lllxh um wlm lwa wlm wenl Mn Anderson Tallul Iwn rink whlrh Included Mll Whhmr And Mn Mc Enumenn Alllndnh rlnk had hllh umpi wllh um mm Mu Kunmm an And Mn Vilum nmu rlnk nklppcd by Mn Random wilh Mu Whllo and Mn Grvln aha pglmj lhm Mm 0n he nayner rlnk wue Mn Funny apd Mg manic An AHIMMQ Ilnk lklppcd hy Mn IL nnymr pomd lho huh at mm with three wlnn In Ihl hdlm laumnmml held with any lha Bards ann nuwllnz Club Munllu who won tho Amerl can Luann mou valuahh flnyor mud or lha Ihlrd lml It nunn rejoined he Yank In La Angelo Iodly but not upaclnd In be ready lo plly or Innlhur week or Iwo From whit hur mm New York Yankoo manner Ralph Honk uld In Lon Anxclu expect hlm to bu out walk to loAdnyg Mull whu qumed 1h Yln hl team leadership when Min lla wu lidellned with broken on Jim wlll underxu lur xery ll Naw Yorkl Lenux Hlll Hoaplm Fridly or null Hr NEW YORK AP Razor Mam lhn olher ha New Yorkl fumed MundM ll ling wmblnnflan hn Joined Mckey Mantle on In Yankee nu of the mlulnm Two Rinks Post Three Victories To the 20 or so fellows who are looking or the re sults of the Unlamlshed Horseshoe Pltchlng Tourna ment at Canclllns Ranch one word of advice You wont find them here It looked too much llke draw In the pits and everyone was wlnner as far as hnvlng good day is concerned Thanks Nln Open season for fox is Sept to the end of Sep tember 1984 Raccoon is in the same season Squirrel season ls from Sept 21 to Dec 14 No gemon shall hunt more than an aggregate number at squlrrels In day or possess more than an aggre gate number of 10 squirrels at one time HORSESHOE PITCHING am am rm mum 5i um mun sou AVAILAILI ron cumrun From Sept to next March 31 the season is open in the townshl of F105 Matchedash Madame Not tawasaga 01111 Oro Sunnldale Tay Tiny and Ves pn en season for rabbitIn this area Is Oct 16 to next eb 29 This includes the immediate areas such as the townships of Adjnls Essa Innlsfil Tecumseth Tossoronuo and West Gwilllmbury For facilities in other areas Isuggest ou Pick up copy of the folder It could save you at guess ng come your holldnys OPEN SEASONS Closest outdoor facility to Barrie is DHO picnic site But not too far away are marked skiing areas not too impressive today and historic sites Just few miles further is the Simcoe County Museum and Springwater Park YetOntarlo is not museum piano on the move Over 83000 miles of toprate roads tie all this ingether good story of Ontario Isprinted right on the folder tellln how BIG Ontario is Ontario has 250000 lakes an 140 million new of forest land Thevprovince is ru god in its proCambrian beauty agaiflu rolling and colorful in It gardens and Maris Sidelined At Least Week The colorful ma pinpoints camping area provin ciai parks ports ontryski resorts museums his toric sites and Conservation Authority parks LJKIBAR HffllNEflrTflURï¬DAYrJULYlIyIMI Ontarlp Department of Highwaya has Issued fabulous map called Roads to Recreation which is availabla at tourist centres operated by the depart ment OnoHour Tnnr Plclvruquc Komponhl Bay DELANEY BOAT lINES SCENICBOAT TOURS DAILY TOURS no no no pm GREAT OUTDOORS Ontario Is Rich In Outdoor Areas Knock and lhelr hm nm In Aha llnl Innlnl Thomlon lllflcd lu mll Ihn Md Karin lwa rum They allow ed wllh Innlhcr pllr In