Tau P8 farm nnm whim IV IDII III Iliifl TIF pllrm mu XAMINEI WANT Ana IONS PA lull nku mum Innn mm Am upIlium Ammum In amt mum mu mm In mum mam my Wm mm mm mm 11 114 MIIPIMIII 75 MM In lmlwlollu an ly MumM In mu Yum lle nunrm om um mm NunM 1mm nmMrr mh vw 1mm mnlul mm um um mm mm mum MIL 10mm mm Mnlmnhy nunhm um munum mnmi ml Illl mm van P5711 NMIUUI uvnur uni um hlflm hum 1mm Johnrm olmm mum mlwlu nul um an Cum nIm Tunv an mm mm MIInIwL muphnm urnor nn llnllnm Ilml in nu mu 75 mm llollom nun uuh llrhmtm 10va rm Hnllnm llnl wlm hp hhmlvlo IIN MM nu nullnm Ium 12 um um Luv ALUMINUM rAnTlll Jflhnmn malu Tu 11mm nunmm mud 11 Mun Imm 1001 mmnm 1mm lhnlnl 1mm llunlluml J21 tonyHIM 01 your ï¬lm 11 hp puma vn an mi mmnm an mm or 1711an An mum mm Out bo rd Ind IoI Tnlltr umh ml toll Hlon Ivlrnl quick Taumm IA um 111 Mman nwa mm with hum mm mm mr um mm Tnller mm phon IA um inm or me Woodl ha my mu uud mm Hon as mum Tellphonu in In ma mam ma unnl Iued ounm mu huh Alla an It vhm human ï¬xluru wmea abod nud Fromm or cm mm Anal Nomnn urmow mmow Plumblul nu nun mama mm um nou mcvcu wmrn In my nunbx In nzvrnnmm nun zonmnm rmphnn IA Mus lurlhrr actll nrm CABIN Innu ump mu amp unvu mom or mu vmk mnla Ttnt Ind Awnan Camplny umllnfl ll Blyllcld St PA Hut HIAW DUCK Wood mu Inn ll mm mu nd med lhm chum Alxo hut um Iwo Inux claim In umr wul uu reprm or unlL Phanl PA Mill lllnr 600 mm wmgn smunw ng Pump Tellphnnl 55761 nmAuun Wlnled xn ml my in mod wlrnlc lbll Iheller Teluhonl IA 35365 Imam mu mllu In um Ima two douhln bed timid In lmnl Vlllfldl 911 um ML Telephnm 711 cnnnnnun Ind we chllnx cummm Ind an mix 02cm donl cum chat damn mod mndlllon Illumuhly prlred omnm nuer mum duh Lnl mumy Amen Lmt Emu FREEZER 11mm uh MW mcmy Relrlnnlor cum loot lulumlflc delmll hmfl nufl mo norm Electric Run am but Mr mom mum $31 only floor model 1199 Ten ublc out Hemllnlon nw $13551 Robuunn Hudwlrl PA lnzhu hllh phi my um mm mm nor any bltk Ihnl Idlnlhbl mu MINI In load condition 115 Illn1 nudnn Alum Ench Raid luoufl nvnun sums ma Numbenu Mnmm 11 um md min pep mu Iervllcl tut prom4 auvm Conucl Th mmlner Summertlll mnun Service 10 Jayan sum lhrrll PA um £1 nurhumr nuIi affirm ml ma condition iu Telephone FA Hm in pin wwnmww suum Pony In Illa Mm PHI an mo nrlzkul Influx will mm 15an union Telrphuna PA SINGER meme Pombxu to um by th uek or month Fm repIr umcu an In mlh Luann xxxchm smel Suwlnl Cenm mm PA Hm nunlmnn Helena cum on VIII no ll command mu 014 Hydnuue cum Curlll unwvfom seem 1m Apply an 13 Elm Null N11 Met Camille chum $5995 Fm m1 week with Dutch lily Ellntfllll uc 211le Mlchlne Cull Slant Slum Centre PA $WW BICYCLI or all um lrpud Black Illum whet whit Ind hm hm on both whenh TeleDMm PA mo TANK mumm by thl amt modern Iflfllmnlnt In IIIl only I15 Now Nulwm II 1000 zluon allpoll hill my Km Winter telmm PA Shawn 10 QUALITY Bill Lb Gull Imv poulhl cm and upped flluund