Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Jul 1963, p. 17

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gflguom muffi 233 BRADFORD ST DANGERHELRLM91935 LIMIIED gngnqdian ScliieIitists Ewill Study Eclipse UPTAWA CF Scientist will use Canadian airborne laboratory packed with compli called instrumcnls to observe the eclipse of the sun Saturday July 20 This 5018 project 30000 feet above northern Canada will represent the most ambllloul and comprehensive ellorl ever made by Canadian scientists to study and photograph law ecljpse the gm Ah echps of the sun occurs when the moon passe ditcme between the sun and he earth They expect to have about two mhuxles or study in lhelr DomlIeanhnur alrcmh as It chases the Mllpses culpllcnl shadow speeding across the WORK HARDERLAST LONGEREosTEss no sure to sue Bonanza on tho CBCTV nolwovk each Sunday My business Includes oxpmss onoml dehvory local cmlngn and long dslnuco moving Yam ul oxrerlunco hnvo pmvod lo mn lhnl Inoupoc Iva 01 model or sun Allround puvlmmnuce dupondnblllly andawnomlcolupmnonxhovvohlTrucks lhn bash Out Chevwlel hallton Panelecks are doing an excellent Job From past EXDMI ence with other makeswe have found lhal Chevrolet Trucks cost less to operate and malnlaln Our Chevrolet Trucks are giving us maximum perlovmanca for minimum cos maximum performance for minimum cost THE VALUEOF CH EVROLETS III Hm Hllnmnmllllllm in 1954 he ccllpse occurred In sparsely populated Northern Ontario and Quebec but was not seen by ground partle because of heavy cloudsl small alr home party viewed the ccllpse 01L he Labragiar caasL cnnuA ape shadnw extending about 232001 miles beyond the moon usually misses the earth Its only when Ihe shaduw hllsthe earth that an eclipse lakes platen The July 20 phenomemn will be the first Intel eclipse of he sun visible in pupulnied arena Canada since 1932 and the first to occur in this wunlry since i954i CHEVROLET OWNERS KNOW so that the moons slIndow Is cnitupon he earth Your Chnvrnlol Oldsmobile Cid ihere wlll be nnly we total Hunlu rr lam mmn Onllllu ch Guy Mlnlnl sun Inc 17 3rd Avnuo Quebec Quebec This years total eclipse wlll be vlstble In the Yukon and Northwest Tcrrltnries the northern porttons at Amara snskatchewnn hlnnlwhn and Ontarhr southeastern Quebec and the southern Up Nova No others will qccur in Can ada The first will be July 10 1972 and travel acres part of the Territories northern Quebec and Labradorz The second wlll be Feb 26 1979 and wlll be visible in parts of Saskatchewan Mnnllobn and Hudspn Bay solar eclipse vlslble from any where In North America ram now until Ihe yearms Thu next one March 1570 will be seen only In Mexlca and Cnlflomlm Ind Chcvmlu 17m Do and MOI VAlUl Check your loco Ilfllng in channel Ind llma cuml Wu are dolng general haulage and cantvact delivnry and Mud Huck that vollnhlo That Is why we buy only Chuwolut They give us tho dopondnbilily wo noud We have ad plonly oxpuvlunco wllh alhev lvucks but1mnuvopuvallonChewolulgives us lhu host povfovmanco they give us the dependability we need We really appmciala tha dependabill our two Chuvvolol Trucks Our 61 060 us nos and $005 We are also opevalln 63 hawole loelside Pickup and Its HM mad Ilde papand pullin powovavo great We wouldnt have unth ng but Chowolu Trucks There are lwn reasam for concentrating elmu In high nylng laboratory Thalllrsl is The Domlmon observatory Ihe Nallanal Research Council he University Saskatche wnn Oxrard University and the RCA are HyperMing In the northern airborne operation Most of the nurlhem area are not readily accesslble Haw ever ha path of the lastmov Ing shadow will swgep aver anslly pccesslble hreax south eastern Quebec and noilhern Maine Scnlln Tha bath falallly some 60 mile In width starts at dawn In northern Japan and concludes at sunset In the mld Atlantic iioildn have lyflling but Chevrolet John nmm Pmlannt mm Inun ha sncunmm Unulm Muul Mama Hum umln an MIth mm II Mlchll ambit PHONE PA 66527 Dr Locke able at the stellar physics division the Dominion Observatory says the planes speed will enable the 17 man sclenmlc team aboard to