BLASTS INTO TIE son at the British Open at st Annes England yesterday Peter Thompson oi Australia blasts train sandtrap on the lBth hole in the iirst round Tltompson tour time Chiefs Maintain LEAD ner tied tor the lead with Americas Phil Rodgers wltlt three under par 67 more runs in the second Don Buddin homered ior Vecsi Rochester battered three In dianapolis pitchers Ior it hits while Buster Narum gave up 1o myAflmummmunsnAY ever it me Over Pros OIIAWA CPlA couple oi capable and experienced golI psoiessionals walltedaii the Ot tawa Riverrncad course alter practice round Wednesday look ng as It they had just had their ears pinned back Their opponents In the iour ti some were two of the outstand ing contenders tor the Canadian Ladies Golf Union close chem pluaship starting today Mrs Marlene Stewart Streit oi Font hill Ont and 19yeaoold Gayle Ritchens oi Vancouvor winner or the ladies open last year The seerniagly subdued vic time were Ernie Wakelam re tired pro oi TheRoyal Ottawa Club who still shoots bangup game and Stan Dempster the hardworking itivermead pro mi To Open October 25th TOLEDO Ohio AP The International League will open its 1961 schedule Oct 25 with Windsor Ont play lag at Chatham Ont Each club will play 70 games 35 athome and 35 away accord ing to the schedule annotmced Wednesday by commissioner Andy Mulligan Windsor Chamam and Moines iowa are the three clubs addcdsince last season to the sevenvleam league The season will run through Illarch 29 and the top iour teams will enter the piayoiis Well thats that said Wakelum succinctly Theyre really good Marlene looks to be at the top oi her game and the one to beat But theyre both mod All were evasive about prac ce scores but word came out later that Marlena had shot womens par 74 and that Gayle was around 19 or The pros snares werent even mea creey that has surrounded the womenspractica rounds In the ileid at 129 that starts out it days Four championships go on the line The womens close will wind up Saturday alter three to hole rounds Provincial team championshipsboth senior and juniorwill be dccided on the basis of whole scores oi Thurs day and Felday The Individuot junior cham pionship will go the Fithole route The close championship Is limited to Canadians Next week at the Royal Ottawa Club the open championship with Ameri can participants will get under Wlu Sue Hilton oi London Ont wound up last year with two titlesthe senior close and the junior She now is to and no longer eligible tor the Junior This years Junior struggle ap pears to be wide open One oi the Iavoritcs Is Sandra Post 01 Milton Ont whose home course is at lraialgar Only l5 Sandra has already won the Ontario tu nlor title this year tinned In keeping with the se Lyth summoninadgérs Tieg With 67slyPa1mer76 if LYTIIAM AND ST ANNES England CPDPeter Thomson oi Australiaand Phil Rodgers oi the United States led with 67s asthe British open golI championship entered its second day todayand defending cham pion Arnold Palmer was in trouble IIhonuon smallsized goit illg artist Irons Melbourne shot dazzling 29 Wednesday over the iirst aloe holes at the Royal am course Then he cooled out under the bite at the north country wind and reached the clubhouse with tbreeunder par 61 tied with Rodgers Rodgers tonnes US liter ine had the downthemlddle tee shots and precision iron play needed to combat the combina tlon oi narrow fairways heavy rough and Busty north wind with showers He was wide oi the ialrway only once But It was adllicrent story or Palmer seeking his third straight British title lie un loaded miserable 75 over the o757yard par70 course Close observers said he would have to shoot 72 or better to day to escape elimination Alter todays in holes the tteld oim will be out to the low 45 and best estimates were that till would be the cutoff score Hard on the heels oi Thom son and Rodgers were Ncw Zea land leithaader Rob Charles and sentimental