Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Jul 1963, p. 4

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It on not be unfair to suggest that Mr Gordon lost an opportunity to take bold imaginative and yet thoroughly practical approach to federal financing Three steps could have been taken lm mediately or within the calendar year First the government could have stream lined the budget by courageous reduc tion rather than increases in estimates In multibilliondollar federal spend ing program there are ockets of ex travagance which could eliminated recent Royal Commission made this 1o eholdera of town in August Bar ries future as manufacturing centre claimed at stake Carriage Co diree tors listed in Ontario letters patent aa Lott Nathaniel Dyment Hunter Ilambly Warren Irwin and Strathy KC Shoe Co directors were Thomas Beecrott Milne It Ellis James Vair and Irwin Community saddened by drowning of Lorne McMann who tell into bay from Mulcastcr Street wharf unnoticed Trinity Church Vestry de cided to ado ollcy of tree pews Season at Eg ay Point new in full swing Among tamllies now at cottages there or lummer are there at Dougall Sarjeant ll ll Otton Garden Dr Oliver PM and Tyrcr Town council aet tax rate for year at 245 mills Municipal expenditure was estimated at $32201 fPave Way For Pr osperity But Not Through Taxation It Is ev en Gordon approach ed his onerous task as minister of fin ance with desire to balance the bud geteventually He inherited heavy commltments from the revlous Pm gresslve Conservative adm nlstratlon and further ex endltures in the form of wage increases or clvll servants and Liberal prgnxhgtorake the ownage penslgn Finance Minister Gordon has brought down the jeers of the Progressive Con Iervaiive as result of his latest bud get decision to water down the sales tax on building materials and production mafimfryu Mr Gordon could ignore this reaction or term it political tactics of tho 0p position But he cant afford to turn deaf ear to the obvious rumblings of discontent atnst further taxation The time has ved to regard the Canadian WWW QEeTLWhE Mr Gordon assessed his expenditure package and decided he must raise more taxes to cut down his deficit and make taken up roach to balanced budget His thin ng was obviously in terms of what we should spend not what we could save Boldest step of all could be reduc 1an ln taxation Where to cut ls Mr Gon dnns problem As start we could sug gest reduction In the corporation tax es If this were done some eopla might say that cuts should come trst in The Northern Advance July 1903 Town council met in ecial session to consider concessions as ed by two new industries endorsed by Barrie Board of Trade Backed by iocalbusiness and professional men the firms were Barrio Carriage Co and Barrie Shoe Co Coun cil decided to suyrnit two rnoney byiiaws mu In mm on man on hm mom mu lnluln ml mum puntIon mm nu ma com um 60 YEARS AGO IN BARRIE mm mde mm mumn In ummr Nvlmd In and Ium modum mm lmuw nl Hummu Tmmlul 0b any vow hm In IhI In luhll hm tul Nu IM Flnapclnl Post lho tetlcrnl government should not be inhibited ln aecurtng tho but poulblo ndvlcu on hlghly technlcnl mutton at groat Importance to all Cnnadlms The Financial loat retenan to the tcrmlnctl attempts ol the op osltlon part on to make somclhln hat out at the fact that three apccla nsslstnnts trom nulsldo the regular clvll acrvlcu mlvlscd Ftnnnco llllnhater Walter Gordon tlurtng the pro Irntlon ot the budget and so were pr vy to tts accreta 11 illbrtslghlcd and conlompllhlo to smear govcmmenl mlvlsorn nnd to numc that they no uullly wrongdolna 324LMu uZ Alumni IM Iln loud will mu Aulhulllod new 9m mu lol mm wmmml