Gum united to mm mm read ultphmll PA was mm mum comm 311 In mum cmlnl bu on Anuqln Cnlner Cnpholrd nflnuhrd 100 puma PA um mm 1351 mm plus mm mm In ma worklnl mm Taleyham amp Borden flumc Motor um mudE5 Yn in all All In loud nayalum Awly Emll Iron works 11 mm ElfleL Hannas FOR SALE 1115mm Rufus lax GARDEN SUPPLIES $2 glegmuor ul CAMPING EQUIPMENT rm um STAMPS COINS ARTICLES WANTED sons Morons In écenem PA 65065 Ulgd 1w nnly In mmmm common ifhif gmmm me Mall ulnar 1M nomm mqu mm ndlm llunl mum In nu um no god vlmnln ruhdlllzm nlgpnm onm ml VANUIMN In IMII mwnlm um mm nvlllml ml nullm pummflun um wlmln mm Um nmut In My an ml Min In lm nummmu Mum mum mm yuan mp ul mm mm In um Inl nu ma mmum nua 11ml rn Inna lwlhn pmm nu ruNnAc mm imam ryllnflI nmur Illlllmll on 1mm um um mu ml nm Um nmxnu Fllllnn Inn wllh man wnm lmv no mm nu mwnum wul Mn uv lnulu Tylnphnm mu In Pm In ITIVIVHIAIKI mm Mqu body Imp mu hm nmn Inna mmmum mm 1m mm in wlun Tunrum IA my rnNn mu mor tummy In lmnl wmllllun wlm law mue Ill 1m 12m wmu my ndml ryllmm In mlnlnm Mml IA Hut um pm Im VAUxIlAu Vela luur am udlm le rlelI mm on mum In Mr nmyluon at dawn 11 pr mm mL Im mum in nod cnnfllllm lhnmlhalfl nnlnl my nhly Tthphom Mm um mm or lutth mum 0wan ma Pnnlllc Imt nnl conuubh lormllr ma llnmnlhh m1 no or hm on Tiltghoul null luv mrmm cum and Ir mm In low mm mm nu nr hm nun Tux 9mm am ronu lnr Nndlllm mm or ml elm Em mu ll wmhm sum um pJn or ulwhom um udln nml wlmluvl um In dawn Maw plr mnnlh mu FRENCH MOTORS 75 Hratllord SI PA 35071 nu mum Val nu mm Mug wmqr cullnr loanv oAn In Knowlu Bmlhm MI ukphonu am Slrnua AUTOMOTIVE casualaudition uonl Ind Ilndxowl In on pIIL Prlud In thin Auction and muchlnu 030 Male Iqulean CmV McKtl Ind Nw xdu Bum B9 mlhwy Cunttown mm mm mm PA M101 Mara and more poultrymen are choosing DhKALB PULLEJS Stand ready to fly and day old chlgks 0rdernaw lorenrly Mdfon CARS FOR SALE order discount or help on your poultry problem cull Crnlg Hunter CRAIG HUNTER P9 nzaxmnzn sumrd Bud nmua Mm uppmxlmmly nu hindl Ibo monolithold ï¬lly Mm Inbred womulhbflfl by Plnnho Pmenl ml by Pancho Teauihum PA 60981 Ivenlnlt FA 01 3YBAILOLD Rm mm mm weeks Ibo nun cm week old Tekrphnnl mm mm REGISTERED Home Heller In Due nun um Itfudmd Ind Hue Apply Atklmon Im mm or ulcphnnl PA um Farm Supplies Service Case New Holland David Brovm Benny Farm Equipment 17 BURTON AVE PA mm CASH TRADE TERMS BOA rpm Jung topically Sindznnn RR Shlnly Ely or when PA MD KEVIN EIOXITIRED 1131mm Cowl ulvu It 001 Fem Elbert Telephom HI 56511 PALDMIND ammo mi mu um yam Telnphnna 571 or mum lnlflmuuon guns 1305 am nuvngpnpnn mme Jun weu faupï¬ Ivy am NICKS DEAD STOCK ZENITH Mm NO CHARGE wummmnn rur hm am we on so pm 7w Clmp Borden nzumaun Toy or me an mm alumna whue phom PA um nlhlu Tub ARTICLES for SALE BASH Ulan PI Dlll lnnd cluman um um um red um whim Telephonl um Buxlan Camp Baxflan uznmu smnmn yuppie or