ievorite Tom liai iburton Ityearold teaching pro lrom Surrey who has won only one tournament in it years Leeds event earlier this sea son Heliburton like Thomson opened with 29 tor the first nine holes but then soared to 39 At 65 were Ken Nagle oi Australia the 1960 British Open champ and Ramon Sota Span ish champion At even our were Frank Phil lips oi Australia Brian Wiikes of South Airica and Don Swae lens of Belgium Jack Nicklaus the US Mast ers champion wascomforteny placed at 71 in company with Sewgelum Sewsunker at South Africa and Iour others Dal Recs the Welsh goiter was at 71 but Gary Player the steady South African soared to 75 ih brilliant opening nine holes by the tacliurn Thomson was rcmlnder to his toes that the Australian had already woo the event iour timesin in 1955 less and lose and that he also is holder at the course rec ord at 53 FIGHT RESULTS By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Mlainl Beach Fla Tony Alongi zoo Hollywood Fla knocked out Don Warner 198 Philadelphia Boise iduhHohnny nger Lynch Boise idahn outpointed Bill McMurray Sacramento Calli l0 heavyweights ALL FOUR WHEELS Moss POPULAR cans White Rose 369 BAYFIELD STREET PA 83330 only three to Indians Frank Kreutser was the starter and FiveGame Lead By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Syracuse Chleis maintained their comlortable live game margin as leaders at the latch national Leagues northern dtvl sIon today while Atlanta Crack ers held Iirst place in the south ern division alter baiting six game losing streak Chleis split doubleheader with secondvplaco Buiialo BisA ons Wednesday night winning the iirst game 65 but tailing in the second Atlanta haadcd Jacksonville Su ns their sixth straight defeat 71 Elsewhere in the league Tor onto Meple Leois whipped Co lumbus Jets 31 Rochester Red Wings wallepcd indinnapoiis in disas 1M and Arkansas Trov ellars beat Richmond Virgin Ians wild throw by Bulialos Elio Discos allowed Reno Bertols to race home with the winning run Ior Cbleis as Bob Dustal posted his eighth victory against two losses Joe Christophers two run homer In the seventh In ning clinched the victory tor Bisons in the nightcop Righthander Kucks hcid Jacksonville to tour hits and struck out in consecutive Suns In one stretch tourrun iourth inning proved to be the diliercnee tor the slumping Crackers ALLOWS TWO HITS Columbus was held to two hits by righthunder Cari Greene who had nohitter going until the seventh Inning Torontos winning runs came in the sev enth on walk and doubles by Told Kasanskl and Amado Sam ue Arkansas ninth straight vie tory came behind the tourhit pitching at Paul Brown Trav ellers took 20 advantage in the iirst inning and addedthrce BALI STARS By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Pitching Johnny Podres Dodgers allowed three singles and struck out it in his second straight to victory this one over the New York Mcls Dstting Dick Stuart Red Sox homered with two on in the lath inning powering iios ten over lliinncsota also hit twoan homer and single Car and Truclr Rental II Dunlop St IN JUST 99 YEARS RARRIE HIORIA IS JUST YEAR OLD T0 CELEBRATE OUR FIRST BIRTHDAY WERE IIOLD ING IIIIS STOREWIDE STOCK REDUCTION SALE AT THIS TIME ALSO WE WOULD LIKE TO EXTEND OUR EARTH2LT THANKS TO ALL OUR FRIENDS AND IATRONS OVER THE PAST YEAR SCUBA EQUIPMENT 20 OFF SNORKEIS REG 130 SPECIAL 75c IIASIIS TEIIIIIJRRI LENS REG 005 495 FINS 20 OFF FROM 395 UI OFF ALL BASEBALL EQUIPMENT When youre hotit cools Cool off with Dow Its brewed to suit your taste tastetested by men like youmen who trust their taste and know their ale Thats why Dow always measures up to your taste expectations always gives you the smooth mellow fullbodied taste you want in TENNIS RACOUETS AND aAth 25 on rooraausssï¬ on oassuattsuosszoï¬ onI greats GLOVES 25 on nnnnisSuEns an ale 010 the brew tastetested by men like you IltlIITMMUHIIRlIMDIW COLLIER ST use shoutimu in