muchm Udunh com24 EXTKND CONTRACT HOUSTON All The Nil llhnnl llnmlnn tvu LEM ELECTED NEW YORK MI llohorl Clmmhl 000 mu lrdrd 11de Sunday Ike Nora American hrnndl at Inlcmnllunal In Hockay Fedor nuon medium hrro LAUNCH YArllT GMSKIOW Smllnnd llltul mbï¬nwnlun unlnlna new rhnllrngrr lnr ynchlinul prlml Amnlml Cup wnu Inunrlwd murdny on the Holy Inch nut hm lmlnnnl by Ilnvld llnyd wM Mm dculgnnl Suplm IN MI llnlLIh thallenucr Sam rlml In own more mrnmllurd Umn my lemmr rmxlo in mm SEATTLE MT Wle DETROIT AWMIMI nar dnhl 0151mm wan llu Gohl Cup wedlan ande on Um Dolmn lllm Sunday consllnu la nml place In the MI rlmlllplnn ship hlnl Gnlo Drlrml won lhu llnnl hen wllh Tnhoo Mlu nl Hum ch lhlnl nm mudy lho Hnnl pulnl slnnlllnxn Mlu llnfdnlll Iln 1400 and MAY KEEP PLAYER WINNIPEG UP Commit Alnnor Sydney llnllcr the Cu nndlnn Ioalhnll Leanna 1m nvunmd Saturday Ottawa llnunh lUdm can kwp tnd Ted wmklm 1mm lhu Unlvmlly llxe lnclflc Hullrr mld ho wnl Inllalird lhrm wna no lmpmprl fly on OHnwnA purl In nlgnlnl ll dnr Wnkm callous mach Mm llnhdtn nmxscd the EM rm Cnnflmlm Club of rnliclnu Uxo plnyrr nwny lrom collage HERE AND THERE in Saturdays column the schedule for this weeks Senior Softball League was published at least we thought it was Actually it was last weeks sked and we apologize Barrie Plaza and Stewarts meet tonight at Queens Park at 830 its Stewarts and Truelove Wednesday at Queens also Eimvale and Edgar Thursday Stew arts and Plaza meet at Mineslng lruelove travels to Edgar Friday and Saturday Plam vs Elmvale Stewarts have fourth game on tap also but Im not sure when it will be It will be announced later this week Theres childrens day planned at Maple Leaf Stadium Saturday have on hand few tickets or kiddies and any parent wishing to take child or two to the ball game can obtain free tickeis by con taeting mo July 15 is the deadline for fning players to an Ontario Amateur Sotlbali Assoc atlon certilicate OASA ortlon only of all certificates must be in the hand of the OASA secretary prior to July 20 One player from each of the two teams slated to play yesterday afternoon at Queens Clark aon and Consumers showed up at the park Appar ently the game was postponed This is certainly no way to build up an appeal The above information was obtained from the Encyiopcdia of Sports and theres much more to the history of golf than this But space wont permit the whole story and hope these highlights interested you Golf apparently got Its start in the United States in the 18th century in South Carolina and Georgia The Canadian amateur tournament was staged for the first time in 1895 the Open in 1004 and the Can agilazn professional title first was competed for in The gutta percha ball came into being in 1848 and was the only type of golf ball until 1899 when the rubbgr ball invented in the United States was intro duce IN THE earliest days of golf the ball was stuffed with feathers as tightly as possible into small bag of very thln leather drlve of 200 yards was consider ed remarkable For me it still is In 1860 at the Preslwick course in Scotland the tlrst tournament was recorded and this in time ha came known as the famous British Open First club is stated to be formed around 1608 the Royal Blackheth Club JAMES IV of Scotland 14854513 developed into air golfer and his granddaughter Mary learned the game in early girlhood and was sent to France t9 study When Mary was in France she referred