Open Hausa sum Wednede It Teflon Equipment mud on Elthmy 11 south near the all of the old apple barn which was destroyed by lye last year Wuflnm Teflon owner of the legacy graduate Agricul tunl Engineer from Ontario Al rlcullural College at Guelph Het been In the arm equlymen Ind constmctlon machinery bus hes for 10 years The past tour was al Owen Sqund Mum Equipmént this local away or MusseylFergumn me new bulldlng modern design provides he ulllmma In Inrm machinery repair and part Iluruge in Its 2800 squat feet Cm Index system provides speedy access to 70000 para It Includes camglete Inventory of all Massey Ferguson as mov ing pgrln In the event that the custom erl want are not presently in max 2448 hour service is gum Imeed on most of these needs factory tralncd mechanic will pmvide complete equipmun overhaul service Mr Token his wife Ruth and Ions David Chrlsmzher and dnughler calla live in Burk SUDBURY OP Lawrence Bedml 51 Sudbury was killed and two men were in jurgd Wear accident aarly odny In two drivers Edgar Ba dard 39 of Sudhury and Dan Ild Joseph Beatan nl Sault Ste Marie warn reported In satu llctory condlLlon in hospital TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA Tolton Firm Plans To Hold Open House One Dies Hurt In TwoCar Crash TOLTON EQUIPMENT Complete New line of MASSEYFERGUSON Equipment on Display Modern Building houses COMPLETE PARTS and SERVICE FACILITIES FIFID DEMONSTRATION DOOR PRIZES GIVE AWAYS COFFEE Promotion for El Bay 13011 School To Gnda Davld Lee Lind Middleton 1mm Medea Nam cy Wlkon Wanda Vlrzlnll Chu pentler John Kelly Ava Lee Judy buchklw Maureen Met calle Mary Lou Penmln Glenn Wamicl lh Grade Julie Anne me hulsl Terry wchklw 1b Grada Gordon me burst Lyndn Metcafle Bill Gaodyer Malay Wllllnrnson mm WHsan To Grade Lynn Brown Therm Chlrpenuer Frances Crawhum Linda De Jnrdlne Bernndme Dorian Michael Dorlou Ben Howard Rodney Howrd Ambrose Ireland Chris LONDON AHFor tho sec ond lime in can Clivedan the Maier home 01 Lord Am tor has hit the worlds head linesbut ior vastly dissimilar reasons in incl had it not been or beautiful Christina Keeierl nude swim in Ciivedenu out door hm might naver have en Profumo acmdnL For beside um poolpmpely good time girl Christine then 19 rack Bduln mlnialer war John Profuma Lhen 48 who recently resigned Thu Burtad It all Pmtnmo and hlu wile the iormer British actress Vnieria Hnbmn were spending week end at Clivcden Their hosts were the present master of alveden Willinm Waldor Ad tor the third Viscount and hi third dud present wile tho for mer inndnn uhian modal prefly Bronwcn Pugh vimunl Astor is ducendani of John Jacob Astor of New York who immded vast fortune in furl Lying three miles norlhaasl oi Maidenhead and about mile Big Bay Point School Results Lord Astor Hits The Headlines And All Because Of His Pool CONGRATULATIONS WE WERE PLEASED TO HAVE BEEN CHOSEN TO DO THE GRADING FOR TOLTON EQUIP MENT LTD l9 Ecclu 5r MASSEY FERGUSON STEWART CONSTRUCTION Sales and Service Wm Judy Memalle Delt Ngllon lamina Piper To Grade Dewah Good yer Gordon qu newly How Ird Michael Mmle Daniel Nelson Diane Perkins Elin both Imam minor Dorian Bandy Dunn Mill 00w Lindy Duch mimics Maul JLrn Sim lleu Dabornh Webb Teaches Mrs Johnston Mn Holman lhlmes Cliveden Korma estate with It mu house elab orate formal saxdull smaller buildings and chaleta Grade Karen Brown Max mehmst Donald De Jan dine Mn De Jlrdlne1mla Do Jardlne Vldm Dorian Glfy Gow Mary 11mm Lam Perklnl Linda Strange Kathy Wilson Mora the Second World War Cllveden won certain Amount of natallat the meellng place of group pallLluuu Intellectual and dogooden magnum edltor nlcknlmed them the Cllvaden Set lmm alignm or the Rim mm award ï¬rms In recog fxllkm outtandhgg pmfldqncy WAVERLEY Morfll Darby mldenl at this Mnmulllty was recently elemd Rob omen Associate member the Canadian Seed Gmweu Assn dallqn Hummus