75mm nullnl 1hrhnlrr Ilkhmund Tutnnln InIt nmly lmkmnvllln Lllll mi Hullnln lladlulrr Column 10 Imwu NIInnI Lulu Pnhnhle lllrhrrl TIMI In Anselm lmlru Nrw nrk Vlllry NW allslun Inlmxun 4le It hummh Frlcnd 1M San Franclacn Rnnlonl mm 11 IMlallrlphlm Mclllh 1H1 3111mm Jnrkmn 31n Zrlnnall Jny 311 Only lune ulmhulrdl 1mm 11mm 11 An nl Nrw nrk ï¬lm Frau nl lhlln NN Columbia Jukwnvflls Mulherl mlIon Mlnnln 45 35 Nl lmllnnnpolh A5 40 Al we flock Major lulu Hull Turldny MISlnr iumu NaHonal Lu Amcllcun Amulrnn Mum lrolmble Illrhen Tady Hualun Murrhond lflM nl hllnnunln Sllmnnn In Only nnmu Ichcdnlrdl vThu anlnnn ague mnn Ind only six hugour them Mrnlchyofl fivn pitchers The American Lcnxuo had 11 hlu but also Mm strikeouts and FTRUCK 091 NINE League scared the Hohrcnklng run withqu the all of 11 ml the run crosslnz whcn an York Ynnkcc Jon Pcpllane chose Io make an un minted out at lirsl Instead ol throwing lo tho anlc First of only 160 paying fcuslamcfl tended illlnz about hull of Municipal Sta yium Thu cuslumcra pald $6 and 33 ticket but dldnt no llnna League stun Sandy Kou tux the senior circultl best char Warren Spahn who ceps on defying age and en emy ballm and Juan Marl chal San Frunclscou young xlxhlhandcd slur who recently dclealcd Spuhn In lstnning L0 duel What hey saw MI lack lmlro gnmc with roullne plays lair pltching and medium llcld Inz The biggest was dou blo by he American Leagues Alhle Pearson lhu lllllcst All Slnr them all thlla was not the whole show He had help In leading the National League to AllStar victory over the Amer tcan League Tuesday But without Snn Francisco Ian centre fielder the Nth All glg show would have been THE CANADIAN PRESS iuuium Lnull TN cm Tintlnnnll TN lnlrvnHunnl Lulu Nurthnl Divluhn MN ullnl mm khmond Mnnln lrL GM 001 I1 39 547 40 In ll 40 017 NM CLEVELAND AP Ill and thin Willie May was there GumI mmdly Halllmnrn nl Wmh IAroll nl Mcnnm Dnalnn nl Mlnnrnull Clawland KM Cily New York nl Ln Ami STAN MUSIAL the St Louis Cardinals appearan In zuh All Star game flies Mays Brightest Spot In Dull AllStar Tilt BASEBALL SCORES Cln an ml Cup team MN on originfly mmJlonb ml mp player Ind Cm Mdlnfl MM chnmnlrm will Wm madam In flu TORONTO 1CP111I Cunn dlun Lawn Tcrmll Auoclnllnn nnnounced nmdy lhll Jlm Mark at anqmvu ha been mam Jul vlllc momooouu runway1 Ilnwklm IHI Ir In Nlurhwlu In nd Hooker anlu Ollver Kerrlun mm nml LIpskI llll ArkIlrrrnxlcln Allen Illlu 10 nulleu Mn Ilmefl Much Glldvllnx 14 Curry 11 And Sulllvnn Ilnsku AllIll mmoumo lugmgunq 010700 001 ll Aunl on Vnkcrfrm 351 Ollvn In nml mm Mumll and Mhmlul ll MIA lnlemltlonll Lulu Hulllo 010 200 lhthulu 010000090 mdumh Ind Cnnnlzxnrn Shall Mnrllnrz Stnll ID and Knvlu mu nllo mm no we 0510 mu mammalml Mlnmn Richmond only game scheduled Glmu Tndly nullnla nl Syracuse Columbus ll Tamnln Indiumnpolls Rochester Jnchonvfllo nl Mlunln lllchmond al Lllan Ruck Name Captain Cup Team It Wu whu cored me flu nm nilcr drawing sec ond Inning walk and llcnflnl second ngnlnsl rlghl hlndbl Ken McBrldn II was Willlu who hmku 11 WW sharp lhlrd Innlnx single nnd ll wru May 30 only one hit sharp runscaring single Bu he scored lwlcc drove In two runs tlole two bases and made the but much That was In the clghlh lnnlng when he ambled lo lho cenlm Held lance 380 feet In hnul In Pcpllonul Hy BREAKS TIE The blues nnlm waslhe boolng whenever Yankee cume la hat The Yankee can llngcnl dld lllllé lo cover llsclf wllh glory Pcpllone the only Amcrlcan Leagucr In go all the way went for and slmck out twlte Rlchardson hll lnlo four out In two llmn baL Only Jlm Buulon the young pllcher dld wall He hurled one pnrlccl lnnlnz Ncllle got bad mn lhlrd hnse conch Johnny Pesky ex plflned Bobby Richardson another Yankee hit Inlo two dnuhla plays The In second base man usually sure handed mlsscd throw by Ihlrd base man Frank Mulzane which led la run Thy only oulstnnding deran slve play was Tammy Dnvls line lhmw from medium left ï¬eld In double Nellle Fox at tho plate It was good throw but the tan are still wondering why it luck Fax an lung to sprint the 90 from third