itéf II In lrll rm Im In Dc CMMIIII Illll um In II mm Jln 111on lumlnu All high TM mam mm II In IIImu MIIMII lurl II In Human quI TolarMM mun mummy Tunuh lunall m4 Wm rMu mum mm Cirml may mm run lIhm Aw mum 1m rnumm m1 Mm um rlnuIuom SIDESTEPFING IMMUNITY Chntham Daily News Diplomatic immunity which enables norcign ambassadors and their mm to violate the law oi the United Slates with impunil is not popular with Ameri cans ihcorelica 1y at least have to obey these laws Nor is this immunity popular with US lraiiic officials at whom diplomatic stall members guilty of speeding ignor ing parking re ulnliona uml similar lcnccs prl cgcd to glcciully ihumb nun thcir noiés Unlike American citizens dlplomnllc ï¬lm members are exempt mm pmsecw on At the same time lhm ls nolhlnfz In provonl llmllcd but very active cld doveloplng Graduation diplomas at Angus pulr lie school were presented Mary Kir by Richard MeMackon Lorne PImon and Sanford Po IL Humble announced en ng new garage at Five Points wlth Palmer in charge of service for Ford cars New palriofle Thomas Caldwell was ï¬rst nor of Barrielllazle boot contest sponsor rd by arey Shoe Co Mayor John Craig receide letter from superln lendcnl of Aurora Methodist Sunday conveying thanks to citizens of Barrie or hospitalin on occasion of recent rail exnurslon lo your beaulllul town Barrie Examiner and Saturday Morn ing Aug 19 1915 Magistrate Raden hursts first case Monday morning con corned man charged with loitering but believed to be German spy He was found hanging around Barrie Armoury with camera then located on hlulcaster St now market building On being ar rested he was alleged to have cursed tho British Army but claimed to he Can adian citizen His Worship remanded prisoner for week to get further inform ation In address at garden party held at Rees Estate on Kempenfelt Drive Noel Marshall of Toronto declar ed no community in Canada of compar able size had done more for Red Cross Society than Barrie Energetic presi dent Mrs iiughï¬aiderwood was cited Aummna mm nu null run mm nlnunl on um plymlnl In uh mun sum ml Auuwy mumn mm ummu wu vmuu ll muun mnmumv An mm mm rm IIIn mum Munuv mu Annnun WAR DAYS 50 YEARS AGO In later years the harvesters came In each fall mostly on their own Some rode the rods others travelled in groups with beaten up old cars for transporta The men of the harvesters excursions came from the Marltlmes Quebec and Ontario Most them became western ers and few went back east to settle down but usually with very pleasant memories of the western harvests number of the cider farmers still operating on the Prairies first saw the West by means of the familiar annual harvesters excursions which the raii ways operated each fall It was cheap easy way to have look at the west If one didnt like the wast nothing was lost and few wages generally higher than those in the east were tucked into ones pocket if the west dld appeal then person couid sho around for two or three seasons to fin the most satis factory locatiqn to begin farming Nolhlng perhaps illustrates the chang ing scene in rural western Canada as the announcement by the NatlonalEmpon ment Servlce that there is shortage of farm workers Or what may be record Pmlrle grain crop Many can recall not long ago when harvesters used to sour Into the country when fall arrived ten there were many more wllllng workers than there were jobs for them the Edmonton Journal comments Thus the New Jersey mrnpikn has Wr Walla Publhhar Shortage West Fafln Help Not Like Earlier Years The Barrie Examiner wmm mm DOWN MEMORY LANE Publlnhed by Canadlan Ngwapapah Lmilted 16 Bayfloldï¬fraoth Burrle Ontnrlo OTHER EDITORS VIEWS H3Wllaon Gonernleuzer mum mom ms new FUTILITY 0F OPPOSITION DEMANDS llrnnllonl prosllor Luclon lllvnnl qulckly IIIOWOII lhu lu llllly nl Opposlllon demand lhnl he be kept In Canada or questioning nlmul underworld llnks wllh pollllcs mul gov mmwnl llm quesllnnlng look plarr lull ll pruva unrrwnrdlng to ma pollm llu apponrn lo have