THE INDIAN COUNCIL CHAMBER COMMANDS COUNTY SCENIC CAVES AT COLLINGWOOD Tourist Attraction arINe VIEW or the Overlooks County panoramic view of over 000 square miles oi the surround ing countryside including Notta wasnga Bay can be seen from the heights of the Blue Moun tain Scenic Caves six miles west of Colltagwood The area is rich in historic Interest as in earlier time the rocks which rise over 1200 feet were Ideally located as fort ress for thewarrlng Indian tribes To Interest the antiquarian there are traces oi the area being Inhahltcd by the aboriginal ltiriibes of the Georgian Bay dis Ct On the side of the mountain geologists have found traces of great Inland sea and at some remote time mighty convul sion of nature has unheaved the underlying rock strata exposing great Irregular walls and its sures Those rents and caves are now overgrown with rare terns and mosses They are delight to the naturalist and voyage of dis covery tor the tourist Some of the fissures are so deep that snow can be found at the bottomof them while in others the more recent work at water bis calmed sortie unusual rock fashions IOUIIISI ATTRACTION Each day hundreds oi tourists visit the scenic catti litany of them travel to the font at the caves by car from highway 16 by way oi the improved road Others may prefer ride on the aerial chalrllft This lofty ride almost mile long takes you through the trees to the Skyline roundhouse lrom where it Is only short walk to the scenic caves The view from the top looks northward over the broad ex panse of Nottawasaga Day with Christian island and the shore of Tiny township visible In the distance To the east the hcltthta overlook Collingwoed the docks and the rain elevators Alon footpath on the way up to caves the visitor pass or the natural rctrlgerator This Is cooled by the cold air from the Ice cave behind It ICE CAVE To get to the ice cave which is really huge split in the rocks the visitor scrambles as test down four wooden ladders into Its cold and eerie depths The bottom ls slippery with snow and Ice It Is chilly trip for the srmncmiad adventurer with the temperature well below Irecrlng Itack on the written attain there are number of scenic views The visitor soon realize the strategic Importance placed on the site by the warring in dians Then vantage points have been given titles such as Lovers ltert which needs no more fr plrnstlon Also Suicide at where according to legend an Indian trth decided all was itn tstmt when her torsr was killed in bottle The Indian Council chamber Is pinnacle of rock joined by wooden gangway and untouched by any other rock except tom the bottom This Island was the council chamber of the Chiefs of the lluron Nation iVOIiSIIIPIING ROCK From this vantage point the visitor can look across to one at the most outstanding sights at the Scenic Caves Eltarennt ondi the rock stands out This Is the worshipping rock of the Indians who believed the soul of the dead had to pass by before reaching the happy hunting grounds Nearby is Point lookout which Is probably used as Iortress and where the council ï¬res of the tribes were built It Is be ticved the least of the dead was also held here These fires could be seen easily from the Huron villages to the east Including Fort Ste Marie An interesting spot during the tour of the Scenic Caves is the Fat Mans Misery Cave You can either go through It or over the top The exit to the cave is only It inches wide hence the title The cave becomes narrower as you scramble through and at one end there Is hurricane lamp to give light to show the way INDIAN WItITING Most Indians must have been slim fellows as on the list wall on the right hand side the less portly palctacca may have time during their wriggling to notice number oi carvings bellavcd to he Indian figure writing Alter the daring