lhn lhlrd Inle lug nm Inlho launh Thornton mkcd VI my own Knock muday uvm Inn Knock In rumr11 Flyum 5mm Slmcoo um Clmplxll mm on lho mound or Knock hul shunnon look over In lhn llflh Thomlon Mu pllrher Don Johmlon an curly Ind and Ihnl Ill Johmlon nmded no Ilnnpcd Knock hlller bull Lingu Amer By STEVE JONESCU 21 mm and hit 10 home In ulnlch lha dolendlnz world chnmrlom In lhalr Amer un Leann lud mm onuhll lime to In nmu had been ymlcumly oul mndlnz In 111 menu Min Tho 23 yenr old Iluuer rllstd hll balling Ivmu 15 palm In game Ilnco Mam ll had becp ng dmvt jn Mn wnllma most vllu Iblo player who hit rtcold ox hnmm In 1961 III hnmu rum nun halted in And 294 balllnl lVErIKHlI high at In lhl uniono ml uan He flew to hll hum In Indu pendtnce Mm Ior thc AllSlur um bank but returned In New York Wndntsday nflur telephone consullullon with Dr Sydnuy Gaynor lhl um phyxi Knock Beaten By Thornton Maxls the Ylnh rim iieider mined tha Yankees double header in Ciavrland Sundhy with what wnl thought at the time to in recurrence oi back ailment thlt hld sidelined hip riinr thin xenon lodm had hII loml call In In of lhn nlnlh WIUI nnc on Ind onI uul Frnnk nmmnl upped on dam to lelthul Tommy Dlvll sol II Igulml Rh Will and hll Ith In wu rr Mai to um or umrcmflnl 2H dual wllh Meh Curl Wlllay who checkod Dodger an ant Ilnnlu unlll Hosebnm rifled om Ina lha mu wllh an out in my aim nla hnrdhllllnx In but man explodod mm homa run 1le with pair Includ Jng he nchur wlth lwo on In In 10m exltndAd hls III to 11km Dick Stuarts luuln pow ernd Boston Rod Sox um Min nuola NI In In Inning 1n thu only Amerlcnn Lelzue 105m ï¬lm Also In ho anionll Lemue Jaey Jay Mama winner or lhn um me In over month wllh almnl relic help In lha nll inning Clnclnnlu Red Irlmmed Mum mm and Houslnn Colu Ken Jamison and II Woodcshlck combined or llvnAhlt 10 lhulaul 01 Pills buth Plnlcs edging on Philadelle Phillie dropped mendplace Sun Prin clsco GhnIs Iva uch behind cnplullum on Glunl mlaplm In mmp WIN Poll MY Dndgen now have won eight of thrlr last nine In dlmblng from louth plans to rich ï¬vegame lend ln the Nation league In Iva of those eighl victories Los Angeles pitcher have posted shutout and In two alhm theyvo held I6 op posllllnn slinm nm Padre has been plrtlcularly chmlined The warm Mt hander has banked hue victor Im hi Dodgm latest surge IL lowing total of one run and lo hits EL squeaker ovtr Mel decided on John flmeborol lmhlnnlnx homer was his mend 1anth by care myth mquut Johnny Podru pullad lho llnay and Wednesday night dob lug out three single and mik lng out 11 Dodger cashed In another victory by handing New Yorks poverty Ilrlcken Mel their lllh massive 10 By JIM HACKLEMAN Amclllcd Pm Spud erler Those Lo Angelo Dndxerl pitchers give up runs the way Jud Benny parts wllh buck run 13 hm run In an Tha Camornll Cuuu on the lop aoflbnll Ilulcllun In Nara Amerlca todny will perform In Bmle Aug 18 In Podres Hurls Dodgers To 10 Victory In NL WEEKEND IPICIAL Commnu Pnnln All $500 SPORT ANDERS MENS WEAR Comm mu $844 All SWIM SUITS 12 PRICE OPEN CHARGE ACCOUNT NO MONEY DOWN MONTHS TO PAY UMMER FORMERLY GEOFF GLENNS MENS WEAR CUTIES TO PERFORM HERE HJ DUNLOP IT IARRII Tled with Narmnn for lhu lend mm on Cup Hamilton Ind Tbmnlol Ken Jlmbl Ind Alvlu