40 YEARS AGO IN Iown Strqnge Silence Continues Over Wher Sales ToChina Ba aminer July 1923 Centre Slmcoe polled 05 vote in Jrovindal election which saw Hon Druryl UFO adminlstration awept out oi office with Hon Howard Ferguson becoming premier and Conservatives in ower again Town of Barrle voters owed least interest as 1990 did not go to 011 out of 4885 on list Barrie ater and Light Commission bought part of oidSlmeue Brewery property on Mary Street for urpose oi sinking two new artoslan we andgreservolr water not bear Bell reported 1753 telephones now ln town and calls at local office reached record of 15000 in one do Dozen rate ayera Elizabeth eel stormed ino town council demanding action about sewage seepage in their cellara Board of Education consider ed cloaing East End School Kin George Miss Elizabeth Wallen Unionville engaged to teach at 1301 at salary of $2100 in mom made vacant by real nation of ills llla McCallum Joe lllnos Barrie baseba team heat Cockatown 139 in South Slmeoa base hall Lei hton Emma pitched tor Barrie Dewey opper for Cookstown Frank Armstrong and Charllo Lynch were fielding and batting stars for winners Foran and LeBar were mentioned for my cmmn only my Jamr uvlnlm Tm mom Ru and MM Lulu Tlnullflml mm run In an nlekIan of mg The new leéral govemmant ha been strangely sllant in the matter of gulf sales toCommunlst Chln So far there has been no announcer ment that agreement has been reached with Peking on sale of the balance grain which Communist China 15 com mitted to buy from Canada under the exlsun longterm conhacl which ex ï¬res the end of this year Norlhes ere been an word that new long term cpntrac he been neggtlateel Preserve Law And Order the same llmalherehave been discouraging reports thatChlna may no Ion at be in the market or Canadlan gr 91 that In any pvent funher grain This would be very ood time for the aiiomeygeneral Ontario to set out precisely the role of the po lice and the manner in which law and order will be preserved in any future labor disturbances HARD WORDS FROM THE DOCTORS The Printed Word Condemnation oi the habit of smoking cigarettes was wellpublicized resolu tion ot the recent annual meotln at tho Canadian Medical Association doc tors undoubtedly hove Inï¬ll and per haps duty to ex res eir opinion on matter of uh lc health but one spokesman tor association went for as to say that onyono who continued smoking cigarettes would he intellect uallytlestlluto nnd morally derelict 0n mailers of intellect and mornla thn dociorn nro nn morn compclcnt to lay down lhn lnw than any oliwr group Even on medical mailers they are not uniiurmly inialliblo The binary of medical pro rm L1 lull of thcorics now discredited ul once ncccplcd In truth by the profession ii in only low years since ii wna normnl for physician to or dcr lhc oxlrncllon or all the icclh at unlicnl wlun lilo llnxnnnln oi nn nilmonl was mule This lrcnlmenl in me it day amnion were once considered nsonnun many topulnliin doctorn rum in slil disagreement in the pm lesxinn about he link between clinics are and llcnn dineanc The connucllon hclwcen clgnrcllu making and came 51m co nu Iu Ind lmun Im an Unlvfllfll An Tumu my IIIOA MMIHII In II MII Illifl As the tragic Kaguskasing ioggere strike bears mute tes many in the past Eoiiceintervention in labor dispute as often been withheld until irregu able damn has been done Inevita ly the delay stepping in has been de fended on the grounds that to inter Vmwmm 4723 ymu unfho Im an yum9d ANNIth uran rlu null rnt om Kinmnan mu mmnl putn In mm nwr 1mm mum and mum