to the gall ball chaser as cadets meanlng pupils The pronunciation in France was cadday and later in Scotland and then In England the term was adopted the pronunciation being as in France but it was spelled both caddy and caddie Golf is known to have enjoyed some vogue about 1440 It became much too popular with the publlc to please ruler James II and 1457 he revalled up on Parliament to enact rule during month of March making it unlawful for anyone to play at golfe The story of the game In earliest times is rather peculiar since it deals much more with edicts against play than It does with progress or development IT APPEARS to be definitely established that the Scots invented the game but historians have offered everything from the guess that shepherds started it with their curved sticks to drawing with Hoi lander leaning up against slim stick curved at the bottom claiming this was driver But seldom do we ever sto and try to find out where the different sports or nate Take golf for instance It seems to be in the sgotllght at the pres ent Ever wonder where it had ts start Sport lsfasdnatlng to sa tholeast Theres sport for all ages and for those are unable to compete its one of the greatest topics of conversation Mormy Mir nés SCISSORED SPORT spam AT cumcn History Golf Is Interésting nmmn xmwn Tun yllhll In moo mlle Tout In France run hm Imam lllal ml only 43 50 mu minulp mmpnnd In the norm lo I0 hem Dlllllllu lAlDllrllhdl mcv dllvrr John Dunn 17 um hlllul when Mn lunblmm ludn tnr Mm all he rack and III wall Ilunnx rum on Ihn Ellvrmonc Trad flamnlny Mvk Weldon Il yumld mm mmr wnIm nlr Mqu in Iron Ellmbrth day xhl nfler vl nlr Iqumy tar Im II In hldny II III Hum durlnl prmlu as general mnnnzer or xix yum flay Harhclnx Coll pres ldrnt said Richard hm dams lm outstanding Job lnylnu lhI loumlntlon or successful club In than two yearn MAHICIMI FINE SAN FRANCISCO MP Junn Mnrichnl San lrnndscu Glnnll drew shun reprlmnnd Sumlny mm umpire Al mild and tho nulomnllc no ol $50 Um mm with um Ivbukowhcn Im whlpml pitch flow In In hem ol Lou pllchcr Dob Gllwm Xllmon hm hll Jlm 1an nn lhu Ml Illuuldrr knockan hlm dnwm and lhu lnllcldcr wnl Inkcn to In haupllnl or nyl OAKLEY DROIfl OUT DETROIT IDJul Mc Carthy ul udcm won um lu nIor llllll Armor kallnmum wnlk nmnmrrd hy llm Nallannl MU Mlunlny flnlnhinz noan nlno mlnulu nhend ddrnd In rhnmnlnn Ilonnld LnInI New York Mu Oakley cl Tun nnlu lrll llxe Ileld or 11 mil hm hm had In Imp ml lio cnmc llumnkh rmmpa NMF DIIIVICII KILLED EILV 510M II By RICK FRASER tom Him am Wish lllll Cnnlrell and In lulu Dflmll 119 won lha llnnl IML one Ihe deddlnl event lllh In nvurnu Ipml 1mm JP Illn llardoM flnlnhmimlzér day mm Imo Inn lo lhu numer un an Fm Ilp llld Mlu Hardnm were Io lur than on point ml ha look gnvluln Ihe lnnl IINIl mm COMIIMN Mumm romplnlml almul my wnlrr mmlillnm In he on Iwnla Ho Id ll Uml llme Ihe ram ulmuld mm been pau wml Muncry hm the ammo rnmplnlnu llnl Muum wnnl an tn wln nll mm III prelimin nrlm vrlnnlly rllnchlnu llw Travellan ml hovn loo lllllrl hnur Ihmlxll 1er Hum MEI Thrlfl wnyn mun mph qnnlflylu mun Um rncrn durlrd 1n lrmnlu rnlu and lundulm The nulcomo lbs uvrn Inllc hrnla doniml Ilrlvcr lllll Muncoy hnndllnn Mlu Thrill wny Ml hlnlmlc llflh Gold Mn vldury Mlu Thrillway llnlxhrd lnx nmquu Hug le MINI cmwd mlmn 115000 wnlrhml Um xlrnanc hunk on the Drum llhrr In All lur dnhl hunt on IIer of 04 luv Unlml Slnln hluhulpow rm unllmllml