Thu oprnln1 II hull xclmlulnl Inr ntrr lhln manlh lull In In molponnl All lho rrlvnle home In whlth ll van be Illunlnl Wu mlluwtd up Tlmdny nlghl In dual la pm Mn land In Hm Imam ul uluw lhvn lnr nlmul INF on ICIMI bowl wlll my um My mm Al rumpenmlnn tar mp hulldlnl ml lhI mnhry um In Iuwrdo Hm muchm lile Ilulnk we mould an no and In In Hunt All In our nxllnuum Ind an nlnl In In Iho miller lull my Alulmtln HAMILTON CPD11m Cunl dlun Fnolhnll all Fan hu wen alnl ul of IL homo luxl Mnynr Iclnr la an clly ulm nut Inlrms lo rrnrnu on Ill nmlnllon lo Hm lllll 171 mm HI prlnclpll Jntk Nlrklum IM And 50th Mrlcnn Gnry Player ton lrdcd um lnlmrr hu mm In bull hellrr lhnn now ile like It hm And Am play In wzll Pllmtr uld In undlmluluqcnl ollhe ymk Hall Voted Out Of Home Dtllrmhlld la wln hll lhlrd Ilnlnhl Brllhh llll lha La hobo Im prnlmloml polluhtd MI arm to Ilmml parka itch 1n nracllcu Ind hmuzhl culmlnlllnl ourundervylr so Tuudny nnl inhumane llmpl cnled II to lo Ivor ST ANNES Elmmi MP Surnmely and mnIldunl nod Palmer lad Held at lnln the 1er round ha Mia Brillh open In champlom Ihlp lndny and main ho wn he mun Io bent 6w ha tibs Theres an earlier starting time for Saturdays race card at the Barrie Fair Grounds its 515 hu turnout is expected or this card and Chuck Tully ii be giving his predictions hora Salurdny He promises lnm MM he Lakeview Dairy has turned tha intermediate Soft ball League into solid loop They managed only tie in their first eight starts but now have won our of their last five games ed Next Thursday July 18 at the Barrle club the Cl Brown Trophy willl be mi grabs Th is the sen im mnn AAAAA Palmer Is Ready To Defend Title in his biiE Vyse is havlng more than hls share of bad luck lhls season He failed quality In the Canadian Open by single stroke But hes always emumed well in the Millar meet and he hopes ha be successful In on Barrie Golf and Country Club professional Frank Vyse tees all today at 1216 in the Millar gall tourna ment for the protesslonal match play championship of Canada The tournament is being held at the Pine Valley Golf Club In Toronto Stewarts Garage wlll compete In the Ontario Ama teur Softball Assoclatlon Intermedate playdowns Team manager Larry Wood made the announcement yesterday and said he expected his team would make respectable showing LOOK FOR Don Dykstra to go for iruelove ti night and he could he lacing Butch Boyd This could be most interesting cPitching duel you recall few columns bagk Boy was quoted as saying Dykstra taught him more about pltchlngthan anyone else Well Butch has come along so well ihatlhes now the hottest linger in the league League secretar Dorian Parker called this morn ing to correct msiake in the batlw averages she released yesterday Irueloves Pat anamaker was shown with 325 average Pat is actually boasting 341 mark fourth highest in the league Last ls hardly the word to describe any team In he senior circulL Only four points separate the five clubs Three teams Truelnve Stewarts and Barrie Plaza are tied wlth 16 points Elmvala and Edgar each has 12 points THERE ARE two Important games on tap tonight in the Senior Softball League at Queens Park Stew arts and Iruelove meet in the ï¬rst game with first glaceat stake whlle Edgar and Elmvale wlll break stint last place when they meet in the second con tes The rgreatest play ever saw ln baseball wes ln 1954 at ow Yorks Polo Grounds when Wlllle ran the prqverblnl country mlle to haul ln catch and llred axtrlke to second base to catch runner trying to go from