Ava fsrucoacOUN ny runs oowuruo COUNTY iliSTOflY thtles Hill Womens institute held their September meeting in Holly School Eleven members and three visitors answered roll call suggestion ior Centen nial YearV The president Mrs Downing presided This WJ will entertain the talks at Sim coc Manor Benton Thursday evening Oct ii Area Conven tion will be held at Cookstown Nov it and lit hire Lackie is delegate had Mrs Maneth alternate number at Wi pins will be ordered also centen nial collection oi spoons and rack series oi euchres will be held at Holly School each Friday evening beginning Get it at 330 pm Mrs Fisher is in charge of the iH Home making Club Meat ia the Menu The Historical Research coa vener Mrs Vic Willis gave interesting talk about Simcoe County from very old history book She told how it got its name original townships first election at Holland Landing ias ting six days and many other facts Mrs Willis had some an tique books dishes pictures and wooden gadget for win ding skeln wool into ball of yarn poem was delightfully Ripleys grain IT or NOTI tnasr ma Diem sauna we Wait arm oso TELEVISION lBUIFALO asanam recited by hi refreshments hirs Graham and Mr gampbe PLANTING Grade pupils from this dis trict attending school at Stroud along with alltoiher innistii grade is and those from West Gwiiilmbury look part inn inee planting ceremony near Erad fnrd The project is ior centen niai and first at threeyear program that Grade each year will participate in MANSFIELD mm coon presentation or Mr Iand hirs Ronald Armstrong was held in the hall Friday evening Oct Delmar Gaiisugher Robert Galiaugher Russell Murphy and Edward Anderson went to for onto Friday evening to hear Hon Dieicobaker speak in Varsity Stadium Mrs Scimitar at Baltimore has purchased the house owned by the late Mrs Thomas Bates and will be moving into the vii lage soon We welcome her into the community itlr and Mrs Lorna McKee and Mr and Mrs Eflwoodstpet enjoyed trip to Manitoulin this week acornrm ttr Pnoemus BUFFALO DTOROMO TUESDAY OCTOBER EVENING 00 saoeirs use in lrtends aunmmt oi Truth 41m emu irom rMielsy Mm curs an 700 dcrr awm Woodman 74 Ilagln momma iThlrty Show in svuuuu Isu llunl Mo sunya fhnlon Lsunr inn oclock Mavis tunicn mudi Rllhl4l 500 lNal SM The Di no when in nutm 17 liurtaera sN and spun 43mm Irfruoo In Weather ahmnrv hpnrt In ws wum in 700 lToday It IlluntiryBrtnhle aGuu rnr turn 511 Lillian Hahn suy other In car DllA Siloell Illesll Dont Ivfllfllï¬lvlmn IGomer rm in studrs Shelton lloul hymn rm cnui In Waehlnl only may WEDNESDAY OCTOBER MORNING AND ATTENNOON Tanuntrsllnn Bumr1 llo Alisa Many at Mayhem 930 lDirk Van om dlettieoal Junction 1000 lNealmarsrtaa Lens Reports 5n it snu Nbliu 1100 Iqus Weather surcTV tum nor Sports amt Wrathr sCrv Nnr hum rural 1i iit Flt Meowy iitlr his rm thl Alamo Illnlll Illifln Ih Mavis suut the Mlliru Hum hum ihe on guano By Josorrr momma am DearVDr Mother Would you please explain endometriosls what causes the symptoms and treatmentiP Well have to start with an endometrium That is the inner lining oi the uterus and very special type of tissue in re sponse to the cyclic variation in female hormones the endorne trium aloughs oif andthen new lining is created ready for pregnancy it one occurs The menstrual iinw represents the process oi the endometrium being discarded in some women some all this tissue manages to get through the Fallopian tubes and become implanted on the outside of the uterus instead of the inside However itis still the same kind oi tissue and still responds to the monthly cycle oi hor mone changes attempting to respond by sioughing oil but unable to succeed because of its location on the wrong side oi the uterus This is endometriosis The chief symptom is in creasingly paintui menstrual cy ciesrusuaiiy in women past the age of as The symptoms disap pear alter menopause because the hormone cycle ceased then Special hormone therapy is the usual treatment Removal oi the ovaries thus creating surgical meno pause and putting an end to the rise and fall of hormone activity also will end endame triosis but this is means to be avoided if at all possible if women is close to menopause age than there isiess objection to the surgery Occasionally the impianir oi rndometriai tissue are so exten sive that surgery is necessary to remove them But usually hormone therapy is sufficient Dear Dr Molnar am 65 and very activeiu home and gar den hly left leg irom knee to ankle is practically black with varicose veins is it advisable to cut down on physical activi ties Elevating my feet gives some relief lisualifTreatmenty reasonable animal bi ac tivity shouldnt harm you but be careful not to injury the Vein hrea Wounds dont heal well and besides injury can make the original problem worse Yes elevating the feet irom lime to time is known to help Have you had yourdoctor evaluate your condition to see whether surgery would alford rubstantiaireitet supportive stocking will give you some