Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Jul 1963, p. 5

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tiU Wilfred Slcwnrt Introduced the speaker Mncklcm BA Bram whn brought mob Ins from the mlnlslcr nl cdu culion TEACHERS INTRODUCED Lucas lnlroduccd Ihe followlng teacher present who had laugh at Tyrone Dan Sln clalr Mrs McClenu Woods Mlss Mathews Mrs Phyllls Marquis Really Mrs Marlon Proctor Stone Mrs Jesslu Schecrdcr Daubnu Mrs Grace MacDonald Donnelly Lindsay Bell who to be prlnclpal ol the new liveroam school Mrs Elsie Lucas Mrs Huugh ton and us supply teachers Mrs Patterson Mn Jean Bell Kell Ind Mrs Tom Page Reeve Joe Cochran spoke hrlclly and on behalf of milk lil council coniralulnled lha Aron No School Board an ill Hue new school Mr Page minister Churchill United Church also congralulalcd lhe school board on line lob well one In his rcmarls ML Page expressed he hope that he pu pils would carry with them in hair new school Ihe pride they ind shown in their old school Mmmriafi mmmfim PRICES FOR 7m mummmmr 15 HiStorv Comeszlive VfiéAt Tyrone Reunion Exrerpu rum the school hlalory prlnltd In booklet rtpflrcd by Harry Slcwnrt and In Snunm rawn1 lho lint uhool log cumruclnn an mm In 1541 on nine or and In ncro In flu and urchmd or our pounds rlnr lo lhnl data In chlldrtn Tyrnun mama hy lwo Inm llu who cnma lo Canada ram yranc lrnlnnd nnd sellch In communllyt Inerde Ichool Churthlll Tymuc ln hon dlyn mu lhrlvlnl vlllnzo wlUI blnckunllh than hohll And polluy lnduslry In 1571 15 mn um Inc In nrlywl wm built mun mllobla nu wn purchmcd and Anprcclflllnn was cxltndrd la Jnck Vcbslcr or flu use at laud speaker mum SCHOOL HISTORY knnsporlilluHLihe karts plus gr Que hlzhwny In school Mr Mucklcm reviewed the Improvements in urban and rural school since he Ahmad hi camr as lnspcclnr He mnlloncd the healing syslcm of box slam la the pmsonl oil lurnnrcs elcclrlc cm In lhe ncwur Ichaals holler qualified leathers and lww the con lrnllud schools will gcl rld nl lha mulllplltily lawns rule last lime on June and on Saturday July taxpupils pupils parent and lriendx gn hered on the ground or the la reunion picnic oi the um red Ichonl house Clm to 400 West resislarcd The reuninn mmd at pm Prizes were awarded to he oldest expupil presenl Mn Glhbons mm were three ex puplla pruenl who were over 90 Mrs Gibbons Mu Mervyo Nobla and Sloanl lo the youngest baby presonl Davld Lucas lo the most generallnns of any lamlly present that at ended In school MIL Gibbon Nelson BrownlnlL Waller Brawn lnng and Larry Bmwnlng Jam une School Mane cios 1L1 dour l9 chum or he Those who have served and are presently on Ihe school board were Introduced They arh George Lucas Chalmer mu Jnck Websrer 1an Rainy Don neatly Russzll Slewart Frank Kell Joel Pm xcrand the secretaryArreaxurcr Edgar Slurzcon Mlss Ellccn Fllzslrnmln en eNalned wllh her planwccard Ion unlll progrnmtirm Blake Comlahle led In slugsong wllh Mm Canslnble ll piano 11 Pl Luau chairman extended welcome In all Gems Luca Ipaka MI behall ol the school board and ln hls remarks re ferred to un success of the one Ioom school The allernoon wu spent in races ball xamu horseshoe Etching pony ride and remin clng Group plclurex were taken throughout Ihe day Ind 430 all sat dawn to plan supper Aduln CIwRCHILL Speclnl The Sdmnl tnmm p1 CALL ME nwmA Bob Hap Auln Hum Tlmu Today Sludonll 75¢ Chlldnn lnxpnyer who brouth tax bill In round la shvw lhnn cnmnnrlwm In value and 1m hnd hill or pmpcrty he uwncd and with on which ha Inlmrd lhtre WM large well nanhld hamc He had lhtn Eurchnud on In which mud lmnll house nnd had Axsmor Spruulo claims lhal lhu new revbcd nssmmenl will rnlw lh mmmcr propcrliu um higher an some the more uxpchvc buildinga II us ually clnlnwd hal incrtmcd lessmcnl should lower the null ralc but Hula has nnl wmkod out here ll la llkcly lhnt MI tnn dlllnn wlll brlnz rcpcrcuulom Ind ll can In upncled lhnl lhlx ycatl nomlnnllm men will min flood of crulclsm On every side we hear or he lncmmd hm but