first to second after the catch It was kef play tn the game Glante were phyan Milwaukee the stretch drlve They went on to win the pennant the lollawlng week and knocked off Cleveland four straight In the world serlee despitethe fact they were 15 underdogs nessf do it Wlllle Mays was the class of yesterday AllStar game no doubt about it This fellow is one of the realest ball players of all tlmaand ls our cholce of greglest ln the 55mg today He Jgst weak HIE lull AMINER WEDNESDAY JULY ma ealest In the me today He Just has no Meal He can run throw name it and Willie can ï¬SVPORT AT GLANCE EXAMINER WANT ADI PHONE IA um nrm mu yJ Luau 1m flnnlpmhcr DAmnlo mm In mm mnltr mu Tuesday he runrenlulu Ihln hm hell Mn hall all In ohlll In necemry Fhml mud on lnndlmmlnl minth In llml Inn HIM ho was run lvl lml lumllnl llm dolnl not In LAH VEGAH Nnv DAmnlo mnnurr lnmrum unlll ml clmllrnm will mm Sunny Union In Imp July 21 MidWeek Note On Sports Scene Thu llrld ll hnhI Indly Ind Inolher II mum II II lhm HI lo Hm low mu flu or Mhull llnnll Friday DIlmato Sees Floyd Winning mver mn Arnold hll all 1mm Nirklnul Inld Ind you Imuw haw he an mull Th prcmlum hm In rm Hint wall Once youre Ill hm you ml donl Ml lhl rem In you heal for on In The uteri plld Film canquued hlzh wind on lhc Ian and lruchernu blck nlnI whlla Nlckhul with NI hlnh unriu lhou mlucd 10 MP My In hll llnnl rncllcl round NchIul II nulm dunn plon remlard tend mum ll to Nlmm wu He nven rcbulll hll driver our HI weekend rtplllllll and ruwlndlnx wllh cmlmamhlp lhll dulled the local pm Ith Pulmer Iald hl concentrated upeclllly on drMnl or lhll ex Ictlnl 6757yud varTn unldo tmlru REBLILDS DRIVER HI idvlnl ll nnnrklbll floduu uld By RICK FRASER mm llIrIr bun AmCu mm dlalnrlul Nd Fm lhe Amcrlcnn lulu In um out near hmm IIlo hl lie lo Emmanuel Mnslod out In Mu in their wln our Crnlghurll Tmy llodgsan win mum of mnnucll nluck Carl ChumMu gulmd lha wln Ivlnl up oh lo hlu Len Edzmon racked up his ucond mound win In us many nlghu whcn he hurled An druwn In heir vlclory Ho lumcd In spnrknna Iourhll performance Mclndden was the loser dupiln no live Iohl Emmanuel appied Cnlxhum while Sh Andrew downed Ess Road Andrew and Emmanuel Bapllxl chalked up vlctaricx In lhe Harm nnd Dixmcl Church Saflbnll us last night Him Jane iounx led cpnd lllghl with low Visiting golfers lumed ln mp low net mm Mn Mc Kca Ladlos Toronto had 75 In wilh weslvlowa Mrs Ada Carla but Mrs McKee wun with boutr scan on tho hack nine Scarhams Donne hnd thlrd 51w net 77 St Andrews Emmanuél In Church Wins Outside clubs raprucntcd were Orlllla Mldlund Collin wond Ladle Club Toronto Aurora Summlt Richmond Hill Plne Valley Weslvlew Dnnnldl Bl Bay Point Senborn Dun gas Valley Glenleven and We ton TMH law ran in the tin light went to Midland Mlddy English Mrs Ough nnd Orlllln Juan Murphy linlshed In for lirsl plans wllh zmss scores 01 In mu like Ihls the winn er ll usually declderl by the best scan on lhe final nlne holes Howevrr lhin lulled to product winner Illa an ha scare wn taken on lhe last elzht hole and Mn Ouzh emuged ha wlnner Mrs John ough at the hon Barrie club lapped Held 7s golfers torment 18 clubs lhn nnnua Ladle lnvllauun II Gal Tournament held yesteh day In the Bmle Gnl and Connlry Club Mrs Jolin Ladies Tournament and Mn JohnMurth right chat wflh Mrs Paul Maser director the annual Ladlea MRS mm ouan 1e16 STOPPED ON THE BASELINE Ihe Iron mvu lrnm Ihlnl ml fly In loll In llnl lnnlnx ol yum dun All ï¬lm unis Muhln It In Ed Halley Num Arkanm Traveler pulled within