Argentinas Chess Pia Iï¬ The Lead 05 ANHHJu um 05 ANflfilJZS MID In lhr ml In the 14mm day ll wrnl Mn III II Hm 5mm lYlmm MUN mm In Iha con man nrr Imlmum pm hrr lur My lnlh hlvllulay not Ion Wm My Writing In Ilm lmulon Dally szrm ludny mmwy In luo um on pm nrckluco mnml ump wavlh mo and mu LONDON lllmlru Irnllhy lnxrr Irlrr IL Mr lnlh hlyllnln ML Mmlnlny 11$ In Mandy ummru nu Iludy but called on tho In lnvrrnmrnl In be morn III In In ohjrfliwl WM clnrlllcnllnn we hnvo doulvln AI lo mllenhnlly IfflEUCll vnlun rmnmllun nl Frrnch and HI nn Hm cammluion point which Mr lcnrsnn nlrcndy hnl Inld pulvllrly wlll be nrcrnlld lmnlrr Alannan Mlmm mm hlu Sorlnl 3mm nunm nmwurd in Int llmlv lml fuml 4a cummlsslnn study 01 hlmlturnl hm and blllngunllnm Onlarlo wnlcnmrd he pm poxal In enlnuslnsllc lcrms Iho Commmu was Informed Wed nesdny when Prime Mlnhlcr Penmn lnblcd Idler tram he clnl pycmlm Bail St Panel WA III11V rike Delayed 19 Days Ngmsd To SolVe Issues Negro Rioting IsTouched Off Police Gas OTTAWA CPDThu govern mcnlx of Alberta and Mlnltobl hava rnlacd doubt on major polnll In lhe More lovem menla ropoml or royal cummlssnn study 01 hlmlturnl hm and blllnlunllxm lr Mnnnlnl Aald ll llm nlr in 1va tome lnrm nmrlnl rrcflznlllnn in dull um IEPIIEVQ have begun at 1201 am Iodny Instead Ken nedy annaunced In bricl re pm tram the While muse he railway agreed lo postpone at least unlll July 29 Implementa llon be nnw work rules and live operating unions rcpmscnt President Kennedy announch the appointment or the snack alxmanrbcormnluee the lnbor maITLIzcmenc advisory commlnce late chmsday ornoona scan hl hours are the railways were to put new work run1 nun eflect and the unions were 11 meet the move will strike Had Ihc tarrlm and he un Ions no lg Ihe ytlprkve mu of 99m Ym Nn we no manly hurt hospital reported Four Thé victlms including our teenagar and 22yearold male bystander no badly hxm mrnhul M1551 roun Police while persons were woundcd by shotgun fire Trim group of Negroes in Brooklyn detective said the shaoting apparently developed from longtime feud between two leanaxe gangsthe Negro Sovereign Lords and lhe hallm American Butler Gents named for Butler street Shmgun pellet new Brook Iyn NY and demonstrem staged sitIns at the New ork alflces Governor Nelson Rackcleller and Mayor Ruben Wagner Iaday as the slate lnlervened In the racial eonnlct that has touched all violence In ngnx nglgï¬porhood SAVANNAH Gar CFAP Paltce hurled tear gas mnadea la rout about 1000 Negro dem onstratarx protesting aegrezatton la thl Geargla port clty early today and the Names mat on rampage alterwards and shat tered wlndowa slashed Ier and burned down whit only church The violence shattered an uneasy racial truce that had lasted several weeks ï¬re Savannah raclul traubla was the htahlight ol raclal dla cord In the United States but It was not the only outburst ï¬lled on tho nlrrnl In be mam unlit ob Wthul us MID Mllllel the Inmmd llnllmu nldnd nl Amnllnn ly rhm Imam mum Nu and Im man IInumuly rhm Mn III III mum Nnrflvl Mmumul lhclr Ml mm II will 4an nu Spent $3003 In Two Weeks For Examiner Want Ads Teln phone Mum 1haleleplzono number to call or the auslnes or Wm Dept In PA 66517 In postpone 23 Implement work rules and unions rcpmscnt Our Telephones Ami mm ll rcrwm new More lhu mum connrrllon wllh Imam lc llrlllrn lylnmul on 14 anl do llernllon Quchccall Morgen Brhoclru SJ Hrl nlnn nnllvn Illlflld by he mwn In have been