hydrofllnnu nm Scalllo lmnl drlvrn by Hon Musson lormlr Akron Ohla clmrlull contractor won lhe hnnorn Sundny by lrnvlnu Mr Invnrvd Senlllo mmpnnlnn Ihfvndinu dmmplnn Mln will way nr lhp mu DETROIT AmThe Efren and Mnck tnlom All mm dnhl fly an Gold 0m specdbonl £an ghnmplor tar 1m Gclbcruor was In the club huuso drawing M5 llnzcmnlll when Ford In the last three some with Human Keller Barberton Ohio and MoeNor man Toronto wns mclhodl rally playing cosy cvenpar game until ho wm one nvtr on Um mynrd par lhrcn nth Ho minndcr ero with 70 and his total for the Winner ment was stroke up on yenmld Gctlbcrgnr at Carl ton Oaks Calm who started the Inst mund shot tha pace The ntxIoottwo Gelbcr gcr slruddlcd mntmdcrx to tnka the lecondplnco 000 payofl with sparkling stxun derpm 65 host of tha Imu days By 185000 Race Watched um nu mm mm Ford methodically shook oi the challenge oi few fellow who mud his run at him over the unnxpcctediy tough ism7t Scarboro coms that yielded underpar iinni Numb to only 17 oi Saturdayl Held at Bet Conditions were perfect change irom two day oi wind that xnw goliera spray their hats all over tho 617 yard layout WINS BY STROKE Total now or tha Nyearuld mm Tam OShanlcr NY who hm hm hitting 101 balls or money since 1949 15 $325550 It is topped only by golden boy Argo Palype Lh He got it Salurday $9000 and the Scazmm Gold hip in the $50000 Ioumnment with four underpar 280 aver the 7141010 mm put him in aeoand place In the oflldnl mnneywln Mag 11 since records of flu sort wgro slamdnbnck In 1947 TORONTO CPDDoug Ford Whip around golf cuurse faster than any pm on the tour But any the newlymwned Canndlnn Open champion You keep the recordsgive me the cash Doug Ford Wins Open By OneStroke Margin VETERAN DWI Fwd right of Tam OShanler NY re ceive the Canadian Open 3011 trophy ram mwde Sca Mmhmlqmle IN or flu hlln Ind our rum In In lnnlnu In 1m Mn only pm om mu game OToole In In Ans rmvlu mrmn Mgrmined In win lbw mu manum Iv Hunnlnl hnwmr llrlml llinu Innlnn Snndny an oak hu hlnlrd In my with or Inn Ilrll Fm Bill Mmlbm MIKE Moulmuquelle In In nlle Bum lluy bul pllrhnl unly laur ln nlnn and Hank um wasnl anyuuly In lmuhle Mm Hunk II pewd ulecl rlumlmmkr to own Hm pun lumlnnnlly ï¬nk Imdcd hllllnu anlnnnl IMqu um 11 NW ani Ynnku Ikppcr ml lnnlly hm lrnnrd In Jlm Illi nlnl Dullall nsm Ham hnmlrd are who hm pllchrd hrllllnnlly In pmlnul A1151 um ll wnl rxmled lhnl Dnrk mnnnurr of Sun anclm Ul nnu mindful Hm our Idl Imndnl hlllm In Ihc Amvrimn lmnuunn Ilmllnu llnwp would nlunn llm Tuolqu Clnrlnnnll Hrdn mulbpnw who III won Mnnnnm Alvln Dark and llnlph Ilouk who will mum larmindllu lhn rlvnl Inrcu dld no plnn tn nmmuncc lhrir ml Ilnz ordm nnd xlafllnu lump unul 10 hour bolero gum limo MAY NAME TOOLl 1110 game will mark lhn ro urn In nna AlHiInr 1an mm our your two Each year Dc lpllo turn drlcala Ihu Amcrlcnn lpnzuo hold 1715 In In Hm mic dnlInu back to Hm II cmwd about 50000 ex pcclcd Inrgcsl Ilnm 55105 In In males watched lho Amor Icnns dclcnl lIm NAIIonnIa In the wound two lnmu In 1055 Thu gums Ix achcdulcd to bczln pm Em and wIII be Mr lIod by NBC and CDC IcIch CLEVELAND AmTho NBA llannl League winncr live ho lnsl seven gnmca excluding lie nch Ho5 cholcu lo de cnl the American League In nmsdnyl MU AllSInr lame Thm olhm were ltd at In this group was wycnmld Gmrga Knudsen or Town who won the lumen 01 as Qqndllm 13m Keefe of whylimd Mn YDmEEEZISI Bob linghurg orï¬Mund Om