India Will Need Friends Auan ma mu null ome Ivamum Ou nuu punII rMIlI In Dunn humu Ind lIIIqu IIoMm mum mm HAL VII NI II 11qu an II II Murnl mm II MIMI nun RNN munl mum IllllM Am mumn DUIIIIM clu uI lpll um mm unIII IN Hill on my run fly nun In Duluth III Maul In MIAMI anlmnwnull 5h ma liM If luw HIM mnqu Mmm In ummn Hm rumrm rub leuH AMI on 1pm Immu rm Inl th AuIII war IImIIUam lnldlln rrm II mlqu Iv IIIMum ill IM In um mum In II MW ma Innt um um um Iml um ma Ihmln mnuuum luminu mm MI IIIrm mun TM IIIMn nuth In ml In IN yum ImI Huulnlofl luyL 1mm mun nun IIIIM you In may mm mm Illu mu UIA m1 humI In umm III lnll1lmv Au 7mm Iv HUI ml Wm mm umL HIM In III Barrie Examiner Sepl 28 1955 Tole vision came to Barrie today as Channel went on the air at 14000 watts video 7000 audio President Ralph Snel grnve opened new studio and offices on Littles Hill also housing radio station CKBB which began downtown in Sep tember 1049 Key personnel with Mr Snelgrove were his brother Bert asssl an manager Jan Mallenley chief en gineer Charla Tierney sales and pro notion manager Frank Fog art direc tor Clnude Baikie production manager Joan Kosmack secretary Barrie Chamber oi Commerce began tracing historic route oi NineMlle Portage from head of bay to Willow Creek in Ves ra Township Professor will Jury of niversily of Western Ontario was in charge oi work assisted by exlilayor Granthiayor Norman Clarke and Reg Velhnm Barrie Collegiate won Tudhopo Trophy for boys and Thompson Trophy for girls in annual Georgian Bay inlerscholasllc track and field meet it was lhe ltlth victory for boys in 85 years of competition Girls won cup third straight time Craig Cook lied up most poinls ior boys team whi lluih Dan gerï¬eld llono Chappel and Ann Averill thinnirrai Shir ni his later years Dr Albert Schweitzer had become controversial Iigure iim wns man who had dedicated his lilo lo lhc good Ihu Mricnn rmpie yet one who continued lo regard he Mrlcan an child despite the great surge Mricu inward mnlurily and indcptmI once have lived here or 54 years he laid nn his liiilh hirlhdny know whnl is he or Africans It was rim by now ihnl lilo rcniliy or mndrrn Africa had iMMii him hy lhal he did not knnw hnl was best or Mrimns yet Mricans imlcml Ihc whole world are in his India One commentator says it is not fun to invcst in this vast subcontinent but strangely ennugn it ls considered nec essity He noted an industrialist assay ing Any industrialist who invests in India is loci but anyone who doesnt is bigger fool ID YEARS AGO IN TOWN ln Parliament at Delhi an Indian mem btr moved that India should quit the Commonwealth and when he advocated nationalization of all Brltlsh assets he was loudly encored News of the demonstrationrdid not cnuse any cheers in Great Britain The Bntish have total investment in pri vate industries in India and Pakistan 910 to $1190000000 the bulk of it in 1n the past ear or so most of the ra vincas have ta en their one from Que ec which has been pressing for more pro vinciai autonomy and for less interfer ence from Ottawa Compromise after compromise has been made by the Pear son government to accommodate the province in the emulation of legislation touching the interests of the provinces Ottawa has seemed to acquiesce in re quests for an everincreasing share of tax lmoney made by provincial govern men change in the palllical climate is discernible at Ottawa Some observers at the capital see in the governments take it or leave it medicare propnsal made to the provincial health minister last week sudden reversal by the cen tral government of its lenient atuluda towards provincial demands DEDICATEDVTO AFRICAN PEOPLE