lhc tn annular Mermle mu argument lvclwcm Inwym by Ihuullnu 11m pollca lold me It um Junduquu Lanc lnult who drummed uI nu rrcllmlnnry hurln up Im canmirlcy rhnnzo unlnxl Gnlrrlu lludon am In rcrwm new More lhv mum connrrllnn wllh lnrrorhl lc rllln MONTREAL CmThu nnmn Jrnndncquu Lnnclnull rmpnrd up Iwico zyurlchnwhy Manna Name Comes Up Twice In Court English and French culiure wa lungul lhnl lhi in unrcniiliic and imprnclirnhie Ind we doubt HI would meet wlih nny widumnd public ntccpiunce 0n hiilnzuniilm ii lhe abjec lvu in la cncouruxo Canadian citizen in became iiucnl in lwa ur morn inngungu cerlnlniy an the pm oi maxi Canadian III wuuid be wni present ll ihli sculon Kennedys our other appoin tees allof Wham agreed la erelnot expected be Eleni my mmmm up Mr ELM rumor In uh dull Ml Nnvnmhfl lny nhe IM ptnl III and Inuit th mu he nu ma was called as planning and argunizatinn les mvmmz meet lng today with mprescnlallvcl the rnll currlm and mom Commerce Secretary Luther Hodgu vlcevchalrmun he enmmm so wfll be on hand rchcfled Labor Secretary Willard eru nlmnd chalnnan the lng 190000 workers almllarly pledged to wlthhold llrlke uc llon unlll that dale Kennedy sold that July 22 he wlll send hl own recommenda Ilons and the special cammll leea report to Congress Thlu would mean would have Just one we with muM tie at um lime Th Dewar013V boa dudad dc Asuncion sent out In SOS at nm They only lskqd nr help said slat merchant fleet spomman We know very Mb Then Wm 58 iamenxen and 63 crew members aboard Ten navy and civilian bonin their hams sounding In line log shrouded wnierdurned to ms cue operation in the darkness Only 150 person had been re poried picked up in he nix hour alter the accidenii BUENOS AIRES AP 11w overnight boat from Montevideo caught Ire and unit In Illa River Plate early today Most of the 421 persons abonrd ap parently were rucund The coast guard snld as many as 400 may have been picked up In Savannah small groups ol Neurogs scattered by the sting lnz lenr an tunes roamed the edgy city or about two hours vcntlnl their Ire at random on store and car windows before peace was restored aarly today River Boat Bums Sinks Negroes wm rested more ware sought hold nn Wiwn nrvlvul my llvll home 1m nlxhl mm mm mw plu hm hulan me tn lho uh nur lulu yle lha lnshlmenl tullec Ii ï¬arrip txamitwr Tnlllllmml dnnnhlm Innol II and lhrryl IO wrrc In all Ital rnndillvn lenrmlAL MinIn Ind hellva Illnwlml mm r0 Tuwlay Irnnl Him and mullrly ml of II mum HM In our urnrnlo plnnu lncldcula In Cun nm In the lull lwo Inn The knuwn dead In Yllal ml Tnmllnwm Ml wk nml 1er Inn Hlnnlry Modulun mu mm mm mm mm In Illrlll 100 Ml mm II He called lnr he prmlllclnn at man Inrarmnllnn on um pm pond minlury when lhc hlll macho clnumIvywlnuxo Iludy In 5mm rnmmluto Mrnnwhlln Um blll prrvlnmly mun by lhu Xamnmnn Irlnninrd In rc We have yct to 1m nlmwn Um will be as mom Ill clnlmfll Inld Hmnlnr Cram LMnnllolml Vn have rmchcd Ilutn mlnd when wu nlorlly unendlnu Four Separate Plane Crashes May Have Claimed Eleven Lives OTTAWA CWThu Sennlu lndlcnlcd clmrly Wndneadny Ihul htn will buy no rubber Ilnmp nppmvnl Iculslnllon In ulnbllsh new drpnnmcnl 01 Industry wllhuul muchan lludy Ind guns Says Spending Glorified NewflDgpt Will Get Close Probe lucu pm practice lhrca haurl Mgr hls arrival allllrhavld joined his armor companions in tho Drlllln 5H Inang Inr their mu on carrots cclnry lellucq rnlslns 1min wheat bread and water Jusl