um pnymonl mun em Dllr Luna mi lllulnu llnlMIn mgm Innml WA mum mum nunrt 1mm 1m MannInn qu1 not nun um munn AflvnIIlu MIIIIAII mmnnu ammu on am mm Ila mu nary 1a mu In mu The Barrie Examiner Walls Publisher BEST POSSIBLE ADVICI flank Exammr OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Published by Canadlan Newspapers Limited 16 Hayfield Silent Barrie Ontario DOWN MEMORY LANE Brian Slalght General Manager mun JULY 1m Plle4 However the soc ed little people depend on business and industry to sup llily them wlth jobs Consequently the ealth of our economy ls most import ant reducflon ln the corporation tax es therefore would he most vital It would release mllllons of dollars or ex panslon and would be strong encoun agement to nesh cupital gnu exinslon offifiusVlnrevigrhd Indus try woul be igultlesslwlthqut ngmjlgets The government must seek out these markets and encourage Canadian bualc nessmen to follow suit Trade Minister Sharp has already stated that the gov ernment wlll go after more lntemahon al business and that lt will pay ior what It gets in the form of concesslons He underlined the undoubted fact that Canadian business and industry would bay to be that competjflye Overnight burglaries reported by Essa Road sho Overs tonsoriai pur ior and Snun ers toilerin lest oods Fireman Bron on rand Tmnk freight saved childs life by climbing down on lirilot oi engine and pushing tweyearol oi track An drew Hunter MA had interesting article on Huron Indian village sites and trails in Oro and Medonte lie describ ed Ridge Road main highway between Barrie and Oriliia as likely original in dian trail Barrie Aquntic Club setting up strong crew for war canoe in content regattas at Lake Simcoo olan Bar rie goiiers deieaied Coll ngwood by 10 holes on Dominion Day Visitors arrived on noon train and were taken in lunch eon at Commander Vhlrlll residence lifter ihe match at the Barrie Woodcot Links reireshmcnis dinner swim in bay were enjo ed prior to boarding the evening train or home Sacred cons cert in St Marys Church with lecture by Rev Father Mlneiran of Si ieierr Toronie personal income taxes to benefit the BVEEBKB manuor woman However business and industry can not be competitive it they are ham strung by excessive taxation and other forms of discouragement They will need tariff protection for sometime but these walls against commerce can he whittled down as Canadian business and industry increase their ability to fight for world trade through lower costs and efficient means of production The jabof putting our economy on the right track is multiiold affair it is not handled by the simple expediency of raising or lowering taxes It cannot be accomplished by trade drive alone It involves teamwork kind that will brln governmenL business and indus trvunto the campaign We cannot get more world trade if we are not competitive We cannot expand faculties to cut costs if investment cap ital ts siphoned off by taxation But we as Keople can produce more revenues for government through pros erity which would benefit business In ustry and the salaried man or wageearner William Moore pfiered extraordinary bargains in nineday summer Iootwear sale Burton Ave Methodist Church realized $200 from lawn social at Burtons residence Presentation made to Rev thnurciiili reiirinquripr Most certainly than an uclnlllls Imon our cttlzenry who cm truatcd wttt bud at lecrcll men who hlvo just muc pmonnl problly as In tullllmo clvtl servant nnd mlny ctvl servants nrc nho privy to budget secrets Whit polltlclns my not mo nlza that tho clhlcal stnmlnnl in bus nus is so much hlgher than It In In many arena ot polit Jcs lho businessman who non nllppar soon finds