IM llvm 104 um dlml mmmmhmnln ul awry Iroe mat knowl Mze of mad ml ml In din olwyul ha munnl 0le would mm mm hum lhn lm llu All luvm mnnn dlwbedhncl I0 Godl mumad urdrn man in nan wmk In 10 hlm Innand llw Ianlllnn wllh wher In Ito mu nlm lnM Gmll urwu Im Iulm In It wildh MM hlulnm Mnrlln Ullh mm Hm mm In wank4 by nnyla horn mumer unlll Illnr the and dulmyn Imrl II I7lnunurl Swnlrn hurl lnnuhl lhul vrprmuled Um lnnmnm up run In be IIflllnplu IM nhnn um Gflmn mm and 1m lmd llullnh hawmr hav nnl been ldmlfllcd with any car lalnly ll all Blncu In llml lhlln Ju dnrm Ihc mum at Wm nlm IINII nthrrl 0n nllrgmlrnl Inmprrtnllnn Drilln mnM uml Man he wllh lhc lm ntrll And In rher mum at maydun lhl lam mm mrnlloned lhl mth Ind Ilhrnl mm Io In tho lvcn chum mlznrd hm we Ind lwo Account of munl arnllnnlhe Hm lhl hrlet Ilahmcnl In Gcnull 177 Ind he umnd Inc more lnllcd nrcounl in Znnull 21 1515 In lhll urnphlc account mm In molded mm Um very mm 01 ha mnh prnvldlnx hlm th mfllclenlly humble arlgln um he ahnuld never arm lhul ll ll nnly duo in Godl rm lhnl mnlulnlm my pollllan or lmpnnnnct The lnnllnn tho den of Mm born mmmnnd la man ml 11 ha wu mulllnly and have domlnlnn over MI wnrld Thu ward Icplenlnh do not mum of mum that race hnd exlstod prevlnuxly but lhnl man wn lo nu lhc um Khh Image of God In some Ilmu mislmmrelnd mean hat man made In Iorm llko Gadx We must rbmcmbcr that God Ls Sphfl without Iorm ho Imus one of pemnallly or essence of bnlnm Th maul muned In manI lull Ind mtorcd lhmuah Chrm Bo causu bl our Ilkmou to God km the msslblllly commu rlllan And undmlundinz will mm man In any er Ingla mducl Godl crullan Man the only mallon made in Codi lmnxe His only one lnla whlch God brealhc HI Own breath God alto Ipeclmally glm man do minion ovrr urlh Furlhnrmure than more span assigned lo lhe nccouuk lhl milonvlnï¬enesia than ScriptureGenus By SPEER JONES In this icmnd lwo lessons on ha ï¬rst two chlplcn the Bible we wall canccnlratu on he crention of mm TM the Inn act Gads creative wurk and Ms lac In lull xlvcs man dominant place in the link verse Gods Creation Ends With Man Thl House can best be de scribed as combinallan of Split have and Ranch Thu lluur plan Is basically In two squares one containing the zxmmnn HOME 01 THE WEEK am IzooM bu man No won 11 unsqu 21$qu bIIUI lo 1m Forest Fire May Bmak Out Again without communl Ihl Maker 1an mu hill on Inllowrd hlm lo nnh rhmlwr uuull In lhl Idle nhoul In lulnlnlm and hun dred of cpnclllau In ll puhllc Harm nu lurmer commlndn ol nrlulnl hambu mmmnnd nu up Ind uld lh lord nquulrd the pmrm cl lMl hnmrnhll 110 In lhll mm Immedi unmixed by vlrtuu of Mr min tom mlulnn lo declnu royll nmnl In ml llmi upon by bolh Haul dulu lh nm mu mu hunmblo mm In lhl nun cl pm Io hur lhp mrvylnlyllan flu touIduremembu 9n lhll Houu MIIII wu miklnl hll nm vllll la lhn Common In lhu honnnry appointment mm 19min blch rod LONDON nuulm Alr Chm Manhnl Slr Geoer MHII maklnl MI Inlllnl up manna ollldll mum ha Noun lord mod In lhe mlddle Al the mm Common Wednudny nluhl In silk knm brmhm Inver burldrd mm with word Ind qulo pad ebony rod lnd aloppe mm Ho largo hll 11an MI Wu mlklnl hll GOLDEN TEXT Whit mu um on mlndlnl at him And the Ian mumMn and Ill Ian mln thl mu doll In or Mm Ye nmu IIIII undo hlm IMII Ien lhul God Ind don crown Mm with llary Ind honor Pulm nth ALI WAS SILVER BVUT HIS TONGUE The word mean ililerally wileman Noie lhnt she wn not mnde irom hll head nor th iezl but Imm his tideto be equal with him no nbove or below We also min Godx monugnmous purpose and realize the