Thumplon Mm Ind lhv qunlflylnfl Held In lull ytnrl Mlllnr rlly 0r Cnnndlnn pm kulonn mum Plnylnl Iï¬orin dandy 01 Norman th llvo birdie and wcnt on am pm an only one halt ll ourunder 67 and only nlna who can but par lhn mcdnl play cul Held pl In lhu Canndlun Open nflcr fluhllnz ha lander or lhrcc roundl mun be comldcmi no Iho Ilronu avorilcl gallon hand Inlo lhn In round wtEmlyn play Ioduyi Win one ant playm In louyundeqpqr 97 and 0qu TORONTO CHMoe Nor man 01 Toronto one 01 our player who Ihol 61 chncl dny tn lend ha qunlllylnx round or lho Mlllnr Trophy mulch play chumplonship continue In zlve Indication that we may benhh ycnr Norman who um he Onlnrlo Opcr Andjlnklgcd lnAthu mogmy Al Worthlnglon and 3111 Henry luncd buses loaded threat In tha nlnLh IIVIDK Jayl In vlclory Elm Jung The biz Ile handgr 3118an winner In each 01 the last lwn seasons now has Hi mark Reds new all three of their runs In the In of Glenn Hoh 113 with Mafly Keouuh knock lnz in two with lrlplo And nearing on Ilngle by Jolui Edi warda lllcCovey hanged hl 23rd homer 111 ha ï¬rst and Orlando Ccpeda hlt hls 1m In On om1h xlvlnz San Francisco brlel lead Cal McLlsh won It but had to leave ln ha lelh when he lnluml hl ankle runnan the buses Johnny Kllp psleln llnlxhed or Phlls Lelly Blll ODell IN alarled and lost at Glnnu liith inning ior land over Giants with iha help Chuck Hillcrl error then added ihree unearned runs In the 1th Liter Willie McCoey drnpped ily 101 twmhase mispllyi They made it rout with mother threem flurry nanlnst reliever Duly Hod in the seventh wind lnx up with lhu iiilh victory in their last rix namqs Qualifying Round Sees Under Par an exhlbluon um azllnst Slewms Guns the Sen Ior Soflhnu League Thu Cul Its man 171 team which Hilton Down mm SHIRTS lEARANCE Canon Cuual Pnnll Al mldlnl of Tomnlo Ilmnl Invorile altered sllxhlly llld cnrdcd onoavchplr 72 mnlchlnz Bob Pnnuluk mm rla IInnlhlk coum roc ord Wady wllh In wrmup round IA ï¬lm Mulchlnl par Wednudny an the hilly cauru dry lrnm Inn hen WIVB warn Ron Bo lul Bah Gmn um Glen Phil llpu All Toronto and Cu Mnuu of Whlluvnlm HeL Lu Clinton aha homered or whit yum col The Mlllur the Inst nmnlm In mnlch lny loumnmant or prolmianu zolIm In North Americl Wlhdl up salurdly with Iha winner rmMnu ho trophy and Locked tolclher ll 70 wen he only other In bier pap Gcoma Knudxon Bob 11m Ind nob Un all nl Thronlo Ind glck Bonhwlck Ancnucr nL Clnu bthlnd lha ludcn wu Chm KnIll Tomnla whose 61 Ilood up or boun unul lhc IIKO Ilnlshm cam In TIE AT 70 Stuart who hndnt homered in 21 game and hadnt drlven In run In 11 tagged hls lath of the season with one on in ma fourth Innlnz Red Sox bull 40 lead against southpaw Jm Km 01 Twins men lac ing Minnesota mm star Blll Dailny In the lmh alter Dick WlIllams pinch douhlc Ind walk Slum hit No 19 The blow ended Dalleyl Iconales streak at lnnlnx Ind dell min weir laventh lubed 11 ha laslclxlqt games mm hull Dick nndnu raked record in 01 yIQh three inning of onbhlt rm lecua Mi 2an or mm with the bases full in the eizhth inning Pittsburgh relier the ride by striking out Smoky Bur msa then held an Pirates in tha ninth Coils managed only six hits of Bob Friend but hunched three at them in he Iirst or both heir runs on Er nie Fazior doubia