In pedigreed seed production for he good general farmer Ind or wadersth In community an any organizations There have been only 150 Rob AVardg flu 111 Canada wth to Oniirlo Waverley Farmer Wins Seed Award Grada HeMher 11mg TOLTON EQUIPMENT are going HOGWILD With their Wednesday July 10 OPEN HOUSE PA 07321 ly THE CANADIAN PRES omrlo Ind Quebec claimed tho be death reported rou Clnldl during the week rtmevan pemm did In Infllcneldnntl 12 war drowned one person dled by flmnndihm were ugh ml ceflueaua dun according to Candim Pm mm mm Mn Friday to mldnil Sun £19931 Umu Eighan my 19 Iran 13mm in Quebec Mlv atlluen oc cuned during um um period In Ontario Four penonl were drowned Ind nna died In lire mum killed onulï¬emn and Ingmar died In The HEMdoe Rt include Industrial accidents Ilnyinn Ind lulcldu Ontario dud SUNDAY Anthony Blur 40 of Toronto drowned when bl kayak uvnrc Iumed In Lake Ontario near Toronto Chute Fenian 50 ot Murilln dmwnod Enndny while flahlng In El Dog Lake about no mils naghweu the Lnkehpad hum dmwned while ï¬shing mm goal Lake 51mm at lurkey Weekend Death Toll Is 58 37 On Highways 12 In Water ELECTRICAL SERVICES LTD 50 Innllï¬l PA WE OFFER THE FINEST IN WE WERE PROUD TO HAVE BEEN CHOSEN TO INSTALL I0 pm TOLTON EQUIPMENT lTD ELECTRIC MUlOR REWINDING AND REPAIR COMPLETE WIRING SERVXCE FOR Hours BARNS ETC CONGRATULATONS ELECTRICAL WORK Michael Edward Beckmom 21 of Wlndsor when muck by lllhlnlnl Point Pele GuenLher Deck 24 of Kllcha ner whun the eu In which he Wll driving Ilmbk me Ilzn Ind miled over In Kitchenfl Albert Jodaln 31 of Com wall when the cur In which he was ddln went out control nu Cornwall Hen KHIop as of anonko in the his Toronto home Robb Edward kum 01 St Catharina when the cur In which he wu rldlnl run all and and crashed near Ather ey Budd Elwood elm 19 Pelerborouzh H1 ed In Mr car crash llmllel northeast 051mm Arpad Km 22 Toronto drowned In Mmalman Lake while letnmiqxn SATURDAY Lawrence Bedud El of End hn In Iwocu collision near Slut Staiujlg Laurie HIEIHMMI 01 st Jonehlm whan his mom cu III lggeraj St Joachim Mn Serum ï¬aï¬wanhy G1 cl Caledonh in hospital all be Amaid Mééinn 61 ML bury when ha all down ï¬lm nlalnln udhqry PA 64859 In much by car luv Cal Edbnll FRIDAY Mn Vern Evnnl 51 P9 tmllq whzn the an which sh wu drlvlni went out control onufllqhwgy 5013521 Klldgegu Mychnyho Leaklw 41 Tor onw whnn the xPickup truck he was drivan over an hp ease Elk1mm Wax Herbert Kon Tax anla when the car In which he was rldlnl wn muck by an olguf par In Tomnta héndm chluuon um New Forest Brlmm Amman so and Ill YlfllEdfll album in FIRE DAMAGES ELEVATOR WALLACEBURG Ont CF Fire caused an estimated 000 dumm Snmdny when de Itmyed the Albert Street min davntor of St Clair Grnln and Feed Company Limited Adkin lnz omen warn mod 429 BLAKE 5T CONGRATULATIONS BERTRAM BROTHERS TOLTON EQUIPMENT General Contracting ManyFerguson Dealer HARM EXAMINER MONDAY MY 1M Promotion list or Baxter Public Schdnl To Grade DLynne Dangio Danny Edam Adelle Mulee Ellen Menary Una Plzhln Bar bara Saunders To Grade aShella Laycock 1b Grade 7Lynda Meal Richard Madman Emory Mulvllyv To Grade km Day Der wyn Denney Mary Jo Laycock Baxter Exam ReSults The allnew MP 300 lnu IE onllc go conlmlslncludlng cylinder Ipml and concave uplclng adjuslmcnu mm or tutor clcnncr humus Rcvolu llonnrySnddlo Tank dcslgn mldt cupncily mnncmcr ahlllly slnblllly Comes wllh Im 13 cm Convul nrlacnnmrcmn In 10 mlnum Once you no ll nonn cthcr will do Slop ln Iodnyl PAINSWICK LIMITED LIMITED voul MSWFERGUSON nuun nghway miles South of Barrio PA M485 Emile 71303119 Dpyeno Mnogey Gun Murphy Maiym sci mes Tn Grade Kirk DIIJHn aaqu Gibson lb Grade knonnld Dem Kcfl Day Danny Dun Ran ald Edgar Barbara Gibson Wm WW Sandra Marten In Grade John Beau Clyde Beer Llnda Dendman Denlse Denney Lynn Dulfln 5531 Tommy Martell Namath Mannmlndpal Denney Jr Room teacher BARRIE iii