hm game of the Crlckorl by nvcrwholmlnn Juckxanvllln 74 for the have nlnlh tonsccullva vlclory Columbul Jclx lrmmcnd lhu Nnrlhcrn Dllelon lendan syn ruse mm 155 In ll hmlmu and nullalo Blsonx whlppcd Ro chester Red Wings In the only almr Ichcdulcd mu IMEU Tim Crackers iasi their eikhih In their in nine games Tun day night bowing to Richmond Virnlninns 64 The inn nur rowcd Ailanlus marlin in one game our ihe idia indinnnpolis indium The Mining Atlanta Crackcrl mum nomc tonight hopan to bolulcr lhelr meAxamo Icld nvur lho lnlrrnallonal Southern Division In hm znma mic with Jncksonvlllo Suns By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ll rum Low Nu Mn Mama Ladies Toronto 2nd Low Net Mn Ada Garlal 7a Low Gran a7 Grnca Ouxh Bun1e 1nd Low Gross I7 Jean Murphy Drillla 3rd Law Gran as MIddy Enzllsh Mid land Last holes break Us Barrie Fbllowlnz is he winners ll Flqul Crgckers Lead Cut To One Game Pulling prizes were capped by Mrs Ferguson 31 um fllghfl Mrs Phillips 30 second High and Mn Gor um fllghg vulv nau 81 law he priz wen In Mrs Mary Hamilton or Calllnzwoad wilngyrnedln 74 of oz and low not honor went to Mrs Brnldbcn Aurora with Third light low gross schru was cnrded by Mrs Shirley Bznrle who had Invitatlonnl Golf Ionmament held yukrdgyal he Baxm 1011 Ind Country Club Mu Ouzh And Mu Murphy 11n of prize Him omkll Holder Tom Dnm TM mum ll um lat up wwbow Int mg rising yho look Unlvmlly RIDERS SIGN END OTTAWA CPI Olllwl Rough flldm Iht Four Foolhnll luxua Tuesdly In nnunccd lhu sign ol and Rob gunman nullnlo hrld 30 Ind after Pumpaia Gmn Ilnmmrd lwm run homer in tha mend lnnlnu ha Red Wing scored llulr mly run In Km bounm ol nu mom ourrun outburst by Syn wsv in the seventh tnnlnx tted the core and III the lame Into utrn lnnlnxs Th Jet battenn1 three Chic ptlchm or 11 hit and wrnpped up the am with ltx run In the 11th Arkansa ullcd thud In ï¬rst mum Ind nevcr lrallcd Rich Allen Ind John llorrnslein rapped homer Ior Ihe Tuvalu to corn In 01 htr leven rum wlld pitch and Mlku Alalhlasml Iingla nyq RAP HOMBRE Low gm Mrs Mary Him fllon Il Colllnzwnod 2nd Low Nn Mrs Bell 7d Barrie 3rd Low Ne Mn Ward 75 Weston in 33w Gross Mn Shirley Campbell VI Barrie 21d Low Gross Mrs Smith 101 Banlo 3rd Low Gross Mn Anderton Elma In Flighl 15 Low Net Mn Bréndbml Aurora and Low Net Ma Ma Smllh 77 Summll 5rd Low Net Mm Chuiolte Hill 71 Coulan lrg lIIghlx any ï¬lm In Law Grass June Yaunl 02$ Barrie 2nd Low Grass MIL Reddmp Donalda Law Gmu Mn Hly 93 Aurorl weuvlew 3rd bow Net Mn Dunne 71 Samara ng um lshed in lie or ï¬rst pllce but Mrs om wasawurded top prize or up scan on the last elzht holel Examin er Phoio lReVised Seniol sSoftbqll Schedule FUNhTON SIGNS WINNIPEG CPI Wlnnlpu Elna Bomber announced My day um end Fmell Funslon has Illntd conlnc MAN ggnlwllh Ihg Veslun Foolbill Conferenu am June CalmDung Vall Innl Mlnml Bench out palnted an Molina 133 Sun Jim 10 Sunmenu Cum Fred noon 18 Saarmenu stopped Gullerrlz In Sm Antonio Tun Cardin Wnlusï¬rlln Curvls Wales oulpalnled Sum Clifl Mlaml Beach FII welter wdzhla Howard Wlnslanz 115 Wills stopped Alberto Scnl 125s Illly Winslune Hon Bumpeln leatherwellhl ll By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS uwnvau Aug 11ruel an Plan Queens Par no pm Edgar ï¬rs Siewartx Queml Park£90 pm Aug lbEdgar Tournamenl Edgar 11 mm Aul IZOpan Queens Park 330 pm Aug HPlayom No vs No Quetna Pnrk pm PllynlIsNu vs No Queens Puk pm ScmHinIls vs best 01 live serlu FinalsHes at seven seriu Aug lElmvm vs sum Aug Â¥Slewnrfl vs Elmvale Aug 1Tuelove