rinxlcs by Al Spnnaier and Pete Runnels and iieiderl choice rounder byCari quwitir combines comedy with aklll lull playing have ncked up very lmpngsivo record over the years desblck moved Jnhnson Compn ALE Sfewm nabbed um pllce Inst 1th wllh wln ovu hyelgvg llnynj Banin Plan my chance lo mavaJnto Us at Hm plan lanlnhl whm Ihuy hm Slew Ifll Garlu Scnlor Saflhull Leg 59mm lumen In lnlcrmedlnlu beam Acllon ll Queen Fnrk Camumurl Gu uld narrlo lececl will meat at Pllou llKMd twoyear con tract And uld he happy be working with the Lean Ind mannzemnnh Punch lmluch never had mmch but Punch fumed he uld Ive com to realm um might just be good huslneu In contr Plloum who lost his Nullonal Hockey Luqu job coach of lhe Idem Black Hawk when lhn Hawks didnt whrlho Slam Icy 01p lhu omclally Mm the orznnquun Toronto won ha cup For yam Ive been trying to hen the Leah laid loam Im ï¬nally 501an them TORONTO 0P flla Tar omo Mlpla Leafs Announced Wednesday that Rudy Pllmu has Ace ed position mnn m1 nn much of the beam Invader new addition la the walem Hockey Leagua And Tonan newts laxm mm Truelnve casch Bob Melllon fooled the second guessers by starllnl Bill Henderson hutcad Don Dykstu And the strategy slmosl psld all but for three timely hits by Slewans When McClnskey led the slxlh tnnlnz with home run Dyksln was called In Dan retired six In sow Ind used only our pitches Skewenl Melon Bertie Plan Edir Elmvele 10 ll Boyd wasnt lmpreulve In the first twn lnnlnge but once he started warming up In the thlrd he was sensational He wound up with strikeouts In the av enInnlnn an end not lo these between the lhlrd and sixth in nlnze He held Truelove hm hm ever he flu Ill Innings Ind we aged or two more in the levenlh All ï¬ve hlu were amulet 3113mm 51mm Two Softball Tilts Tonight In the second am of the doubleheader RCA Edgar wnl luped Elmvnlc behind the Ruullsrnl ma game lell he landing looking like this Butch Boyd sllll wlnzlnz ha ball in Ilka In aspirin mrncd the trlck Sluwart apoltrd Truelove Healing IM lead then carved nu vlcloIY Pclo Mccloskey helped out wthlwn runs qnd two hm Including homer By RICK FRASER Thu battle at lha zlanla at Quecna Park last nlxhl was all WI expected to be and when was over stewana Gama had themselvt sale possession ï¬rst place In the Senior Son hall Lgague Pilous To Coach Denver Invaders wu ruched by uu mu pl aimy Ink Mm and on mt nun nu wand and In un FREE HOME HEATING SERVIcE um Iowa nomznllhal pmMMWNOIO rum luv 00 Much MannIowan Stewarts Gain First Place EdgarWins 90 259 InnMIl 5L Bmlo OM Call Coap PA 6653 His career has been doiied with lumsa Prior lo joining Chicago in mniroiied the St Catharina Tee entry in the Ontario Hockey Association Ju nior League and led lilo team to two Memorial Cum P110 was Iho helm of the Hawk or yenI When he took over in Jmuary 1850 Chl cazo was In last place In threa years Film led he Black Hnwlu to their lint Stanley cup lines ma TRY EXAMINER WANT AD PHONE PA Mm Black Hawks this spring shouly mar Chlcnzo ï¬nished one pain behind Toronto durinl the mu lar Mason and then were elimi nated In the Stanley 011 um flna by Detroit Red Win The Wings then lost to the Luis Truelnvo threatened In the sev enth Grel Jule opmedmfl single Altar Boyd not Frank Elwn on pop