bnse Ho ghtslnydlyzu out to Al Kallne In right ï¬eld In mth lnnlng ycslcniaya game The Cardinal star was Rookie may €qu 01 Phllndclv phl Phllllcs southpaw llnl Voodcshlck nl llouslon Calls and Lo Angclcs Dodum Dan Drysdnlo flnlshcd up or he Nullonnla Boulen lolly Junn Plum Chlcngo nml chk Rndnlz Daslnn llcd va hrll llnnl rcllcl ncc llnlshcd up or lhc Amcrlcun League Although Rndnh ï¬mntd Iva Ihu clgM men he faced ha nlw mm up two hill and run mm In qunbln Dark emulaycd 13 player while Yankee mnnnzer Ralph Honk manipulated 21 his 26 men Eneh used Ive pllchen Larry Jackson Chlcngo Cubs who succeeded starter Jim OToole was hit he hardest but was credited whh he vie lory Jim Bunnlng ol Delmlt T1 acrs who look aver or stnrlcr hleflrde In he lourth yielded one unearned run In two Inning hu was charged with the loss Ills streak was broken nfler nlne consccullvu scoreless 1n mngsIn AllSInr eomgc huh Dul Ma uh il Dunlap SO loll dont care where you are Mnyl nlway helps you sald Snn Franclsco manager Alvln Dnrk who pllnlcd lhc Nallonal Lcugucrs to their mu vmory In the Ins seven games wllh one cndlng In lie The Na Ilqnallrall uymll 174M DisWASHING CAN BE DEL0H7 TRV OUT THESE DRMMIIC FEARRES OR YOURSELF Will in balling 411 In 11 A115 games Ha led with Sun Musial or most hlLs wilh 20 has stolen he most buses lvm and scored Iha mos runs Will whnbmke 34 lie in the mm with uncaring Infield grounder sent up plnu hitter for Ed Bailey San Francisco Gi ant catcher AP Vimphoto Free Home Trial with HEM KitchenAid Portable Dishwasher II In yrmr lmmn or X0 dun umkr no ohllulxnn buy It wmhn dllhn clun and drlu lhem brlghl HARDWARE Thriva at words Tues dny nl lhe mccllng the New York Racing Unlll he Unilcd Stale and Cnnndlan Trolling Assoclntlans the sportl governing argnnhm Klaus voted last year In fnvnr ol cmdilloncd rnclng the vari nu mm were arranged under loner classlflcnllon known ABCD Under lhls aymm the van nus truck socmlarlcs clnsslllcd horses as or horse than wuuld he moved up or down accordan lo his winning or loslnz performances This ellmlnnlcd under lhu condi Imnd system whereby races are curdcd according money wan axes claiming prices etc Cnnndinn trucks Mn now un dc he now ayglcm nousuvelt Raceway and Yonk Raceway the major track which hundle nearly so per cm of the yearly wagering are on ï¬pposltu IldesM the mnlrovcray that flared hlghcr pitch Tuudny NEW YORK AmHarness rnclng on which 3555477 bet $918740595 In lhe Unltcd Slam last year will these days over lh new system or classflylnz rum ep no uld he Ihouuht about hrawlnz to he plate but that he walled too long you dont throw It right way youre dead ha laid Davis was on ï¬rst In In mm inning will nno out when Bill White 01 SL Loul Cnrdln hlt alow roller lo thlrd baseman Frank Malzone whn lhrew to second for an ab Icmpled one play But second baseman Bo Richardson droppgd Iha hull The runner on second and third and WIlIa May up Mays tha star of the 5mm hit grounder to first baseman Jae Pcpltone who ran to the bag to retire May as Da vla crnsscd the plate wllh Ihe rug Ihnlynt the NLahegd 43 The NL left ï¬elder culth AI Kallnes fly and unmrkcd mbaunce throw to the 51m for dnubie play on Nelle Fax who was lug la score mm third the lnnipj They got Iwo mom nun than we did and man In hm la In added 111qu Armrs Than were three key play In the game All Involved Tommy Devlin Iel Dodge CLEVELAND AHThe NI Iona League used hnlMaxen 111 good ham running and tho Itrong relief pitching Don Drysdnla In 54 Victory In the Mill AllStar lamaand thats just 1h way manager Alyin ngk wnnledrlh told Gene Maud beloro the gum that Id Ilka to havn atwnrun lead going Into the eighth and hen send ln Don gmdale Dark nld In ha lc Ameflcpn League manager Ralph Honk pointed nut am his club nude 11 lulu an we just didnt take advantage an op mama Hnuk laid In all an lame ngwcflplqyeq 3min EXAM mananth 10 mt Harness Racing Split On System ngisï¬ Infllvefd In iKeijldys MOBIL KDIP PA 84431 In addition oddson horsu will force but butler tn the bookmakers In In lryin lo keep Ihcm out mxr up 0n