me mmmd three month aid mm mm on lemlle mm um um Gnod ma Telaphnnl Mm DEAD STOCK Highest price paid or dead or ulppled caula and harm Small mlmnl removed free For fast service PHONEBARME PA um Collect or ask or FARMERS MARKET YOU GET GOOD DEAL AND GOOD DEAL MORE AT DEKALBPULLHS Mun any7 am um RR Founead Ontario Amuse No 172062 Nick Montana Pray POULTRY CHICKS CHARLES CHURCH FEED EEED GRAIN FARM MACHINERY smoun mom 71 DOGS PETS LIVESTOCK Anni Sunud nlllnnfl mm mm nm In In palm Mu un mmmt mu hqu mm mm MNIMI women lumlh and Mimi nm rommlulm Inn hullm vfluHoM II in ne nt rnnfldmllll mn Im II nm zumlm Imq mnipu mm uv Ilnvlmd nu um Hman mumn muum mum wlm nl lnimd th llulumlr 71 pm hum mm In no hum Knme wllh invernl yeara expor Icncu In induslry or all work Apply We need 11 um chm body pulr mnn Good wngu mod worklnx condklom Imd oqur employee bcnvllu zxnnnmc an hlmwln nunu mum Apply mun yonnu mew Frmnhly am min mil phonl PA um um hm lnr lunhu Inlovmnlm IIOUIIKEIPIR wnmd lo mu hill at Iwo rhlldnn um new hall LIV 100 mommy Appy PA Hm Lugv yqu MANSFIELD RUBBER CANADA LTD BARRIE lam my urn men lDW vlr um Cull Cnï¬y PA um DRIUNI TELLING Do VIII Your enun luld by In llphum PA 5W myuml It lipnlnlmml wmnuYSun mmrmï¬u mu munan Axid to mum viciniiy mm Bantu landsU Tueghoul PA um 319an Iron arms In gym In Puu Mllphnnl Elmlld Dular Galan mm om mm mum sm IL 11 Lo 25 so sum wm new Km um TwoWillian mm ma em tllc Inner mm ell ullmd Mu mover Ill Ind IN Illh blm Tlhphvno In ETE PA wan munmmin su PERSONALS TRY EXAMINER WANII ADS PHONE PA Iflll l0 HELP WANTED an OR MTDN Plulm Pickup toad Inputnu cod mobmo nuy with van cover 11th PA 6610 daytime nu DODGE MTON PI lewly um may in ucaulnt common 2an Bunu st or Illphnnl PA um wnm mum vainm hm Ion pickup sun comma and but ml or mu Wm no mm mum nu ONTlNC Stilton In duct momma nun law mun uuuant CMHUI blIII milmo Inlll Tillphonn flu Cm Bord Snub chum Blvd TWO In You mm on Ford mnhmfl lm lilo Ford Inlnmuc LInlmbflom T110 Phonc MRI 0M mTliroï¬iï¬aï¬hT if Kimmihflxéï¬iï¬r PA mu ll PONTIAC Ind whm lldlo overIn um Rebuilt molm uni mnuulnlmz Faun door mm mm Wlll uh ml at lot ind PA mu door on ovum cu nm body and mom in van but flush Oflflnll ownI am Inn on Kim PA 08541 MT run 000 urinal lull mu aurora ur Clll lnm ndlo kinda hlncl hutch milL down Tlllphont PA nu nonuï¬our mm mm 1x quad mm In Low mllun an ln In Rldln my mum an um um minivnuswmn Wlnflnw Vnn mud out or eumplnl all Aw non Cown PA um mo momIN Inn door din In mm bun with ennui ndJo an mm whmuu Linn gaugm mm month PA Now nvaflaMa or mature woman with cm and 20 or more hours per week With AVON Comma you luv business your awn Wrilc Mn Walker 38 Thbmsan SL4 Borrlm or call PA 551 Moron CARS FOR SALE PLANT ELECTRICIAN TRUCKS TRAILERS FRENCH MOTORS 75 Brmllord St AUTO ACCESSORIES VALUAELE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY MOBILE HOMES VFEMALE HELP