up and fanned pinch hlller Hen Estrella Char Whan McCloskey slammed Hendersons ï¬rst pitch ur the circuit In the dub coach Mel Iion calladlnykstn lo the mound 11m was All for SlawWI for lthnEnalnq thggagna Slewene managed only fire lnnlnl single oil Henderson until HI lourlh Then Joe Mn ley led all with single He was forcedvnnt mend when McCleskey attempted to eecrl iice George Feicuner swung It two high pitches went to the be rack to exchange weepnns then drove the next pllch lnto left lleld or triple in ecorn McCloxkey Fel scored when Jim Armstrong rifled 31 pitch up the middle Ilen derenn Ieitled down in mike Bill Bertiem and Fred Cul Ch led on the botlnm of the first and WM sale first whcn catcher Jun Mur Iey dropped third slrlke Rick Grnh allowed and was hll with pllched hall Georgn Chappel lhen tuned drive so deep in MI ï¬eld that alter McCloskcy made the catch Hasllngx tuned up at second and reached Iha plat with ï¬lms to spare Wana maker Mr grounder to shun Ilop Jim Bertram who nailed ml at the plate and alter Gary lhlrsk slnzled Joya fanned Hun deraon lo end the Innlnz FQLCONER TRIPLES An error resulted In Truelovas only run and It was In nnly 15 the shit out lnlhe sev enth Dykslrn will probably get III crack ll Stewarts Salurdny night at Queenp WMLE VDU WA CAR WASH Cn To You In Len MINUTES CLEANED INSIDE AND OUTSIDE 10 YOUR SATISFACTION WNOIO IIIVICI if rm 1444qu mm mm on onlwnud on own any penny mm nulmm qvlpmu You pay only In pm and PM yo mum on In thong and mmhvflloo humhm luv Wth new ml 1mmva mvucu am mu cod hulhg new mm ï¬op povlomum Ailnndaie skip Webb wilil Piaxion Mal inurih prim with two wins and mu oi 55 ylul Prim or hiah scare me win weni tn anolhzr Aiilndlil rink xkipped by Jim Kirby with Goring Their more Has 41 plus Outside club mammal wen Breton Oranzevlllc Aurora Slnynnr Talkenhnm Ngwmarkel and Owen Sound Second prize with hm win wen In Skip Mill Ind Nemil Owen Sound wilh Icon oi 45 Ind third prize will three victories was captured by Skip Hannah Ind Eiiison won with pin ml duel cum ed In mena double nwn bowling tournament held at Allandnla yeslerday Ind Touenhlml Slcphenson skipped hLI rm to ï¬rs priu wllh hm wlm Ind some of 54 plus MIN Lcan was the other member the rlnk Ten aulslde rink Ind MRI mcr Smith didnt get nixed for ono exlra base blow and he spread hls our hll amen our dinerent butters lee Boyd Edunra Al Smllh was Ilow slnnlng But he In lshed strongly racklnl up elght slrlkeouta in Ihe last three in nlnxl He had 10 strikeouts in than me Although he was mm alter flva Innings Belcoun had given up nnly three hits In the lelh he was clipped or pair of tingle and Blanchard ho Edgar scored one run In me linl and two In lhe second with out hll Nu walk by Elm valel Len Belmurt and our er mra by Ihe lcnm gnve tho aha mini lhg lend Srï¬llhwnlded his own cause by helllnl nu two slngles scoring 111 rlvlng lna1gqlher IIL Huslings dropped in Ilmfle Thn out the lining run on hu Gmh puppcd oul lo and the game SMITH SLOW STARTING The second gama saw Edm filo up land In the In our lnnlngl aver Elmvnle mi Chuck Blanchnrda threerun ho msr In the sx was lhu guyqjh Tops Tourney Ht Allandale Visiting Rink BHTSTONES TIRE SERVICE 101 BAYFIELD 51 PA 66549 SEE US TODAY poon BUY THE BUY