others dont do mslncss wt hlm Members the tlnnnclal commun tty nro nhovo Ill protontannin In necrot kocplng They have to he or they get no lmslncsn FEWER FARMERS NOW IIrnnIIurd Expnxllor Snmo foIk IIIII IIIInk of Canada land Inhlbllud mnInIy Ivy Inrmm whon ml by ImIInm leklmos Ind Mounted IuIIccmon Ilul lIIo art In IIIaI only about 12 per cent lha Cnnndlan labor force In nnw employed In ungculIure rnmpnred wllh nan1y 25 prr unl In Puma and 33 per cent In Italy 50 deep 11 lho penolmllon of modom government Into nll upecln of our 11v ol and so complex lho mm of govern mcnleollcy on cconumlc progrm lhlt ha visa ho objective prorculonll II wholly to be woltomed lu charge that this In uomchnw Improper in lo d1 plny discouraglng dlalrusl of brnlnpow or Ind mnlrmpllbly law View of tho chmclcr uchulm Now new would go to tha hospital and um turnery on my mu mutt not walk at three weekl Having to work couldnt pomth do It Any lug zeonmT Yn rFlrIt you hnva my lym wlhlf nut the 111051 helptul advice can give to hum that you face 1m Ind slap looking or some aubxutule or proper treatment of coma Corn In tamed by prel lllle Prmuro came rum wearing the qunl thou You can rcmovn the com hul un less yml remova that pressura more wlll grow Now then wlnl to do Tell your employer that your doctor my you mun no to lho ho pltnL Once you have yaur he re pllred Ind out whn klnfl Ahggl to nd get heyn Sh um In mm or too nlrmw or bulk an lhu came com lllzh heel for lhn ch downward Inlo tho Ihocl Ind ll qullu unulunl to find woman without somq com lormnllon Samcllmu melnlnml Fads by chlnxlnl lhu pollllon mu ml help rent deal but lk wlmlul lhnldnz to mod mm wllhoul waning Imu Ind alllercnl shaped thou wllh emphuII on lower heck Im lorry um ygu hm had mm at lrauba and no lunged mlury but In llmg now or to uvcrnl week of nmody condlllon lha hnl no bun nlvrd by spongy n3 Inru By JOSEPH mm MD Dem Dr Molnar How do get of ppm eaph small 1097 chlmpodlst gives mu lamporary relief but mme limes only or week This condition hu gone on or more thy 251nm Faulty loo mechlnlcl wuk ch nu Ml hummer log dc Add to Iha trouble Mal My malhtr underwent ull blnddor mr try Blonu were moved In ad hulanl camclod SM now under Alricl dlcl lo pmml lndlmllon and hcnnbum though luxury mth thm ymyloml non could mommy conom Nu lhp pnd cl 1M command mm thllll wt pm MuI Ind II Ind nmlrm III lHh Illvlnodl lhn my Min an rim rim ulmu II alum lulu The all blmlder mur vnlr or In Iupply hlIn which lho llvtr mm produc lul WHII lhn nu bllddar rt movrd lhll um lpply In not lvnllnhll nlmlon Id In on orulnnl nnllnl In pa lml my hlvu In bo cmlul ml lo on loo much and £9 clllly no loo nun5 at In ghoul MI MMlullly huvy Inlm hm In chum htIr hnhm Imr Judi luxury mm or moder calm ulunlly continua lhe um Hr Your molhvr may have lmuho In the Alum Ich pmprr whlch wu ml ml mlrd by lhc nll bllddlr nur ury In ulwr Ipnlm yprrnnldily or wulhly hlllll hunll but Dr alum hm boon lulu with my moth TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH BIBLE THOUGHT Remove Pressures Get Rid Of Coms III II In HOW ABOUT LITTLE VIGHH about tho but way or Im Io qult smoklng lay lha should stop completely once and or all Ska uya ho Ihuuld reduce gradually until shes down to one and then stop Which way ll besllLJL ull cold turkey ll work or me know pcopla who have reduced their unok Inz ullhounh dont null any who hnvu succeeded in cutting dawn Io one and than flapping The latter usually decide some where along the llno am my hive cut down enough nndinn Pnrlinmcnu were up vnlled by deform budnu ol 11000000 In ddcnca Iundl was sometimes dimmed In other projecll um yuunuu An amount of £1000000 doesnt lum halt on the hem 01 