Vs Han Pk Trueluvu v1 Slewr1 July lSEdur Burk pm July I7Elmvm VI Stewart Queens lurk100 pm nunIo le v2 Truelove Queens Parkmo July lsBnnl le vs East Edurczfl pm July mhuelnn VI Exmvnle Elmvan5pm July ulrualovu Stewlrta Queens Park330 pm July nEhnvnle VI Barrie Pllu musing605 pm July uEdng VLATruelove Queenl Putmm um July xoslewma v1 hullove Queens Park700 pm Elmvule Edgar Quaena YukMo pm Julyuslawn v1 Bmla Plan waning45 pm July lzTruelovo v1 Ed July llBIrrlu le vl Elmule Trueluvu v1 summ FIGHT nnsmï¬ It wu Ma ourlh win In em Isak Ivo mm for Lakevlowin thalr bid to land pllyofl spol Inuve glxleamAclquL Lama Dllry Ippnrenlly enjoylnl twee Inn at vie lary continued 12 thenMn ulna wm last night Queenl Park when they blew ameier than gktq um mm min InEFrmaaxn Soflhlil Luxu vloiary over Clnrkson Hotel ELleVieW Bests intermediate IVic7tforvf Ith Lakavihw vnulled Into Seagrgms Star Rated Best BEAGRAMS mvni emit CANAPIIAN wulunv IV 00 ngm mummommhmnmon outm namqu Ovpnlum whisky At popular prion iiï¬ In um utter tout nnor tcul ugalnnt Hm lhroo lending brand In III who clan Cnnndlnnl km the mom or Bongrnmn Eur hon Havo you trlod thlu grout whilky yon noudo ID Icon 890 you dont agron wlth Hm verdch of thousands of 011qu Cnnndlnnl dnd run It bout Plonan in Imoothor HH batterchilly nut mom Intlalylngï¬ï¬k genuinon no whisky at popular prion MM lruelove Queens Pukl pm 8min Plan Running615 pm v1 Surwml Queens Park700 pm melon Queenl Park330 p111 jt EUQVaIHJs Iym wélch chluvllle MT cox lsrjrivlnl In the am Ind iecond ncu um Seol humanm arlver cullpsed mar drlvlnl In Iwa events Roosevelt nau vuy nxesday nlm Ind dled en route to hugging Hg 4a Harness Race Driver Dies Govt Duck link at rm mu laur non milhi For cums SCENIC BOAT TOURS or XEMPENFELT MY mum DAILY Ar ML Ry My Tha dalrymen lot that one back In hp lhlrd only to maxhon bmk ht Ila with my Inlhg fourth llrntIrinlng lead andlunde In olherr In the second Then Cllrkson slated flvsnm rally In their hall lm aemnd Io pull theyd who Alon DELANEY BOAT LINES Pnnaxluk ndvancedlï¬ HM1 ml In year hclora losinl itchener Ink Vhlbley onto Tudnyl qualflyinx 1a Mi round 01 medll playmviu culylha Held 15 fur the Millar mu play which wlll continuaIo urdly Punasluks round was Ihc highlight oi the hiiliar 200 club pmam prelude lo the only re mainlnl professional mulch play championship in North America His round eclipsed Ihe nld cuurse record oi 66 set last miznth by Nick Wealnck oi To In warmup toxToday tying round of the Mlllar Tm phy go tournament TORONTOJCNBob Pail sink or Barrie laurndlhe Pins Valley Golf Club wllh murse was mere no no limes on the ermedllta Ichedule ionigh Tomorrow nlght Queenl Comumm GI and Burl mcee dish Ind mens lwln bill on lap 01 Friday Hi the In game Clarkson and Coop meek while Jayme Vt Lakulew in the second Bob Panasiï¬k Sets Record At Toronto Barker checked In with ghm Ml to lead Ill batters No of them went far doubles John Daugherty had pull lncludlnl tflple and sale JimQuin Ian lung pair at sipnlga Bill WIIker xinrlui for Clarke non but veteran Luke mnbuli ilnished the mound duties Lake view mch the pnlr or In ul nine hits one of hem home run by apposing pitcher chobnon Wu solo bin ill in wlth Ed Lulz has sparked Lako vlgwa ludden succesl wen flu distnee loplck up the win Ha heldelArluon In five hits Ind unly In the Iemnd Inninryiid ht encounter lny dlmcullyHl retired lhe Ian 10 butler ha medHawound up with leven strikeouts taker Ngialerlnl lhr In Hm Inning DANGERFIELI MOTORS out the pmihnl Di error Deal with RULE