AUTOMOTIVE BODYMAN MALE HELP AVON Mimi m7 1mm CAM Nn um am In Ia bqnlth Inuuuué all E1 cull lot Id mmnlnn vu anmhlp mllol mull 111 In Vllluc ml one mile up In horn Johnnn lllxhuy helm Ynllq flkl Dub towmuwooxi imam nuu lnwrd or any lrmkv mu 1mmtu urnMerl WIIITILHDE XNL TOWN OF ALIJSNN MMII WM AINIJZV umulflul ITnflmer Imnlnvln SI l3 AUCTION SALES Twin mm In urompnnlad by mimod chequq or lvld band umnl Km um pvlm nml Iho mrcmlul MM mud kalo mnmd bvnd or 100 Um loud lomlor Cop til icon rnrl documm may be ahtnlnrd nl Ilu olllcv oluw Comulllng Enunm The ullnmlcd an In In NJ limo Cour 14m Tmu ll Sum uum 700 Tom THURS LY II I96 far In mmmwllnn but phnk pavement in mm mm Albert sum and mm Sinfl In the Town ol Mllswn TWDEIIS FOR HOT ASPHALT IMNO SEALED TENDERS wlll be ra aim by llw undmIgncd until 00 nm 151 Sellch Tendon In tnvelopu provided wll bo remlvzd by Ihe undenlined up to pm July 22 1063 or Hm compltlo palmlng Ihn exlurior of the City Hall Smcfllchllun nnd Tender tn velnpu may be nMnlned Iha Cigy Clnkn 0mm limits or any Tender ml AUCHON SALE Monday Evenlnx July to Al 030 Sharp For nzm wnmA WILL MIND thudnn or bub In my own homl whllc mamr worn Vlclnlb Walllnflan Ind 3L new Sun Tolwhonl PA um lxrnumcln Carpal lm vmk Aadmom nnomlnl It mmtlon room mm Nglln nmnlry ll llndn No 10 too lmllL Tolepnnm my Um PA NI nui MALI mu school nunnu mm Lay in mum An In or lnunl It ntl llEXIm leIndl lullnur or Clu Ell PA IN Tulevhm um JUDGE was MONCION CDJudge Bennett longtime count court judge for the counties rwm moriand and Kent died in not pitel here Wednendny He was more than 100 yean old Judge Bennett was oouain of tar mer Canadian prime minister Bennett who we also nltive Albert County 8058 FORD BOSTON AP Automatic Rndln Manuiacturing Cnmpnny oi Boston In min the Ford M0 tor Company tar $15000000 in tripledamage antitrust luit in 115 dimlet court The pinintllt allele Ford involvement in eonapiracy mm 1057 nnweni which allegedly precluded Inle radio other than Ford radial in th companya ural ACQUIRES NEWSPAPER MmMINEE Mlch AP Menamlnee Publishing Com pany headed by Roger William of Gnenvflle 1mm announced Wzdnesdny Ind ucqulred flu Menominee Henld Leader Ems smnuémm cny Clerk I2 1mm IO HELP WANTED AIHIPMENTE 5T0 VANCOUVER CPD Port authorities here said Wednudly when shipment to Red Chin au of Canadlnn Paciï¬c Coast pom have com to landï¬ll pending the negollnnm new emum wllh the Communllt country The In Ihipmenl um der the old contract wu loaded early thin month by the Bmhh lrclghm Juan and no urther ship In due nAnnmzxAanu mummy JULY 11 FINALLY GETS DEGREE WINDSOR Ont OP It came years alter hi Indu atlon from high whoa but hula Clement Windsor ii naily graduated with hacheior oi xclenco dencan Hi dam was granted from Wayne State University Detroit almost eight yam am he enmiled in tho mm and lummer eounea Towy 9F Ammo leader at Diamond Molnrcycla Club