ha conlrary Id Alvln Well pmldcm at Roosevelt Raceway It wll he disaslcr if Iwe in back In lcllur clns rac Ky fnae am will lose more lhnn $100001 In In rcvcnun lhls year because the 31 Dollar ha been Irlxhlmcd away lrom the conditioned race syncm be Icause of so many oddwn Invar lea Commlssian at which Yonkera pellllun to retain lhellcllcr clas schaLlun for Ila summer race In next month was dcnlnd Candlllon racing Is no good and will no beneï¬t anyone luld Marty Tnnnnbaum presi den 01 Yonkers nlcewny ll made the right play Houk salgi Pepllone Im not sure we could have no the man home we dont gcl hlm hey lo for his lnnlnl We sun had llva Iurn at but In go It may have been bad decision 1n the eighth nr nlnlh lnnlng at lie game PennantGash sure he could get Davis In llme Sn he my lonfjrsll la rellre wanted In an Ihat man to red at sccand bash hecnusa May was coming up next Malzone said Malzune said he hesitated mument to give Rlchardson chance to ero the bpse or he thmw 53m mm can really run and lhraw not havE zolhln alchnrdidi offered na nllbl or his error but he Wanted to lhg ply alxonea lllmw was over the bug and It dropped nut 01 my glova Hubby mid Un less yml play baseball you aint understand what dllll cult play llls lllough wal all the way over to tho other alde or he lullhanded pull hlt er Whllen ll wns long nm 1°59 Play7 good play to send Fox In mid Hunk We lust dld not know DavII could throw JIXMML lhoughl Idbe homo easy Fox sald was lumrlsed when HIV the catcher had lhu bull and was waiting or me man wouldntjuve helped me bit It must have beenJ ire menduullhrnwf It was deep enough wasnt It was deep enough wasnt It Pesky asked still dont lee how Davis made that throw to at Fox oiljng No Aums Some thought Fox should have lcored in tha ï¬rst Inning Thlrgi munch Johnny Pesky laid Fox on In bndjlnrt lnuggulnx up prlalllrIAnyoncnmn tutu oanlkcru Spcclal Old huh Sptcllllul In good lam whm you times the luxu whllky pnpullr lulu Wnlhrl Spcclal OM Good mic good loch And economy have mnle It Canadnl Lug ulllng popular priced whhly Nun lime make It palm buy Wallurl Sp¢clal Old IIIRAM WALKER SONI LIMITED No other lmk nihlcle he hlsmy the Olymplc hns nc complishcd what anny did In Ihusn humid hnl lulu Julycarly Augnsl dnys ï¬ber HM come along since Ihon la challeng Fannys cm burlr no one has made It Fanny wdn lam gold medals Um year In he 100 and 100 me lrcs Wmctre hurdles and as anchorllcg on The Nelhcrlnnds loometre relay cum she was mnsldcred clnch or llllh gold medal ln lhe broad Jump but she chose lnslcad to anchor hn sprint relay 1155 my EQUALS Fanny arrived in Tornntn this week with two young plolclcs quarter miiers Tilly van dcr Zwaard and Gerde Krnnen lured In the Globe and Mall sevenacnunlry WISathlete invila lion meet here Friday night She recalled in an lnlcrview on Tuesday her glory days unlhc brick red Wembley Stadium track before 100000 screaming an Today FrancineEIsje or Fanny as she In known lhe wand aver still welsh 123 pounds and wear her blonde hair In an upswopt style AIlcr 28 year In the game this at lractlve woman at love tho 5pm Ihal made her name hagschold word In track cIrcIcsI TORONTO CF Francine Elsle BlankersKoen was wil lowy Impound bland and he Indlvl uul sensation of the 1948 Olympc Game In London She was 30 years old mother two the Iaslcst female sprinter and hurdlLr an Earth and world class In In hlgh and broad Jump Ballcnrfler blocker decoya good lmlbnck need many Ia enla and two teams In the Ca nadian Fooiball Leagues east ern commence were painfully aware or lhII training camps maxed ingollylzhjeqr way When Bobby Run at HumIlA ton TigerCats nnnaunccd Mon day he planned to retire It left the cht in the lam heat as Toronto Argonauts without sings experienced lullback After nvcn years pm Knnlz rellred to live more time to his business in Kitchw nu luvlng head coach Ralph Sula with three passibllltlcs 1n cludlng two Canadians to sue ceed hlm if said Rein mnpelle Norm Bay and Hnmllton nallve Bth Kmuse will He given By IRE CANADIAN PRESS To mnsl peopla the mm Jan forum man