observe the total eclipxe for ahgut twn minutes Second reason is that the eclipse can best be studied when he sun is at or near the noonhour position This will accur In Canada onlyln the northwest The eclipu will oc cur in sautheastern Quebec at 430 pm EST when the run ix on law in ihe was for ihe best cheervalion that weathet records over 10 year period show Juiy 20 usu ally Is cloudy day Howaver the nlrcrafl Yukon will be able to operate in the 11th totality above any cloud hanks lhé duiullan cl ntallly will thfléarrivfixamimr CAIWI team headed by Dr Locke will make study to determine the relation between lhe suns nlmnsphere and material in in temgllnrspficet The British Yukon will use photoelectric equipment In study of the cams lo distance oi 1000000 miles mm the surface ol the sun The learn will include Dr Blackwell and Dr Peu 0xio1d University Thu Will he done by examin lng the manner In which the The more man knows abaui the nature oi the oomna and the sunspot cycle the sun the more he will be able In un denstand the geophysical phenw mcnn controlled by the uclivity oi he sun One example of how this information will have praclionl benefit in in Its nppli canon In understanding candi inns lhat ause radio blackouts Scientists want to learn more about how the sun allect he earth In order to increase mans knnwledge the uniVErse and also for number 01 prnclical purposes The equipment will be used In collect lnlormallnn about lha sohu coronaextended almos phereof the sun and other phenomena such he earthza daytime nlrglaw The Yukon mrcrafl wlll up crate over one of three large areasGreat Slave Lake In um vlclnlty Hey River and DEW son Landlng Lake Athabaskl ln Ihs area of Stony Rapids Sask or Indian Lake In northv em Manitoba The but am from wealher polnl 01 view wlll be chosen shortly belora the alloral leavu Ottawa early July on Equipment aboard the air crali has been developed espe daily in view this eclipse it includes 11 at electric equip ment never used previously study an eclipse as weii campiicaled eicclmnic gadgets and many types oi cameras By the time the eclipse reaches soulheastem Quebec dummn wlll he reduced In one ndnuleand Iva seconds When Handle the Atlantic coast 01 Maine few minutes later dII rallon will be only 52 seconds vary slightly across tho coun try It last or one minute and no second at noon Yukon llme near the eastern boundary the Yukon Ttrritory the longest period the sun will be com plelely lehlnd Ihe moon IN WINNIPEG wma wm 13mi mu Dunlap lm Imlc own Mmlflmfl hum In an 101 DUNLOP IT BARRIE TRAVEL SERVICE WEDNESDAY mu no me 517 Farilnhmullm Ind Immllom JOHNSON WWW For Your Ncurullom CIII New Phone PA 66525 for lmmodlllo movvnlom Exisl nee on luminos Ily produced In the upper musphere has been recognized since 1009 It can be observed night but due lo the daytime brlyulncu or the sun it has not Fort Garry Hotel day we airglnw will he studied by Dr Watson NRC making obser vation through special plate glnss window in up plapc This experiment will be made lo obtain ew lundnmenlal knowledge about the sun It has filer been med belorc light at the corona varies with distance lrnm lhe edge at the sun it also involves measure ment light cmltled by highly loniznd iron atom in the DR iLOCKE chief sieiinr physics division 01 the Dominion Observalory show with model what observer wiiiiin the path nl Mal FA um DarIn IN MI Other undies will be made mm the Yukon by Dr Hunlen the Universin Sas katchewan Dr hlillman NRC dircclar of upper almos phere research Tham mn chlel of pusltiunul astron omy at Ihe Observatory nnd Dr Shepherd of the Uni vcgily ol Saskatchewan The total eclipse wlll make possible or Drl Walsnn In de telmine whether there Is any alrglow again providing man wlu new knowledge about the uppqr abnasghem been possible except by throw lieu calculation to determine whether there also dayllme anglaw should see during the total ecllpse of the sun July 20 Scientisu will we Canndjan ulrbarne luburalwry to observe he eclipse CF Photo Milo page 20 please Stay at the

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