Wllll Publllhur Federal Government Seems More Intent On Authority 1125 183m Examï¬tér The Barrie Examiner OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Publllhad by Cdnadlan prnpnpeu leiied 16 Bayflold 61ml Barrio Ongulo DOWN MEMORY LANE Ir Wliuon ComrAI Mnnapr mm octong Man debt dcsplto disagreement about the malnsprlng of Alhon Schwellzors life we know that we have been In Ihe pres encu oi genius and Christlike dedication CLASSROOM SHAPES CHANGE llnmlllon Spectator Burllnxlnn Frogrculve lhlnklng about changing lmlllnml boxshy rd nchnol mum In nomolhlng else is nlurosllng own In IdVIEKd lo go slow ll llurllnglon declrlu to change hm hm of classroom In the Plncdnlo School In be completed In 1007 ll wlll cl prcccdonl lho lml all or the ichoolroom ha been mulled psychlnlrlsls psychol ngluu audlovlsunl expcrln nnrl oven ax mrlcnml Achnnl lrachm Nnnn nxrm hwy he illnl change In lmllcalcd lnr thohukq of change Duplln nibdérflhinklng mm In ntrucnonal lldl Ind technique new qnluronm shape In Hm moro mm In not me can ho made or Ilmnsl Any apb oxccpl the old convenlcnl one mmnlly In mo prlnmy nludenl will never rcxnul clawnnm mare than place wllh mlln be lhrcc our ur Mn clnhL ISL 11mm nmudournlh The election hlrdly anyonu wanled wu handed In Canadian by Prime Minister Lmlcr Punch In elecllon of Liberal cnnvonlonco nolhlnz no lrpnsllng hn been clued on put IIIIN mc day adverflalng anuurles gul their leelh lnlo lelevhlon commer cllll led girls Something new at Barrie Golf Club was seniors tourney Jack Rodgers won trophy while Gladstone Currie QC and Cliii Brown tied for second low gross DetectiveSergeant Edward Tschirhart oi Kitchener appoint ed chief of Barries new municipal police force Eldon Greer served notice on town council intention to terminate franchise for providing bus service in Barrie lllrs Kate Aitken prominent radio commentator officially opened fall fair at Beeton her home town Malcomson and son William appeared before town council to protest proposed bylaw prohibiting keeping of certain types of livestock within town limits Canadian Wire Brush Compan opened in Barrie by two young Danis brothers lingo and George iiiarltarp with plant on Victoria St Barrie Ex hibition opened by Rt lion James Gardiner Minister of Agriculture ior Canada Band contest at Barrie fair won by RCAF Band from Cam Borden Judges were Joe MeNelllle Sin clair and Walls Group Captain John Syme CO oi RCAF Station Camp Borden addressed Barrie Lions Club Earl aml Norman Maxwell oi Holly ther and son on log sawing contest at Barrie fair Ald With her vast population India is due to become one of the worlds outstand ing nations in the field of trade and in ternational relations Once her leaders have cooled oil and see Pakistan as neighbor with whom she must live in peace they will no doubt begin to look around the world and realize that bet ter life for her teeming millions depends on good working agreements with other nations lndia will appreciate that the alienation of Great Britain would be most harmful to the future of the coun try And most certalnly the act of na tionallzing all of Britains assets would strain IndiaBritain relationships to the breaking polnt With this precedent will be inter esting now to watch for similar change of attitude towards Quebec which has seemed intent on upstaging the Author ity of tharcentral government Now as the election campaign is un derway the Pearson severnment sud denly has become tou The rovinces didnt like it when ejiedera govern ment announced as felt accom 11 that the contribution to Ottawato new medicare resources fund which will be administered by the provinces