mun mummy JULY 11 Surlzu Hm vumm nm no In gagszzguzs Theyll Dr Inhyl Cmboak Tm DunMan Unlancnbxe cnc TV lel wulher Spam Empltlon mu mm In ï¬r and Mrs Hun Callum Port Crcdit visited Saturday with the larmurx paranls Mr and Nelson recently spent aw days with frlcnd In St Catharines whiIn Mrs Brown and Mrs Crawlnrd Harris also visllcd In the v1c iniLv mi that school Is over and flu thfldrcn and teachers are on mildays we wan to congrat ulatnall those pupils who paw ed mell exams and Hum who weruuecommcndcd to another clanby their teachers Also we musljmat arm the teachers who lpcn their Hm helping ha pup and cncauruinz me And In no Douva To In In YHERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS IIRVICI MRS DOWNIND Muumn Sum of Phelpslun holidaying wilh Ihn Rodger girls T5259 vlslllng Robblns on Sun ware Mr and Mrs Lib ry Ewndc of Barrie and Illr and rs Reg Knox and Ian ban of Toronto and Ma Pa ODonnell IndIons Toronln upon counIe ol days wllh Mr and fluGeorge Icacnck lasl weak Jaw Hilller ol the Royal Can adianNnvy and Mn Hollier and gnmlly are npcndlni few gnlidaya at their parental ham Er warnlng In molnrlsls drlv lng through Everelll Evenell ls noted as vlllaxc of many small children Many of Ihcse do not know the dnnger ol playlng on the road We make plan to every driver Drlve carefully through our vlllage DRIVEYOURSl CARE AND TRUCK Mrs Calvin Haddoqk and dull drenlre apendlng vacation withher aisle In St Thomas Mrs Time McGlll returned home after spendlng week vacaflnn with her sister In Slay nefngnd Cgll Owing to the snveralllneu of Mrllamu Peacack her bro ther Jame Hendersnn of Onk mm Mnniloba arrlved hurl by plane Mrs Calvin Haddock and dull drennre lpendlng vacation wljyherwysler In St Thomas By ROBBINS my to report Mrs Jlnm Peacock patient in Alllmn hmpllnl having sutured new era heart attack Mrs Pcacntk wan placed In an oxylen tent Salutes report an cumin wall an can he expect ed and everyone In thlc com munky noplnglnr npeedy movcry or Mrs Penmk éuhmm AROUND SIMCOECOUNTY CARRIER MISS YOU VAllEY TAXI HOLLY EVERETT CKVR cHANï¬EL MEIqu PA 82433 Murmur wu mm Proton Mnnn ruol mm mum lhlmylnrM 1mm nmhau mman glnlm MW Inn Ilm mu no Inc In no no 1M no lunlh 00 Manly Hurl moo Juk Fm or lloo CTV 113° nun JUL 1000 xnloou Muuln Moo mm mm them Down 6m 1m Maomu llrnfl mu anm Mulnu mm no our mm cram Thnln 11 um mm mm cm mm ny run11m gl uldM m3 Bunion Conhul mun JULY ml hum ma Pow nun Elan wruubu Bambi cum of Wu nru Shun Wu Hum Tum nmo 14m It To Hum 1mm uuhullu cuml elmn To 111 Tn Tum Gul mu anhl mumm sun ca Iv Nun Nut lpufll Anlmll rump9 821338388838 annu clioxll me Ilvtha home of Mn Jlmu Stun an Wednu day evenlnl with Inn at tendance Mrl Granvllle Hubert npcnbd the mating Mn Meher and Mn Ruth hld lha worship xervice and Mn Mehur tend the xcrlpturu MrL Ralh nvn paper United for Pramu by Mn Grenville Hilbert and Mrs Vernon Cunnell Mk Betly Mcher thawed picture at her roundrlhewarld trip which erl lnluesllnl And lnrnrmlllvu Mr Ind Mn anler Andrews Ind Mm Herbert Connell mend ed HI 5011 weddlnl nnnlvamry Mr And Mu mm Mooney of Thornton on Sunday 11 gamma Mr And Mrs 535 and Mls Jul Slim Toronto were Sunday vlsitnrs with Mrs Lee nirl Llayd Cuban mending this week with Mm Lama Clem an ME and Mn jck De Guerr of Simcoe and Mrs Guy De Guam of Toronto were Tue day guest of Mr Ind Mn 9w 99mm Outdoor mumn Nun mm mm mm mum YINy mm mm th TM DM ml hm Hy MRS LESSON Our lymnathy on to flu rel Inlim and friend ol the Inlet Mrs J1me Whlmldu who died an the wzgkend quIand Mn Watson flaws of Barrie vlailed Mn Ruuell iuday Congratulnlbm to Ill thc Mzh chm pupil who ware succul lul In pnulnz their examination may of than with honors 31 school will be held In Holly Sundly School Ironn mm to 12 noon from July 11 lo 28 All children In welcomu to tend Holly United Church Wumen sponwrlnl hlka ulna ll Innlsfll Park on July In And as At 130 wn Donnuon my bl left by noon Mu utxhtonl orM Grahaml Mlu WIndl Hulchlnaon III returned home Iram lloapllll Min Hulchlmnn thanks the pn plll ol her elm or Iowan and latter lent durlnl her my ln llolplul Ilw paunll Ind Mend or lhelr well wlIlI which lhl vory much Ip TORONTO pithy the community ll ï¬mded la the Inmlly nu ma Lewh Morrow who died 931 Qgfluyl Ind Runny Tommy Amhmu rune 5mm Iummy TV NEWTON ROBINSON Ill mm 5m Imum mm mm rgnulv uuuuluuul He pmmru for Iho worst but how or the but He my men llncsse uhlch has per cnnl chance Aucmx In Ivor nnnlhcr Una or