f0 thrmgtt Fat Mens Misery requires no nerve hi all to pass through but also different types of rare torn and mass The eavani Is over 100 feet deep and is dark as the top is mostly covered over with over hanging trees On one wait there are signs of Iron ore and on the right side of limestone it the visitor looks closely he will notice that some spots fit rock for rock an Indication Urese walls were separated with the movement at lee during the Gla cier Age To get out of the dark Fern Cavern you pass under the Hang lag llock it used to be hanging but at some distant time due to Ice rrvovomcrtt ItJoll oft Its Iot ty pinnacle and wedged Itsclt between the walls of the cavern llope Early Start On Arena Floor Creemore Arena floor fund oommlttee hopes to make an early start this tail on the plan to pmide permanent typo floor for the local arena Early estimates were approx Imately 8000 to excavate re iill and provide cement floor for the present 150 by 60 Ioot its surface This figure may be high and the committee with $1700 In band may be closer to the air Iective titan they think With that substantial amount In band the aommltis feel they are on safe ground and with the winter months last approach Ing to start work soon Conoeists Stop At Honey Harbour IIONEY II It It Ont CPIThe Alberta crews in the Whittle canoe trip designed as trialrun tor crosscountry centennial voyage have added new elements to the tradition of the vaysgeurs of 50 years ago The have plastic plpcs Ire stall in their canoes to trans mlt drinking water to the 0er men thercb getting around the necessity to ipplng or water This in only pnrt of the over all clflcicncy shown by the two western crews whose boats are rpeclall sda led and loaded or per set ha ance Each new mrmbcr has rpecitlc task in the boat and Irountl the camptire and csr rles It out with speed and Mr clrion with this efficiency they have been able to instill com petitive spirit in the voyrge ABIC son Tllll BEST IN Till IIOUIII Yamaha by IMAM WALKER planned only to give the crews experience The Alberta crews have lost the lead only once when the On tario boots set out in minutes early one morning Ali IN RACE ltiort teams are participating in the trip as If it were race but the New flninswiek crew would have nothing oi that Sunday night the eight crews irons three provinces and two territories bedded down In lionoy Harbour thus endln the first week of the trip rom North ltay to Gansnoque Today they will enter the Severn ltivcr system and expect to reach Orillta Tuesday where civic welcome at the foot of Champlains Monument Is planned Orillta Ir about miles southeast oi IIoney liarbour but trip at more TONIGHT AND TUESDAY GREAT FEATURES ALL COLOR IHOW OMHttttdttdt ctOnt natmaï¬ansl fllflm iN iern Cavern frequented by bats SHANIY BAY VISITORS CLIMB PATHWAY OUT OF FERN CAVERN Parents Attended Day Camp For Childrens Awards Night Parents Night was held at Cedar Glen Park Glencalrn tor parental oi the boys and girls who have been attending two week day camp there it started on July 25 and ended Friday August 5th Some 93 children Were enroll ed for the camp program at erattr canoe swimming physical fitness testing over night slcep and many other ae tlvlties The parents won the Annual Staff Parents Volleyball Trophy Tor the second straight year In row They defeated the stall two games to one The following children received awards SWIMIIIING Tadpoleltelcn Patton Joan Stephens Scott Walker Jeff lita dill Mary Noble Blair Gordon Gary Van Severn Gary Iiutchtn son Steve Sircigl Frank De beer Lynn Mills Evan Jamie ron Elvis lamleson MinnowGary Van Sevens Gary iiutehinson Camlel Deboer Elvis Jamieson Donnie Fisher Dale Madili iobn Noble FishDawn lledpatlt Karen Kirkpatrick Susan Hutchinson Doug Durtch Steve Pengclly Danna Macklc Norma Petti grew