enjoyed Illnylng lulu lnlnrmgnlurs llku ruul nlfnrnz In In awrr llwlr ansliuns llmn lulllzlng lhcm all wllll mulum aml unholplul grmral HIM ll Inld us lnl el lw lulnl nnlhlnu wan mm pullru omcorl num lulnu up HE IS ALL WE HAVE Hamilton Spcclnlor Ma moment Mr Pearson 11 II Canada has Then 11 no llamauve Ihu Conscrvalim an In dlsamy Pen ha Mr DIuIcnlmkcr will rognln Ill 110 an lho party perhaps he will mako way or younger mm Elmer way the Tories will In Ineffective or lean nnnlhur oar l1m lrlmo Mlnlntorn rr npmlslhll 11M lhun are llnuhly grul he continue In umlvlu as ho hm of lale lhe ml vlcllm vlll he Canarlm Allandale Yï¬iéA iii imsebiï¬ deipifé heroic batting efforts of Ed Kohlmeycr But William Flanagan executive director 01 the lurnrlkc has pointed out that llplomglc gar from gny of thcso mullahs 510 wpcdgnln polls lo Neal1 ll of the Ilurnplkc Demonstrating lho truth Ihc old my lnu that than are more ways kllllng cat than choking it with mam song The Call to Arms now available in music stores Words were written by Dale and music by Neil McVicar both of Barrie Mr McVicar local piano tuner may be contacted at Keen ans music store Dreamland Theatre next to Sasos fruit store at corner Eliza beth St and Maple Ave featured Mary Miles Minter in The Fat and the Walt Coming next wee Carlyle Blackwell in The Last Chapter Baseball fans in South Simcoe were ex cited about final series between Knock and Holly which stood at two wins each Pitchlng battles featured Letty Cliff Lockhart for Knock and HollyDyer Gmnd Trunk Railway em loyees at Allendan formed Patriotic alien with Superintendent Lynch as chair man and Walter Duff secrete Com mittee oonveners were Clar Cheesman Thomas Walton illo Mlllln Bert Green Clark Billingsley Allison John Frame liorner Jamleson Pig gott and Fred Norman For second time in two weeks Beaver Camp at lllln ets Point was robbed of clothing 0n Salurda noon 250 Homer pigeons were releas at Allendan station by Queen City Association First pigeon reached home in Toronto in 02 minutes consid ered slow time causal by clougiy wetl ercd slow limo caused by cloudy wea lï¬qr qng anpygc wind Oflllla boat developed new approach to the prob lem of speeding by foreign dlpmmats Tho lumplko Authority has list some 33 foreign nations whoso dlp10 mats have violated the superhighways speed llmlts dont know whether 011 could call It blacklist was the mil comment of lumplku spokesman Only in years of abundant harvest such as ihis one appears likely to be do we really miss the great influx oi han vesters The fact that they are needed and scarce reminds us that men will always be necessary and for some it brings back old pleasant memories of the days when harvestln in the west was almost as much so occasion as very necessary part of farm life As hawestfng methods changed less and less manpower was required and fewer men came looldng for all work Harvesting became nearly totally me chanized operation and manpower in the old sense of the word became almost oh solete One era passed and another took ItsAplace ilon Some even hitchhiked However they came they lined the depot plat form and the main streets of most prairie towns They set and patiently waited forthe most part for farmers to come and offer them work Some of the more enterprising went into the sur rounding country and asked for work at each arm that appealed to their iancy if the farmer came to town to pick up men he used the same method He walked along the street and stopped to talkto the mau or men that took his iancy as clean reliable goodworkers It was in way something of horse trading deal for both the farmer and the hired 5mm Ilmmuo Irrmlrr Mum IM Ky lulu Mlh my Clbul bod ln hl ul mm now are mum Ihnn 9000000 number thu nay Scout mnvemtnt In cnunlrlul of the world The mlveriiflc lhcrmolm am now mum hit Wm WW my minim studmla on lhelr udlocl monk and unmet rmmnm dmflons And mu xyflnï¬ the Univer tint For the Last few yeam hero hasbeenanauempnowldawn flue mm time the pa per