TORONTO CPLTwo nrhl ration bnards handed down ch cislnns Samrdny setting out contract terms for 1400 mm hcrs of he Lumber and Snw mill Workers Union CLC who went on slrikc at Knpuskasing and Longlac in Norlhern Onla rio last winter The strike at Spruce Falls Power and Paper company at Kapuskasing led to viulencc and the dcalh of lhmc strikers over lhaduwing strike at the same time by 500 union members at KImhcrlyClnrk Pulp and Paper Cqmpnny at Longlac Both cum Miss Allison Turn 15 1cm Washington DC 0an ues her an segregation march through Gwynn Oak Amusement Park ymmday Boards Terms Permanent Life Insurance provides pensions that have lifetime guarantee When you own permanent Life Insurance you can plan on retirement with absolute certainty that the income promised in your policy will be paid Permanent Life Insur ance values are guaranteed All the amounts are carefully set out right there in your policy The amount of protection is there the Cash Values are listedclearly stating the monetary worth of your savings investment for years to come There is no guess work no speculation These arc safeguards no other longterm savings plan can offer THE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA MBRCHEB CONTINUES DESPITE WOUNDS ghnles are subsidiaries oi Kim burlyClark Canada ud Lnbur lllinislm Leslie Rawn Irce directed subscqucnl nego liallnns in bulh areas which brought hbnul an end In the strike last February and led to compulsory arbitrallon all i5 sues Criiicai issue 31 Kimberly Clark was the companys rc fusal lo grant wage incrcnscs and oihcr impmvcmnnls won by iha union Abilth Pam and Paper Cnmpnny under an ugrm mcni which the Ignion regarch dcspile cut over her right eye that required 10 stitches In close She was muck by rack lhrnwn by snmnoue in mob of angry while5 Mare and Down For LG ggers therpallcni for 11 wire pulp and paper lnduslry In Northern Ontario An arbilrnlion board undcr Dr John Deulch an ccnnomisl granted lhu union the wage pat tcrn and reduction achieved in nngnlialious with Ahltihi and other pulp and paper companies The pallern sculemcm In cludcs reducliun in the work week In 40 ram 44 hours wilh compmsaling wage increases effective Sept 196 me Sept 62 lo Aug I963 hourly rates are Increast by six cents an hour than 100 while and Negro Inlagmlinnisls were arresmd yesterday and 16 on Inde pendence Day AP Wire pholu The stalcmenl said the sell er were individuals and rusLs Jncludjng the Cmmie Bunny group 20 persons whose hold my had dropped to about 45 per cent thmuxh the sales in the last two years VANCOUVER HOP Con lmlllnglnleres in The Sun Vancouvers 231000 dailyilrcu lallon aitcrnnnlfnewspaper has hccnsold in Publications of Winnipeg hnadnd by Calgary newspaper publisher Max Bell The announcement was made Saturday by Donald Cromie president ni lhe Sun Publishing Company Limited and publisher of The Sun His family or years held controiling interest in the newspaper Mr Croqu said in stalk men that sale oi suiiicienl vniing shares at the Sun Publishing Company Limited to Publication ni Winnipeg In raise lhnt companys hold ings to aver 50 per ceni have taken place menily Mr Cromiewnl continue as prcsldcnt ol Sun Publishlng and publlsher at The Sun No changes are contemplated In Vachuve Sun Control Switch Surprises Southam President The amount lnvalvcd In Ihe control switch was not an nounccd REMAINS PRESIDENT lilarlorie Grant the original owner of The Fishnet known in 1959 as The Fish In Chips is back She looks forward to seeing all her old lrlends and patrons in well me new nnns since then FISHNET 133 DUNLOP BACK COFFEE IS 10 AGAIN IS organizallon nr policy the gin nounccmcnl ultL Polillcally Th Sml erendcnl nwns half initmsi in Pacific Press Lim iied under which and Tim Prnvincc ponied their assets in 