And known as Johnny Sombrero Wu convch Wednesday of UrnLenin rival momrcycln club member Ind put on 200 band to hep the peace or year mm wuumm LEADER CONVICTED Mom emmm TENDER FOR PAINTING WORLD BRIEFS nwm at mud Macmillan ho ml mnnyllhlm um WM bod la Gum um ukl lb mm ll um d9 mam Ian Inn In om nt 01 pm In rm mm mn 1mm Lllmr numb gr ng mm Mgcmlllln bell mac In Du Cummanl to lnr Inlmmlkm Iu ruwnl mnlrmplwml norn an murnnco Hm an my MIMI ol penurul demonHon bovmervpd llul mum mumlml Pull nwnl lml lhe nllmn wurlu lllrlllllrl hull lhe dtlnomlm hm no In Inlvln pmonl m1 Illilllnl lmllllmul fmdum mm An In vlnl rum4 luv Mom 3y hlorhl In hlllllli gï¬qum labor Mr Mmllyl Inm who mgr llm lrrqnml an lheImmh mirth and Almost mmlnnlly rimt lhn Unlled Rules nutm Iupply lltpol In flnrllnml lrlmu Mlnlplcr Mnrmlllnn and member at hll nun mull Mn nxprmrd llmo Ind lulu dlll II Ilm lmnnn mmd lblDlLI by line ullvl lln ol Ill hard tn mm lnlly pmltulnnll Illmomm log um lhelr lanrmtrl Qutrn Ellibath honlul nn dnum la cmbnrrnued by lho blundy clmhu hum milcu Ind dcnmmlmlnn pmmun lhe dclwllon nllrgnl pulm ul prlwnm In Gmm LONDON CPI oullnnry mam no lumowhnl Ilunncd but lnlmnlcd Ipeclnlon In ll whole zllllcrlnl Malnu apw lnclc mrrvumllni HIo vb IM Klnx nnd Qutcn 01 Emma lmler and blllcrncu the mural reaction Greek pub Hcoplnon lo he Incldcnll dur lnz lhe Gmk royal couplol Alule VIII Io London Wllh very new exception all newspaperl exprm rural lhnl he vhll wul not pollponed Dally Express quolcs Hume Secretary Henry Brooke n5 flying Wu hacked nnd NMOUL Th In lho work hnndlnl Communulx and uchlnuf Hulda of boos and chem The Dally Telelraph reporll Tho Queen and Prince Philip wllh Kin Full and Queen Fred erik nrrlved he Aldwych Thanks 1m mm In the mld die Inluaua Dame boo and chem we pumicnl femlonslrallon at klndemarlcn eve Th Dally Telegraph also pub Illhu mum ram Ila Mh GRIDItanflparldffll whu wrilc LONDON ReulmlThe bow lnz Ihnl Queen Ellubcth and her Grcek royal gums received Wednesday night gets headline men In the Brlllsh preu TO QUIT CONGO Exlemn Altair Mlnlsler Martin am he gavzmmenl hopes the United Nation force In The Conn can be wilhdrlwn soon posllble In In reply Oppolluan Leader Diel mbnker Ind Olson SC Medlclnu III that the end of PROMISES WORD When nuclear warheads enter enlda the public will be xlven all relevant lnlormnllnn wlthln the llrnlle ol Iecurlly Prlme Mlnlsler Iald Mr Pearson uld there will be puhllc announcement when CnnedAUnlled slam agreement novernlng the ncquleldon ol the warheads Ilined Britons Stunned By Bloody Clash NAMED COMMISSIONER Appointment oi Benilmin Siverlz la temponry term an pommiuinner oi the Northwest Territorial was announced by Northern Miairn Mlninter Lninu Mr Sivertz diremr oi the department northam ad ministration brnnch succeeds Gordan Robertson recently appointed clerk oi rile Privy Council Queen Elizabeth Greek