Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Jul 1963, p. 11

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MissesVeima Smith Doria fifiuiheriand Linda Butler and Bnl Wait attended the Young gPeoplca Camp Midland or he weekend large crawd attended the Valrawberry lestival Wednesday might Giliord and Bond Head boys played hall followed by variety mgram including piay hy cc We Gwill Wl and musical selections Congratulation to Miss Velma SSmith on passing her exams at Teachen Coilcga She will he teaching in the local school next VP Mr andMn William Brooks attended Ihe luneral oi their cousin Ray Simpson at Midland flan Nesday unlon was bald on Samday nnd Ihe Rainey amin held Its gelIo ether on Sunday in the park Mlsscs Marlena and Judy Haine and Janet Orr are spend ing lhe summmj lake resorts Mama JULY too Mlc Mflun Club L50 man Iy mnTlmn loo Mn mm hm Slnnlnnl Jubfln relmnp Krill My In Than Tm Pment mm Nun Sworn NOW nan JULY Pmmu Iuo Nun wuunr varu Imam limbll summenm nu mu lun nlu Mll Mum Arum Nu mu lpam on rmn Cu Parry hlau 833 ggp gas idze rccupen in from surgery Royal Vlcmnn Hospital on Fridayr Mn Roy Newson Is pal lent In Ihe Royal Victoril Hol pilal and reported resting comfannbly liter surgery on Tuasdly Ipcrdy recovery and MONDAY mu too sen1m mu Vmuan 11m on Happy to report lhat Norm Thompson ho murncd to his home here Thursday lrom Roy Victoria Hospital Barrie where he had been palienl or about cvon weeks Mowing Vhem lack Mrs Klmllon of Purdue 5154 kachewan is spending monlh 31m with her daughter Mrs Ed wgrd Sullon Mi Bari Junker and son Toronto are holidaying wiLh Mr an Mrs Edgmorp Swimming lessons cammenbcd an Tuesday atVTomnham Mill Pqng wflhfi child rgllegt Mr and Mn Waller Reynolds motored to Manltnulln Island ov erfllhe weekend Mr and Mrs Vlmam Wall Ind Mr and Mrs William Suth erland alluded ha Federation of Agriculture banquet In Ear rie in honor Miss Louise Col IeyndMrL qurenca Fish 5n Friday night rcupmc was killed on z1h way in Iron Mrs Greens home By MRS DUNSMORE Congratulations to Dianna hick and Jeanne Jamey who passed their plan examina lions hlld by the Royal Cun Iervalory Muslc of Toronto haanrrIe no CROWN HILL All an In In Dellvmd To Von Im THERI IS NO CHAROI IOR THIS SIRVICI lllduwl BOND HEAD TELEVISION PROGRAMS DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND YRUCK CF10 CHANNEL CARRIER MISS YOU VAllEY TAXI CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE PA 82433 Mun mu woo Kladn cm mu Ilnnlnl 11 um Mmlnl mun um lllnwu 11 no my Nam won mun mm Cu nu ID gm r1 Sumptdl 71nd Hm CTV Nm ml Mllm nml luo Plur union our nmuu JULY won mail me Ilomlnl umlu um Momlnl uun ml lno no we xspule followed Ivy has only eight players he loam hnd lo import lwn boys lo be able to field Ium One coach thinks this shouldnt be Illowed ll Ulla the case those ban 0me who want In play ball wont be able lo There lsnl anoma mun Eunlca Smith vlsfléd VIM her daughter Mrs Home In ngry Sognfi lh ¢ud Mrs Elwood Jamel read th mlnulis from the last meeting Plans were made In th bake sale at he lake on August at Innlsfll Park ere was no April or May meellng Mrs Elwood Jannell gave the report on lheannual meeting held in Toronto In Mr ril Mr Tom Lee gave part on the dcnnery meeting hlld at Bccllon In May Dckels are on hand or he draw lo be held the annual lurkcy supper on October 15 Those nf he congregallon still wilhnul llckels can net hem rum Mm Wilson Mrs