Mu mom mm Inme Vlrxlnll wfll ml In 11m clly lodu and IN mend teen Mud lln ham pm bfotMrJnln Ind INK Mr and Mn John 139mm dule Bum ch Chlppell Wu mall Itll mmalnmenu held pddr her wuddinl mlmlhmoul Ihuwu mu Inld drum vlllo mm ham cl Mn Bollfdll wllh WArdlc Ind Ila Spurn ohontml Guelll we neighbor Ind 81nd Ihn hrldemam Mn ml Fluth wu hula cl dwellum simm Ind hm ml held at he mldenu Mr and Mn llllhov rm Burk The brldal Much unplaym of the Bell Telephone hold an ollkc premium party whlch lln bfldl received urvlnl ul Another mun ullon lab lumps mugnlnl ruck Ind plm ml Wu glvtn Iv mlghbon ol the brldc III IImlrnnnlovtmor ol Dlvlllon No On in ut Inc Mullimo Dhlrm Ir WIHI ho olllclll dele Ill Irrh Klnnll uh othm lmm Bmcoc Counl KI nnll club who allmd the cmnnnm um Mr IM Mn Mu err Colllnnood Mr hml MIL Donnld Cuwlam Ind Mr and Mn Jnmu kahu III Alno mural wm Mr Mn Hugh mull at Don Illll Mr mm llmlemnl owner Dlvlllnn No II bmllwr Mn II Rock Ilnnlo FHQMJIMIINIA mummn mmm Mu John Mmkvk Ind Johnny nyllrld Find ml Mr mul Mn Mchllh ol lmdllll slAwMA um weekend Is yours Inmiiy of ice cream lovers And do g9 they enjoy any dinner so long as its climaxed by pie Then this recipe for Banana ice Cream He is cer tain to be favorite in your home His so tasty and pretty youll want to hurry through tho rest of the meg thenlinger avg this lovely desseï¬ skim milk V2 cup ice water package 314 ounces instant butterscotch pudding mix Much crumb pie shell Beat together ice cream instant skim milk pow der water and puddin mix until well blended tum inm prepared crumb cl Freeze houn or until um Note pie become too ï¬rm let eiaud min iite before serving Mr and Wu hnva rrlumed homl 1mm ch In Ilm mh lnnflll canvmlm ol Klwanll lnlrmullaml hrld AilMl Cur va qu In quln 14 mm to MI dul 4mm cosvmnou in And Gmch Mrl Hnmfllan ll lho mm tr Mr Ind Mu beanrd IIIpr Grim Street Wul brldtaroom ll lhl mu al And gm Clillnrd Hunlllm Dan McCarthy Saul su Mum luv In nounccd lhu engagement cl their daughter Mb Judith Ann itCarthy lo Kennrlh Vernal Inn of Mr Ind Mn Percy eel cl Hillsdlle The weddlu r110 llkl plul July to in Hill mannmmnma unwarran dd lemon ï¬nite and continue whipping until slit eaka form to minutes longer Fold whipped nstant skim milk powder and pecans into human mixture Pour into ple shell Ireeze until firm Garnish with coconut tablespoons lemon juice V4 cu finely ghOfped ecans ba ed 9inch she 14 cup toasted coconut Using electric mixer cream butter sugar and nutmeg until light and fluffy Add eggs one at Aime beating well after each addition Beat at high p254 minutes iglendjn masheqbannng Mix vmer vanllihwiï¬dï¬lrnstantqliirnmmllï¬ owder Qoyl whip gnu squ pegs forrx13 go guns Cool desserts the order of tha day or hot weather eating can bg even better when you combine fruits and instant powdered milk for such treats as Banann Ice Cream Pie Banana Ice Cream Pie is on eas toprepare combina iion of creamy golden bananas an chopped pecans in luscious homemade ice cream The ice creamiiaelt is extra special delicate in texture andrich in vitamins retain and calcium thanks VtQ instant pasteurize owdered skimmiik Instant milk owder is so easy to use that oull never want to without it Storedconven ently on your shelf it does your bidding uiekly and economically in wide range of main is es hover ages and desserts Ill IAIN EXAMINER WEDNESDAY M110 Ill PEOPLE AND PLACES MmbhnnuAudmmmMOw Makes 91nch pie 1A cup butter at room temperaturp 34 cup sugar V4 teaspoon nutmeg eggs at room temperature 16 cup mashed banana 15 cup ice water teaspioons mnllliam1 cu man pase ze pow ere skï¬nmflk BUTTERSCOTCH ICE CREAM PIE Makes Much pie pint vanilla ice cream softened V1 cyp instant pasteurized powdered BANANA ICE CREAM PIE KITCHEN GOSSIP IKRII AT MING lle on RC Wkflnmm Gunny My mmlr menlly