any MP on lhe Commanl dc fence commllm now Iludylnfl 1001 ddoncu budget BASIL The first Cnnudlun defence act wu pruned In 1866 the 30 arm Confederation It provldud £100000 or dclmlco workl Nol ptnny wns spent or MI purpose however All the money wnl mad or nllwny tonllmtllon rilnin hem wllho dnwlnl lu 10000 lroopl mm Canada The population Can Idn wu 557100 and mllllln expenditure than we no rczulnr lulcgbWfll $1 vurmu Wm sun In In Inna unmvwnn II mm medl or Ihe Fenian Id waaml he llld lllvrl III 1070 about 000 mlmlu mm mm 111ch out doll with lha lenn rnMI and In Mm 700 or by 11rd lllvnr rx Redlllon lo quell un llru nlcl cbolllon In 1m ha yur Inn North Mal Ndmlllnn llrllnln Ilkrd Canada and an wlml mull Ilon It would In mnllnunl tar varu In lvfmal Cnnmll nm by Ml lIrIlIn muld pay In hill Tho vmmnal nu dmmml lMNAlM ALMIMRI ll Ulmloned and tho Unlbd sum um Vm uun mummy dmvulc Canad umo Io Illllml InertItd dolr Iwmlm In mulm in mo hard mumm mud lflulppm Irmwmd and pull loruu Md WM HIGHEST In 71 um mum upde lun un MIMI hllhm lu um unlil mos In In no mllllln nllrnded mull lrnlnlnl cnmpl bmuu cl luck hum Inrlinmenl mad umooo lnr dmnu hul um govtrnmcnl mnami lo lmtk IMIflOWfl 530000 nnuul uul mm mvuw In IMI dtIrrIouIIun ol equlb mlnI mulled In um pInI arm cnIInpnlnl In mranhm durlnl IfllllclY vrndlcn by In IIcInu Onl urrIwn Iullcry III 1m nnuln Ilelmld Io IIIIInIn woodnn mam oar wlln CIIIrnyIII Ionmd Ihl provlmu yur In Iulnlnl IIuo mvl ll wnn lound wu unul In in IN pmmnrnl tom vm ulhllmod Ill numbm um ml In anud umMlnfi SPENDING BY CANADA fllMiA CPD Early Cn Deience Budgets Very Small Before The Second World War con5 Horn or lervlu In Soyth MHCI In 1901 Cnnadu nJccled thl Drillsh proposal lhnl 7mm flunk In expeditionq tom Tim all lb pennin en win lncmutdlpo 1000 In ms defenco Iymdlnl mm 940297 In the next year Iha in Drillah mop Wm wlhdrnwn from Cmndl In mo Iha navy wnl emb llshed 313000000 naval un Ilructlon pronum wu pro jected but govamment thlnzed and 110 pmmm wn thrown ouL In the lame year 100mm hullnllon cl lhn Quecnl Own mm Cnnadl wen la Eng land In mln Thu commanding nlllccr ho unll pnld Ill pcnsta In 1m tho Scum mum Sir Robert Bordcnl 5000 vnl conllmcflon protrlm any 1953 By THE CANADIAN PRESS Jullun Caesar was born and xnve his name to lha month at hll blth 2065 yam no todayIn 101 EC Caesar wu descended mm pakiclnn lamlly the member of which long had been ldenllfled will the un atorm puny H1 lumen general were to land Io his amnion dim ol Rom On March 15 44 BC Cunt Wu null and at the too the statue of Pomgghll old enem the nu Hausa Ind11in mummy ww 3° Isier lhu UTOKSPOBTS FRI AUG 2nd 5711 pm pum aARnIE ARENA numop ST mm TODAY IN HISTORY PRESALE TICKEIS Nimlenn ulnlr Conlcdarnllnn HOT RODS CUSIOM CANS SPORTS CARS BARRIE CHALLENGERS DIXIES SMOKE SHOP JACKSONS GRILL By PAlMCK NICHOLION orva Judy LIMIth the quickmum trllzeroniuad minuler of ham and welfare hll taken an tougher pm nenl dun the ever hud to when Ibo wu mum in the Canadian Womfnl Anny Conn or crlmlna hwy In the ooumoam or truth quldder oq up lamina Thraopauk Judy th baby Canduh um mananml uh lnal has challtnned the mm 000000 alumna lnduséry to Hula llgerally tolthg ellh no Iy early lemon Mln LaMAnh wn alums next to me at lunch Ihe pumd Iamlwhll Minn1y cm rello Ihu commented There IID reason why we cannnt men onlth abwl thin II he Brlmh government Whatn an your mind Judy uked her Ckrules Ihl rlpllad Ill have an Intelemu an nnuncement to make nhaul than In few days few days later speaking beinre the Soulhem Onlnria Liberal Aleocielien Hamll ion Mile LIMmh dropped her bombshell In the put iew weeks ehe um have irenkly been thinned by the thin wave oi public concern