vilsoniomcled contest on lrces mm the Bible BASEBALL NEws lvy Juvmllé team blanked Strand 90 last Fridny evening when 31ml angnylh pitched hi tehnn to good health Iawlslied at har Mr and Mrs Robot SInclllr Erlan Janie vand Gemgs Atkin Ion enjoyed the holiday week m51lpKlnlsls Hallhurtop Waiting in the community over the wcekendmera Mrs 63qu Enrly Toronto with Ed Sut tons Mr and Madame Stru chan Debbie and Stephen at vaenhursl and Mr and Mn Terry Seawrlzh Galg Duns mores ngrnlulullons to Upda Muslim Bobby Dnlry Ronald Summers and blame Tuck who were graduates of Shnnly Bay public school Also congnluJa Ions IoErlan Sinclair who was awarded ma boys prlxa or nu est books through the year D1 anm nnck gave the vnltdmory address the graduating exer cisgs last Wedngsdny evenlnz symp exp ed 10 the family 01 the lam William Anderson whn died at the Gen era and Marine Hospital at Cal lklxwood Sunday ML Anderson was formu tcsldenl his community The June meellng Christ Churcn Ivy WA was held at the home of Mrs Ken Smith with ll present Mm James McDer molt read the Bible tending By MRS WIIMER WILSON Ilomlnl umm Momlnl mm rm Noondu nrm Moman an Our um mumcl mun llom 1n mum Mm mun cm Idamy rum xmao 11mm mm Mn mu To 71 mm um um cur rrv Mum nm run mum mumn rtv Mum Hm IM 1mm New llulonlloxn cm Nun Mm In Her Ll wmnu 59m rumunn sgmnl Emu sum country martian cucrrv New wmner Emu New Mumm TORONTO IVY Openlng lend lnnk nl clubs Thll hand will played In In mllch bclwecn France and the Unlw Slnle In 1956 Cnnsldcw In lhnl lhll was world cham plnnshlp evenl and um ul boll lahlu lnm will prncllcnlly no chancu cl auccm wu reachcd ll xecms nmunnble lo conclude lhnl ln Iome hand he uptm laundcr badly 11w When the American pair hold he NorlhSoulh cards the MU dlnx wen IhOWII ll ll hard to blame 50th or underlnkmg lhu lllm liter Nnrlh opened the blddlnl with made on hll nklmpy vnlur and lhcn rnlud lho lwn hem mpome to hm Mr and Mrs CSlewan and daughter Carol and Miss Don elda Shelp spent last week Do Luke Mr Manleilh and Brawn spent Monday with Mr and Mrs Brown Barrie Weekend vIsllors at the home Mr and Mrs DAngio were Mr Coleman Ind son Larry Baotou and Mrs Fairfax Tottcnhnm fly Juvinli £33m took lecond place at II ball Imminent plgyed kslown July Ivy Pee Wee played their first game against Shroud last weekand losl lhe score was 119 This league consuls In nlgfll 7355a schools Hot Dry weamcr teem lo hg mg order the day Rain is needed there are to be any garden and berries Every une is busy haying And the old wimmlng he 13 tilled tadl BY beautiful nativity window wss dedicated special ded ication service Christ mun ivy June 30 This window was dedicnied in mm ai ViI iam Henry Davis Re you Jnna Davis Gladys Elizahefl Davis Flt Sgt Henry strlnce Davis by John Hanry Davis Norm and Wilirid By MDNTEITH Mr and Mrs Leo Mchnald and sun of Newmarkel spent the wcekcnd with Mr and Mrs Hummer Mr and Mrs Anderson and daughter and Anderson and daughter of Town spent the wetland Bowdpry Mrs Halpenny Ind lamlly spent last wéck wilh Mrs Nul pennyl parcnls ML and Mrs Martin of Wallaceburg In Win Evan and lamily London Ontaria are spending the summer holiday at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs M51 Money Those Amlle you see an most at the BDCC student 11 due lo the Inc repelt cards are on pnujnz marks Mr Ind Mn Kenneth Suther lnnd and Gary Taronlo spent the weekend with Mrs George Wilson Kirk of Barrie called on 