llfllm wuu MI nun lumm ml unun MINIIIIIIN II TIMI WAIIUK ll mm mulm Alum vumn numLu tlmlum aIly hy mm IN any ml In Walls Publisher The Barrie Examiner Earritï¬xaminï¬ Published by Canadlln Newapaï¬era lened 16 Hayï¬eld Street Elma Ontarlo OTHER EDITORS VIEWS DOWN MEMORY LANE am smgm General Manager THURSDAY JULY 11 ms PIlI Cookstown Toronto CNR won the Weegar Trophy in railwa sports day here Jul Police at Case recommende bylaw to regulate run ning at large of chickens tn Barrie The personal defeat of Premier Drury is loss to the legislating power of the Brovlnce Honest and aggressive at the end of the opposition he would render good service to the pee 1e Herman ennett lvys ace sout paw fanned l4 batters to win sixth straight game in baseball league Barrie Gas Co an nounced new rates to customers reduc tion from $225 to 5100 net per 1001 cublc feet Ed Armstrong elected president BarrieVespre Sunde School Association Barrie Chora Society being formed with 100 to 150 voices to be dlrected by Percy Hoadley organist of Collier Street Methodist Church sales can only be facilitated through enormously stepped ug imdports from Communist China op nna ï¬llpart Hallstorm caused $1500 damage to strawberry crops of Frank Harris and Grtflln at Grenfel Grand Opera House movta attraction for week was Marion Davies in When Knlghthood Waa In Flower New Dreamland had Alice Lake in Kisses HeaVï¬ rel ht trafï¬cjtlraugh Altandale CN daly One may sincerely hope that in the conduct of future min nle negotia Hons the overnment does not pmpose to throw many babies out of the sled The sale of grain to China In ad vantageous to Canada on so long as It does not have to be pa for through sacrifice of large number Canadian obs If domestic obs must be laid on he line the wt om of pursuing bus lness In China businesawhkh can only last few more years at best in open to considerable doubt Largest train was 44 cars newsprint from Iroquois Falls headed or US Many cars of western cattle moving to Toronto of the lung also nwalts proof it is uito oaslbia that the medical advice gvcn the doctors has some merit At least no one claim that amokin promote health But verbal castigat on oi large number adults is not the way to get advice heeded Most of them including many doctors will continue their happy way intellect unily destitute and morally derelict in aplte oi the ex eathedra pronouncements ot the Canadian Medical Association vénn earlierwqu1d belo takeusldea And then by narrow margln re solution was used by nn Anglican Sy nm commlll ng ml good Anglicans and true to come to the am of the Gun ndlnn Medical Auoclnllon in It cam pnlgn lo slop pcoplo tram umnklng cigar Yet surely if in demacratic society there exists the right to strike there must exist also the right not to strike oifltio conunue to operate in spite of Ellés bho ol the more earnest of tho atop smoking ndvocnlos noted that Al Iona In his oplnlon making was Immornl even though II In no par 01 the Ten Conunnndnwnls Ii the attorneygeneral were to lay down now firm policythat police in tervention will be sure and swift when either the right to strike or no to strike is threatened by one side of the dispute or the other he would be doing the province major service few evenlngl later clergyman pre JIIIBK over Vestry meeting whlch ho nnd number of other Wer men were mucking mined for NI de edlnn the elerlc explnlned lhnl he had not been man when the resolution WM de ale CRISIS IN POLITICS be Droll OIIIwn Cnnadn In men golng through nlIIIcnI crlall conï¬dence The num cr volerl who rlfhlly or wrongly