over this matter end the mum delule oi queellone In the Home oi Cam menee Mare in mm er ham the eie oi incrml mung evidence which ll piiinl up on my desk at the reielian ehl between cigereiie making en inn cencer Yesterday hey brought hydnnflc machlnn along and cmemntolkwmdmm Iothl dump Whnl Ihould ha done about in Mill LaManh added am ulvlnz considerallon to the con mlladon with all Inlamted groups to work out paulbla mmm particularly murd nz the education at our youlh wllh tame tn thll public health problem II any wonder that we Ind our taxes going up every your Surely than mm be unw loam Iamewhm In 011 depnflmenn The minister lakes lhln mu very Ieflouuly but the II not judging 1L Unlll the con clulan of her confmncs Th cornn liu been Iurvey ad lam our um 11 the 1m two or Mm weal hop lama rude will please explain do Hwy run I111 daparunenl by luau Ind by God out plenum la upreu lhc Dunk and lpplldlllon nl Salvation Army lander or he xccllcnl luypon whlch your newan nvc Shield Appan and should also Him to have lhl upponunlly throth um courluy your columns lo lay lo nII donor and hllpcrl haw mend or Lhalr lleINy and or mvlm nndmd With mry good will Yvun llncmly Burm leflolond Nullonll CampIn Dlmlor 1min No week ago the depart men Iald new pleco of My walk on Quean Street ha comer 01 St Vincent Street OTTAWA REPORT mlth be ma Idea to lump lhe dale on All new Ildcwnlk coustmcllun Dur Sir Barrie mamlncr MPs Wish Iudy Ltd In Cigarette Fight Yolm Slncmly mangled Progeny Owner LETTERS EDITOR PRESENT doctors nilrein mlnw inciurern and other inimliad parliu probably in the All nine will not publicly pronoun her verdict on whether hull nreiia really coliin nail But she did no min lira corn meal by Ipokeaman or the Canadinn Medici AuocIIUan who mounted that Anyone who 11 the ace the mount lnz continual to mole cigarette would ha in iellaciualiy duiiiuie and mor ain derelict Min LlMlflh hu cut her cnnuumriinn of dues pack day to 111 The tan in the mug clza rem controveny that amn lar old we met In other ann laxlr and no roundly excoflaked by In many our honest all clclana Madhun Avanua In LaMarah heraelf has bmerly armched advertisement de aimed to harem the canaumy clonof clurelm be Innuendo they must that makes man appear manly and woman morn nnrletlve Ihl snyar Her messala has already got acron Some mile man ufacturers have cl mhed aboard her lave the chlldren band wagon by naming without pmmpllnu that their advertise menla Ihnuxd not appear on TV balora mhy which me the lump lhxe llllla cola should hava zone byebye But the ranks are beIn mar Ihalled agaInat our heal min IrIerI dneIra In protect our health even wIthIn her own my One backbench Liberal has reIred the cry Inr nub eIdIas to protect the poor to bncco grower II thIa obnoxi mu weed so obnoxious and II theeeatatementl are correct an expect they are then the pea Ie reepnnIIbIe or the In dus ry and who have Invested money Ihould be prnIeeted This MP named Roxburgh went on In pronose that there lhouId be mblldy Ivan or nelntance In remrch In Ive Innntha or Ive year the re Iearch people mIght make It pnselble for everyone to make without deIrImenII But the cue egalnet the tobncco Indus try In the us In ust thnt It he devoted an eIgnIIIcent part at It huge prellte Io the attempt to make IIa dangeraux product me Whlla not forgetting the great one man campaign ea Inng waged by OrlllIIl Dr Itynard In PnrlIamentD most MP mm In he wlehIng Judy luck In her hunt with the de mon nIcctIne INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL PERSONAL Dunlap St lllrrll SARJEANT INSURANCE AGENCY INSURANCE SURVEYS FOR in 53 figfi

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