Iuprnma devotion with which man and wiia are mean in cling to elch oihcr The Sahbnh wax Inslllulcd Genesis 214 not hoenu God was tired but becausa HI wggk was ï¬nished mu mu ihree step higher Nola he lIvlnz am Ind the blher con taining the sleeping ma This latter In uflhcr separmd lgum HI lIviELaru hem FUEL m1 cousrnucnoï¬ 49 am ROAD in on at uni nun no can In pmmu It the VI much ha llme lines he Chlnm Irrlved In Frldny may hm been recmed unln my zxmmn mm Ans mom mu Wulcm observer Ipcculmd thul lick Lava been Normally the two deleunllnnl arrive 1n bllck limnullhu Ihnrtly before In Am Moscow time but today lhm was no aim ol Ihem and no lmmedlllo explanallan thcir aflure lo appear from APneulen MOSCOW Soviet Ind Ch ntse negollalan hailed to appear Iodny at the hillto ville where Ihey have been dating their Ideological dillerentes Talks In Moscow Postponed Today rear patio accessible irnm garage and Family Room which in itsali form an ex tension oi Ihe Kitchen could also serve as dining room lhcre ia provision lar washroom al iha not oi the haaelneal alair but an all ernailve floor plan ia supplied thowinl one located on lha main floor adiaceni to the side entrance Consiruclinn Brick Veneer but instruction are alsa mpplied or building in Solid Erick or Frame Standard Builder Blueprlnis for lhls design No 1001 cost $500 er the lira and $500 inr additional aelai They are available in Canada by reiurn mail Onlarlo tesidenll mus rémll cenl SalA ALlANDAlE UMBER ANSWER ï¬ll 11 vnlunble painting nrongly urge having the cleaning done by pmm Ilanll Belnro liming lo clean he palnllng wipe Ill oblcure ANSWER Us remover far In and coffee min on plastic ware followInn Inlnulacluru direcllnns It while pow nor to be Idded to water In the mIIee mnker and boiled up Ivallnhla It large hausewaru and hurdwm dealen CLEANING OIL PAINTING QUESTION hnva an all pnlnung Ihal has been hanging In the llen roam lot number yurl Ind look Iler Iolled new 111m II no ï¬lm over it Haw dun lhh painlhm black Harwrcan thlx be cigaaga Il doesnt come of wllh steel wool pnds QUESTION have chrome vacuum lm coffee maker The Inside both how very black Haw can thl he cleanpd ANSWER Some marble dell err and large housewares atom have nutremoving prepara llon lur mnrble ll available lol low label insiructlon or use Or remove the rust stain with Iha allowing method Dissolve about two ounces of oxalic acid crystak poison in quart ol cryrlals poison in uart of he woler Agï¬ly this no ulion ll hmlly over discolored area Alter few minutes rinse well ill clear water Repeal Iron ment ll nlcesury er covered tur Most household min canbe mov ed tram 2113 new leather ï¬nishes with mild mp and water ap plied Immediately RUST STAINS 0N MARBLE QUESTION bought acc ondhand smstl chat with marble top There us two small ml min an the white marble Haw can these be remuvedt ANSWER Modern uphulxlery leather il very easy to like can of Ululliy good wiping with no wrung out in mild and wli 10 all the cleaninl lhall nmuy lllen wipe dry with clean loll claiil to bring back lhn original iuxlzr Nevu nu cleaning fluids or mm lerzentn or iumltura polish or lumlkur an on mpdern lenlh an mil ANSWER Ula waumnv in and clainin preparation mnglu by nninnniiy known wax mnnuilciurer following ia bo maiomvcarelully Avall able in anpqrmnrkeh house um and immune 0r uu lino nut wool Ind lumen tina rubbing sinfully them it much of III Iccnmuillion In ovu iho ludloa win my b0 nectmry it completely re mnvu II in urgent mamill LEATHER FURNITURE QUESTION WA Ire furnish iuzou Living