ulohvnlod lwr Illlh hlvlhdny Nu new hrr um mu hem busy nl her mama ml um worn by Mndr zrmhnovlwr II her cmldmlnl Thu mm In MM b1 Mu Mantel Mn Namun PM HR 1mm cnlemlnod II Inlon mnl nllommn Innowlnx flu chrlllmlnl of Mr nmldmuï¬r ï¬andra mum on fluidly Amen thou pram In Mn Mum rmm undrll nmrmmlur and Mn Tun Mulr ml Mahler Mir Ivy Tumnla IM Mr thtlpmln ï¬nndn ware Ion Ihfll llldelu vhldl MA bun In th Mlnull llmlly lar mo than ncmury BLEILEEN DIXON 3an SIM tumult 01 lowinl trip mm cm Dd Ind Nonh Dalmu 111a nmlu muplo mu you lho city or lhru Vblkl BAPIMMAIJ my Collier fllrn Unflld 31nd ï¬ndMid It two drll¢ on mu 1an Ellen dwahlor Mr Ind Mn fllduni 000 Ind nnnddwdlll Mr And Mn BM Cook Mr Md Mn Mmlu Goeri mrrlox Ind Handr FAllno hum of Mr Mrl on Full 33 an chum Inp 5cm ol Hilton nn Couple celcbmed It dimm pmy ll Ibo Commentl Inn on Mondny evrnlnl um and Am Ind Imammm Mr and Mn Jdm Nobmm Vim MAN CANADA Mr And Mn Pom Mtflln luau 1h Invollm Ilsa vhlud at tho Shun Greek aldm Mr and Mn NM nun Johann 10mm Bum mldenb IILVER ANNIVERSARY Burl wok Mr and Mn Jack Richardon Innlllil St Imam thali am din mummy their um um ham Muldnv Ah lb walend Guest were Ind Mn Tod Olku Barrio Mr And Mn Rowe Mr Ind Mn Robert Tot 3017 Ind Wm Maw Mr and Mn Paul Bary Iluk Wellmd 11 him 620 via win In bl my Manon LIn 32 SEWING CINIRI nun You mo SINGER FuIIoPowor CAMSTER CLEANER Wm FREE with your burchnsa cl nqy sumoMAth Pnan or he speck oct don ha 11th turvlvin member 01 tho Holt llmfly Mn Council nee Mabel Holt Hum Minion Met rueu were present from London mandala New Toronto Toronto MlLItan Campbeflvlllo Hr And Mn Mooney recclv 0d many mununwary manu lu including cards and ulna Among an pmenu palat In dam by lhl cowl moh Eric Holt 111a couple have two dzlldren Robert cullord Egbert who fanned on the original Mooney lmn hid wos lowed mm hon loo yam Ixo Ind Mn Harry Smith Ruby Ivy Thu IN three zrnnddaum 61min Moonoy Mary nod Hymn Smith thrwdor wedding hunt bouquet of yellow tom con and Ito WI Panda In dad ho hum were Mn Willard Mooney of Bum Mn deoer Holt Thornton Mu Td Morrow flmrnlon Mn Duko mg of Allision clam at ha In both member H10 flwmlon United much Mn Mooney litHutu their Ion mddad iii In keeping umid in everything Irwnd than lots hard work and being mivn Township wt tha bride wu born he pamnls homo on mm Ivy Following m1 marriage Mr And Mrs Mooney Mod on mu In an Tawn lhIp mun Mr Moonay did unem arming until his re Iiremenl nix you an when an cough moved Thornton bride he lonner Elhzl Boll daughter of th late Mr And Mm William Holt mo bridemom the son of the late Mr Ind Mra Robert Mooney ol Egbert The oouplo have open ms the married We In En 11w celebraan were married at the George Slrcot chumh in Pderborough by the Rcv Mn Peever It ADDITIONAL BOCIAL NEWH 0N IMIE ll AThornlnn couple Mr and Mrs Robert Calvin Mooney celebMed their golden wedding mnlvemry on Sundy It In wen homo celebration Mara timan frlmda mauve and neighbors callod to offer con untulallons Thornton Couple Mark 50 Years Mr and Mr Ronald An thony Pameroy are Iihown lol Iawinz then marriage at St Mnryl Roman Cathallc Church Barrie Rcv 513mi well olflclated at the morning mu The bride is the forum er Pnnca Doreen Rummy zIgmg Ponublo SINGER J71 BONUS T0 RESIDE IN TORONTO For ham or coltngol Wnrm yo llghlwclghu nal ural color wllh lelpod border 70190 0100 I0 00 PILLOW 117 ZELLERS OWN NORANDA BRANDI TOP OUALITYSHEETS AT SAVINGSI MUCH BELOW USUAL PRICE Flmaus Wahmo quil ity mud highcount mowy whllu canon meeting that wuhoa lowoll stand up to Ian at wear choos plnln of mod Illeollwllh men to much and dock your llnon clout than muth low prim 60 DUNLOP ST 197 267 297 Am mFOR YOUR daughter or Mr and Mrs George Alexnndcr Rumney Bowmm Avcnna The bride groom is 111 of Mr and Mn Albert Jame Pomeray