Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Aug 1966, p. 6

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have spare bedroom and we set up cot In the II brnry We gava the girl In spare bedroom Ind put Robert on the con Dur Ann Linden am grandnwiher who med more modern hand than mine to ig ura MU am right or wrong Our grandson came to visit few days ago He brought along the air he plan to mnny Robert 21 The girl 20 Th morning aflcr slatted Iha ooflu pot golng peeked lnlo th library to see lob er was up and wanltd hls cof fee served Io him wax lnnished to find the girl Asleep beside nobcrl ken them both and told lhcm wa didnt 511w that ml mlng in our home asked the girl to to her mum She became very up poly called me eviLmindnd nnd nld they had been up talk nx unfil very lne She mld me My me fallen asleep Robert took the argument rlxhl up imlslcd that they cer ininly wouldnl be dumb to try Anyminz wllh grandpa and me In he vcry nut room Ind what kind ol perm did lhlnk lhoy wen anyway Rob made quite nvble wwh Mondlnz lhelr mornl aund Md and mkd up by llmnnd mum Almm 1966 Icale dawn handbags complement nhoxt mm and heels and wins girl into gear or high school or college Bag shown who thin wofld coman to Ann Landm when grnnd mother expccud lpfllcflilo unmarrlld young parpic whn an Iourvl do in toudhen Home loll mr am wrong Anomrl World Work You are not wrong Thu gin hnd no bus ncu on Ibo cMMlher mornlxunr lhal nwxl be oubt mlously hnl any thing nut cl 1h my Etrurrcd hut navemelts yml nwc her nu Now she own you on or plum you In Inch an em barmxlng mum whlll lurll In ywr homo Ii NAIR ANN LANDERS bur Ann II In Our muzth hm mmminx pool do Inmrthlng whlch my lumband and find dlnnuu lnz npcrmlrlullc mmlmfll 111 11 HI our neighbor mm plus loll lhrnL aynlrm In lhflr mil ml uriuhhvn know hen My welcnmn Io mm over Ind film in H1 pm my ny nu Amerlrnn nu whm mm wekmn Whm Ihl Hal ml llylnl lhfl mom hum The In In ovm on Lola Il 1an nlrk mm polml lnlu lhn wlrl mmh In lance II pm mm um lpllrr and flu II flth nl Ihil wry mnrmrnl Ammr mm plum mm llm mind Ilml 1M um wrnt ml Ind Mom back ullnd Anwrlrnn Hug Aru lead Hwy vmnl ml ran Ilnd Inmblmz lhgl Mr ml Hwy vmnl ml ran Ilnd nMMM lhll Inyl IM hnuld b1 um ullnnl In Idl MOI WY mm ml Mm Hm Tllrnflli dinM lhn Him pmple mnlklwu Impact llny lull lunarn1 Ian urlllm yuur WM £1qu mums lhnl yau and hue rumMu Imk mum um yuu hN mm may Imw 1m lam Hwy wmlrl helm dyflflnnly Try my my The Apology Should Come From The Guest and Fan51 and Ill bet you will be rm Prison its concerned Tenn Who Wlnll la mm Oul You dont we him reason that make sense to hlmf L1 not interesth in ellher on or sense Tell him you are lbwugh debating the matter and il he dnun accept your decision to 1le uan lnpqganded my 17qu new ea er graln called Su per Bullalo that ls sariproof easy to clean and well with schoolgirl allowam Dy ELEANOR ROSS Think big In the ammo nl furnuuru ml year New 0mm Arm mum mm mm muy 0w Gmnl mainly on lot umM mm 3min Igtmbtmd lunfluw caminlly In UN mod orn tempo deal lokm hm Infly nun lmk um II dmnky NI mphl 1mm th km at Ifmkdvun lulu mm In fimucmu all and nllmllm IL Outnm mm lull dmlrl enuflmlu mnn um minim uhcum my me mamml Io Um floor or nmmlul nme at Mod mum on ln MN 1mm lmxnl It