room and would like to ex lavaIi leathertop ed labial Ind lather chnlr en leather require much linin iennncs can Does it Iinln an fly doni iuva much time in mend detain QUESTION have mapla lur allure lnvuy good condition until Would like to remova all the old on and wnxJIWhnt my dnthmv hum EXAMINER FRIDAY REMOVING AND WAX 11135 AID FOR THE HOME PA um ROGER WHITMAN DIVlllnN or MIL IMNINII Ml YELLOWED CABINETS QUESTION My kitchen cabl neu both over the link Ind be mw Um ulnk have turned yel lowish mlnr Ihlnk caused by Illa use of naluul nu or our slavev The refrigerator In turn ed yelluwlrh I00 Im tnnalder In uslnl oven cleaner lo dun these MI uh Or can you suggest lnyullnz else ANSWER The yellowish color II not due to natural gas but lrom cooklnz vapors In the klla then which leave grams ï¬lm war Usutu his can he removed and the lurhces clean ed with Icrnlchless cleans Awnlnn nllhroaml Bunnu CM Chum Cemenl Wuri QUEST The woodwork and inside rm oi my housc nru varnished natural inc and ir should like to pa ni over lilisI but past experience has Ihown that pain readily chip of when put over varnish To remove all hi varnish either by sanding or remover would be never endinnJob in than any primer Ihal mith make bond ha lween varnish and paint ANSWER The Manon the In the nurlm had been lhor augth cleaned lirll was that pain wonl adhere to glossy pain flaked all varnish assum surface There is liquid pro paralion or dulllng this glass and improvinl the bond or III new paint coiling ANSWER Excellent floor wax removing preparation In widely nvnllahle supermnr km housewms and hardwarl IDNSL Follow mnnulmurm inï¬el Instruction to use care REMOVING WAX QUESTION How cm re muvolwnx from vinyl floor The wax on the floor chipping of In place and so would like to Ilka all off ANSWER Cover the lellher lurlm wflh good quality enamel in any desired color Be sun to relnova Ill ms of man wu grime em baton Ipplylnl the town um um pawl flmn Inna he painting Ingle In wlgm Airy place dry natur WORN LEATHER TABLE TOP QUESTION How can re MI leather table top um 11 In bud condlfloni corner witha dump cloth 10 us whether it will resist water the color comes nit dont ailempi the iob yourself Us We neutral Ionp takinl it up on slightly moist cloth rub bing gently on the surface the mining in circular motion en the entire unilace hu bun covared take up the snap and am with Marina doth when ula painting in cieln um 11 raging mien lat Ball Modefnizing Handle The Complete Job lABOR MATERIAL PLANNING DISIGNINO FINANCING Ill mdu AlllNONE CONTRACT All WORK GUARANTEED ON HOME MODERNIZATION Ball Modernllinl hand the mun Job mm mm llnLdn lull pmonnl Aupcrvlnlan llnnncinm zumnlecd work Iporuihllfly th ou Bulldlnl Mutedl Show Room up TO TEN YEARS TO PAY Comh Doors slam Wlndnwl Faun LOOK LTD Completo Stock at CROWN DIAMOND PAINTS TO US FOR THE KIND OF FRIENDLY EXPERT SERVICE THAT HAS BUILT OUR REPUTATION ln llnLdn Im ullmnlu Iklllad workman quality mnlm Included in cm 11 prln om eompmy cm 48 ANNE ST Evorylhlng will turn out Juli right In your new modern kltchen wllh IL Myloroach cub lneta Ind cleanrlnajmy counlcr tops no to npcuk of Hm eyalovcl oven Youll sing pralm of Ihe remodelling experts and no mllnrlnl the BALL PMNING MILL CO LTD Phone or run Ilhoml camullallon Gun Dom lnrdlood Floors lichen hnellu Porch Funny Roam 80 um of Uomm Qualify lmhl me your Bulldor um Bum Bros Producu Easy Monthly Payments Arranged MODERNIZING SERVICES PA 82496 429 BLAKE ST BARBIE 60254 BERTHHM BROTHERS LTD WI Floor Wall can EM Hoe Room loom Aadlum BARRII