are lacing he ralcpuym thl year and many nur summer properly nwnm claim lhclr lnnlsnl lax hlxhcr lhnn use an lhrir cilx properly That this may be more in pro portion with our local my mcnt when the new roll plac ed before council could be the use but lhe county cqunllll tlon utlmatc an based on inst years assessmcnl so that it the reviscd asscumcnt oi tn nisiil doc mccl with the new cquatlud rates it will be just for short time as next year the equalization committee will have made it adjustment nn our new nsscssmcnl which cx and la be raised cumidcr nby thL1 tuii according to tha township ancisor ercd unill une oi he municipal iilu which had an inmasa which did not thlnk fair be gan in check and round lhax the column had been mixed and he ioial were wrong Hence Lhcspcclqi mnelinl R415 when records were mum and out by special meeting county councfl recenlly Innis fil came out with an alltime high Isséssmenl 311695801 or equallfatjon purposcfs new chapter in he hkinry oi mone school was opened on Nov 1953 when or the first time this building became twwmm school classroom was built in he basement to accommodate grade um and iwa to relieve overcrode in the upstairs roomi Mrs Char les Lucas was the iirst leachcr in the Junior room On Oct 21 1957 Illa Fiflh Line Home Ind Schoo Associa tion was nrganlmd 1th active zrnup was instrumental in hav In 1941 lhe Tawruhlp ol III nlsfll was divided Into two xchnol area ml the lollowlng school Mellon emulate Area Na Lelroy Nantyr Beth esda Cherry Creek and Ty rone Waller Milan was secre tarytreasurer the 131mm schoul board or many ygan and the Hrs Iccrmrylrensurcr School Ann NEW CHAPTER INNISFIL NOTES On July 20 1918 the build ing was completely destroyed by fire new school was bull nnd on Nov 15 1939 ma Icinlly opened The cost this school which was hull by George Martin of seroud from plum lumlshed by the deport meot of education was $4000 qlflpmen coo approximater The first school built on the present site was tame can slrucuan One the first 1m provemenu lo be made alter the erection lha newxchaol may the nlanllnz sum maple trees around ha school proper ty In 190911 frame school was ralsed prnvldlnl mmny basemch Ike orlzlnal school pmpeflywld mum Cottagersj Complain Taxes Are High STARTS TOMORROW 35 Any Time Thu lhcsu rldm should be checked at cvory npporlunlly quite nnparwt ycl wn have mu lhrm m1 uncbcclmi whlle molnrlsla car In oxnmincd lor cvcry possible dclrcl STREET LIGHTS Thu pelillon or Imlnllullon ul xlrccl llghllnz In Simcoo Bench whlch ll north 12 um HM hm bun nccmled and rclrrrcd la lha Hydro Commu tlnn or layout and quolullnns 0m our ycm no lhn Nun lyr leach nm whldl LI south ol lhnl dlAlrch plated lhclr llllon In llw lowmhlu hands ml Io dale nolhlnz luu maltr laliml Mlncln Point has lmd Meal us have came across slmllar Instances especially slncn lhc mmmer vlsilan havo arrived and brounhl along the bicycle or the children Only couple nlghu ago we caught up with blcyclc rlddcn by Wu lad nnd wnbbllnx hack and lamb on he pavement It wru nnly lhc lighls Iron nn np prnnrhlnx vehicle which mm In 1mm lhe pninlul mull bclnl Involved In an nccldcnl In the cycln did nuluhnw up prclioualy pa take ac lien on lha bicycles that are on the roads and highway In an unsale condition without llxhu nIlcr dark An lnquusl recent ly decided that no responsibility could be placed on lhe driver when car hit lwo buy riding unllghlcd bicycle an the hixh way urgyplmzn mcvcms No explanation was ollcred la why the large hnmc was assessed so low and cauncll sag gcslcd they had no authorin lo make adjustments it paxflnlly completed by msment lime last year The tax accmml on the last properly exceeded that an the former He laid council he was warn ed by he assessor that he would be raised next year he made my complalnls Several pupil of Tyrane have one an to ill pmrminnairand msponsihla pasiliuns as zrad uale nursu teachers mlssiun arles medical dodars college prolessofl post affine Inspec tors bank lnrpoclors Ontario Hydro