Couple Face Battle of Boos Cheers Through cold nluu name It the Wemn Sanitarium neu Tomato In warmed Enkimo IIIOUIH ha Iaunlan wllh her COMMONS NEWS IN BRIEF TB PATIENT HAS HAPPY REUNION THROUGHTHE GLASS The Ram mu Now 0mm Illflml and IM Commlllrv IN vuvloully dule In In nurlm dmmmluum clllm man Ihnn ow mom In 1M III III Ind Ilm be an but pollflul roadie uormmmllndlhc monarchy Th lml lnnmmonl haw em Imlm Hm In not paint ul whom Mal rm muted murder mm Iud an umm durlnl an nu mu um him the Mmmlul mm In Ian om They zlnlm mm hm to himL mow unnl 0w vnrly mchnl lurk nhnm lnllrn Inlely when ml chm urn up Evrqum mmM In In wnlllnx or Inme lhlnl In human In no whclhrr Um mlouo tummunlll pnrlflnl and ullurr mum would mnlu and mm Ilvrm In Hunw Hue pmmlrm on pace wllh dfmunA llrllllml MI lhln nulnlrn limbhum ul Irll many mlms millllltd am In vellum Illullon In lgm Alllmunh Hie dnyn when Arm lnlun II lhemu warm or vnulnu rayll wrnl am van gemman or mm Ago ha crode Tunany m1 unmunlly quiyl hm mnlrldlcllom uhlch pm my undm andtnz wtll lhey do your 111m the mullet cndcd The ma puhllc Iumoul or mudnya welcome lo Klul Paul and Qurrn Frcdemu almm equlllrd lhnl lnr Inll Aprll myul urihlln Princm Alu nmlu The whola lam will go down at but tram 1am and wont iqunlld brnwl orznnA Izod by trunks of every lunnllc hnda and buonnd unlorxlv Ihlc mlvlcc endured by lho crnckpol ndvlsm Ihe lovcrn mtnl Illa Her Majuly he Th titles at London Ind Wcalmlmler have been coerced Inlo pnllarn Iran behavior la keep mu people 11pm from monnrchy that has mum Inn to Ihcm In lhe Just and Im In htm now he culumnhl Cus Inndr Wllllnm Connor wrlleL The Manchester Guardlnn nyl Qunn Eflznholh appeared utonhhed at the saund of him and cries of Slog hell but In aha qulckly regained hu com pome Ind enlercd the thenlre wllh an unperturbed Klnz PM column In any er mr can the Buckingham Pub in banquet given In honor the Greek man couple Tueday night xrnkcsque Icallvlky algqu IT Gfl01fSQUE SIUDY INTEGRATION Dennu Mlnuler Hellyar in formed John Mnlhewn Leedsi Illa undies are being conducted lniu the advisability oi inlemtinz pl account and commotion enx neerinl mm lliaa the three armed larv cu The government had 1044 355 pounds hum in lungs on July the Common wu Inld ll Ilsa had Itockpue at 1115931551 pound bum all The lnrarmuuon wax provided baconu Douceu PCLan Bf OTTAWA CPDPaltmamr General Danll laid in Com mon Wednesdly lhn Finance Minister Gordon will Announce ply lncronm or palm work Ind othu alum of cm servants in due comic and balm llrlke can nan Knhngl provlncal leceulnn from The Congo removed the need for large number of UN troan REPORTS BUTTER ROCKS baby daughter Mn Hnnna lrrlverl from Froblshe Ely 1n the Canadian Amlc three month In to ba treated or Leh lull In hospflll par llally paralyzed and unnot weak Hi Im arm wn nmpuL med below the elbow Wu within lIu lhll opportunlvy lo flunk me