would be 8500000l000 slpreod over 15 years The provinceswou have liked to have had chance to discuss what the amount should be But the Pearson government remained adamant It was its decision nobody elses And apparently the prom iers and their cabinetsare going to have nothing more to say about it sucupu or couvsmmca Aucï¬cnééxsAdiibg Humor Famous At Sales In District NOV3 SCOï¬dwaSFifst In hla In nur llnnMr uflh hlx th Jerry hnnvllcd only Innrr Illml and errlry He did lhln or our rnrk hrnn mlvnnclnz higher prim nrHrlel Imd in In he purrhued MI 1m Ilrrnro Mler hi dlscharge km the ROM he mum Iclllnu nlxr my Mock or hls Illa hrolhcr Thomas ho ownnd anonln ank NursEry Company is Imilory Included Tnmnlo and mrmmlinx mm Ind alter yenn there In Jolnrd he mu an of Downlmm Numr mm puny Slulhrny near mnxlnn whtre he remnincd or hm yum He came hy hl lurllnnm In honully III II uncll Cnuthn wnn an outflnmllnl nuclionm In lhl mmly mm In 50 In MK IL Couxhlln wnl hvnnrcrl by cnunly cmmcll wllh llfcnmn nurllon reflux Iicrncu In lhc rmlnly and rmmrll Illa mldul um ho wan crfdil In prnlmlnn IHI Hm no Job wn II hum Inlo uhlch proud qum lurcmlul Vrll ll Ihnum Jrrrv rniwl mmw Im 1er hnrul own Arm and ha Ihylnyrd ham ll hull lam In rmmly Ila know and ham Ith mu cummumuy mrlvrd m1 nrlm hll hm It Whilhrr llu um um 0r hmmhnld Irlirlfl Jury hurl nurllrnn MIMIth lle lmmndmu hunt lnr mnm leln mum nl Ih AIHIIIII mlr Hun lnllnwvrl run ham 1h Join In Ihu cmml mm ml nanr nu run an nurllnn nilhmn mulmu ml nllhll up and an may or nnylhlnl LIKE on mom nunfli mm nun up an mqu NM 1er much Lenv Mu rim mm vial ml hum bonu lhln Jun As car aalesmnn for In dance he has been member Iha Muster Salesman club General Motors nine of the last 11 years As pnlillvlanl he came closer than any other Ubl oral In the last 20 year to breaking the Prngressive Con servallve rlrnnghold ln Slmm Centre when he last out ln byclection lo slHlng menth Ar Evans lllPP In 1960 Jerry was born In Flo lawn ship the youngest of eight chil dren six boys and two gins He Illended school Vlzn Public School and Mincsing and Elm vale conunualinn schools Ha school at 16 no hacausa ha had to but because he had no deslre lo continue his education prclerring In so work on Ms familys Mum urnL 199x 0va mm He rdurnrd lo Harrie In 1062 lo Jnln lh mm mu Danger flrld Nolan has been wlUI Dnnzernrldl evlr linen but con IM lucllonttrin MI mnln occupnuon EAnLY nus r1 luulon In In ple nlr uhl lully look mum In Mm mu par lln Ive been Mm on at to Iml Ibo man mt PM To auctiongoon in the cnunly he above phrase In synonymous with only one person Jerry Counhlin For the next our or five hours the bargalnhunlers are treated not only to the usunl auctioneers oration but the hum or and adIlb pcdormanrathal have made Jrrry Couflxlin on of the mm successful auction eelg in the argai ma rhoth ha ed when he was 13 and his ialher died when he was 16 Al Iha age of II he look Ihe hmlly am over nflcr working or $3 per monlh He Hill himsled In farming and his expcrlence an he farm help ed him In many ways In lam yam In m1 Jerry 10 ha Iarm to join the Royal Canadian Mr For Me scrvcd nix yam wllh lha RCAF lircllxhlcr and was slmlancd overseas or lhms lhm years It was while he was nvcrseas that he met and mar ried Mnry Burbxman York shilrs Egg 11132 are few of the IMP takings of rd Gerard Coughlin nulside of his auction ecring and he has had betlcr Ith average success In every Ihipg he has allgmpled lly yum ruAsrm adieu and gentlunenl ll you men and women wlllnth er nrouod thlr way llld live me order will zlvc you the term Incl conditlnnl of the sale Ladlu Iml usullemen wlll guuunteo nothing and wlll