Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Jul 1963, p. 14

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An exaltan newtasta In beehPlck up carton alid sue mcmhcr n1 lhe Unlud Church servan tldcr at lhu nnlhesdu United Church He wns also member of he Conkslown Mnnllnbl ladle Nu or 70 ycnrl Mr mumm urvlvcd by Since mnvim to kaslown Mr Mchlnsler served as Iruy with tho village Cookslown or Iavcrnl years He look rent lnleml In community and myylclpnlr aHnIrL Dining Mr McMnslers Inrm year he was an ardcnl horse mam lnklng pride 1n 5howmnn IN ngrigullurnl inlra He moved rum Clcnr Lake Muskokn In March mu lhn 4th llne of Innlsfll and lhen lo Cooknuwn In June 1951 when hlhrugldcd until death Mr McMnster was born Dec 1m In Mnnvm Township Muskokn son the We Mul lhaw McMuslcr and Dorothy McGlnneu Hn was mnrrind Emma Coapcr on March I2 In Toronto COOKSTOWN Special On June 30 WIlllnmJnmcs Mania er dled at Stevenson Memorial Hospital Alllswn Mr New at had been In poor health for new r5 ep Hwagrec man from lac concernlnx IIEHCE ark Lot Plan report on WI nvuiign lion nl Main SL Hawkeslnne was received by council The Board of Tmsiees was to be advised of ii contents The re port was from the malarial and research division oi the Dgpnruncni ni iiixiiwnys 0R0 Speclah Blinding pennil Issued to June 30 in 010 Township cover construc tion with an csllmaled value $128806 building lnspccmr Cur rie reported lnwnship council this month The lownships por tlan In fee has been paid or Illlhese permits hesaidA Oro Township Building Permits Reported Value $129000 Correspondence was read TWOWEEK EXCHANGE of training between Royal Canndlnn and United State Sen Cadets began with the inspectlon of the Canadian Sen Cndtls at the Great Lakes AT Youn BEER stunE 5mm BUSY WEEK FOR BfiBfiEESEA CFDETS AND TANK cREwS OBITUARI Many flornl Irlbulc were re tuivrd mm Cookslnwn Unlled Church Cookxlawn Wumunl In sllluto Mnnilnhn Lodge No 236 Swnnxca lmxlnn Tumnlo mud Educnllon Swnnxcn Toronto mm and neighbor Frlcnda nnd rclnllvu attended ram Toranlu Vulm Hunk Hunuvlllu and Churchill Pull on were Norman Coulll Cecll Nnvlla Arthur Cooper Hopper Albcr Gllmy and Ken Robinson Flow cr hearers were Elmer Gra hnm Harold Parker We in dlc lrn Wllson Fred Appcrlcy Bill Mnrllnx Hector Smllh and wpgan grmh his wiln Emma Conpzr two daughters Irene at home and Hum Mn Finley nl llunlm ville nne son Earl ol Tnmnln une slstcr Mrs Margaret B103 Huntsville and one hmlhcr Joseph DJ Cooksluwn and 10 nrnndchlldrcn He was prcde teased by nnu slslcr Mrs anm Glcnboro Munilnbn Ind one bmlher John of Cook 0Wfl mineral service was held mm the Hughes Hych IlomyflJylly wiih ev Dnvles man lmz Interment was In Thornton Unlonpcmclnry claim for turn lambs killed wns ordered paid lhe vnlunmrx csllmnlc 0her accmmL wcro also passed or paymean report an wnrk dune during June was passed ior paymenL Mr Currle is in consul Ihe district municipal engineer on various road mailers including repairs in the pavement on Rand all letter lo Symands was nulh mind it mid oulllne road his pyqperiy mm ha Communlly Planning Branch about pmposcd plan at subdivislnn the Ukranlan National Council meet again on July Inlnlng Centre Hamflton by Rear Admiral Budge RON 1191 National Secre tary of the Navy League of Canadaulhe Canadlan cadet will train at the US Navys Inn ed ur the evening In the nhscncc mu June Mchmxe president of Home and School Associnllon Pmont lhc hand lanc wen Mr and Mrs Wilson eruhl Mr nnd Mu HnrvM Henderson Gmrun Donnelly Ron WM Mrs Dlnnchnrd Mrs McDowell and Mm my Present gunst also were the mrmbm lho tenchan Mull Words thanks to