to prove In himself the value of vegefuriqn dlcl qua Ha slept In bed only lhrce nlghlx during he Journey carried sleeping bag and Ilopl In national parks church yard armslmllnr mum named od pcdalled hls bicy town Wednesday nlghl uvenjwécks and sev ernljhnusnnd miles alter loav In Alrugelu er David Brough went to La Angela where his lalhcr works In misslle plan but soonbccnma homesick or his hometown and dtcldld lo hlcyglc menrsp ms Mm um ORILLIR HOME HIM BEST wuurmfllwn dsummer Nights Dream in Londons Aldwych Theatre 15 night Queen Eliz 9mm cm herded mmer mtanlo Mrnl Mm mnvul lo Culllnrnll rllM pm look all Tum tiny lor mum aver mwnllln rm lomln In qucvuvm his manh In In mppnl up May Mar llrlll Ont Inllu nhulh ï¬mllmry or 11th plane rnnyhm Funrll him Hmllmry um IIII pawnun lelwnnl Jim at annnln wlm dluppuml 1m why nmm nfltr lholr INTll Duknln lrnln lug ulnnu mulqu lnln Plum Lulu Hank WNlnnduy hm F0 Mulllm llnnnyvlllr Mln MI llrhcr Mil Laiw ml LAC IL vaulwln ol Urlml cnlrn Alla uuull Immu mm Ahnuld npoloxlxo la llmxu ho hum up Ill urenl dwan mrnl Irqu and mmmnmt Amnmz builder in paid lrlbulo In III Inln own who handnl lho llrpmlmrnl In her prcvlnu Llhernl owrm mu ll wnl nhxurd lo Iry la Icpnr lndunlry 1mm lrnda nnd Comm nu Ilhlnk Imme The Inld Sonnlor Allister Growl PC Onlnrln wnuld hnvo lnrrcnch1na mu an the Canadian rconomy nnd Hwy rrr not going In In pod cl cell and rtmllnunppxmnl In clploIluxc rum yunnflsu Exlem Allahl Mlnlslcr Maflln who wlll lead lhe Ca nndlm ncgnllulm wllh Pm mlcr llcnllcll 110 cxpcclcd In be directly Involved shied away from question Wednes dny abnul Just whnl ll nought ram lha US Nu dclall won what mm an Iual prim amount wntmcl or potenle MI expected next week an talks whhthe United State ta gel the stalled Columbia nlvcr hy dm and floodconlml project golng Key point will be the sale block 01 power In the us at tunable prlce Otherwlso the whale mulllmilllnndollnr deal off snld statements made mum and Victoria Wednek day Hank WNlnnduy um Mulllm llnnnyvlllr 1A1 Ilcflwcrlnl Md Power Sale QgtglAiringNextaWeek 0mm cm abeth wasbooed byuuwd outside the lheatra in lath Isl protest against lhe slate vlsll of the Greek kin and queen In royal box Iron Barrlu Onurlo élnyldl wcru xivnn an Just are naughtho ac nmount dumllan of potential purchaser Allahl Mlnlslcr le leadlghe Ca slur L1 Ida and Ink name In llmxu nl dcpnrh Imnrm mm Imld Hm own he tvmnl In IMI lovrm pm T1 wilh In Wrd yrln III Illll In rllhl In your own llflylnml Innncr nrnuhalr mull1 Vrnlun mr Hull com munlly 50 mllu m1an Tm mnlo wml hnnhmpt Inn in promoltr John balm RI lo lermnny In March m1 Rum Inmlarl are ullmuled In km ILMM nfler un nmlnx Idmllumenll lhn mmlm rum mum apt In will SUNDKHMND Onl ll Flrlyrnlnu empty pluy lmnh wm erllnlml lenmlny hr un and nlrlmrkrln mum mum mm of 1000 wr xonnl Mluu lrnm Ilflrlnml Ion under Iurllmusrl ner Woman IllIHHAllfld gull lnz zcnlul lrom Melbourne 11 nndy hm won evenl our llllluln 150655056 Two IlrohI behind hlm wu Pickpockets Busy Rt Piggy Auction Thanm mnlnd In willu hln upcnlnl round 67 Wrdnewny Aussie Has Lead In British Open nmuun lannlnnd 31 cm Alu lmllnl Itltl Thnmwn Ihol lnln Ihc curl lemndrmxml land lhe lJrll uh open to thnmnlnm Ihlm lodny wllh ourunder pnr mm 130 for honL may v5 loud mnlrol and Dre up Amer Ium hydro production all that morn mil Moov old Commvns qucslloncr who sought Io havn ho agreement studied by the Commons before negollnlions begin with the