ull every thlnz and your ayes Ihall be your iudle The axtlcles shall be taken It the risk of the pur chaer at the all the ham mer but not immedlntely dellv cred lntoyour posrealon unlll settlament ha been made In olher words ladle and gentle man you should buy nnythlng here thls afternoon nnd your neighbor Iteull from you he lo not very nice neighbor but you will Itlll pay or ll In other word look after your nrtlcles Ladies Ind gentlemen rhould any of you to home and do no pay an usure that wlll not be alter you nor will my clerks but the black and whlta our will come todyour home boot mldnlght In you wlll go to the county lull ln Barrio where Ihera wlll ho no bull un til later date ome OEENING SPEECH mum and luwnl flul lh nulumdvllt qu ha mm mud In rnlnllnl part Mr and mm mMrnln wrh Ixuhlmlng hmrd mm In hula chulcv thMI Um holy AIM In whirl Md nu ucllm Ilw mum Ru mmmunlly ran Om erhM lot prqwr tulnlnl In thhlnl Wu ll lllll mmlim 0m llw uh lo timeAnd drle mnprv An omnllnl lndny ï¬n ml nulhnvlllu r1 remn rilnl Thny IKNNlnl Alliuf lrumlnl program In In clammm Mm lhu lawn mum hm uumdo mulnr MIIMI hmln mmmwm mu mun Ml Mawr um nurlv pIIII lniluhlo lmmlodu In In edurnllnu T0an An ulimmd 1w mm lvlnx drum In ninvlnu inumdlm thh yur nn haul of Ilnu And It mmll molher lriumph or We nulomnblle lMl eduulinn lullmrlllu haw hrrn Mn hr rnurm Many mrm lull nry feel with may um lo Amps Ilma and may 0W lmm lramlnl ler lb bum In um Inn on load lulu about th muuu II lhal my mnl All xlmwll lu IURMI and mum the brain IIMFIIAIITE IWIIA 1hr rmvlwh iq In AMI mm min and prop dnm Hindu In 1956 Jerry entered poULlcn on lhc municipal level and serv ed 13min ward lwo alder man nr two years He muvzd Into the provincial polflicnl itld In 1959 when he on In Conser vnllvc Genrze Johnwn Follnw inn Mr Johnsonl dealh by cIecllan was culled and Jerry opposed An Evnm He came tlosc losing by only 590 valet But he had cut he Conmvalive margin mm the pmloul el ocllon from 1300 to 550 llul Jrrry lull love to out among Ihe people It In nucllon He has singed over 1900 In hls cantr Ihe bingsl bring $12 000 arm Isle whch look In lhun Ive houu Ha has In Iver He or he has made many friends In politics and still mlln min keen lnlorul ln munlcl pal provincial Ind fedora Il Iain also should add that had lha can and land sold the next day before the Ford vm even moved he said 11 that name year 1954 Jerry hoyght Jack slmnru auctlomer In business and hu been Sim coe Countyl leading auctioneer Iver time He IJSO went Into the hotel buslnus that yen when he with the late nob Bur by purchnsed the Phtlpllnn luL The hnlel wu uld tn 1951 POLITICS Coughlin In 1954 he look in Ihree head came two mu of landand 1947 Ford or tradein on newer car George Dangerfield owner ha ï¬rm once Jnkingly threat ened to build com It the back of his car IM or Jtrryl with deals By MIN 01mm QUEENS PARK JERRY COUGHLIN Classes For Drivers Gaining Popularity IA unl nub mum min Wmnrvlflnl WW IhM ml nu mm mm lml Orfll um nnwr nu la mail mm mm nw elmpuny ha LIN him wu Um mm on Mn unrlnwl hrre 0m ponlIbnl umlll gem ln IN IN MIIINUTON illrulrm nulmn 1m mm luml MAI Ihrlhrr In Us All rnll rmlrr mm In luprllnd 31 Du llml Nnvy UR Wm mm mm llnlnl Merm unwind Thumlny III low nu rnnlnmr he dldnl MI ytl wlwlhrr II III ho pound Rmnru nald they um dniwrl Ilntmn Ihnmlinx mmw 1mm nml nly mrvalrvl In My on Unflul Follllnl Insider had Ml Xnuuh whon lhm Win an out burnl run an PLI In the led ml um Mun nhouc he ornlx un in TV ï¬lm rlmn 1mm lprrrhn by Cnlvinrl mmImL Thln II prnnm wth Hvo PC lhmurhu ml In Mrly hon In Uninon In In pmv Inï¬ll timinn And himh row rewind In unno minimum ll but winllrl