uni ur mum mm ur can STICKS T0 CYCLE FOR LONG TRIPS Obvtuiy III Iran Anulml hm unwed nevimuly whh mltm nr mrimuumry mm an ml mm nu nahy 14va nifluuflr In Hmflnu mde dulm Auburn and HM ml Mal um um um l0 um In if mud muman mm lm nml vulzumlm armaw rm plm mumwu uxdmuwl bondwn Md mm ml 01er yilhml fun mm lor rm Imlmn Mum MI IN nvwlnl mny Mun In New nu own plehly nhrlc mvrml ruin mm within mu 1va mm 42 In In mum wuml ml mum um mm the WW Ill IIIJIIW 7w Furniture Theme Is Think Big 11m Mun um um lmaviiy luluml min1y ur arm runy tmufle animal Mm no llmul Ikln handy mm Int rwry hula and mu dam KINGSTON CP Es tella McBride Toranln slennmphcr Illll taken lengthy trips on her Mcycln the age of 62 She passed through Wednesday on her way In Upper Canada VII lnge nl Harrisburg 31 miles to Iha northeast Mb humid mm the trip Oshnwn 129 miles w1st or herc Snlurdny Shu sald ah has covered some 30000 mile since she look up the Sport 22 year no and hu ridden 5mm Canada through part the Unllcd Slates Imlnnd and England lDNDON AP For mm man so yam Manya Segud tried to 1mm publishers In play Iha wmle sham her broken romance The rail splmler met with string of niacflmu but clung tn the hope Ihe play would be and even Ilier he death Mk Some pianist of some nme who piayed Mora royalty In Europe died last March ht ago 95 John Exulbyn member ha Redmlh Playm cub said hi amatwr up would cun sidu WW1 plky but WW mum llaqlorllne copy of an Italian original teamres handlin 15th edges an amide pocket and the new shorter length Ilrap In her will 5m probaltd lh lel £1000 $3000 Inward help lng geggmxlha play Np Wong pmic Lho marlAmt he saw it Almost teams It would have to bc burlesque and flu wwldnt be Inlr lo Mm SumL The line No Flawm from the Franl came from the order by Ilmmu conductor whm younl man lxled to pass hau qucl ul roses onto lhe xlnge the Queen all In Lendon as the audlcnm chcmd perform mm by Mlu Sexual Bequesf Provides For Staging Play Sh Kenmi loo Into that the mm were from lhe younx man Ihe loved ohm at hvllon Rejection he rum mean flue end he romance Minx munlly mloznlul to kmlkimnl mmihnt nmwm lmyumUy nnlom doshnu Md mm mm hmno lhcre TORONTO CI Mnrflnnl Lnurcncn unndlnn ham nu lhnr In mu lhrm nmrll Imrk In Canada 1m unuu Will hulnrll Ilnvl In came home rllhl Mill lmlrrucul hnl nnvll Jul Owl wlll be lerlel sun Io Llle 119 lnne Angel hrr nowl No yrm Mn ll II unnllpmlrla lawn Mlu Murnnu Inn Itlll hull Iwr mlull hln mlllldo Cmmla In Mtlrn ar llnlnln uma lurk hm Mmuu hnmullk Im Mm Ml hnmulrk or EnulnnnL Nu In Iprnlllnu haw mnulh hm mimz hrr pulrlhhm and lrlrIMnl mrmuvlrl nl Vnmmlvrr Ilm urne ul lwr Mxl nrwrl lur uhixh Illa Cnnmln mmdl unL WNW IN MANmHM In Laurent Imln mm REV In Nuvun Mun ml lrnflunlnl mm he Unlnr ally Manliolm In mu nu lo anlml nllh hnr 1m hand mu 111M Mm Illnl Sumalllml hum ml milnmlnl trnjull llwy Inmd lo nmuln In IBM and had In Vnnwuur Imln 1m TO WORK ON NOVEL Authoress Returns To Canada Because She Was Homesick Clothe up en es and ylense them and the eflecLs of lhq trend have been so persua slvu Qhat fashhm or flats mnp has become his humus espec ially since In Canada about hal the male population is under 25 students an no longer being nvglaned afnshjoq my WMI the approach of Septem her and the beginning of