play which nlvn hlm my 75 par cent chance nutcm In name um he may oven be able in IL NIH l7 Mull on mud runot VIDP nnlml about mum to mum1 Suppose In givnn case the result cnnlrm depend upon haw 1h oppmcnta card dtvtded Thar certainly nothing unusunl nbnut such It Illuntlon It happens all lhn llmo but how thould dcrlnrcr deal wth such hnmls the mast he can dn try tn Ruins hang dlstrtbullnn until Anb DAILY CROSSWOBD om Emma mm 311 Openlnx lead on dln mend pumme mm 17 pm numb nixham 14L my human New Eut Pu Pal Pul A0110 Nun tAfl Mr and Mrs Ora McClain and Mrs Hugh Sinclalr were high or In wins at Allandale mixed LerIesJuns 21 mime Palmer 5er Stephmsonwnn the Journey nun many Mrs Smclnlr and daugh ters Peggy and Mrs Stanley Mnluslck attended the wedding of Mrs Sinclairs nleca at Guth rie United Church Snlurdny MAW BOWLING Among the families ntlcndlnz annual western picnic held Erln Park on Jqu wcra Mr and Mrs Pop Dickerson Mr and Mrs Herb Kant Mr Ind Mr Fred Kant Mr and Mn Wnller Hurlbert and Mr Mu ng andyaby Mr WEST mar ulu u1oa N9 maxi um 15 1091 3011 AKQBI V1 AK 3A3 11 mam Miss Patricia Kcimnn oi Winn ipeg Mini is on two months holiday with her grandmother Mu Wine and other Ontario friends She arrived by plane ai Mnitnn and hopes to be Joined by her parents and bmihcr in Auguï¬ North dealer Both sides vulnerable mm Mu mum mu Joan Helium or the Camp or Retarded Chlldren near Fergus whurn she wlll nuls with thdr lralnlng or the lummex months By MR5 mm Mthoeeph Welsh men in week will her sister infloronim The Community extends ym pnlhy lo Weller Hurih rl whole liner Mn Bert Shidon oi Cainry died July Interment wu nude July in Medicine Hui Alla Mr and Mn Jamel Baker Thornton and lriendl tram Sul ux England wen In town Mondly Mr and Mn Oral McClain Ind Kamily alluded the 50th wedding Anniversary oi the lerx parents Mr and Mm Tho mle Hume of Nohielon The happy occasion look place RI heir daughiers home Mrl Nor lmn Rose and family Nohielon Mn and Mrs Bill Tough and family oi Rezina Sash spent the weekend with Mn Jame Tough Mu Eemard Mcdoeu and children and Mn Welsh Ind llmin are hoiiriayin for the llale Immll TOTTENHRM jun CONTRACT BRIDGE rurir Io Mum1r luck xv minim Impurlllu mm vlawod uonl Ihlp any 10 Nnvlu umnm lV 240 Vnhlnp loll alumna mum mrll lll cum lull my BECKER mqu OHM mum I71 In WOlrll nick um quln wud as noTun 211mm um quill av bud dltr 261 2mm mm Bum mu mm In Irun that South may ml himself 10min lrirk by zlv Inn up Um chum la mnko our club lrlck lnuud of hm nr cxnmplt mm had Qx Alont But this an lnxlnnl cunt Inns alnnuslda whit ha raulrl losa mo polnls ha Allcd lo make ho safely play Alter drawing trumps ha Enshu he AK or dlamonds may heart to ha act and mm ho queen of hurls Then he cnsht the an club and mm low club In the aclunl case Wes win Ihe club and II tnrccd In mn mic ml and dhurd or 9130 mum club Either way South win the rest ha rlckL flw sumo mull would obtain ll he cluh IBIIIKUL If he considers the maï¬a carcIully ha 11nd lhnl has con tract ls ccrlain to make rcxnrd less of how the clubs are dl vidcd He lhm re atqu ha In Ms hand lmm par contest Sath win lha diamond with the queen Ind draws hm munds lrumpx He no that the contract sure Io make If ha club In dlvidcd In so he lhtrefara eon ccntratc all his thought on guarding against the possible 44105 50 division Increase that ch can We also extend sympathy Edwin Bombay 01 Burn Mose wile the lormu Bundle Cmulhm died In Florian ImH unnuulc last Friday Cpl Harry Cllrka dub hum Ncw Brunswick spent Fridnyu Brno Mlllerl Mn Ind Mn Bruce Miller and 1111in Visited Mr Ind Mrs Dixon ln Elmvfle Sun dly Mr Ind Mr and David at Mrilnd Mu John Muir and family of Angus mind It Ex ellsSagyrdny High Tllufsdny evening Mn Excll nnd Mu wmlm Gallop vmled Mu Howlrd McKuvar lnr Emlc Stephen Wellan Ann vII had or few dlyl In Week with bl mnd mm Mr Ind Mm John Eng Mr Ind Mn Don Weir of Blrflc spent Frldly cvenlnz with Mr Ind Mn Wlluun 6011012 June It Sllyner Ladlu Gala my Eda Palmer Ethel Wine and Doris Andemn wen Iecond hllh or hm wins The local provincial playdowns were held here 1h week You will be hearing morn about um as the season goes on Oranxevllln menl doubu Juno By MRS KEN BUSH raggar mic mu llunuluml IUck ¢L Anclml 14mm Won muk II lgugkm UTOPIA Impmmnu uLunANoMAV BEEN aowuNu HARM EXAMINER THURSDAY JULY INA DATEANDMGM PUT mean OILON MMV HNR Wen wax mnr MAKE awe snap We THEY Moanre Nq Jilcr worm WE GMALL In 114E MARKER 111 ll