lml Mr Waller Mc Fadgrn Mama and Mn lrclm Slmud visflnd Aug with Scott Sham Sptmllnl Sunday outhnun were Mr nml Mu Icorgc Halt Human nunh Zmloxl cal lnrk Herl Ilnrlon Mlsm Irene Ilurlnw nml anrcs chk lum Aflh ho Inllrra Lnuslm Mr Mr Mrs Nnrm Turrnll ol Wrslnn Rev when Henderson 50m crviile was laid to rest In Thorn lon Union Cemetery Aug 13 Mr Somcnillc ministered tn Presbyterian Church along with Ivy and Baxter Churlhcs in the early 1920 and whilc here lived In tho Thornton manse now owned by Nnrmnn Cox worth on Robert Strch It was while he was In this chnrgc he met and mnrriul Miss Flur cnce Crawford organist of the Tnunllnc Church Ills retire ment years were spent In licnmsville Funeral service ml at Hughes Funcrnl Home kaslnunv Sympathy ls cxlnnd ed in hls Min and nlhtr rol mins lrom their Tharntnn lrlcnds Thoae who rctcnlly renewed ncquiainlmlccs ullh Miss Fran cc chklum are Mr and ML Royal Walker and Ronnie and Mn Flurcncc Walktr Toronto secund in the league duv Slrflud 51 wifll Rick All Thamwn one came 1m the best three series my souvame Members of Hillsdaln Club mended Achievement Day tn Elmale kmununity Hall mcs The Wumnnl lnslilule held lhcir August meeting at the home Mrs Jack Todd Tues day evening Congratulnlions tn Ly ndn backhnn and Lionel Trew who passed their 61 examina linns mm LEA Mr andMn Viréenwood of hiiphlgan called on Mrs Joseph boa an the weekend Weekend visitors or Mr and Mrs John Murphy were Mr and Mrs Jim ORourke Dua wn and Mr and Mrs Paul Rqberls Lindsgy CansL Wayne min 01 Quebec ls heme tor few weeks hulk days Wm um uqu umln bcrt Bum Chum Prices at tho farm sale last week were considered quite good with grade cow going mm 00 5500 Antique collactms wgm thrilled wiih the rope bed chest at drawen gonedwimlhewind lamp siereoscope pictures 431 selling high Bowman Allgnx sale an aid square piano was bought by Tmonta man or over $67 He said In 1bmn4olt would havebécn uigiclhe pricg as Emng Whp love music 1m in her maximVic secand hand pianos The piano stool want or $11511 on the deaih his father Robert Thurman In ma Ms son Edgar took over the lamin lannandmadauï¬vingforhis mother who had 6mm here as bride in 1901 and his MA ï¬ler Jack and two sistm This week um awn bewmcs the NW3 lye nqvgownpr Al m4 untfl quite recently Russia W1 one three eel higher SALES HILLSDBLE 1m in dawned Mlmn SHHNTY BAY THE 1mm EXAMINER mmnDAvAucUsr in ma WE MLRISCII WRWRAIION JOHN swnnrs wun GAVE You In GREAT ESCAPE NOW unmos vou mg quMArE CELEBRATE STRONGMAN show on the lsflrcanmry Qunu The 030711 and TV bet strongman Mu Cyt IMPERIAL Burgie urchin THEATRE DRIVEIN SATURDAY SPECIAL TONIGHT 0N mu uwuu unmumeux ule HARRY MORGAN SUE ANE LANGDON NANCY KOVACK AUDREY CHRISYIE ROBERTSTRAUSS ANTHONV ISLEV memlm TNATIERRIM mm mm momma Km YRLDERICK do DORWVA an ma Mm 33 TECHmcomR Wm umtED ARnSTs EDWARD SMALL ml its FUN its is its ITS 12 lllghwny ll II Gulhfll NOWSHOWING AT BOTH THEAIkEs NEW SHOWSTARTS SUNDAY AT DRIVEIN 17 Turns mam Sanal mum on STARTS SUNDAY DISTRICT NEWS 2nd FEATURE AI DRIVEIN ONLY Come Early And Play Bingo Bond Is Back Great leulures nelneen lhrrh And omn HEIINICOMI IICHNISCDPL DRIVEJN THEATRE