us that that um be done because the docu ment aimed wllh 110 In no mmplclu until mu change In lho treaty with be us an Iddcd yd 5T ANNIcs Resolullm all all disngmmml bclwmn ml and pmvinclnl menu was the flu lhls now has been pllshcd ho uld He luld the Common that re cent nezodallnn wl lh 130 brought formal Ianemean document llgncd July AGREE 0N ALLrtprrg nubal01 raw ram 1e are Prince Philly Queen Frederlka Greece Queen EIIzabdh and Klng Paul of Gmce Back row from lefl are Greek Thursday July was bcwmn pmvinclnl govern the rat stage and hug been acmm all para Jum Plillllï¬rtmulflyut old rrmh pm chnlnplm out In It wound up wltn or bill 10 Hula flue Ilolp Lhnylvs In Zrnlnnd Ibllhnndor uhu play Hm Amman luur um lllild WIUI 56 711 Hvlzhl mm mm and mlld hrnu rnmlmmnl an lqlhnm and mm llnh Inla ullzrn rurade at UM Held ml all IMI mnnulnl In In null nplnclnl Wednudnyl rlln Ind wlml lrnrlod lhounnndl ol Iperlnluu lbs dimyard plr7v Iayvul Ulry Plnyer Hoth Mlle played lhnl hp called row Inn mund with an cm lnr Me Mrlflfll lhe Imh bola wllh Nlrilnua lmlny Her undrr pnr lnr In Lyllmm mi 81 Annen mum Included lvur Mnllu nwmun hurl 15M In In hll km nvrr Nlchlnm an In lrunl nlnu lml runlnlng ll cnmlng bud LFHLMNDEII Tllllll lhc mum rerun was xtl Thurldny by Hill Hodge Ilm Unllrd 5mm nml nwmwn wlun lmlh rmdrd ML llmmllm lmMI llm llrlllsh 0pm murd 111 to ï¬lo rnuml UL MINI rlmmplun Jnrk Nirklmu Mm lme Iwuundcr pnr lulnl llu nhul II mumrccnrdmunlllnx 51 In no YIN hll Minimum 71 Wellan Stocks Dont Edjgate Leak ormm 1cm The pm dcnll ho Montreal and Tor nnlu flock exchange hm ported hnl lmuHKullnnl flack Irndlng pantrun ahaw no Indlcnllun or advance leak at Inlormnllnn In the Juno bud ch LCMan effect were lab Ind In lho Camnmns Wrdncnduy by Prime Mlnlslcr lcnrwn Mr Martin said he sale Irrnngemenl nnd therefore he entire agreement are entirely cnnllngcnt upon the negnllnllon flctlzeceptnble mm with the 5an 01 um block niusl bring the equivalent of live mm per How hour In Cnnndlun funds Mr Bennett rcllcrmcd Wednesday Olhcrwlsc 11C has the nuUmrily lo limp the whole project incfease or some 1700060 horsepower nl maximumwill b6 credited to EC Wuephéta Prumler Panayotlx Papinclls Princes Marina the Princ ess Royal and Brim Fnrnlgn Secretary lord Home AP InnhJ ï¬lm worm In ll lm mm hm In +3 Iormnnce The dcmnnslrnlinn erupkd nulsldu deych Thcalre whm Hm Gum and Prince Ilqu worn hall to Paul and Fmv crllm In lhcnlrlml nnr nulllullflm lnlnce lnslnnd Jolninz Prince Phllip and the rest the ruyul purly al Kuvcrnmml nap on ll niinlo had 40min uie lnlcrvicw iodny wilh Pipi nclls Caramanilss successor The mccilng win arranged by lhn Labor members ol lilo Dril lsh Pnrllamoni who have been campaigning lor release oi lilo civli wnr prisonmi One oi lhe Labor MP3 Mar rux Llplan lnid llwy had full and friendly discussion wllh lho prcmlcr Qumn Eilznbzlh was visibly Ihnken by no loncnl abuse lrom nboul 1500 ll um munisls arnurrhiai nnd imn ihe bombers who imvc bun dtmunslrnllnu lime lhc inunlny will 5i Tucsdnyi mump The QnMn draw of ummll Ink and alono lo nyrklyuhnm 1er mm wife In been Queen Froderiknn Ind Greccer nemesis since Inst Apr Mrs Ambmcla manhandled the queen during vial Frcdnrlkn made lo nrllnln lhnn and he munanl more caused Premlcr Constantine Carnmanlls lo rte ommnnd ml the stall vislt he called on When King Paul alou claim lhcy are political prisnncrs Thu Greek guvemmtnt say may were convicted of such crlmu ll