an other snhool term many Lth graup are preparing hr the first legm an Uuivegsigy able tn pass along some expert clothing advice In gals planning to enter College this all an freshmen we interviewed young Barrie women who are second yegr and senlnr suxdans From Illem we learned what the current style ram are an campus whats being worn lo ciasses and on dates and what the basic require menls are or freshie MISS LESLIE CDXALL who has completed her Bachelor of Am degree the University of Toronto but will return to Taxl onto Teachers College in Sep tember has lhlaadvice for the lroshle considers the following items an absolute must In basic wardrobe one dressy suit at least two or lhrca good wool Iklru slacks blouses and sweat ers Iwo afterlive dresses an umbrella and raincoat and rubbers one good heavy winter coat and lecture coat to be worn lo classes PREFERS ALINE CAMPUS BOUND Sklrls and sweaters or sun and blouses are usually the ln vorilo of most yuung women for attending classes lllisl Caxall prefers the Allna styls because It wler to walk in than the slrnlgm llne and she nulu Ihnl there ls great deal nl walklng in and from classes It depends on the Unlvenlty you are attending but at he Unlvmity nl Toronto yuu cm gel nway with wearing slack In classes In the colder wall Miss Coxnli 4qu lbs xweat er are more pmciicai inr sul denLI living in residence and easier in take care of than blouse Blouse are fine say he graduate but the washing imd ironing can pose prob cm Textured stockings in cotton or wnollnn or the cooler 28th er are very popular combtned tn make total look For ex ample navy hluo textured stack ings and matching puunm might be MAch with grey nafinel 519B Nyxog swing are worn durlng the llmt mmlh nl classes Flat shoal or very sllght slack heel are popu lnr among the sludenls because the nmuunt of walking ln valved Allim or daung depends on the occasion of course For ex ampie to nllcnd toolball gum mos sludan wear slacks lo Ihe game and if golnr out arm the game goat wool tires or ML Im lnvllnllun In rntcmlly pnrly could mean semiKorma drasy wool or simple anor live dress but In lhis case the escort will Indicate uhnt lype Lho myidm formal ml lho College inrmnl Simplicity is Um kinnote in 51mm mm in those occmivnm Alihmlph the design 15 nlmplu lho malcrinl is usually elonanl Iho Anya DEIENDH 0N DATE nc or luo nllrrllve or cork akl drossm can LmIxxlu good arrmy umlm planning In nllcml evening comm nnd mm are many my Ilm young Bani woman lhu propcr drm would ho woollen null or wool dun ViétmlnConcgu Mlss Cox nll any lhcre um um occasion hon onnnl gay aye wnrn VIIITE Mr rlo accnml mr mulcqu In How an Innnunxrs nl the Unhmlly nxm IIuy urn hulk In Pink luml Thrro lmnh rnma mm Mln lmurcnrnn Mrlrnn Mprrlrnro 11m $1110 Juvllml 11 Tom merIImrr nml Thu Imyhcll nmel Ilrll du rInl ow yrnn um llml wnmrd In Ilup urlHnI nlxml Mrlm nml In 1an had to up WIHIIIK lilmltl Mllrn lmvl an In Mr lnlo wulvl rl Hm ynum nuluz In an xqumr lmixln Hwn mm ynu uml In nlp you Is Hm um ml Ihlnu yml xlnnt Mrn lmnw um ynu imwJhn lhlnzl Almul cul lunll limklrmmtl llml un rmqu 54 mm why Im 1ka ullh Mlllng AImM Roll IllInlulnm livid hIy mu Nuw MIII Lnumwg ll Nuk Infl all nllvnl lmk nhulll mlnn Inmlm In Ilw mly lulh plm will nimllmly