ma hums who acrrul were ulvm by MW Jnnn Elinu Danny ernpbcll was tins vnlullcwr COOKSTOWN Special The Grade clghl graduallon banquet was held here June 26 Grnde men mnhm catered for told plntc supper or nboul slu dcnls ruchm and gunsls Two members were cnnslilu led We members lhe Wo mens Auxlllnry Tarnnm Dim cesc Mrs IL Dnnncll and Mrs Willlnm Riley Mrs WHI Lcllers greetings were read from lhu member oi St Lukes Church WA Pinkerton St Johns Womens Guildnnd St Johns Chancel Guild and com gralulnllons exlcndcd hymn numhnr was sung by Mrs Wheeler and Mrs Rnhgn Rllcy Mm Rummy was at ha nrgnn COOKSTOWN Spud11 Membm of St Johns Womans Auxlllnry here celebrated the 65 anniversary of their WA with ceremonies July TR eckor R9 Howard The rector Rev Howard celebrated the Holy Communion service 1030 am Grade Eight In Cookstown Holds Banquet Speaker lor tho evening on Great Lake Training Centre near Waukegan 1H while the United Slates will send their cadets In Cnnadlnn camps at Comox EC and Sydney Cape Breton Dunmg his inspection WA In Cookstown 65th Anniversary Thu real ol the even nx wu upon In rccrcnuannl activity candumd by Mrs mm Ned by Mu McDowdl lho plum TM prmnlallon rim pin wnn made 10 all grndun fing Mudcnu Special presonknlons were the pin or the WWII honor students Danny Camp bell IM Cook Jnnc Ellnu Brenda Marshall Beverley Monkmun Slmrnn Ann McKen zie Ilallnu Schnmnharn nrlnn anlngnnrn and Ann Rnlve mntlc prcscnlnllam on behalf lbolr class Mn nlnnchnrd nnd Mr Henderson llnm Carrnlnned the Gold Wln chestn Gmsavon Mrs Dnnnell mm mss Slight handed her he certificate ol membershlp Mrs Hnnsen pinned he Gold Win chester Crns on Man Riley and Mrs Flldey handed her Ihe nerllllcale OKImEmbershlp The recipients hanked the member ninja hone conferred on them Pom Bunting Mnmorlal Illnh School slnfl wn Inlmduced by MndILIL Mr Pegg talked about Success In talking la the urnde clghl gradunlu he said was pcrsannilly and he lndlvidunl that count Mr Pug uld um swam as he would lnlorpm It was built around our main points Them am making the best use of ones nhllilm not wnsllng llme alncc no mlnulo can be rcllvcdf seeking advice nnd lcllan God be ones guldei cm em an 16ndnn Ehevzus thunk cd by Mrs Riley the president Durlglg the lemon Miss Mehcr oLSL Lukea Church Pinkerton who spent nine monlhs lauran In dimrent parts of Ihe world showed many 01 her plenum taken In Indlu China Japan Switzerland France Spain Emu Jerm Bdurafidloumm lo the sh hall or lunch gmup lures warn laken ouulde Church Admiral Budge that with P0 Cadet MacLean cl RCSCC Banla In Barrie 0n ario Naflonal Delence Pho pan pic ha Tcrrme 1on Ind rnuuu Three Aludy oi thlld be haviour at and years show sneep 051 Tho wnrk or nheep do In lho Welsh moun ulna one Dnyl Pnhon The work of the Folson Comm Centre at he Toronto Slck Childrens 05 pity 511m at the Queen color 3000 men at he Royal Can adlnn Navy nllend he review lbs Coronation Procession her majcsly ships at Spilhnnd mum Engineer color The life cycle lhe beaver and how he build hls dams nlso explnllu haw omcr bird and animal profit from the beavera work Mural1n Playgrounds This film contains three Items Summer skiing winter Inn in Briush Columbia Wildlife Walches Census lnklng in mm National Park Rldlng In lhe Rockies horseback ex cursions lhrough Wnlcrion Lakes Nullonal Park Mnklnl Prlmlflvz Elan Tool demonstnfllon of the meth od lhe early Indian tribes and other primlllve people used In fashion their tools and weapons Form Tent Cllerplllal col or The 11 cycle 01 IE or cs lent caterpillar and the dam age caused tn the declduuua lor esu Gosst The detrimental ef fects