Darlene Denison Linda Bellnger Caren Denisan Ilcath er Weatheralt Beginners Karen Fishcr Maureen Weatherall Allan Trottt Iionnle Trott ilrian Fails Carol Lawson Gregory Stephens Jack Stephens Iticky Madili CANDEING beginnersKaren Fisher Car at Lawson Bonnie Trott Jack Stephens Doug Stephens ltlcky Madili Tells Council 0i Library Tour mural1 it mu lilac em meeting of Inntsfil Cotde last week Ural dining the holidays ha hadmodessuney of iiseoxmty librosiu lie was greatly krrpnosstd with the immunity grit shown In trawler Iv lass srrisll libraries and clt that armhng that world Item oorrsrsrntty tngcttn er was worthy rooted llo tntd tire hoard tint one thing wields WM him ms the must of tree work rim try the We win two Miro tlw ersll Iliaarias Ins wrjtrr Aime Haiti be In tint now legislmm would be available tint wtairl moirb entity inpruva this vturtiry arr Kf tie is timesting his time for the lamina and says it was more may um cm the ktm that mthimt width ms arht tn the mmurky lie was worthy oi moldcm litmus II At Outbrle ltrtmn Itsrrlt AM Willi BOX OFFICE OIENII AT part Roch DORA liluoson it These maylhanaatt aw pm this uwlevh the Sena anon HAMMWI mm klltrllu sisdwelt PHYSICAL FITNESS lied Bonnie Trott Sue llut chinson Darla Dobbs Penny llelmer ludy McGlltivary Doug las Tryon Douglas Stephens Roger Gordon Camtet Debccr Blair Gordon Sherry Gallagh er Darlene Denison Norma Petilgtew Donna Mackte Heath er Weatherall Jack Stephens Steve Striegl Elvis Jamieson Blueileldl Strelgl Carol Law son Caren Denlson Mary Noble Gold Drlan Falls Marilyn Dodd TENT INSPECTION Girls Mtcmac Tribe under Princess White Dove tBev ltoba Inaonl Days IIutes under Chief Sitting Bull Bill Ania ARCHERY Itoys iohnny Bayer Girls Penny ilelmer VOLUNTEERS Bill Stephens IVY iiy MRS WIIMER WILSON Miss Amanda Lyons ls spend lng two weeks holiday with Mr and Mrs liesman Jenncti Mrs Parker Corruthers both brldge Alta and Mrs Ives Ira vidting Mrs George Camsthcrs and other friends hero Brian field Is holidaying In Parry Sound IItISBYTEIIIAN CENTENNIAL The Presbyterian Centennial was attended by over 700 people Sunday Aug te straw ers which came oary in the morning and cleared before serv vico Visitors attended from far and near The will speaker for the day was the Rev Prat McCarmll Prince Rupert who brought two Inspiring mossrues The soloist was Carl Green liar rlo with rpodal mode by the D1 HELEN OIILIIJ ins week as rema ordeal rmon mnan mica wars on tourism bus and Inst They Ivdt their rm kt Itsinst and Now Ilium 0W1 URI on New llrlusin Lina drndortd bin tirivm Itidtani McDon nid of New Min Itnt was Ninerrm talis Ont nine Urey stopped to spmd day of straitsodas ttmm Nissan rhry dmvo to Port McNtootl and salt nixsanl the tillt nt Alrtiixtine for tivedry trip to the head Hey Gang DAILY lM ll MI MIMI TIIIIII EVERYONE WEILONII smarter Arrives Sale FALMouTtt setThe to guard reported todeytbat RobX art Maury and his little at Tinkerbelie have been rigisagt 20 miles south ofWolfrock off the Cornish coast ofEngiand The coast guard said the Cleveland Ohio newspaper man and his litsvfoot sloop were seen by the Ilshing traw ler Ctearwster Manrya position waswtthtn two ertlrree days railing of his goriFrimouth harbor Maury tlhas been at me 71 days He set sail June tyon sooo mtievoysgs from Fat mvth Min to Falnmtir England He was last sighted week ago 265 miles westtot Lands End The Trewarvenneth another British fishing boat reported alongside thsTinkerbclle at position some undies south west of the Sclliylslnndl The best sentymti that Maury re ported be We fit and Hit had enough provisions and asked the course to The lizard let on the southern coast rnwali choir underlineleadership oi organist Mrs Bruce Miller centemlsl decorated Ferny cakes adorned the tables at the my social tlrne following services Miss