But more hant been any prawn This year In ad the mu came out wed War flan last mu 11 um Just so long to mark paper This year were were many more nudmb than last Imd despfle two In paper mark and the so camputm to assemble marks it oak longer to prom the exam and gel out the mills FAIL 11mm PURPOSE it has become obviws that he Gmdo la cxandnallmu can never dï¬dmfly ran Hmir main mum midi manly least bum ta ho standard Mimic1 mummiw By DON OHEAIIN xnomofmde 13 on may gong way cl he dodo Mnl For years the exam team have been so hie they have put but univenlllm and mm in QUEENS PARK IILUONH ARE RCOUTS Grade 13 Exams May Be Scrapped VIP OTHER PLANETS ARE TAKINGPICTURES OF US LODGE PRESENTS CREDENTIALS IN SMGON THERE is EVIDENCE off 14153112 WE nous 15 cm BE INTELLIGENT RIP¢T FROM METABY 5m PROBE bro II II mhluxwlur mrl Wllh Ky lnr lhl II lhlnl ml um Mlhll Susan In Finlay Emllu In Hero is what Jesus had In my about mnna tuiurei Everything that runin counts is lldinR ml what we tin with Christ ya imiicvo not that am iia ya ahaii din in your aim pmgram and other nuisance Wu be possible for every it dcm who want to to lnho firstyam univmity and um eventually mum will be awarded bar mum yuan and based on Um university Iocord He III hrllcvtlh nn lb Son MOI eve nllnx Illa Ind In flu bellueth not lhe Son lhlll nol nu ma but the Inul md ahldtlll on hlm Jain If other umvm loibw alon there is every rea to am they willUm main Won Grade 13 ek mn wont be there any more One nhcr important place hey havo filled la set basis or the uwanhng of Warships and other nulsmncc But mthorhlns hero are com vincod hls aim uvn¢ be needed mudl Mm They feel um Dow or Tory soon lhlwgi the 1mm nan Butewnlnafly will be able to select its mimu on tha basis he wriMcn esLs it sets plus school record Moha marks and pomny Interviews and grade 11 um uvn ngu pmmAnzn BIBLE THOUGHT doubtcdly will extend to th ur pnlvelsi mtg wcn be nceEcd doing away with the mun from um start it is mum In nuw pmcedures an dual basis 1h Ilnv Lulu mum MI Ilrvlrullul hr lhnllvlr IM LA mvlwlu by null mm smum Fish all with mom Imell contnlns nboul 200 UmcIns much ernzon blandcr Imclllng nil Flnl Wnrld Wu Filly years an todayIn 1915 heavy mow slowed up apernllnn In the mount nIn dlslrIcLi of UM Auslnr Ilnllan trout Squadron Commander IL mg wnrth RN baume the In mnn aver lu Ilnk submarine by Mr mack Secnnd World War Twentyrive years ago Ir day In I940 No Squadron 11an went Into action or Iho Hm llmo shoollng down hm German nircmll or one nxlnnplol Iglllcd he RAF bombed Berlin Turin Milan and allHulda In France and lha law Count riu German bomb killed lhrcu nhoolglrll In neuhnl lrc 1m German nrchs pillage Belglan unlvcrslty lawn LouvnhL By THE CANADIAN PRESS August 26 1965 The archers of the Eng llsh army won the battle Crccy 819 yen ago today in defeaupg by 55 ILCvluï¬u Caesars ï¬rst and unsuccessful in vaslon of Britain began ever the English never var ied Ulch mnrauding tactics and within generation ail mm conquests except Cai nis and strip Gaxcany coasflina were gone their superior speed nnd lactic French army Imu llmcs larger than the raiders The success his campaign Una second or lhc Illundred ch War brought England the French port cum which war In hold far morn than 200 can5 How ever he Englls never var TODAY IN HISTORY The gel dams and nrcomrnnylnz loch whlrh prexumnhy hnvl llm luncllnnl of both mp lylnz hy droclrclllc muff anti lncllllnl Then Sum ny In am F405 IcLI llmck the cnmnlcx ncnr Thanh on again Illoln rrmxlml hrnvy damage on Hm xcucrnlnr hall and lrnns Inrmcr lmildlng and HIM dam 1mg lock mum wnl dlgm On Aprll mullnu nn nounrcmcnz or operation laid bridge hml been hlt nnd nddml Um lhcrmnl Ilenm pawcr Inn near um brldgc wnx also It by us Mr Fqu pluma llll PLANT AGAIN July navy pianu mm rnrrlcr xtnlck nlnln at In lhcr m5 plan ngnr Thanh Hua typesimam points barracks supply depots ammunlllon dcpolsall ihcm used along ha rauia by whith miliiary manpower and equip men were being allllralcd