1951 when The Province ieii he aiicrnonn ilcid la become Vancouvers morning newspa Soiiham Publishlnx Campéinv Limited Max Bull publisher of the Calgary Alhertan is chairman at Fuhllcnllons and John 3mm Winnipeg ls presi enl home at Go Home 0nl St Clair Balfour president of lhe Soulhnm Com pany said lhe sudden dnclslon by Donald Cromle and his lam lly In sell control of Sun Pulr llshing Company lelled came as surprise VOICES SURPRISE The Soulhnm Company re grels ML Crumiau dacision withdraw from acilva cnnimioi he company with which his iamiiy has been umiaied or somany ygars Fred Auger publisher The Pruvince sald will make no difference to his company parlnnr In Paciï¬c Press Inwneg by th PA 68198 STOENOWAY Scotland Reulcrll Charge agnhlst halal nï¬eralor and bnrmnld ollawlng the Prince Charles cherry brandy in In last month luvs been dropped law ofllcgr ijlduslflld Colin ll Mackenzie deputy public pr secutor said Ilacourt pmceminz azalan lhe wn wgld akgplgca hlch lnvolvtl Bucklugllam palace dculal and subsequent relractlonhap penal when Prluce Charles aloha wllh other pupils lrnm hls Gordousloun school arrived here Jun 17 aboard the school lrlilnlug ynghL Brandy Case Is All Over Now Bclnre mini local movie the heir lo the British thmna went to th Crown Hotel In Slur nowny for meal mm Here went the cnckull bar and ordered chgrryhwydy Th hotel operator Alexander Macmllan was delighted It lhu leggy dgvelnymaql Shorin tailor the incident the pnilce charged my niece Chris tin Mailman with serving ilyearoid with dxink and being the licensee wns charged wiih permitting the drink in be served he said BRITISH OVERSEAS AIRWAYS CORPORATION N0 AIRLINE OFFERS LOWER FARES FROM CANADA T0 EUROPE THAN BRAC BUACJETPROP FARES FROM SEE YOUR IRAVEL AGENT AND FLY WAC FUR IHE BEST VALUE GOING ALL ovm WORLD TRANSATLANTIC These are the facts now for the ï¬gures WMM Wldo Tnnl Suvlu l07 Dunlap SO Em Imil Omlllo Olmnl Hold rmulal In In 101 DUNLOP 81 CANADA TO BRITAIN ARE THE LOWEST AIR FARES ACROSS THE ATLANTIC$4I LESS THAN REGULAR ECONOMY ROUNDTRIP IET FARES VIA mum Abm lm fldm hum My 161mlde mm by mnmnl mum GLASGOW LONDON mus We TDRDMIO 10 BARRIE TRAVEL SERVICE AIR FARES JOHNSON llMlTED ABOUT For lnomnllon and Rmmllnm UK urvlm In nunclnllon mm TCA For Your Rmmllonl CIII New 10 THE BARRIE EXAMINER MONDAY JULY ll TORONTO CPiTim Fncuity Associuliuu of York University nere expressed regret Sunday night that recent erllicism ni University President Boss by some incully members was brought heiure the public press bemr nll availabie means ui redressing grievances within lire university had been ex hnusted avid Fowlu chairman lbs association released lhe cnmmenl In statement which he said had been approved unanlmously by general meet ing of the association Frlduy We dn not feel lhat discus sion of such complex mallcrs ran b4 carried an in the vubllc press wllhnul leadan In mlsunA dPrslnnding and undeserved damaga to the rcpulalion York Ind all who are nr have bren associated wllh it the statement slid dlspul dons nut neces sarily Involve he makrlly ol the lacuny Only lew lac TAKES GOOD CARE OF YOU Factulty Regrets Campus Friction 30M IOU DmP ECONOMY JEI mus $54740 359260 351660 $70450 MAC RDUNNRIP CONOMV IIIPROP FIRES 366350 $47550 $50630 37551255 ully members have resigned Irev cause hair discontent wllh Ihe admlnlslrallon iie dispuie became public msl week when Prniessor John Seciey on leave head Yorks sociology deparimani asked for an indcpmdcni lnver iigniinn lnin the umeyearoid univniiys administration ai aging Interference and mind ministration by the president PA HHS llnlll III rml SALES and SERVICE aunt and Air Condlllonlnl Adelllrlo PA N2 IEmmmum HEAflNG Eoulp BOWENS snAc uounmm gnour mus $352507 $45190 $33730 33W 24HOUR SERVICE PA 6M flan wfrï¬kvï¬