on fastball team the quarterback hut many olllers lncludlnz lot 01 quar terbacks wlll cut Ihelr vole for lle lullhlck Emil anorpruk great Star Of 48 Olimpics Recalls Days Of Glory Ticï¬tsArngTWith0ut Experienced Fullbqék HI nnuun Fannyr become really an gry when she reminded Australian couch Percy Cur Funny wilhou any race or boaslrulness dnuhla lhat any Iran slurmale or female will dupllcale her out sold nuan showing Ihula because the Olympic program 11 Jammcd with events zulng an the mm She tripped over be second obstacle In lhe hurdles and was scnflched from Ihe sprint be cause at bad case boils Now alter 25 at her 45 years spent either as competitor or coach she says she wouldnt da Ihlng differently she had In 11v he War ag31n But 1952 was nightmare lo remarkably well groomed woman She went la Helsinkl to defend her flies and didnt In ish race Finnyfzold medals at tucked away In shoebox In hnr Anmcrdam home Im man and sun lake peek at them she sayl but dont like show them araund when people come to mu hume She has uncounlcd scores at medals and Imphic won on the tinder truck but hey are all and In cup board squ mass 11 Czechoslovakian distance run ner sin in shnw in the 1952 games at Helsinki with lhrc in dividual gold medals in the 5000 and 10000 metres and the mar alimn And American Wilma Rudolph the Tennessee Jim was lrlple gnld medallisl ln lire 1960 game Rome will viclnrie in the springs and an anchor leg on the US loometre rainy tcnm Sandy Slcphcna and Dave Happman the raokla rum lawn ware lwn at seven members ha team Hmpln with inluflu cm II with new my 39 Martin Fallon will compete with rook ie Don Goodman and Eugena Vaiesnnn and two veteran voi unieers flanker Dnvo Mann and ilniihackibick Shaun Not waniingin mavo iiinnn and Shaun from iheir positions the Argo would like one oi the oiimr three to prove liecan do the job Theyll be tested in an lnirasquad some ionixhi Ms Miss TWO At the urn ma the real Alnucttns picked by as the team In heatin ilound themselves wllhaul two top quarterbacksat legpoyarflg Meanwhile the Argonauts were taking look at Gary F311 Ian Zlopound product Syn cuss Unlverslly relc wed by Il cat last year whenlhey had too many fullbacks In hammm In Iuinuu awmu ID Manta many 19 their leasl We sign as cron ï¬lvo back but he hn slaynd In camp this lam because hl uncxpcclcd cunnsive nbllily Sula snld Tunsday He shnwn up really well he han dles the basic henriu well and has Iakcn In our Iyslcm like an am pm The cause Hm shufllc In lhn Enslnm Football Conlerrnce club ls Tod Acelo sixJnul 195pnundcr whn playcd quur lcrback lnr Villanuva in the Lib HAMILTON cm Conch Ralph Sazio has had rcvisu hls thinking abnuz me luvIter back 10 Hamillnn Tim cals lineup but hes not un hagpy about It Whal mc1 asked Funny had 11 boy and girl by 1546 Why had my dauglr Icr in 1946 and six months lam went lo the European cham plonships and won the amen hurdles and ran an the sprinl relay Ceruuy said th2 women cant keep it up without surren dering their iomininily develop ing muscular stringy lugs hard lace and undeveloped busts Furlhermore he said they risk the danger or not being able in become moihers ultys statements few years ago to the mm but women lrack nlhlclcs do not hclnng In the plympics because ha lough Irainlng grind they must ungcrgp weve ever had In here said coach Frank Clair away He well as Argonau coach Nobby Virkowskl will lace lhe rmhlum culling down alter nlruqund game tonight Hawa the major prnblcm luclnxlhe Rough Elders II coachs dreamhey have In do clde on whlch players 10 keep Iromnboul nlno candldales at ens mum Headlng the list are Ted Wat kins mm the University he Paciï¬c Clemson graduate 09 car Thurslnnd and Al Schau rum Western Mlchlgan There IIEJISD hall dozen omen Coach Jim Trlmble sand In two Inlurud in nu Innssquad game Sunday should be ready Io go In Thursdays lnlrasqund game In Mammal After that game said Trim ble he will begin cuulng the 25 Impom andzfl Canadian pres with line reququd total plgycgs Sazio Happy With Player Slephfns has Vbrulscdrankle anli ngp J5J