no Ion er bellevo In he counlrr ra HUM union has cuusldera Iy In creased In recent years The mum of thin uInIe nI mInd are nhvlouu The lIrII In the InaIIIIIIy oI Ihe uhl partlcn Io We the people clear pmurexslve and Inn IOHC In unlInly IIIeIr needn lull lhelr egll male upIreIIons II II In Mr InaclIon Iho repealed vIo allnnn nf IheIr underlain Io Ihe people IIIeIr luck of Iranknm and IntolIecIunI honuly They no dIaIIkcd or mnklnz comclonnl or nol elaIemenu of Iorl In mqu the voter In order Io grub MI vole They are Iurther blamed or lukIng con elrueIIve pollclll and or IoIIowln mummy llnc WAWAMany year ago heard senior dvu nrvant known In lka descrljag xpecflully as the PM But the pomp the hlghest executive goal In our government has rough less slumng In his shlrt lhan In he case any his lmmedlnle predecessors prime minister Yet he has pryved be ln ï¬nd of wh hIsioHnn win scnbe Peuwna Fulln llach OTTAWA REPORT As lender he OpposIIlon MIke Pearson anon scorned cm Innmed and hnlllng and InnIdy IneIIculve II we quently cul to rIbbon In debate by he lhcn rrIme mlnlnlcn But prlme nIsIer hImsEII Mr Pearson already shown an only mannzr and conï¬dent Mr tellassurance even In the mush parllamenknry weather Ila has deservedly been encoun IuInu Ilnca that Illomcncd le crnl budget was Introduced on Ibo unlucky mh day June IIurdp Mnrun 1ND mini In Ihnrp crlllc Mr Pearson Yet he lpoko or many MP5 all parties when he mid lo me The zromcsl lurprhe 01 Ml Pnrllnmcnl In the war Pearson cnn cut Dlefcnbn er lo ribbon In Unit uchauguf Typlully he rtccnlly Iflflllhfd Opposlllon Dulcnbakcr In one of lhtlr many cxclmnm about llw Gnr don budxcl lhln allowed up with thln squelcher And lmpo Hm lhe lehl honorable lanllcnuln any lurlhcr queulom to uk on lhh luhjcct he will put lhnm In morn proper wqy Mom lhun nny ul hll pon wnr Immune Ill prlmu mln later he pumian lhnl wcll lnuwn Lnlln phrnw Sunvllcr In mod lorlllcr In Ath In nIcUmd rrsulglc ln ncllon The mirror diplnmnl lcnrwn lrnlmd ncvur In In omnco with hll lonxuu lml Iudxlcnly Icqulred along wllh lull mnn Ha 0mm cmxhlng ornlnr In rlpuxlu wllh whlch nlny pnylllmcnlnry llama And he do MI wllh hoyluh emu of mnnmr tlupNa MI pmhleml 1M WM plnlnly nlelenl In lhc very rm and dmrml un lmrrnumenl cnuml ln Mm by lhe Gnnlon Imdncl Evrn lhn pvmura nl ulnl lrnm Hunqu which in Ilnml In nlly IIhmIlIIcIh lavImuldu wllh It lrlund hu InuperlLnccd Innucn mlm hler Wall Iunlou nmr tlmml nwny mlhm mm lhnl Irwnullvn word nunlu lmylnh xrln width lugclher with how lle In Mr War wnl hullmnrk mly Mm by urban ulnn dnulx Mr lrnmm neldom ulmv allur Im No not up once IENII lha mm and all HIM bmklul lel or lulu tom and cumsmull Mhd ulaln mm mu him Mr narhel Mu Illfllv mun oltlu about MiaMl Ind mm In hour work an mam Mon hum rt ulvlnl Hm III lunch Mm Hal mm umm Canada NH prlmn mlnhlrr lm arrl rnpmlly lnr mm In mu mrnlnny H1 can qulckly ump ml vi the wnrrlrl Mllcl II II nulla mund uhle nno of III ndvhcu chi nun Hm my run much mm In yrmure willicnl mnmrnce lo rnrehu rlml wllh hr wrmnnl hlcml wlm ll lulu nrxlyhiln By PATRICK NICHOLSON Pearson Can Slay Tigers In House RUSSIAN CHESS MASTER niew in mum in alien taken in hi oiiice lumelimes with com nnionL Thin in quick mu alter which he nines reading mnzazine Article or newspaper He seldom iuvel lha Pull menl Building before and n1 wayl take work home per haps memo In be read brief to3edlzesloq He Is vary jaaloul In the nu of his time an Ilde told he want recmllmz he will walk In the country Just he DOVER Enzllnd Thu lurch or new sources cl an all Inp ly ln nrllnln nan