with 67 and In our mungrmnlolnl wonugloo Crnmplon that finalround 60 Buyer and Hawkins VI and lheyleaq ppckclnd $63 ell ell Una pace were Owrge Buyer Pasadena Cumv the 1957 Canadian Open winner Brutal Crnmplon of Sydney Auslralh and Freddie Hawkins El Puo Tex He got his hlrdla on the with Moot pressure puIL He whacked nu downthemld die drive on tha ï¬nal hole put his second shot just four leet shun b1 the In and ddlbcrv ntcly pulled nche short to make sure of hls par four ï¬gured could have got that pull on the lath had to he said But you dont get any more money If you win by one make or two strokes THREE PMCE THIRD Brackclcd at 282 two makes National League Favored 6To5 That made Gciberaer and Ford 1111 even alter 63 holes an intelligence that was passed on to Ford He needed bird In the last four hoies to win it all or 1112 evenpar figures to force suddendeath plgyoll underpar 70 In the ï¬nal round the tourney at Scarborough Ont Saturday Ford also gram after shooting one FAIL KHANFIOOI NIJW 0llK AmNew York mm armed but nna lxmm plnyrr nml hmulhl up nnmhrr Sunday Flm lmwmnn onl Ilnllkr Ed Mumpool an In yonrvold alum nflrr grndum Inn mm New mk MKI Idle Inn mason mu ml to llullnlo lllmn the Inlmm Ilzmnl lAnuuo um lrny plldur mvrr luuoll wnx Ircnllul 1mm lllllolzh nl Ihu Cnrullnl llaflm Thu Amnrlcnm will open wllh has Angech Anuch hon Wnu Ml lllclr No ball In lhu mulch nlonx with lrnmmnlu Alhlo lrmun nnd Detroill Al Kullnn who In ledlnu will In InJund leg lmrwn mxlnm Mickey Mnnllo lhe Mnym Nm choice lor crnlrcllrld wha hnn lbw Iliklllltd wllh too trac uro Also an lhn anlunnl man will ho Snn Muslnl who wlll In nrpcnrinu In IIII mh conv mm AllShir nine Tho Nullonnll boas gllllm Ina oultlold comprised of Tammy Davis lha lcnguol lendlnx hlllor Aaron the No mm In homers nml rum bnucd In and Mnyn pqhnps haw balll but all around per lormcr pmnrh his game wilh dlflcrent nlllludes ll thvy xllck In their nrlalnnl lnlwllom Dark will hear hll mum in name us aux as possible while Hank will make whuluzlln nubslllu Inn won ll lcznlly pcrmlssablc Dclcndlng champion Ted Kmll of For Lauderdnle 115 denl make nlckel The moneywinninz Usl stopped at 295 and lhe Healold arma rlno mm In with 298 on 7473 7771 rounds Haw up 1th 788 total on 71737172 roumis Al John ston 01 Montreal with inal mund 66 was incond law Ca nndlan pro WM 11 onwverpar or the tuurnnmml He won 31400490 more than veteran Sum Leonard Vancouver who had 72707571289 Gelberurl mum rounds were 7+717l Keefe and Norman were next wllh 213 big group was bracketed 214 and Gelbcrger was secmlngly nowhere WM 213 In slot with ï¬ve others Fora always was in cznlcm don with 696714 rounds and on the final dny started with 110 two mm up on Kelscr and Jack Fleck the L0 Angela go who startled the gall world 1955 when he came out nowhere to beat Ben Hogan In playafl or Ihu US Open ll era salesman and Kciscr pm since 1935 who has madeonly infrequent appearance on the our alnco 1919 Each won 31 ALyAys COMENTION Nlck Weslock A0 Toronto was picked up $9000 In first prlza money for 72hole Iota of 230 one better 1th Al Gei berger or Carlton Oaks Calif CF Wirepham CLAPPIRTON rAIfsm AM Ihu pl In vhnl him In In your van Man qu1 In In pm Nth no um will no um ynu mp lnlmrm mp Runoth In an lull Im llAIllI Illllclmll wUIl Lan Imnm NOW IS THE TIME TO PLANT THOSE SAVINOSI luluDon Zlmmrr WMh Inglon Srnnlan collcrlnl nur Mu Including Ind Ilnm homer And knocked In uvrn