Maude Keown the oldest member truths chum and for analytyeaislorssnbtronrm cake on the guests tattle Bert McLean the oldest elder mar veyed thanks to all attending and to all who worked to make the centennial sueoeu Rev it it Smnnserviile minister here Imm 19111 I923 bigfldiofbaï¬l many momeres ministry Ellwood Matilt MP and Deputy lime George Davis brought congratulations Rev Downer MPP Dun troon and Rev iloss Adams Barrie moderator attmded the eveninve service Mr Adams rie Presbytery and Mr Downer mad lesson Howard Meier Tomato visit ed last week with his mother Mrs Major and sister hire James MeDermott The latter andberhreilterleftonanator trip to Fort William Saturday Mr and Mrs Vivian dennett Weston are holidaying at their cottage Iimberline Victor Ilayward Joe Wilson and Tom Amoid returned from holidaying at Algonquin Park Cw VISINILS roato visitors have included Mr and Mrs Fwd Great with Mr and Mrs Bert McLean Gegory Gemmili few days with Mr and Mrs ilev Jennett Mr and Mrs Warren Davts Ind Iasre iiy with Mr and Mrs Ilenry Davis and Mrs Eaten Davis Mr and Mrs Ken Sutherland and Gary holidaying with Mrs George Wilson CIIURCII GUESTS Those who attended the Pres byterian centennial Sunday and called on frienm included liar vey Coulter and friend Itmnto with Mr and Mrs Earl Iicld Mr and Mrs Jack Sealers and family Georgetown Mr and Mrs ilarold Woods Stayner Mrs Jack Ifanlon and beryl Barrie Mr and Mrs Art Cal son 1hltcndal at Mr and Mrs Cleve Pattons Mr and Mrs Allan Ilitl Orillta at Mr and Mrs Lorne Camrthcrs Mr and Mrs Russell Kunpster and iam Ily and Don Ginninxhem Belle ytllc Mr and MraJtsGrltlitha and Miss Belts Miller Barrie with Mr and Mrs Elwood Ien nett Miss ltcts McDonald Tor onto snd Mrs Jack Ilstt rte with Dr and Mrs Edwin Wilson Mrs Goodcrham AM OPEN AllNllAYl TEALI PM AND IM II IM Mn Iioury liarHe at Mn Artisa Ooxworth Sr Citizens Cruise Area of the lakes in the meantime Mr itth Is staymg at The TNTM and etmaeeinx as man II will pics up tdn passengm again rd Im on Ikstmlry when they will go on to visit 1m him that oily they go to Iirodsvitle 0rd lemdsu the bus Um no mriso tismudr the Tim send isllurris of the St lawman Finally they will nature in link from by bus hisme the Aritmnrindr Almmtsï¬m In New Torts Stine Grown Ups Too II titlIIIIIITING At The Barrie Plaza AATUIIDAY IIECIAL lie IIM LAUGH hitï¬tTATUM IItï¬ï¬‚ INIUIIIJI RIDES tilllIIiTN IINIIIZII tl All WIIIN Arrnatrsmnn NY PATIENT earner wows TUE DARRIE EXAMINER MONDAY AUGUST l8 1965 scorn stereos no brtire euv cHscK WITH roadrunner FOB TIIE BEST IN mun streamers our TRACTOR Highway ii North 1728 752 oamvrmczaearcue mummieth Prim immense art tlre CanadianNatbnal Whites Justbemscleused Mrs Itambty Simwe Dairy Pasteur will appear Mr moay Aug 21 The Darreler Dairy am Mrs Irm unseen will appeu Wednaday Aug 23 My Aus 27 tho Grey Dairy Phineas Miss Mary Reid will plan to mam the cm on the tin their Dairy Fatima Is bo This will We herto sw mrt the vanity with mom en thorium HMOUS ytittrs IiIIllllll TODAY From the beglnntng they knew it was mum but nothing could ks em apartl utzaamiiiilï¬ition RICHARD BURTON EVA MARIE SAINT IN MARTIN RANSOWIS much it lit rswsvvslw Alto subtotal W211 up MATINEE AT pm EVENING AT 7ld and ti Gillmfll monsoon 0FLATE LATE snow wrraaraan sea wed Plus Joel McCrss Many mldantsofthecounty qionousunnounooouoo IMPERIA EAT RE AT 100 and salient Moots lion Schneider apuotne Paula Prentiss Mhsahnnotlnl Woo uAiten endowIsis Ursula Andress lhrnslbgttte humour Whats Nevv Pussycat Maud tw UNITED ARTIBTI TECHNIOOLOR slursu r° BARRIE HURONIA DRIVEIN THEATRE BEE 1zeasel STARTING TOMORROW mumsummumi so sutrtcsu 47 mtslhrnowru TIIE GREATEST VIKING ADVENTURE 0F TIIEM ALL TONIGHT ONLY Shirley Maelslne JOHN GOIDFARB PLEASE COME HOME CATTLE EMPIRE arson You EARTRIDGE nuoneconunn than News