re iiei while you are active Dear Dr nintnrr My husband has Energers disease which understh is circulatory dis order cause not known but the condition iaaggravated by nic otine We have known oi this for live or six years First he noticed the ends oi his lingers taming white in cold weather andter riiie pain when it began to get warm This has spread irom the tips oi the fingers to the second or third joints He has been instructed not to usetobacco many form and he has stopped smoking ior periodsrupvioa year at time However he always starts again What are tire dangers oi smokiagihlrl The dangers are grave not only the discomfort but the risk oi gangrene in the extremities Nicotine causes the small blood vessels to contract further in leriering with the circulation which already is deficient Total abstinence irom tobacco is an absolute must with this disease KEEP NORWAY T139 LUAENBURG N5 94 plaque commemorating the wartime associations ol this shipbuilding and fishing port with the Royal Norwegian Navy vvm dedicated rhtv Line annual ï¬sheries exhibition this VHF The Norwegian wbaling fleet moved here in row alter the German conquest and the port was regular base for the RNN until 1943 CONTRACT BRIDGE By JAY secure North dealer NorthSouth vulnerable Kiolflh sonsrs an vaoroou ores sou ihabidding armr zue South West so as so so not min leadseven oi clubs when an unusual bid occurs at the table whether the bid is made by the opponents or your partner you are supposed to try to ilgura out what that bid mtlfll Some bids are so stunting that you know very well they dont mean what they say The prob tern which then arisen oi ilg urtng out what the bid means is not always easy to solve Lets say you have the West head and your partner doubles the hearts on the sequence shown it makes no use to as sumo that East ruddrniy found couple oi sees in his hand Ihlrh be overlooked when he made the preemptive overelll at three spades Alter all it is almost universal in plnyfln mrrcsneue hidJrLihls sequence as showing weak hand with lots oi spades Usual iy the overall denotes an ab scnce oi defensive tricks though it is at course possible to have one iience the double at live hearts cannot reasonably Indicate ths highcord strength accessory to take three dcicnsive tricks The double is bound to be convention al that is it must be based on hand containing void with the prospect oi right opening lead beating the contract you have to chooso between club or diamond The choice is not mo per cent clear and either icad might turn out right or wrong In given band but the odds heavily iavor club lead This conclusion can be reached on the atmpia basis that the op ponents are more iiitciy to have seven clubs between them than it ttlhmomls it you lend club the eons tract goes down one or two de pending on whether drclarrr ei roll to iinesse Assuming ha docs your partner nrtis returns spade and you give him an olber mil to deieat the contract one trick ii dularcr does not ilnure the opening leaI which Is certainly possible he goes down two THE GIANTS ri load being barred actualaortas DONALD DUCK BLONDIE wear lM GONNA AVE MAKE THE Kl PLAY SOMETHING News Aawr BmWheT 39 ll won some metr pawn MI Alums PLAN ml usr memes ATIOOOFEET Blane new has from earsst neow HI 5171 crow ouroorr us Muer HM nave any worse JUSTGONE THE TV rur and Mn AMIDNiGtil rm XVIII vï¬nrc thanll an IAbtlrldlhfl World Turns ant trua DliILY CROSSWORD IThua 7J1an souennui lndilfl Tart Cnmhlnl tinrr It Inochia Nu IO IMHO litJlmmlsin msnt oi Truth Md tr People Mariette pun Kangaroo numuy or Mr ADRMI LIMIth inlets IJMthtn otva famous mlulnu arnmr Dottie ILCIIymI Id lmalt lillnt bill so tontut on map uum polr 11ppsnd ltlslhtr 1h Noantlty so Mndsno sr limited tna as nmrtur as Itpprulrh or run Zi Danger oul i5 Fowl 20 itarrrn mun static Hump noon 000 lrM euusrr rrmhrt rllnllms With Hurt nohtvy so Ivonis In Conflict lth Gilli um tum llAlltnil WM Pym rm In rmla Jn nu to rum ran am ma run OvlvliltlllI tub r4 rm uny Lott Kartnrn Jtlielsvrllsalbow Thin to yr um ovrv runn Mum an ï¬ll yrM VEDNYMMY mronan 44 10 em molt ll It stsm orim In loneymannln Im Lump unsmurl s1m twin Lnw ntt1 lr lFlJnkieilul rrnuu MM View IMMI luv micw imam muosohtotnuvnon 10 Tim am iluldtnr mot willth NMAOMIMMBW momentum mrtwmlmru sourotx or Wsr mm or Navrlhy Hider runrs Campus point Inlrhnlma Ii Campus 00 nmlv no no rmm iv at lvrth Lana ltfirl Ilnvm Lulur lieua tiuh It tIwnaa on site llrmmlllll silh tlhlrtv 5h tiltitiut irrational rum vrlm mm snoutt seru mwr mm mum at sum lntlmrl Tr ltvlrt or My hwerlle InI mum dJMu unnum IIlotra lmt man so iloatbuln Just mntt II unit Itrk 31 lnvtvet Ht luhlio promIon BUZZ SAWYER nu Irsl ID Virginian In In MN smimmrm meow muvwrae momma lulillv innmhy MI Imillull dd iAmpny fishsmut DOWN Binnie armrnl lhlng HugNu tTre mnle svMrr Fullera in in pan LN m4 mm Willi MD Nsvl more La Nora rutnil llinur Ants Drlsuo Into sswmmu inur mmy owlmn Mont It Tnntghl Show 44 MUGGS AND SKEETER