BARR EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JULYiiluim BURION AVENUEUnited hurch will be the setting for the douhls weddinn oi Miss Sharon Melellan lett and James Waller Stinson and Naoml Phllp Elisabeth Stin gson right and Garry Glenn ntsthlsson en July so at om Miss McLelinnIs the dsuahter oi Mr and Mrs Robert Melellan oi Penetanr Mobile Sunday DOULE RITES st The bridezroomeleet is the son or Mr and Mrs Walter Stetson Miss Naomi stinsonis the daughter Mr and Mrs James Stimson RR Barrie and the brides momelect Is the son at Cecil Mathieson oi Minutes and the late Mrs Iliathleson Photos by Eric oi Camera Craft School Traiels Through The Canadian West CALGARY CPIin summer Itsuot Just the glensurs seeker who goes on to road in trailerreligion goes too Every summer an Anglican Sunday school hitches up and heads or Albertas vast out doors to hran Vacation Bible classes to children This year Elsa Bray and her assistant Ian to cover 5000 miles in air car and leioot trailer loaded with Sunday school books papers and other supplies Durlnl the winter Miss Bray operates Sundayschoolhy post mallinn Bible lessons and Eisner tonearly Loco children the province Durlnz the sum mer she tries to visit about 15 per cent of the correspondence students Miss Bray visits live or six families day andI whenever requested she and her assistant conduct daily vacation Blhla schools These run tor weclr and usually start or finish with church service Miss Bray nicks her assistant Irom number 01 applicants each year This year Eluned Evans nursins student at the Daily Exerciser Sheds Pounds itlmli son spare how youll loolr IIIIWmllIGtI Exercise in exercise all year round not iustior the summonis the answer Erica educationlst son Dr Nelson trons New Delhi indie by way oi New York where also took her doctorate Jo physical education now is rector oi pluslcol education tor the You Womnn Christian Association at Greater Vancou ver Women dont get ehouzh ss erclss she says Especially the ct themselves so uses It Is because they an careless There Is no same lor the normal woman to be out ol eon dltlon in me Its simost disgrace women will let them selves be seen this way Dr Nelson has low routine exercises that limitsettled rel uiasly about so also day times eelr at home or back But tor the hot summer months she recommends you its not too strenuousdooe slowly and achieves max mum results and work let the muscles One you exercise he sua zests Lie on your stomach with head forward thin Just touch ing the floor Raise the upper Eart or your body slowly and llrst then the shoulders and the chesL At the same time raise the lower part oi your body first the let keenlnz them straight and then the hips Now lower yoursell slowly and repeat University oi Alberta is accom panying her Her assistant must have two qualiï¬cations she must havsr been Sunday school teacher and must be able to work with children housewives flit the average woman sha ulsttyl But it means the lam amount oi SHORT RIB ROAST 479 Gross Out Rib ROAST 953 Boneless SHOULDER ROAST 533 49 41 39c 3e95c JUICY CALIFORNIA VALENCIA ROYAL GUEST RINDLESS zsuceu HZ SIDE BACON comanumou orrsn NO was N0 Larrovens ONE iiraGiaitIniWIENERS ALL mm or F9 FOOD PRICE EFFECTIVE JULY 10 ll 11 ll HOSPITALITY APPLE PIE Available Thurs Fri Sat only REG OR OATMEAL loans COOKIES 35 29 FUSE BOOTS ChlckcnFishleer CAT soon To 394 iii iii CHRISTIE TOMllTO JUICEWZ BEANS POllll WHITE Tilllll POST CEBEIIIaaisru IIIIllillImmn llillliilillllllllilllllll as Tins STEP INTO SAVINGS IN ALL TYPES OF SUMMER SHOES DRESS SHOES CASUALS SANDALS to or Tins CLOVERLEAF SOLID PACK Keelf but It Mn SPECIAL VALUE WOMENS DRESS PUMPS White or Oolgo Widths MA to it Reg Value 1295 699 699 299 ITALIAN SANDALS Flats and Wedglci White and Beige Large Selection 399499539 WASHABLI KEDDETTaS FOAMTREADS All Colours and Sizes 299 and 399 CASUALSWEDOIESSTACKS White and Beige AM to Save Pair Reg Values 995 GOLD CROSS NATURALIIERS White or ilolgo Reg Value is RASPBERRY 0R STRAWBERRY AYLMER JAM 13 49c AUNT JEIIIINA REG or DUlliJRMILK PANCAKE MIX 9mm 39c ROYAL lNSlANl 25c 922 49cm 8lc ROYAL GOLD IGAICE CREAM 79c FRASERVALE FANCY NEW PACK FROZEN PEAS it 43 EXTRA 344 OF PRODUCE Oi UllA NO TRADE DELICIOUH DESSERT sows we CANTALOUPES the 399 RECEIVE 0400 IN BONUS TAFES wuh CALIFORNIA NO ORAllli RED HAW titytJttwéiiicatlaztilt522 sn SANTA ROSA PLUMS ills 39 PAngï¬xï¬sgï¬g mmus TApgsl aha ONLY Till tlli TART BEAT neacn sonnetshit 35 $2137 run RECEIVE 3400 IN BONUS TAPES with NlAtlAllA sum Lustmus steeicsvltauuonv arms In menurlnp up mews mo In news mass with osln TEES STIX Black Diamond while or AnitOtJCK FISH STIX Bluswalerlroren I0 osl Wit oases neurons to lb Bag YOHMéLlESY GXLEKKIKH moon oursale HRISTIES IGA FOODiINER ma nose IIURE PORK SAUSAGE Belmslti country sler lh also WE RESERVE TIIR Illillll TO llAllTltJUAMlTIKS