tnllllll up In WMan mnmlnn pl lnlk In nwl many TIM lnr Iuvnly TM Jun lhl nmnll llcwhllc flaw Mr lmm Inihmd In In pull In llvdr lmlnlwwirmo Lrlrlunllunn Thnl muwllum 11w mm gump In Idmnl when Ill nuw uhlnel mlnmm Fréshies Wardrobe Needs Viewed By College Studeiits is mum mxon of Western Ontario lays und pnu at western wear mnslly numu $qu and dresses are worn more than skim and sweaters or skirts and hlquses The awn most important Items or um new students according to Miss Win an ashianahlc but senslhlu shoe and pram Heal but goodlookan coal The reason for 1h good coat L9 be cause is worn to classes as well as around an Campus FASHIONABLE FABRICS Needx chaks and plaids durable but lashhmnble fabrics are very popular In classes and an the campus for dates 1h pmper garb would depend on the occasion The costume cauld range from slacks and Mouse right through to formal sown MISS SALLY LOU AHEllN second year general an student at the Waterloo Lutheran Unl varsity rccom nd outfits which will mix 12 match Thls ls parllculnrly good advlce or the student plannlng to llvc ln resldence Closet space ls at premlum and since it Ls shared it ls ollen the cause lrimlon when one sluch hm Loo mam At Western Allne xkirl and atrnlght cut woollnn skirts are equally as popular PORT ELGIN OnL CF Tho New Democrntlc IArlyl program can lmplcmcmcd wllhuul lnxrrnlo lncrunsca an NDI rducnllonnl workshop will ohl Thursday Mrs Kcnnclh llrylltn ullu of lhn NDI member ha Onlnrlo lcxlslnluru for Toronto Wnnd blno and rrslnrth nssndnu wllh lhu Cnumllnn Tux lrmmln llon IfllIl lull umpiuymcnl mu rconnmlc Krauth would mm mallcnlly nrmluca mm lnxu Wllhoul hluhvr nlrs Shu xnld wrla luurlly mun uru gram In rrhnhllllnllnn lhr dlwnhlml cmnllunnlly HIA lurlml Ihn when mpulnllon nml nlhrr mom now In rhane on lhu purllc OHM Mm pay or lhcnmlvrl In llmr EIfll llANnWIUNIHNG In time we Ilomml win In nur lmmh nhnul Mme lhl momy ll romlul mm and not an wllh Um In lntrnnnl nufpmlndlvlly Mrl mlm nu Invulnwul ln pmplo ll jml Impmlnnl lnmlmrnl In plnnl nml vlll pay In Mllnnnl lllVllllnlll In nnumle null THIS SWINGING timepiece sun In aprleol Ind whlle hoummoolh check wool cloth the padre ensemble nr ha University students wardrobe WOmen Told NDPs Program Should Not Hike TaxRates WIGGINS FUHS Man Vm Comm Rm n1 Anovn nun run II II rmum mu mu flunk Ownuxummr Arm niumu Idlulnn IMINIIOV Imulnp 5L HIM ovn Au um Inn the luv Iram ummm Elrlvlllu mniu ml only Ilu PIN Inmnh Fun when leaving little or in mac or her Maw moanAm In pu managing additional clothes in henschool wardrobe Mlu Ahem make sure the cab or can be mordluated with aiming ensemble or day or to The biggest new an em pus last year was the Ihell which reafly caught on because It conrdlnutu well with 5qu and mm Suns are worn by most student but mm and blouses nndm skirts and men gr 5513 just cgmmonlhq Poyr was ma One or two pananal 100d tretchle slim are must fines there are many nparflng activ IUes on the campy as wt 35 In the community me of the Menu Wand the Junior hackzy 55mm in Kim said Mix Waterloo LulherAn Univer sity gaod slyluh warm coat is an absolma must If mad ha good warm coat because it In usually windylonlhe Cam STYLISH COAT Most 01 the atudcnls It Wk mm preler the Mgher chunk ler heel but almost