mum In HI Noun 1m Innih wunl In much In IMI hnwnn mm the um um holh pan mu WM In llw um mun 11m hm mllwlnrly on nuhject liq Irh loln ppr enll mluhl hm IrEIxl7r1 the chlldmll hnmewari in never cease In be amazed In rcacflnn pcnple at auc umu Hardly one goes by that somtone doesnt 133 more or used Hem Ihan would lggd ht bmgght new dgwnlmm Jerry doesnt want to helluva that auclloneerlng is dying All in the Cougmln lumlly How ever he has Ihrce boy and two girl and as yet Ihe boy have lhown noIndicnlion nl Allowan in their lalher lwuleps It would be easy la boLiere um if one line boy so emu he will jgst asjucgcs ll He likes to recall the time It arm ale when he was build lnz up lraclor for tho crowd He was going at top speed when the farmer who was selllng hol lered Now thats Enough Iouzmln Any lying to do around here Ind Ill do ennuxh or both of usfï¬ll broke up the crowd pom xlIly of enkrlng Dalilch unin Ive nercr los lnlmsl ln pollllcx and who knawa Just mix give It lrynnga can could be bud new lnr opposlnl candidates in any eloclinn He known what liku In work to Ihc lap and my lhrr and he Alrim fnr nothing luss lhan be lnu the bell 1n whnkvtr he don Ive bean successful but 11 Ihe penple of Simcae Counly whn have mad me luccnsslul and to than am very mum he land llclcs go prices far below heir value bacause no one had ma kngwlcdgg ninth quiclg As or Jerry he ans to con tinue his double life as anluc Homer and car xaksman Illa is closely associated win In Barrie Agrlcululral Society Thil lnlmsl slnrled In 1954 and he was prcsldcul Board in 196263 diggclu the society age lurnoul of mm to 400 sales and has had at him SUCCESSFUL he Falr now mi lrrhnp msnn Ihnl do In hnl want II he uuu lhm nmr lmnlrml Io do uhll mm Ml Ne Ash nl nu Hm ha pwlulml Spiku MIN mun lh hurt or lh mm puny hu nM ynl hid lhn uppurlunlw Io complm HI lhvtllyurrold Alli yo NIHfl Ilnldum ol and All lllI rllhlumn no mid II In Mmhu Du repeal hll rlm pnxn vlclory over Pennnn luln lhll you he wlll nnl oniy lhwnrl Xemnnl lnmhlu or parllamrnmy mnjnrily but he may urn lend hls Can urvnuvu back In Parliament III In thu huts pnrly Th1 In me mm Iixum Tm mum lhe bend plrly the urellxu who ln lhclr bltk room undh the gunman dhpose of ma hung umpalzu fundL AM control nu dlrmlon ha mel Party me the dhum uuud In me ma elNUm by thtlr new mm mm lulu Punvn They hurl lmpand Mm upon puly In prdmnu lo the po ulnr And wllcr chnlu ol Pun Murlln hul In MI Hrnl clmpllln Pcnr Ion ltd lhu Ibmll In In mnll dlmlmun delrnl 1n lheir hlu lnry ln hhlrh Ihrlr unl menur repmenmlnn all In In all law Mll The Suva or this wls that number of New Englailders Wm mum In Nova Scam They were accustomed to measure of ulfgwemmenlmd were itrcbly impatient arbitrary mlon by irresgonsiï¬le ofï¬cials The ï¬rs Galen Ammhlyh what In Canada met in Halilax Conn House on Octaber 1756 shortly alter Wolfe and his farm had been there to capture lmlsburg The Canadian Club of Halifax lugs ended Mametid Towgr on on bank of the North W25 Arm to quyma he oyent Bul DIcfx campaign In suc mslnlly wmd lhe Meminl Liberal volerx AMI perlundod lha undncided ml he Intrcascd um spread by five ymeutazn pnlnl In the ballol boxes In 1062 Dial did men bellcr cap luring mm permMane poinls from Pearson by hi campalxn And In 196 Ml amazingly per suasive Imd muramm par lnrmante on lhe hunlingx won 1le nix ptrcenugo paint or MAY LOSE GAMHLE p03 50mm Nov Seam wuthl ï¬rst part Canada to get legislative sembly Governor Cornwall had been Instructed hv miuln um mu unnuqu uy nnmn from time to time need shall require summon and call Gen Assemblies Ike Freeholder and Planter within your GW usaxe of the ml at our