moved la he Slrnlll ol Dover which upnr nle Enzlnnd from Frnce The prospect ol llndlnl an all lcld lufllclen dlmenslonl lo developed on cammcrclll pm ducllon hula being uudlcd by strong mm 11 Ieologlsh 0n lhclr report wlll depcnd wlle lher or nal lurlher mp wlll bn lulun toward uplnllnl oll maurcu under the Enzlllh channel when ll ll com lclcd ll will be Iludlcd lc enlllll nnd tnnlncm And I1qu lnvnrnhlu Illa mull may be lnrwmla enllneerlng Iumy ho are wllhln llw nexl two Yen The Geologlsls who luv been tnKchd In Iludy belleva thorn in 11 good poulblllly 01 11mm morch both oll Ind nnlurnl an belng lecrcled be low lhu ml bcd elwecn Davcr nnd Cnlnls Thu upflll um Innrd lhll l1 lhuu mm um he locnlrd and thnmd lhey could be trapped and devoan ed on mmmerclll HEARD IN HAITI In Hill mh lar all Thu op crnllanl In tho SlrnJIn cl Dover would mun In mall Illlm triumuln Enllllh chunnrl Thur Inn would ho la drnp powerful chum ml up lhl hm lrnm lha uplo linn underwalar 111m crn will provide dclnlln lomu or lnulll In Hue underm nlrnln under MIMI Lkpalu at all an an mllhl In lrnpptd REPORT FROM UK Thu Vmoll hodern gqulpfmnl no nvmmu uncured verl ch hut lhc depolllu Hum drllllnx plnllnnm whlrh mllhl ml RI much ll 33000000 rnth wlll ho armed avor lhn Mm ml Mum flwy ll be mm In llm unnl and mod upenlvq phnlu Ibo lunch Only lhll lllllinf wlll vul lhm II In Innlhrr Toqu undtr Um Elm mm DRILLING llllllm Tu ram nul lhll mnlrlm tlvlllln rlululn wlll hm In In lrrurm 111m llfllll wmml nllmnuvl by Ike munmrnl 11w mullIn runml wnuld Alumina Ind HIM m1le The ulIan 01 km mm wlnllunm In all Ihq and ralxrllnno Wllll Mmld be Inrl In em mmldmblc runlmvmy mum mariner Innd In cm Innel mfllc nw mmm nl mlpl unlng Hm buly mun wuuld lock nlmn lhou vInlformu ll MI addlllonll anvilHaul hard By McINlYIlE DOD Searching For Oil In Dover Straits For Hull and or mu In Iulhorlly um my Ind qulel Md pucuhle Illa In all ndllnm Ind nanny 131m Prlyar for ufllclall in Hula used but muchneeded mum men promote domestic Inn qulllly Ind externll peace used to wnlx mund the quiet treelined meals of he Dnle Iuhurb mum heron hi movzd Into the nfllclul resb deuce Flthlnz II new hobby perhaps more In keeplnl with bin 66 year than the lam III uud Co play so werleuuuy Once ueml blll player Mr Peamn Ilwaya been athletic and mnlnlnlns his real physical millence whlch now stand him ln good mm BIBLE THOUGHT Then the quullon who own the bullum the Slralu of Dover would luv to he decided The Guava Convanlion Idnpled In 1353 lUpulnlM Inverelgn dzhu over continental shell Inn Idlnctnk to land but lho Dmhh government he never rnllfled thin And there lulso nu guunllon of when British tum Icllon ends and French Jum qlqugn buglmuln lhu aléihm Cllnll IL The Dover Slraiu hava been Iurveyod rccenlly hr the Chm ncl nmnel projact mu III sur vey WM mm concede wllh he Ma bed Iurlnce than wllh uhnl Ilu underneath Henéli all Natural GAS DON OHEAEN WRONNwhm Roman catholic not warm school mpporter When has member par herahlp The local we an Inde pendent businexsmn or Nmrnllon can In to the up male zchooxn tug to cemln lim lu But no 1m par tnmhlp unless all lhu par lnm are Cnlhoflcu QUEENS PARK The In the declalon of an Ontario Munlclpnl Board Wlllmm erfln prominent Nlann Fall lawyer tried to hive Ms aham 01 MI flrml taxes Ipplled lo mama Ichools county court judge nld he couldnt do It And the OMB Ilsa tuxMd him down an pea It nld pnrlnershlp unit Belnk unit all the par tner acllnz together cauld des ignate lha ml to to um lep Irale schools BI whether Mr Marflnl partners wtmled to do lhl or not