Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Aug 1966, p. 8

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Mr and II FwdM mm FrMI ll mmuln vml In Mr an Mn Tripp Mr Mn 3mm Rollin Mn 1an Inn cl Aflhur mo Imllrlnylnz wflh Mr ml Mn Cull Johnm lul wuk Mr Ind MIL Snldrr and Mr IIIII Mu Snldrr Il mdnl Um Ohnrflnn nnnlnn nl Plrk IHcrlmmugh Mr and Mn lllmly Il Inuitd lllonl le llr raptwry plud It Owen Sound mlunhn Mr Ind Mu 0mm Snidn ml Inmin mlmrkul Fm llrk Hunlnn fiwlnanlu hrk Mltlhunl Mr Ind Mn Enlvlrr rnl Friday wllh Mr Ind lrl Gmru Mulhlll Mldllnd Mr Iml Mn What And lrlmklluflllrr min Krmplvlllfi wrrr sum VIII MI Hundyl nlno Mn ll Vlllwlnl nl Illnln Mr And Mn nunlull Ind lmIly lull In hol Mnylnl It mum Wu llurlu Ind wllh Mr llurduHI punnil Mr and Mn ll Greml hm It corfcspands Lo ailing into light sleep and Ike pallent wakes rdreshedlf he hasnt 135d an accident In the mean me Holly met In the Sunday School room or the Augusl meeting Ms Irene Kcll was hostess Prcsldcnl Mn Srlg ley opcntd tho mulan nnd Had an Interesting article Donl bu Chicken You In an Eagle It was nnnnunc ed the rat luck supper or Sept ll woud cummtncu pm no call was nnswurd by ll ladlu Mrs Flshcr had prepared lha program and brxnn with can test Mls che belnx he wln mr Mn Fisher Inlk rcnlrtd on Iho Tm Tommnndmrnl wilh rmphnsls on Thou Ihnll have no nlhcr nod halorc mt and Love lhy nzlghbor She dan wlm mranlnu modem dny altitudes Jenux leachlnxl Ind Ml lhu lhomzhl that Chrlsllnm mould be mncrrm hr nlhm Russ Gilmy was speaker the Unlnn Church serviu at Thurman and lha Inst lwo Cookstown United Church Ser vice at Lm UCW MEETING Sympalhy 01 ha dlslrlcl exlendcd lo lhe lamlly ML Ilowcmll also In Ihe lamjly Mn anp who passed away recently in Barrie Howevef other causes of la Ugue and sleepiness should he considered Among them are underacklve 1h old sudden lawerlng of blood sugar epilep tic attacks myaslhenia gravix mama obeslty use drugs the combinatlun of seda The Holly LR Club hava completed another nucccxslul home garden club Holly Cos mos Cullcs have made plans at 1th exhibit on Prescrvw lion or Achlcvcmenz Day Aug 17 at Alllslan Th9 gardens did well In nplle 01 dry weather and other setbacks and lhc girl learned how to freeze and can cgclnbls nnllnn narcolepsy oc uslonally but lrankly Ive nzvcr lmnwn how many people cared Them la even disagree ment as In ll prevalence Some doctors believe it we nLher eel um lt is not pm vided symptom are properly mined Ilecpncsa mm muéda weaan and at Limes even hal Trd Noumea and Hum SYMPTOMS VARY Yet the cause simply is not known Some investigators think head inluries or brain inflnm mauon fencclphnliflsi may hnva laiiimthe grgundworin The attach of deep vary in frequency Sometimes they in ncmlam Sometimes and In some people they may occur as often as four or live Um day and more nilen In men than Its true that not much known about narcolepsy It dlsnrder al persons sleep pat tern He can all asleep spon taneously while mlklnx drlv arr even valqug Den Dr Molnar have never seen anything ln yaur column about narcolepsy It seems that little known or dlsdnscd concerning IL am 59 and have been troubled with it to the extent at wrecklng three can and didnt even know abwut ltl was 20 when noticed the int symptomsD ll T0 GOOD HEALTH By JOSEPH MOLNER MD Dfllnrénfibhasu alum angels My MRS DOWNING CREIGHURST Hy MM HANDY Not Much Is Knowh About NarcolepSy SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS HOLLY £2 fiififimfiiuflm NEWTON ROBINSON In unguhdfllml Io flvln Iwflhn lam Mm IMML Fhlniy flay ll Ihn ml Hunky nigh TIM MM II lurnnl TIIVIIII utnlnl ll VIII hm Im who HUM 0m Um Mr nnd Mrs nvln M0 Joan ltmfionl ule re cenlly mm In lhmwrek honey mmn lhrmxxh In uralrm pro Hun my vininl Mm Ruth Crnnlnrd Calgary Mr 11ml Mu Tumy MrCullmmh 111m lnrmrr Vhllnln Ianm In South Ilurnnby Mr nml Mn Dnul Tumlmm Innncr