Colonies and to emnmemarate the event The marten of Genera Assemth was sign of mm Yel at the line time the governors garden wn chief abject menu It was lpproathed bySprInz Glrden Road still an Ink puma Elmnuahlara In Hflilax Vishnu paged the Poor Houu which not truly housed the needy but the insane While unï¬t folk muted the flower In the govemvrr laxden Across the way thenwu whipping post where Insane people were logged In effort to drlve the devil from their flesh By PATRICK NmDClSDN OTTAWAFigures of opininn polls Ind annl east In recent election umpnlgn Indicate hat i1 Prime Minmer Pearson gels Lam crassCanadn battle againll John Diefcnbaker he will hue about six per cent of Libernl supporters exacfly as he did in lhclr three previous electoral ncounlerl The percenuges support Ira so close now hat repeti tion of past xuccesm by Mr Diefcnbakar would cause Mr Pearson lo loll hh Eltcflnn Rumble In not the winds of polillcal change reported from all parts Canada daily indi calz Mr Dietenhnker and mu Conservnflves are Illracting In creasingly more support than In 1961 Ind 1963 Before the Hi elacllon hai Ua bexwean Die the mic and smiling Mike in 1958 Gallup Pail showed 15 percentage pain Iprend In populu mppnrl between them favouring Diei Fifty pet can nf dime voters who had decided their voilng prelerence wnuid vne Comer ullve while 35 per cent would voie Libernl and one in our were undecided TM mum al the Hausa buried vln shallw Riv Ind there we many amnle about lha smell um wu when prevulenl don the part at Sprinl Garden Road WEB EVENT ON OCIOBER 1110on Royal xmendered to New Eniland ï¬nch 1M1Telemph service opened between Montreal and Quebec InsMuckenzla Yukon Unzavn and Franklin districts armed IsolMnmnl mulled wireless lannn Straits at Bella 1m lmCnnadian Unemployment Mt cam inn force BIBLE THOUGHT OTTAWA REPORT To Get Legislature PM May Keep Nearer Ottawa This Month ll ynuv unln hI MI mlm In pm Nun uh THERE IS NO CNAGE FOR THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CAR AND TRUCKS All HI lh hilluml Tn Ill Mom In pvm CARRIER MISS YOU 7282433 Finally to cap my low law lnlul plallorm and TV appur nnccx Prlme Mlnlslcr Pearson will make whirlwind lour across Canada in the lnsl few days bcfnre pollingloo lnl for his opponent lo counlcrallnk hls nromim and pronnun menu The lllbml nralcx lhus hnpo In Hold the lncvllnhln Ian unswmmlry comparh Inn bclwun Dlll und Mlke plan lo shume Mr Pearson oi as president University But through two llepe lhey hope that the Liberal parly in now Inoculated against the hem nrrhnze of nnolher disastrous Pearson perlnrmance on tho husllngr Their hand picked choice as Pearson successorl in English French alternation must be Quebecs Premier Jean Lesagc he has toured lhe hox lilo Wes to won the voter And the leaders are enecilvely prolecting hlr Pcamn from axe posuro lo the voters The Liberal nraiegistl Iuch advartiaing man Keith Davey have spent long hnuu midyan the two American um palgn text books The Making oi the President 1960 and 1964 AI ruuli Liberal campaign thairman Waitnr Gordon an nnunccd that Prime Minister Pearson would adopt the tech nique used by President John xon tar hi reeicctinnl lie wnuld wrap himself in the cloak oi hl high otiice and virtually con duct nun campaign against challenger Diet in mar detail he would speak in loity prima ministerial tone before the all lecrnl audience at the oiticial launching of his partya cam paign in Ottawa then he wnuid retire to the duties at his high ntiiro running the cauntry n14 though Parllnmtni is dissolved and the Cahinct is scanned an the hunting tram whith Pub sun is hatradii 72111 llNI 169