31 FEW leamh lhplleazue that has nly Illplayer lhe team llza Kursis is spending lhis week at camp in Penn USA DAILY CROSSWORD Tha bidding North rut Fun Pu 59h lfl um Ikln nod 10 ML chm l1 nude him no mild and In Inan mime MI 19 Mlnlnd mmnnl um I0 lflnhrl ml in Malina marm II my nu Homo um bin North dealer EastWu vulnerable imm MIDHUBST STN A0306 mm and all how mum ll My 9317 Shun mutual In plumA CONTRACT BRIDGE NORTH 0311 KIM AI +0 unoo mu uanz scum nus AQP ox 4x MI was mm mull mm of vnluhu Lnonol odln hunlnd 0116mm but mm By 15v auxin RM The North player lhl lnbla also found an openlng hld Ir misllhlc and ho turlhcrmnra Jumped lo Iaur hcarll over lwo Apnnrmlly hls cnmclence wnl not At all lrnublcd by the llnh openlnx hld he had made even lhmxgh In hlzh curds he had only one are and one klnz Thul Amcrlcnn lInst pulled hlmsell lnlclhcr and douhkd lhul commnndlnl made lnud whlch he sat and Soulh went down one The Unllcd Slnlu unlmd 50 polnll an the deal whlch was pracllcall lllexl um Ilnmlnll but nclhcr lenm dld nnylhlnl wnrlh wnllng homo about mm uguno mummy Immmm North 146 From Soulh vlewpolnt the only trick the opponents were likely to act was the ace they were marked to have by the blddlnx South would have been right of course North had had the Hulntpndtblnlhfld of the queen which we not too much to expect or even 11 North had had the 04 at rpades However North had neither holdtne and Soulh had to no down one when the hand was played II the second table with French pnlr nuw holding the Northioulh cards thl biddinl went onko number from here amended the district Orange Parade tn Barrie St Andrews Presbwa dn Church Sunday Evening Bax er Juvenile Band was in It lendsnce Mr and Mrs Ruddlck Ic campanlcd by Mr and Mrs Rus sell Downey mended lhe Spelt mureunior SlzatgmdL 0m number from here attended the luneral Mrs Buyers Monday afternoon to Allulon Union pemelerx Gears De Gum spent day wifir lriend5 at Dunnvllle ML and Mrs Gabriel Beau chesne and Inmlly Mr and Mn Jack Klng or anonm spcnl chIkend gtjheoghll VLelturann the weekend with and Mrs Gauley were Mr and Mrs Dun Cameron and family Catharina Mr and Mrs Bob Cameron and lamlly Barrie Mr and Mrs Don GauXey ung family and Mrs Kisbe Tor Mr End Mrs Bert Edward anonlo visited rectngly with M1 Edng Edge Mr and Mrs John Graham and lamily Ollawa spent the weekend wilh Mrs Grahaml brother and sister In law Mg and Mrs Beer eyer Ind spent the weekend with Mr Beyers molh en Mrs Beyer They attended the Oranze service here and the district parade In Barrie Sunday evening Mrs May Dafiks Barrie spent the weekend with her sister My £11131me gnglny Mr 11nd Mrs Daley Edgar spent Sunday with Mr and Mn WJ Emiley Jr Mrs Dchhey received word Sunday that her uncle George gogllllcr had died in Glace any VIM wllh parents Mr and Mrs Ellis lackwood Saxk Ar and Mrs Jim Boyd daugh ler Dzdra and sun Jlm of Cal gary called pn Mr and Mrs Frgwley Mr and Mrs StewartJgrnib son and family Fins vlsked Mr and Mr Wflllam Miller Bx MRS FMWLEY Mr and Mrs Ed Sulnvan Port Credit are Ipendlng week new MOUNT ST LOUIS unduly Mulghy lra By MRS MAY DENNEY Eu Pm mm BAXTER Baum Dumcll humm IS Mull Cull 14w Ibbr Welt FDR Vou DENM mom HAVE SURPRISE Wk MWRITE DISH FDR VUU DEMl maxw Wk Mvcmr DISH FDR MNNER TONIGHT an afim TELENOMEIA CUTE SPACEMYBTEZIOUB UNINDENTIFRIED Lawns caviar rm BARBIE mqm MONDAY JULY vomr mm 10 mu Human

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