ml ml hrre In Vhlnrln Mr Inul Mu I1nrrnro Graham IM Angrlu TAM nnll urrrnl Yolnll Menll Includan Nu Mr ml Mm Lmln Mn Mr Ind Mm Ralph naugh lnn Ind Imlly and Mn and Mn Taylor at erkdnle call ed on triends hm Sunday Congratulnllmu In Mr and Mn Manll Mclmhur on Iha blrth baby girl lCIndy Marie the Royal Vlclorla Momma nd Mn nurmnn Toronto vlsllod mmlly ullh lhrlr Innlnlnw and daughter Mr and Mr cGrmar Ml nrcndn nl Saulhnmplnn anlnnd spent lhrm wackl visiting rtllfllvrl Mr and Mn 10w WMIE here ha Gow Inmfly look Mlu volume on lrln Ihmuxh ltnnynlvunln lourhlnx my land Inln Vnshlnglnn hm lhry vhflrd lhe Whiln Hume IIan Abraham Llnunln Mrmorlnl cman he Memvrlnl flrldln nl lullnulou In vlnll KennMyI grm MI Drlxhlnn wn lm Ircrml wllh plum mind In anmln and the spent Snunhy with Mr Ind Mm All Ilauzhlon number from here attend ed the xhnwer held In Hand Hold for Mm Suzanne Mm 311 Friday awning Cangulumlans ML Ind Mrs Lawrence Copcluul on the birth their son in New Irket hosplul Frldly Aug Dlvid Connell spent wquend At his home here community shower was held Saturday night at the hall or Mr and Mn TonyCooksley nee Edith Humor The even lnx was spcnl playing cuthre Gar Burton brought good wish es lo lhn young couple on be half the cammunlly and by 12 my was pmcnlcd la ME and My Cooksleyi ML and MIL chk Shurlldl Harry and Bruce spent holiday In Klnxslnn wllh Mu Shurllcfll parcnu NM In Vitamin wan cure allergies and agree with your feeling that you an being hoodwlnked Loos or frequent bowel movement can result from an nvcracLiva thyroid gland and likewise from an excessive dos dose you spedflcd In extremer age or lhyroid substance The whether it actor in ynur small so would ucsllon page lh0 thyrold su lance uch boihcflng you yuu aié unusually sensitive to It Dear Dr Molnar diarrhea Irom an IhyroidLfl It quite common or the sex drive In women to incleast because of the point you men tioned no further tear ol prep nancy However very mung nmnunnnl element Ls involved My suspicinn that somehow you got the Idea implanted in Your head that sex driva might decline So it did Knowing that the drive does not stop then and knnwing that Mother Na ture Isnt sadistic may be all that you need By MRS ll CRAWFORD Bur Dr Molnar Docs sex nativity cease after menopause If no think Mother Nature 13 sadistic am 50 and havent had parlod In year Now that dont hava to worry about pregnancy am disappointed that my sex drive L1 gnne My husband very virus Can you help ImeYSJS lives or tranqulllzer with alco but being Important and danger When it ta qute certain that all at these possibilities have been etiminatcd then there Inarcnlcpsy Treatment by drugs stimulating nature at the amphetamine or ephe drtna types for example And In same case attacks at nam lcpay may cease abnntaneously and Wu dont know why any more than we know why lhey 0R0 STATION Can mm overdose of Cnpk Ind Mrs Dennis Hu woud Thmnlo spent the week end with their intent Mr Ind Mn Eldon meur Ilm thnlr granddaughter Nanty Laumer Barrie Mr And Mn Murray Ind Imlly Newmnrkel ed durlmz the weekend their pnrcnls Mr and Leslie Rose Mr Ind Mrlr Kennelh Slup or and hmlly Guelph vlsilcd their parents Mr and Mn Roy Sleeper Their grind dnughlm Dmcnc Em Ind Maxlne Ironic rutumcd homn with them or holldny Mr Ind Mn Norman Jan Torunlo wcnl and with Mr And Mrs emu Menu Mn ii Flood Thesaaion in visiiiug he broiherininw and tislcr Mr and Mn ihrvey Robinson Mrs Gladys Hamish Ind hm hm Ind Mend New lowcll vlsllcd Mr And Mm Omar Linton Mr And Mrs Robert How aid and family Morrisburg an vlsiilng their parents Mr Ind Mrs George Dcxlcr 1150 Mr and Mrs Stewm Dexizr and family Engoiville Que DAILY CROSSWORD Sympathy ls nganded lo the Gibsvn families in the sudden passing of John Martin Gibson Fnser SL Angus Miss Catherine Dunn Erm berg Falls Vermont visit ing her nephew and niece Mr and Mrs Frank Dunn By MRS