mm In Wuhlnzlnn ultndcd IL winnlng mm to man nmu by hcnllnl 1m Anzclu Mulch lwlcl Ind IH lllthlnlSnndy Koulnx Angola Dodgm mainland ucond umluht Ihuloul lmd clxhlh 01 um an1 Ind be came flu nKnmo winner in major wllh to vlclory over Clnclnnnll nmlx National luxun Icmkrbndurn nlm mm the mound mm lnr duuhlcpcndcr nwrrp By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS stock car racing the WI Inga Bunch Speedway had in be cancelled dim end ho Uula wlure nee Saturday nlm due to pouring rain Ind lllp very luck who starter In th mml Ilylnz how was Jlm Mane madman USA Hm had mplaed the 100 In lea turo the previous nlghl at the CNE Mnnell who one of the up drlvm in Mnmchum Homver everyone that or an hour or less at Barrie Arena tonight lherell be no relaxing or the muscular Alaskan There may be lemn min hm It could well be In Mood Yukon Mth an old ncquahlb Killer Kowakld in he No slr He goes or swim Eric like to Max For all his Iize and strength Yukon Eric is known as mild man Eden and alter bouts he doant go mar ng up and down main mm In My large convertible KEMPENFELDT CRDIT UNION Stock Car Races Halted By Rain League decimals until week ago wins they picked up couple ui pitchers the dairy mcn never looked better Ihal ihey did last night They play ed lawlesst behind the steady aixhii pitching oi one oi their late additions righihander Ed Luiz was tough loss for thn Mnnal whn turned In Ionrhll Lnkevlew Dairy ready Ia make Md or playnl berth In the Intermediate Softball League took another Jump in that direction last night at Queens Park when day down ed Barrie Jnycees Ll Yukon Kowalski Renew Old Feud DANGERFIELD MOTORS walk am he got out ol the 1am unscmched In tour Dykstra was in control all ma way and only once was his shut out threatened That was In the seventh Inning when he gave up twoLol th gut Mt and also Boll team have wonlost recent Stewafls Garage 01 law two points behind with two less game played Ind 75 mark Elmvale and Edna each have 69 records Salurday It Elmvale True Javas Don Dykslra hurled ourhit shutout when Trueluva tabbed first place with 50 vlclary Bu Plan met EIm vale Sunday and picked up class 65 victnry to move back lulu lie with Truelove Tmelnve Hunting and flanlo Plan used Elmvale to keep gee Map the Senior Snnball ague standing over the week ymlr mm VIIHI uvlnu whrn yuu dell wflh BALL STARS True10ve P1c712c1 Past Senior Loop Victorias PAD July no In tho data that has bccn nnnounmd or the bl wreck am qt the fpcodylny Siock carï¬rndng mu In dcrway at the szn Dead gcdwuy nxnln nut ml at Then win be we 15 lap eulum next wait one or them being hold over lrom Inst week em ahawod up well In the qual Hylng hunt and hope lo return lo Wang Dead or hm me mcollnu In the near Mun 1he opener mnlchea Mike Valentino against The Great Mgphlsto Sb hold on to your haL better sun dont wen mm the arm lhl evening The Inst time the pair met In Montreal Kowalskl snlpped on part Mon Erics ears The Mood that flowed was Yukona 111 hey lube is the nature on acnsudonnl Ihrccinuc uni Semiï¬nal p11 world lllle mn tender MUM Australia against Lamaze Parenll event of 31a pï¬lésslonal wresulnzr card that stem at HMS iialoncy dropï¬ed mun with nglea Wilson 0011th nn Douaherlys hit Barker fol lowed and sent groundar to Dan MacDonald at short Mac Donald seooped up the ball and threw to the plate In time In set Wilson but patch John Lakcvlcw made the most 01 three single and couple