all the shoe wmn are sensible and easy in the feel Ind htnce In lulflclcnl llx uv The workshop wuu also told lhul womnn Ihoulrl pm or government sponsored dly numrlcs lo glvu young rhlldrcn group upcrlcnco WARNR COLLECTOM TOIIONIO CWCoin mike Fm lmhy hm warm coi chin Hwy may hm been in erMul by Ullevm necking land In my tobbcrlm Mlcr Wm hka lnln Mn home and MM hh rollodlnn In man bun he Mill rollxlm nhoulvl not tnvk ln Ilmnzrr aven ll hrlt um Mm Mn Jnhn nrown wile oi the lormrr dlrcclnr cl lhu Wlmn 1an homn emollonnlly dim lurbal chlldrfll mm no parent can pmvide all rhlldl Mall rhilll needs your ex pflIzncn an truly an Canadian Donald Campbell de xlgmvl the aui Much ealum tinglebrewed ed MMan Jacket with small mvuu col lar nnd wrlslIcnxlh mln hr nn 519M School Iml Hun NUJERVICE CLEANERS Chmmlon qull 51 SCHOOL OPENS SOON Your link Clumd THE BARBIE EXAMINER FRIDAY AUGUST 11 1M INUVIK NWT CH019 wad we had an lnleresllng dcmonslralion an the crnpng reindeer skim mporloi the Womml Insulate at Reindeer glion Tb scrapan Lady Untoflllanck In Eumclifle vn Vidalinn mum mansion that over loolu the 002w River Eamx cum an official home of he pans lnvlng pllablel clean lur which we are using lo make little reindeer dolls We are also making Nlndcer horn bullons tillnxr lnnle mi pendants or mllcmenl ol Eskimo reindeer herdcr and Iholr Inmflies nlonl Ihe Mackenzle Rlver 75 miles with of th Arctic Ocean zooriiuu 1mm memuc Al 19 Th rzport L4 lypchl of than wrincn by the Womens Insu tule nl lhe North group hvld k1 ls first copvggliog 1mg one at the Ilm uucon vcnllon to make these Insti tute col part Canada Ind give them an Ldenlllyu citizens the Northwest Tenllori my Home Emil nl hronw UNESCO fldd worker or ths Federated Womenl hullqu nl Canndn MISI Eadie has been at lnuwk more lhun month Ar Ianzlng hmpony The mccllnx will bring to ngr delegaleq Ind olher momberl he 11 NWT hull lum Hutchan Irom Fort Smflh near the Albert border Womens Institutes 0f NWT Convene Inside Arctic Circle Rélndcor Station remote ME AND MY SHADOW Pva lb my mm MUD Ethan luhllm ll nu Flbrlc Kw ll lruly lullbuc wkw And llml IMM ml 107 mu mml Mqu lump Mom Tho 3m 5pr II OHJFM IT I65 Wolllnwon We Have I8 AWARD WINNING HOME OVERLOOKSFRIVER Fabric Kw mllulc wkw llml IMM ml HAIR SIYLIST Brnlsh 12w mission in 01mm was once the horns of Sir John Maodonald who inflated 1a name from earn the old English word at ngle Photo more than 1000 miles nonh to rukloyakluk on the Arctic coast umber wiflrtravel to tho pensca and those of he conven uon paid from 520000 nurth urn fund raised as uncnnlal project by lhe Federated WomA cn Instlmtes of Canada er he country Women Institutes concentrate an home economics undertake UN projects and study and pan resolution bread hugest Moral are men imiwd on that am communi ties says Miss Eadie Phil Lsnl aurprlsing when that In much In do The no 11 lumber II the Wamm Amie look in dillcr only direcuqn Lu lulu to Announce um In my mmle mm mum Ilnnul mm pm dam um jontd mu wln la nmnd you mu olln 11 mm cl com ml m1 our OE TUP TllUIlS AND nu TILL PM HfllB STYLISTS YOUR BACK TO SCHOOL HEADQUARTERS WALKWEL SHOES $8 Dunlap 7IHW1 SAVAGE GOLD CROSS NATURALIZERS RED CAIUET HUSH PUPPIES 7264 ll

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