Gasoline power is roied by ocione numbers Up to now ii your cor is designed for medium ocione gasoline youve probony been buying Canadian automobile owners who pay too much for gasoline because they oversatisfy the requirements of their cars Checked your cars horsepower lately You may be one the 591600 Now BF has fitted the gap with two new Super gosotines in the medium octone medium price range 50 now you con choose from fourBF Maximum Energy Gosolines three Supers plus one Regularond get any one of the available toprated premiums to satisly it But if yqu car doesnt need all of that power youve been wasting octane and money HORSE SENSE Your BF donII can hle In In Ham on to give you munmum pawn will manlmum ccnomy maximum energy gasnlines The right one will make your car run like thoroughbred lhem at the lowest possible cost 51 Imn Mun our gulaliML Nut hut um um at dawn la 1qu yaw and budgll POWER TO MEASURE PRICE TO MEASURE BF CANADA LTD REGULAR SUPER WHITE BUPER BLUE SUPLN um 1h Anmn famous Ionnclun pmulum nlwnyl sold UP Mao Ilallonl Cum Inn rm unllnn lhnn Sup Rnd Com Inn mruatlon than Sum Rad Inn only mum Ilmn llnuuhn Thu Iflml lnpunllnbld llwuulnr unwllm alwayl Iuld If Mu Ilnllom Awfï¬Ã©g we