bmaks lo grab land In the thin Inning Wilson and Daugherty led pedalmanna three of them In Lakeviews threenu third In ning and sevenlhAlnnlng homer to Ed Barker Only one Lake VIEW mm was earned Plaza built up lead alter flve Innings but Elmvale came up with Him runs in the sixth and another In the Mom 01 Glen Adams shoestring catch the ninth Inning with runner on third nnd two out saved the day or Plaza in their s5 Vic wry yesterday was the games nnly butter with two mm The True lav centre ï¬elder banged out slxngle in the lhird and iflh in myqu mm Tr ove Bra bed 14 lead In he ï¬rst and their lhirdin ning explosion was mare than enough api up eynods started or Elmvale but was shelled nut In tourrun third Inning Chappel can linLsP lye game the bin lnnlngs he laced nnly he mlnlmum three bauers and In 091m laced faur mllnlnrlmy Wine Irl us know ll hml loath Mrnl Shun In dullrnlul In ynu lln rmlnmrr qunllly wlu ml nlyln Mm lhnl yuu Ill 11an Mum lrrl Mm Iu lulhlnn Nu lmnlmlm mm nur nlura Gun Roach Do youru Invour Do Gord Randy new ynur purchnns lmm vur unto my mi 1007 Inllllnrlnry mm pnlr nl mks la II dull ll yuu huvo punhnml rlnanl mm in the pull and Imvu lmn nlldlul ï¬rm In innw any lulmr purchan arr nnl mllnlnrlmy plum Irl us know We ml on brnmlul Ilnr nml nro proud by Kim mnnulnc lurrn you know nnd lnul Our lmulnm In hulll rm nullsllul runlmncrl Mm rnmn Imck lmo ml min Ire mi 100 In nc my mm pnlr nI mks la lull clulhu wn lmul that you wlll glva Um orpurluully lo Idjml lo ymxr mlldnrllan the i251 Onh JIpnnTsuyushl Na hmura 109 Japan out poinlcd Churchul Laemfnph 109 Thailand 12 Nuknmurl won Orient flywelxh title AW Nu umx wm Bulln GummyKarl Mlldcnberzer 174 Berlin out polnled Wnynu Bclhca 134 New York 10 Ban Jun Puma MooGil DIM N9 New York oulpolnlcd Tpugh 148 St Crolx 10 New ank Gnspnr Orton 150 Mexico Dulpoinlcd Billy Bella 151 New York In By THE Assammu muss my strikeouts The six hlh Re an up wen divided among Lined MacDonald and leo Fame all lmvinz pair Jayne got one the runs back in Lhelr Innl ol the lnnlnz when Bob Llnes led oil the hing with home to lelt field Lines came through will double In the ï¬lth and scored Jaymes only other run wlm Dan MacDonald slngled Thats the way the scam stood until tlla seventh Mnnol got the ï¬rst two batters will out any trouble but Barkar pick ed out walsHllgh plldl Ind hanged ll lnto centre lleld or aclgwit smash That was Rib but Mixad Jaycm In am 1n the bot hall of he min aid the game dime Mannl Illen Ianned Mama and Richmon but Lulz slash ed single Into lefl ï¬eld to score Batten Daugherty went to third nnd scored an wild pitch Govt Dock II lyfleld SI llxnu PA um Tour nonl Anfllbla For Chm SCENIC BOAT TOURS or KEMlENlELT HAY mum DAILY AT no the sixth giving up ï¬ve hits and lhree runs tn narrow Pizzas margin to two runs He was headed far trouble again In the ninth until Adams ended the game with his ï¬ne catch FIGHT BESULT Plaza struck at Ihree rum in the second and added another in the third on Pratts basesflnpty homer Campbells leadat homer In lhe fourth got one of therun back or Elmvale but Plaza pushed anuther pair 01 IE acrosg it the liflh hits the ninth They had the lain marker on third two pm Leo Belcoufl rifled shrug 5ft ï¬gld where Adams madg Wen anney went the dismnce for the winners and gave up seven hlts live at them In ham sixth ignlng mums Leo Bclcourt lwlrlcd or Elm vale and was clipped orlfl DELANEY BOAT LINES ym mu