Toronto The nawlyweds will make their home In To ranto Chinook Flannelem BLANKETS mam mum BEDDING BLANKET SALE ZELLER LTD ll Ilfldl BflMFfllfll In ulhouuue lll high waists Important doom and straight unlined backs but not neces saxfly all once The knee covering hemllne may be tut 1m to interprttnuon But ha nld French culluro In Inored This Was lnconcalv Ihla considering Frenchmen mad thelr mntrlhution at least looyem balm the other cul tures ROME AP Considerable divergence in line and color but unanimous agreement on hem iines that cover the kneethese were the Advancesigns pn the eve or Italian fail And winter fashion nhowlngs OTTAWA CPF The On tnrlo Federallnn Jean man Sndellu hi1 naked Pr me Mlnister Puma for thl mlmndon the admlnlslratnr Ontariol Upper Canada ane nhlslarlcal muneum Monlsburm Onl humus the museum Imam lhu French Camdlnn mnulbullun to On lurlol umwth Asks Muï¬eum Head To Resign Post Gregoire Farrell prealdenl ï¬le Frmclupenklnn national organization said Mondnan letter to Mr Pearson tha eul em Dnlnrlo museum mentions the cantrlhuuans ol EnlUsh Sooltlsh Irish and Indian nul Im in slant nbleau called the In settlers nn thevupper Sl Lawrenca New Hemlines Cover Knees huh PA 1419 Hoop IA CHICKEN FEATHER PILLOWS 391 will Ilpporcd whllo cover my I11 mi MM MRI Mm Mill CAMERON 71 all luk mm 111 Mlss Mary Shanghnessy daughter ol Joseph Shangh ncssy and the late Mn shauzhnessy ol Dulferln 52 graduate of St MIchaela Hmpllal School 0F Nuralnï¬ Tuxunto tanner Etudem ol St Josephs ngh School ML Shaunhneuy hu accele position an ho mall 01 the In hnspltll Photova Favera ULUMDEII CRFM SOLID FOAM PILLOWS For elderly and convales enl padenu Exccllen mums or print or lemlprlvala Hal and cold water 1n room Register ed Name In attendance IAIIY IDNUI WINNER ZELLEnB OWN QUALITY BRAND nlth wnvy calla ahmllla bedupmdl clolcly lulled on heavy qualily Lhntb Du Frlnzoflnllhvd And machlnewuhlblax XZlmn db curator ahndcl In ling or dnuhla bcd Ilzu DRAWN IY STOCK UP DURING THIS BIG ANNUAL EVENT AND CHARGE IT TOP QUALITY MERCHANDISE AT LOW SAVINGS PRICES STAVNER NURSING HOME smvusnl our GRADUATES MARSHALL Rog PHONE 124 llrl 10 EACH EACH WAY BELOW USUAL PRICEI SAVEI CHENIllE BEDSPREADS PAY ONLY $125 WEEKLY AND CHARGE ITI N0 DOWN PAYMENT MATCHING TERRY MCI cumin Illa lllll dccoulamnlwm pr fnrqunm Ind Mlldl lrlnm Illl 200 Snlltln III 11 Zellcr Snuyl mom Up Now In mu ww lfllcï¬l Ilm munllly luxury hlck cyan Kerry Mel Marrlod In Town July 1906 by he lulu Rev Mr Perv mam he brlde was Ethel Maude Laldlaw daughur the late Mr and Mralmaumï¬ Laid Iaw ul Barrio and Mdland The hridcanmn men were the late Mr and Mm James Cool Antenjlllh The couple hive resided in Barrio for most hair life Mr Cook was employed by the Canadian National Railways un til his retirement ll your no Since iiien he has pursuod hln hobby gardening Until re cent yearn painunn In oiLx and on chiun occupied Mrs Cook npara lime FLANNELETTI NURSERY mmnu aLANKn Mr and Mrs Mbert Conk Sr of Codrlnzlon Street mark ed tho 57Ih anniversary al lhelr wedding with lamlly plcnlc held at Vincent Park Sun dax anemaon Mark 57th Wédding Annivérsarir At Pidnic In St Vindent Park To um Cocktail Shampoo $225 Hah Treakmenl and Se 25 PERMANENTS Build Ballrqu Ilu um BEAUTY SALON BUY NOW AND CHARGE IT PA 84594 ery Skeet 74 177 mm Ind Nylon 5W nun mm yum Plll mu Wk FA 3427 as Bunion Olhqr mm included Mn Roger Houkm and daulhlu Isabel nlm Mm nanrd Rowc ll 01 manna nephm Alben Hadley and Jenny Barrie Among the guests allendlnl were the lebrants three mm and Iler wlm Mr and Mn Bert Cook Mr and Mrs Lloyd Cook huh Barrie Ind Mr and Mrs Ron Cooknol Crown H111 and IX grandchlldren and two imburanddaughlm the celebrantu wxso runrmmu marm ARE marrow Mi Mi KIDS ASK 77c WENDY cm ILANKET 237° 47 lull 1x 392i £5 add