DUCKWORm Inn 211mm nnmml and 1lele II mm 32 rpm mm an uh 3n much Gumn an Anllqunlod iiiHum 4n mva Three notmmp This in the mind way of Idenulying lha dktribmlon and highcard point counts Threa nolrump in this lequence shawl to 15 high card points notrnmp distribution and dam flapper in club It Is hmdare hlghly des cripIive bid ll North has hnnd unsuitable or nolmmp play he in free go on In beam or any olher suiL Wright Elxrnhowtr l0 Illlllm mlnl llulxlhll brown rMnr L1 AMI Ilevolvrd 15 Elunnllnf luMllflI 10 0M mmuu Imam 171rrlnll Hal mm MImr limml urn 21 Fuunm 11 mm Ill Zfllelm Is hater to bid tour heart than hm because there is good chance that the opponent can sacrifice profitably in sgades or diamonds and the jump to four is man apt to block out the save mazwauldyau blumwwm etch of an followlng llv man mm on em 4mm 133KQ754AQ 41mm on 4352 use 62 um 410m 111M853 09 um we Four hearts There Is no dam you can mdcr Em at two clubs but Is ncxt to im possible or we clubs doubled to be lhe final contract with 12 spades and 11 diamonds missing you can feel 51g Ihat the man em av er mep than dubs You are Sauih neither kide yuinerabie The bidding has nurxurll Unll North rm South West 1v Mm mom way you meet our new lalcn mannl lJlmfiy CONTBACT BRIDGE ANGUS ant you to meet our new unlcn manngceé Ho tho ambitious gogcucr typo weve looklnsr for mnlrncllnn IL rum lravllenl 71ry mm Inmlrml Amu 1n Irvlnxnml Lllllc mlhllrn DOWN erlmfn Tu wnlk llmrlnr lMllu éy BECKER jock Clm Rose visit with Mrs mm Nut hull Imu 22 Emma 21 my 23 lKrvlvln Plant or pm lnmlly i1 nrchng ml 2n mmnm Immrn cu Hulame 11 MAKI Several members at he mm or Farmers entemlncd mm mm Wntcrloo County liver the weekend Mrsfi Robert Campbell spending our days ln Toronm the Royal York Hotel voting delcgnle the nnnunl meeting of 1b Women Rich Federation French exchange student mm Quebec who Jims guest for two weeks neeom panied them Jim Bess visiting his nude and mm Mr and Mn Dun Thom sun at Grenfcl Don Bee Dmvnlo was wqueng nung of 1th Member ol the Pmsbylnr In Church authored 0m anrlal Pllk Mondy mm or mill hue and com roast with pie Ind Ice cmm In dessert The pawhon Man the Pm vlder al Expo 67 will tell the story H19 worldl light against hunger Mrs McCunlg Ind family In accompanying her pmnu Mr and Mrs Bradley of Milton on low duyx halidny to the States Alex Graham and mm Jlm and Tom of Gan1e spent the weekend with pamuts Mr nnd Mrs rAlax Graham IUEOUNTE HUNGER FIGHT Mrs mule Slm and Sally visited triesads at Kirk land Like the first of the week Two hearts is rare to raise naflnnr with only lwo mm the alternative hid double pass Wm diamvnds or twn spadesera all len attrac Um This is one of those cases when any bld you make ls Itch nlcalw wrong and ha only thing to do 15 use your best judgment in choosinz the bid you think least wrong Your trump short for the two heart bid but there are com pensnling values in the form of 10 highcard poInLq partner passes youre probabiy in the best it he bids again yMI will almost surely make game No heart Theta In temptation to bld twn spades which would oxca partner to bld again but it In better In settle for two hearts thch partner Ls free in pas II he does pass game chances are liker in be pooh two made hid mlgM gel the bidding me my tuxned out that North had minlmmn opening bidn Doublet Game is by means certatn and the best ac Man to try ta exact penalty from East Our three highcard trick added to Norths presum ed three deteth trtcks pin the prospect of one or two trump tricks tndtcate that East will have tough time trying to make two clubs North will naturatly expect better tram for the double but we make upjor thtl tn other ways By MRS CAMERON GUTHRIE 3L Om IIlm Iul MMIWII an Kan Ic mules Puma mwmzj TALL DAD N78 cnaw 11 wfloouvau FURWNIK COOKS 5A MRDWERSP sr AWAY 41 l20

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