rumours my Out mm color The city Venice nlwlllnn Inland cnlor This film shows Iho volcanic origin at the islands The fallowan Illm are avail able ma Barrie Public Ll bmry or he mvnlh ol July LIBRARY FILMS 37 MARY Conllnenlll Sptclllllu In The Flrsl More ll Klnd To mm The Haul Imported MuchMlle 1n Thu lallnwlnl nu TEXTILES GIFTS CIGARS AND TOBACCOS CONTINENTAL SPECIALTIES FIRST IN BARRIE Walla Humann HIm mow lhu pregamllnns being made bclnru he Innmus Baluo The Vlawl an Saclnllsm film designed slimulalo dis cussion on lhe difference be tw saclnll unq cnpnullsgn Sang oi Wile travelogua of Wales Pulnl PEI anure 82mlM luary color Paint Pelee anionnl Park In southern 0n nrla pmvldc happy hunting ground every xprlng or he or nllholngist cnlnmuloglst bolnn Isl and he photograyhcr lawer Ta Fly mlar Th curlwn slary lnveals mun do lcrmlnnlinn to fly from the mo 01 Leonarda Vincia sludlos of bird light to he supersonlc 1131 l9 Plant Thu Grow From Leav 21 Stem Ind Root Examp le of seed bearing plant be ing reproduced mm leaves stems and MI by vegemlvo reproduction Llllln Blrd Told Me This film reveal lhc wonderful see how lime bird know everything we In lha wmm color surprising peck Into the hid den world of he underbntsh Cltlun Varek The problems 21 ndJustmcnlvlucod by the Euro pean immigrant tn Canada Jelly Ind Jam Session color The preparation of Jam and jellies using prepared mil pec flu what to expect from chil dren at his age and suggest mefimds of dealing with prob lems Accldcnlx Dont Happen No This film spotlight he most common cause ol sedans all In industry Its deliciously smooth flavour is derived from single premium variety of imported European hops combined with special blend of malt prepared exclusively for PA 857 new and exoitingly different taste in beer from Labatts WW aARmé Margy um rmlum of tha Plain of Abraham and reenactment this battle World In Your Feet color This lilm is about Me In the son coop SERVES vou BEST 259 INNISFIL 5T Th lopdmxinu of cmblixhcd hay Immcdiakly mu fim cuuing is In nccrpnd practice with plot conscious Iumm Hms 51000 Ippliulion per um wnll on lhe Image live It Iran $2011 pct me mum The use of enilim on pmum midseason is qlully pmflublc EARN MORE THE 00mm SPREADING WAY THIS SUMMER Fertilizlli Mk or lunardan Ipmdumue and mm for me mml muul mc Ipxudm mth for your mm Sprudlu Ix umber COOI Sen he Onlnlu Timur um ate nur COOP mcliu Vmosl anomical COOP Hulk Spmding Yes you lime ma non ma Iclmlly com my liule Yuurfznilim is Iplud Ippmximllcly big prices wnh mor modcm equipmtnl you IN mum of uniform disllibu ion of he cuilimk lwnml SAVE MORE IIIIss MeIInw was 95 years old She spent he Inter days at her III In Conkstown nursing home Born In AIbIon daughm oI VIlIInm Mellow and wIIe EIIza Hudson Ihe IIved In AI bIan and for manyycnr In Bollnn when she dId dress making Miss Mellow was member of Ihe United Church and acIIve In urganlzntlons For number years she served secrelary In WCIU Pall bearers were Stewart Benny and Earl Mellow Har man Jackson Lewis Archibald elvllln Han Floyvey hear er were Robert and Murray Mellnw Morley Walton and Wil lrEd Hall HARRIET REBECCA MELLD COOKSTOWN Speclah Fun em service for Miss Hattie Mellow was cnnducled at the Egan Brnthers Metal Home Bolton July with Rev Knnwles the Unlted Church in charge Inlenncm was In Laurel Hm Cgmelery Beaumul Same Free Estimates FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY Phone PA 37433 BARBIE Upholsterln Is our nun hen Nol Juxl Slde line 65 BRADFORD Ff UPHOLsfEkiNG ANTIQUE AND MQDERN WORK OBITUABY BAY CITY PA 6653

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