In nmndum who moribund mud On mlkI nor MOM 0pm Maui wch In culmndlng luv ml We lull Nudge gluvlnl you min in Mil Mum Illl Tulm Conspiracy causing him by nulllenca plum ex plosive Ind tommlmng public mhchlel The chm oi bodily harm re lerl lo the severe injuries sui iered by an army Ierzeanima 10f Waller 141 when bomb blew up in his ace while he was trying In take it apart quiver mm lhc ourDenis Lamuumux 20 Frlnmll Gunon Marla Bl chand and Glllel Pmneau 111 Am mn charm each Mennwhllo our yaulhr were committed to voluntary rm rnenta prelrlal um In Qua boc legnl proceedings at which the wane my present vl deuceIn common wllh the plenum or terrorist bomb In lhc mldenual luburb West mount In May The Quebec anorney gener Ill department Inued the ncuve Tueday saying mm of those charged In connection with ï¬re bomb attacks Le Front de Liberation Quebecnla mun nzed to somber to Mun their cares 7w lian work mm may on new cell am on the fifth floor Manimil new courthouse de nizned Lo praveni prisoner charged with modal activities from communicating with one Mother Courthouse Gets New Cell Area To House Terrorist Prisoners tuberculosla When the be nn lb plné or her dauxhlnr Mafia avzmmenl 01111113 and wo United Apmi Slrong as llgerl No 3plow lruclor oulworkl lhil MF 35 dlcscl wllh Mullllowcr and Ferguson System Now livcller than ever will lor wuld schdl slllll onlhcgu nnd new dillcrcnliul lock to slap whch spinning in sllck going Still the wmldn bcsl selllng Imclorby lM No Wondcr all be other Incloo ll llnvc you lrlcd lhc um MI 357 Slop ln lodnyl QUICK AS CAT rmomynm cmComme Mllol South of Bnlo on Hwy PA 61485 VflUI EQUIPMENT llMITED MASSEYFERGUSON The pellllon be lieud Fri day contends that cerlaln pm vlslnn ol Ill Coronerl Act an Illegal because they are lb solo concern th ederll Pull menl In Superior Court meanwhile petition wn flied in Hudonl behaii attacking provision of the Quebec Comnlrl Am Ind asking the court to quuh tho Mayiz verdict oi coronerl Jury indlnz 21 person criml nally mponaihie or thrbnml denih oi nighi waichman Wil ngg Vincfl ONeill 1pr go Police tesllfled hey found 50 sllcku dynamm and mum ab far two homemuda bombl In shed Ihe rear Hudonl home when they mauled him June Ag gqun 211mm The Crown alto opened cm the preliminary hunrlng of Gabriel Hudon 11yearold Industrial designer on charge ol conspiracy In other FLQ Ic lellea They met min the followinl day and the bombs wen planted May 17 Schneider said he placed Ihree mm Pierre who face voluntary Ilatemenl on chnrge of conspiracy told the court that be Pmneau Bachand and anourcux were meet lnï¬May 12 In annuraux home Operation Wellmoun WAI planned Pruneau Iestlfled at prelimi nary hearing of tha tour that It wu probably he who lanled lhzlbamb fllat lnjgred Le cles combined to bring ha mmonumld glrl dawn mm the Amie my with luster menu until her mum ll well ualn CP wirepholo 0mm