murder and Ireuan Amba ielos ll scrvlnz He or lost2r lmlzrlhu qgmnnlurllsrevolt have been promised by he nrlmc mlnlslcr llml my appeal or Tony release wlll he put balm IlIe king now have more lmpe for Tony Mrs Amballela has been rnllylng polnl or lhe hundreds of Communists anarchlau hm ebamben Ind nllnm demon lrallng durlng llle Greek rayal vlsil ln supparl of demands or the release nl almost 1000 Greeks held In prison since the postwar Communlsl uprlslng DISPUTE CHARGE omsmx nn mare demanslralinns 5i at King Paui and Queen Frederika dur ing their state visit here said Mm Ambalieias 45 year aid Brilish wiie oi 1h Greek Com munist The demonstrations axalnst the Greek visil hit Queen Eliza beth Wednesday night For Ihe first Itme In modern history Brlltsh monarch was booed In oubflc by BrItlsh crawd But hcre were some cheers no LONDON CF Mrs Belly Amballelos called all her cm sade agalnn the Greek royal lamlli today afler Premler Pa nayol Plplnullx agreed to glve Klng Paul her appeal lnr lha release of her husband lrom prlsnn Wife 01 Grgek Cdmniunist fStops Peysonal Ciusadé vvulw mm ma mm been Queen ln Paul and Mai In lhcnlrlcnl pur ND Moro Thln lmr lime winner 0m Ilnllhed Ml mm tnmduler at wï¬hn mum mum at Workers Amcrlcn CLC Company and unlon rcscnlm Ive nnw can put her Ilmr tum In lhmycnr nummen mvcrlnu wnxw Inertmes unlnn maturity and wellnru mrnxum Inr H000 employees nl sudhury and Port Calhurna Union numbers In bolh cumA munlllu voted mm approvI chnesdny cnnlrucl lcrml nrxmlnlcd by lhu Unllcd SIMI vyorkm ol Amorlcn mm Rmst lndï¬y or lulorr Ickcl Company and nl Sgldhury nnd 1an Ca sunnunv CPI111m yum ol Induamnl mm were In mama Ind or lulornallonnl 111m are 50000000 dncnnl people In his caumry and In distressing that he mumryl rcpumlon should be unhnl nnccd by an lrrcspoxulble min orily Terms Approved By Nickel Union inow whcn last ha Ihis country lhal monarch wns glvun we mcnl ulml ppcncd In reigning treat The Queen England wu booed lanlxhl and am lurlaua he sald never lhoughl such lhlnx would happen In Erilaln dnnl know whcn Iask hnnmmd In row as Fér v5 canxpMemrn naryI please turn lo pan two Sunny mid warm on many Low lanlgh 575 High tom Home Secretary Hmry Brooke denounced Wednesday nlzhll demonstration sqnpum cm The start of the Eloy was de Iayod 15 minutes Scotland Yard detedives investigated bomb scare which arose when an anonymous caller salt bomb had been plrmlcd In on or flu royal boxes Some 5000 police worn braced to quell new trouble promised 10511 by degangtrqtorsdemsnw log Make of Grcck poll lcal prisoners Phlflp looked amused and Fredmka smiled and waved Il lhe jucrlng mob Several minutes helm Queen Elizabeth left the lheam boo lng grmlcd the depanlng Greek coupler reached peak Prince Phlle joined them In glass roared Hmouslne and mapped on the lnterlor light Many Londoners were shocked when Elizabeth ersel was booed as she emerged from periormnnce oi Shakespeare Midsummer Nights Dream Five rows oi police held back the screaming demonstrators They arrested nine oi them In eluding Dnvid Hellman 29 year old American who work here as computer programmer Hoiimnn was charged with pas ressing an oirensiu weaponn roll of paper containan dart herr Queen Elilabelh arrived he thealra wilh King Paul the demonstrators shouted Sic hell and Fasclsl swine at the Greek monarch She left Ike heulre alone however and this Ema the boo were directed Local Weather 7c Par CopyH Plgï¬ plunli