lalo South Vlci Nam Then he laid Ihm had been added lo the lam ayslnm rallmadl high way and bridges whidu am lha loundalion of the inï¬ltration mules acretnry Mc Namara 1n pres cnnlcrcnco Inst April 26 emphasized that the air strike than being con duclcd by us and South Vch nnmcse vlnnes were curdully limim Mryhrxeu complex ch include power plnnis dam and lock military large or is it leg men ilu clvlllnn economy which also ls militarily useful In an nncmy Whether thls palnled up In new strike against such lar set during lhn weekend mean escalation of Ike war appear todapend on semgpqcs By ELTON FAY WASHINGTON AP The us pattern bombing In Communist North Vtct Nam has moved up the Icalc to Include electric pawgrj punt on dnms For were another meet this ending cl OanAdaI nmiear loband am is the end Mm our USAM Balm were long aga denmnmi by hingwn as wflmoded and In On February was Belem Mmlster Douglas Hadmess told Parï¬amcnl 11m he had resignud gum Didcnbaker cahiuet Ila waned mat the prime ministers view an nucloa arm and my am Im cihble resigned on matter prindpla be the foreign policy so Madly cub Ivatedvy Howard Greta min Isuer of gem mm in the Dlelanbakvr memnwl What the Omser Wank men 11de run 1957 In 1963 hem zovemmznl will new stm ta prem WM REBELS WRIT That ends IL mm an M5 toric era in our military him 011 MW it 9150 In in taming Four political histnD 16 Bnyflold SD Wm Wmmwmmmmm my mmmmmm mmemmmmmmmmï¬m wmwmmgmwmmummmm Wï¬aï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬‚ Mum Buumh mmmmmmwmmm mmmmm mm mm mmmmm mmm gm PATRICK NmocuoN Oanndu mm mm Bombing PattemIn Viet Nam Now Takes In Power Plants OTTAWA REPORT ll ynur unltr Ilu not urine by p121 plrun phanl Nuclear Issue Dead Politically Today THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI WITH THE FAMOUS PERMASYAMP NO INK NECESSARY RUBBER STAMPS OF All KINDS COMMERCIAL PRINTING DIVISION DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS THE BARRIE EXAMINER by win And Cap Wlll Minna To Yunr llumu 25000 IMPRESSIONS CARRIER MISS YOU 7282433 Detail 0m complnlnu wnm not oulclnlly nvnilnhlo bu sunny welllnfanmd wum In Wm Harlin InM IM hm may he chllflltd wllh lrylng to help East German mnpe Earlier he Ear Gcmun luf elun mlnhlry oonIIrmM that Arthur Wilhruham 21 Fly rmmh EnrJnnd wu mum Aug 20 or vlolminx Eu Ctr man Inw Hnmnrd John Thwnltes 10 yearold nludcnl mm Norwich Emlnnd was nmxlcd Aux II with an unnamed Amerlcm ullrr they crossed the wnl Mo 11 Berlin BERLIN mm Briton and an American who disappeared alter crossing to East Berlln mm Wu Mlln nra bolnl Md In prlsan by ha East German authorllles Vm learned Wednesday nlxhl Slxlean normal dechla power plant at Thanh Hon Vlnh Lao Kay Phu Tho Ch Pu power transmisslvn linen and lrnnsiarmcr Iubxlndun lwo hydrolluhlc power plan mm entirely possible Illa these laclllllcs in addition to the Thanh Hon complex are plollcd 1n bombing map or pouihla lulnxo mention in shipment ol goods civilian and military aiang 1m river Thu generating plants supply electricity for homes and indus lrinl ilcluriu Britons Americans Held Prisoners In East Germany 113 Army handbook an Vlcl Nam list nid given by the Sovch Union and China to North Vlel Nam Tho Ms Includes III der Soviet Aid lb Hem resignauou Imus Haflmoss George Hoes wen based on sagmancnt over our nuclear wlicy ovea the need lornmdarpolkyuwwdoad 30 than my valid reason or Po hal lraflmntalm not halping Canada lumber in ruphue vrimln the Gamawan party is causing disarm to Canadian and to our dama ic system by depriving 01 9mm effeotmalm Hm Moe In To chum at EPEIB WHENIMION new In our wgaomn anada dud lssna Mid wnll nu brim again In on are Mabla Mute Sunly theraï¬om the time has come John Didedbakar and inhuman Male we Hum In Game Hen to heal their Md WW prompt much on principle which ev erymw ms and did mp 31 time former miners who summed htemathnal Al liances agalnst common ex kéqilng the disagreunm Niven term eiamy Md remit mm in pollflmi Bum QM mun mm 7266537 P5 W5