Lhey couldnt Inyway cause they are Premium And Ihera no law which give Protestan Iulhnrily to allocate lens to the RCI Cant Beat Mr Martln man who would he wellversed In the Ulzory Illa the law an In in thin use very obviously is CHANGE LAW The Law Is An AsS Regarding School Tax By JOSEPH MOLNER MD bur Dr Molnm Can brun dllectalll prove all II linuerlnl 111nm Inch II Iubegcqlosh or cancer had In operatlnn or it on one lunl last summer There II small area of bmnchiecluil on the other luni but my doc inr think additional Iurgery can be avoided in mite of flu thou antihimmlnel and life 01 curtailed activities have have hnd two attack in recent month that required mubiol in What llkeiy lo happen Ihould refuse further medial TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH Im amid you have In em neon Idea at bronchlecuals is not Ilka than two dlieasel Nberculosll pxogreulvc deslmcllon ol lung tissue awed by germs Clncer II In Invadve spreldlnl growth at Ibnarmnl tissues Bronchlcunsis much closer to being doscripllnn ol cur laln type ol condition Thu II the nr passages In the lung become mlsshnpensome may Ihrlnk but more alltn may be name diluted Icavnz expanded um In whlch spmum and pul can Iccumulnle obvlmuly nil lnlefleres wllh brealhlnm and nlw pruvldu In Iru in Which Infccllom tan enslly gel darled Nance pre cuullons Ihould be taken nxnlnst nny lypc mplralory men unï¬lan gulth Ind Illu Bronchlecluil no In incl alnl nilme Mlld mu In no uncommon ln MN and extend cam unrulcnl rcmoval of lhe dlm lied lluua Iomellmcl ncce nry wu done wllh you You Bronchiectasis Is Not Fatal Disease Still lion Robert Munulay ha been uxing hlppo with his mouth on widely as sym bol In trade crusade cam Kain Yam Some things do ave la import Inlenl an havlnl It lumtd bick ward it Immumed the main pur pole hi xuit in to area the gavemmeni to recognize that Farmer are also poo lo and make lhu proper wanna or his in It separate Ichooi legislation ll axpected another lilpul will be taken Tim the II gher comu uphold Lhu decision 61 the bond ll will be up to uovemmcnl to change the law Oak inure senMu mallet ha government having Nppopw umu trouble Now somebody wnnu lo Iva the zovemment live hippo to use at the ONE Although lh animal would 11m then wnuld he cer tain substantial expenditure in volvcd Hus think how much hippo ants in day Th9 glunl would be ma menuanzener Bulmlghl get no much the wrong WM wnuld the farmers and mm our newspapers think ol Kovemmenl that want In for hlppolnmuges The Emplulioi ls grunt But lha fear An election cumin up For cam between these ex lumen medications am used to loom the sputum prevent In lmlonl and make brellhlnx easier unnat concelvc why you nhauXd Ivan consider remain lunhar medical care The prob able consequence would bl 1mm vulnernhlllly la colds Influenza pneumonh etc amthlnz wauld be more mm ulL Formation abccsscs wuld occur can arsce nomt lnz but Knereascd misery and Perhaps you nhnuld best coll Ildfl hranchlcclnsls as com dillon which needs to ba kept under control Ihan an acute dil eau Invulvlnz killercure dc daion ma CANADIAN rnasa Juy119€3 naval forca mm Nova Scull cnplured Enuporl ln Pnssamlquoddy Buy 149 years agon IanIn III openlnz mnvc that Wu secure large part nl Maine or he llrlllxh dur lnx the War I811 Brilaln held this territory mm the slxnlnl peace at Ghent when II was hlndcd buck lo the Unllcd sum Thu llukgolA Wplllqzlnn qhnd dewch Nil VlZon In Whaler Ina wnl nslmmcnlnl In Ina wnl nslmmcnlnl In pmundlnl tho Illllh ml lo mk lo hold ha lerrllary liken In the um wan TODAY IN HISTORY