supervisors home econ omists and other important vo cations Sloan ahighly respect cd senior ralepayer at Tymne In possession 01 an Innkfil Township tax biLI dated 1863 showing the Mal taxes on he 101love lamA $1138 andlhe schciol lax $598 almost halflha Iota In 1m her wqrels Ichuol Mellon and Lhm unlonn Thu tom amount paid or educa Hana purposuv was 826840135 The number of teacher had In gsed Irom 18 In 1880 to lan The first healing unlt ln lhe rune school built In 1874 wax box stove capable of hurnlng wood only It ulred about seven cards woo per annum cos of $5 In 36 per card or many yam In 1580 there wen school aecllnn ln lnnlx fll Townxlllp and the total amount paldoul by council or zducauonal purposeswal $6422 In tho am board bring port able orth In serve on nlunlnr mom to replace lho basement room In September 155G clan as were first held In the portable ochaol with Mlu Carolyn Rey nolds as teacher According to nidure ol the original truno school showing fluoleoeher and pupils thorn were about 50 lb lending school in 139 During the next decade mevoltgndnnco It most rural omlo fluctuated tom 0mg 10 COREfiRAN My Ion Bunnie was rnuanzd do some curpcnlcr mark at Um lomep pnrk when ac count was mdvcd ha had churned $150 prr hour The rule Iur park employer um yum ll um and cnuncll pus ed lhe nccnum nl lhnl rule However In nxcllnm on molten Counclllau Snwycr Ind Tarrtm lurk comxmllro munhm lhll was changed In nlrnllon wnl mndv llull nn axmmenl nu rnlu Ahuuld be muda bcIum hirlng approval of lhclr polillun made hm year but so fur we have seen no slnrl on lhls unlcss ll wu the tree lrimmlnn whlch look place th1 week 0nd of he ncglcclcd Epol whlch very dangcrnus ls an In Mh line from Lululand Hull he lnkc Many people walk nn lhix mad nnd especial ly at weekends and with no fool nalh he walking is dangcmm Slrcel llshls would be some help and lhc cumplclinn ol lhc shoulder nnlh passed when hlrl Law was counclllor ls allll nwnlllng action ll lhls was made to lhal loot lralllc would have place 1a wnlk oll lho madwny il would make for greater anlcly nolh lhls lino Md 25 sldcrond are In ncrd al 1th and Incl path llaw uvtr wilh lhc dcmnnd or back roads mmlmdlm ll In den lul ll any lmpmvcmcnla nlnnfl lhh llne will be lorlhcomlnz lhln year Altogether Dr Hudgixu spent seven years with he Dental Corps stationed In Landau 011 and Camp Borden is home lown L1 Kingsvlllc Ont Now that he has fired rum July Dr Huigi was able lo slay hm at home In work For he prevlous Iwo years his resldcnca In town he had Io go lo Camp Borden when he served with Ihe Royal Canadlnn Dental Conn Dentist Leaves Borden The bareback branc riding event an the biggest Ihxill era at the Calgary Stampede as shown by his cowboy who WHICH WHY IS DOWN muffiimm Dr Hudgim Ls maxrind and has three dfildren Roylo Laura and Craig six months up prlvalc pra office 33 Church St Hav ing already lived here or two ynars Dr Hudgins knows good number of local people as he starts out on his new phase of his career the nrlrnyf Dr Hydglm has set WED and THURS CoafiERlgfifi split second away from losing his pony They are also the most dangnmus competi tions CP Wirepholn DRIVEIN THEATRE Ulllo Ave Can 10 Mull Enkmlnmznl mm mum W9 lul MATINH DAILY PM Fulwg Tlmu 720 pm um Hun THURS FRI SAT The guest 599 Bruce Beer MP Ottawa Par liamentary Secretary to the Hanorable Harry Hays Minis er Aurlcullure new will be judging competition for 4H members ladies and men 2nd sown nmfi luflgmn MilA wm muLuwmflfl7 THE nnmmzs AT Tonom HolStein Club Meets Thursday llle Slmcae County llolslein Breeders club annual lwlllghl meelln will be held Gar don Atkinsons Meadow Lake larm Highway 93 north ol 400 on Thursday seven oclock Mrsfivuhzam Beardsall and Mrs Banncrman assisted the hushs 1n serving lea Thu WMS hale with quills elm will be packegl 1n Septem ber Reports were prosented and business settled for Ihta part ntttle The wms is looking forward in hearing lecturzlspnnsored by he Anglican Church lo be given by Rev Nasil of Pnk lslan in line latter pgrtol Aug usL MI Nasll dela gate to the Anglican World Con ference The meeting will be The program on lhe 1L5 chm or al the study book was lak en by Mrs McClung It was review the book the Rim of East Asia review was conduptcd with series of qucsliona and Answers wig pprt SHANTY BAY ELMVALE Spanish The last meeting or the season the Presbyterian Womens Mlsrian Iry Soclely was held at lha ham Mrs Ed McClung with an allmdance ol llmcmbem The president Mrs Dr Mc Guire presided and spoke with regret I7 the death MB Bes de McMurphy one of lhe WMS missionaries in India Mk McMurehvaas un ur Iough at her home in Colllnz wood She was buried there lashwcek Mrs McClung and Mn Ritchie attended the funeral Mrs Slephensnn read the sulplnre mgd meditations Mrs Reid gave the pray erJrom Glad Tldi TECHNICOLOII ITS ROAD TO HONG KONG Bing Crosby Bob ane Elmvale WMS Takes Holiday nu Adnl TWICE ROUND THE DAFFODILS DRIVEIll Ilwy It It Guthri M5 HIAI TONIGHT oNL1 NTAHT5 Gfirbersm Babiu are our bummaour MM SHOPEASY LABEL WIDETOP MR venlng the enterlalw lnenl lets underway at nine nclock the arena with two bands squara dance band and round dance band pro QUICKTWIST CAP The Donnybrook Fair is bring singed to raise money or lilo new 51min rink now beinz built here it will be ilcid at the Slnyner Munorinl Arena witil Audience acdva both inside and outside the Arena all aller naon until the merchandise said There will be no iormal opening ceremonig Mrs iinmlsaid On July 17 and 10 in the evening 11 trucks and 33 men will make the round to pick up lhe article pmple have donated to be lucllonod said Mn Ralph Wllllalns alt coordln alnf LARGESIZE JUNIOR JAR Final preparation or ihe Donnybrook Fair were nude meeting here Just nighlu women curler who hav been working on the show since April were Joined by heir husbands who have vniunieercd In help pick up iha merchandise cOnvenience plus meal appeal for toddlers SlAYNER Slall Donny brook Fair bamln hunters paradlse engineered by the dllv tall slde of Slnyncr Granlle Curling Club already has so many mlcles llned up In sala that llve llcensed auctluneer wlll go to work July 20 when the lalr mm at ILm Vlvlaty name an vluht Al Ihl up thu label to Ipud nlacllon lav praclovu Ihnpplnw lino StQYner 91117135 Planning Auction Mnkas II extraeasy to tpoon out babyu loud rlahl down ha In hll In the bottom ol 0w jar qulck lum Ind Iho lav II open Annlhur tum map lnr Io Maura any unund portloni blue container forhurllar appetites Jull rlnhl lor toddler growing needs Over 30 wonderfu ways to keep your toddlers nppctitc bright Gerber Junior Foods mnko it may wplan monualhntwill Icmptcvcnnflisinficmlcd cam First 011 theyre seasoned to suit the mare grownoup mm wddlcrs And the evenly minced texture is Just right for mu who are learn ing Io chew All are prepared by specialists who mwiscinthOwnyaolhunntnnd toddlcrnumuon mumu IALLI Emu uan EXAMINER wznmaspumv 10 mi Tn dramatize the Dunnybrook Fair volunteer wlll lmndlel wheelbarrw around lawn In cpl lecl prizes Irom merchant There are 10 prlus far lhe dance They include we dance prizes prizes Inr the limbo and lwlst dancu and or the oldest cauplc Also to csold wlll be the three shegpwhich three nu slcry women will shear at demonstrallon Saturday afler noon during come break time Plus and pupplas have 1130 been prgnmlsed unsalqdagallom Three med chrs an anllqua sewing machine an anllqul clock democrat wlde van My lumilure and foodstufl wilI go to the hlihes hidden on July 20 Thest 01 articles donnlcd by Stayncr area residents In In said Is Vendless as well as 11 verse Includes cverylhlnz from Welsh pony in Christ mas cake vlding the music Cllnlon Plalur formerly lrum Rayner wlll be master of ceremonlcs llll cameasynuare lane with parnnk cncnuraged Io bring mclr dllldren not pay on or baby lllers By comensyouare we mean to carry ml the hnlldny theme Mrs William said They cpl even come wearing bathing suit lhay want In

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