Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Jul 1963, p. 1

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nmru wunu In Knnna mm and at umly dlulguud ma linmlnl DNIKIN MII llrllldl nowpaper mvmpovuknl chnmd why Uul Egypllnn mm In Venwn mln Isa an Iflnlml mvwle mmmlaln vlllnm null lam la llw royall rune Illdurd llmlono ul he Immlnn Dally Telugule mum ml mum dial In Ibo nmlhfln vlllnn Al Mn mm In Mluk AAA II nun BERLIN mun Grmwl flunctllnr Adwnnurrl rllhlhnnd mnn on Irhl In Mu hum hem Imlny wllh modion mm rindlnl In ommlmlnl mm low ynnlu lva he llnlln wnIL 11m Ihum dohmlnnl mu Myeluyld Ilmu Hulrkr Wnl immm Iinle mm rhlriwl luy lhg Conununhu vllh nlmu mmmmnl undor IhlI MLI Nowsman Say Egyptians Using Gas DMIAHCUH Syd Al fiyrlnl ruling Ilnnlll npwrrd May In haw mm llmllwr pow Mruflln Ziyml HM xlrlrnrn lnlnklrr nml nnuy It pul Mm on plum or France with Iurmw mmnmL LONDON MD Arcuml ulnmlc Ldrnllnl Dr Glunrpre Mur lclll lulxl jury lodny um lllwlnu mm ngrnl urged hlm In III In lrIncrlnn Unlvmlly In UnunlSlnm Mar lelll nuld java up nll lhoulhl wurklng nl lvlncrxun Ilcnnle In mu nlrni Du mluhl rl lnvnhrtl In mm wmk lhm KAllLSIlUlllI Wul Gcnnnny lllrmcrll lnrmrl gnun olllcrr lold court lodny ha ahtnlucd mrrl lonnnllun In Swllxrrlnml lmm Allen Dulch lnlar Amerlrnn ltcnlrnl Inlrlllunnru Axumy llrlm Fella nlnlcmrnl xlmlnz MA lllnl wllh Imuth chl lrrnm lrlllgrnm nuenl Ilnnl Clrmcm at an hnrnu ll Illun lo lllo lluulnm Txial 0voIf War Crimes Begins Anny Chief lg fired And Deponcd Kn nu mpolnl 1le srlllrmcnl Salurmly nluhl wllh Guiunn union xlcndern Prlmu Minialcr Chde annn Scientist Says Princeton Was Urged lnvulvnl 99m an No Isa Thu unchecked Inclalfiolencc the last week has rcsnllcd in dumi more than 750 Injured and ungutw nrtcslcd No Ens Indlnm were kllcd nnd lwn nlhcr timer severch wanndcd In hnmc Saturday nlgm between East lndlnns nnd Negroes In Gmrxutnwn Cold nrnnm Guard own In 1mm nrilnln recently In mnlnlnln or der fired lnlo the mob Mlcr lhcir wnmlngn wtfru Ignortd cogllf wrck general strum nut appeals for an end In racial rlollng wcnl unhcedcd Séys Dulles Supfilied Sécrété GEORGETOWN Erilish Gul nnaWnrkcrs begun returning hair lgdny aflqr the end 11 lane crashed 05 base bnll Ilc and armed In mums into gay cnInp balh house 11m as conlrol or he kl he started lo land appar enlly triad lo head Inward un occupied land than bailcd out aural hall mlkgway Suddcrfly Ing were Inna everywhere said Mrs Samuel PHILADELPHIA AP The charred and broken remnlns of nnvy Jet were to be pIcccd tugclhcr Ioday as Investigators rough to determine what caused the plane to crnsh into group of picnlckcrs kllllng seven person and lniurinz Aug 17 fiber Sundnyx Two East Indians Are Killed Racé Riots Continue Unchecked PicnicEnds In Deth Plane Crash Kills Travelllng at well nvcr 100 miles per hour debris llcs Into lhe air as Miss USV 1er loses hor lclt sponson NiWS BRIEFS For Examiner Want Ads Ne plume PA Mm llle Idephona number to call or the Busineu or Edlhrlal Dam is PA 537 DEBRIS FLIES HS HYDROPLANE BREAKS UP Our Telephones ll fiyrlnl ruling Ilnnlll Sodnlm lnvly um llmllwr pow Mruflln ll llrrd Mn rn lnlnklrr nml nnuy chlrl of Mull and Frlmrl Ilnrlvl lummr wan um um lllrmrrl lurmrr Nllll nlclll be amnluvd mrrl wnrnmo In Iuhn IDUHCL lnlar Mad Ike gumy Hrlm Fem mm In Imuth Vcl Irrnmn rounm In Bu lhn labor nurchnl no cxpcclcd aenlnlho rnclnl Icmlnns Ens ludlun hnvnn mnhrily In pulnunn nl 10000 in lhll llllh South Anurlcnn col ny and control lhu govrmmbnifi um um dom lnnnt In thn caplufi The nccord silpulniod that in into labor legisluiion would not be lniroduccd without comullA in Hue unlnna Tho IiiIke wns called in pmicsi Jugnnl labor bill Union charged it would givu hlm dlciniurlnl conlrol aver union niinlra lllu icxlsluilvc n5 xcmbly adjourned InsL manih wiilmui ncilng on the bill 1th strlke cost HEYavcm mnnl 500000 In budget reve nuca Nearly $2000000 In wage was lost appealed for Incqu Rance were Mrs Jennlo Klein her daughter Sandra 10 and her son Harvey Klein Twelve he 25 or mere per son at the pimlc were ad mlllcd lo nearby hospital on in qus condmnn One man was klllcd I110 plane In wings ripped when plowed fluuugh trees Ml the old during sudden ruin turm Eadie the other VIE tlm wm dug out of In lev cued bath house Foin children were among he dead Obedln whosc sbund was In jured critically it was hor rillle horrible In only wmk during Sum days Gold Cup race on the Detroit River or Ihe nations hlghesl powered boa cham pianshlp Miss Burdnhl HI hriréu nrlllnl Morm In Mink huh 119 mm Exammm le nnllevl Sun II Eltlnflnm pmcdlum hllh ml ll lllllu llrl um walrhlnl lw mullvrr rmk lvmnlly Illa mother llmml la lupr dmlxblrr and Ill lllum ID mu know the lllllmnl Illnla nn lhe range Cannyml lull am lrnm he olh lem In ho Muhly mnlm vminl mow In npply lhc ll wrnul ltdnml lnlrl In In Iulldlmz mnlmnln and pmduc llrm marhlucry 11n 51yrnrnlll mlnLlrr wnl deluged wllh mllclnnl lmm Imlh 1mm nnd mllhlc IMlln mml mrr he hmle menma which vuu prlnmrlly alnwl Thurth the huge Iniml doll OTTAWA CF Imllnmrni and Hm munlry Irnrn lonluhl Murllurr Flnnnru Mlnlphr Gur don lulu decided nn Wand major remn mm Junu may Thu wu vrn urm mlurnrd lmm lhu Columhlnn junulm wllh we lngum two oumnl and hlrd whom cry mundl llko Jun and In mznrdcd lll cm by lho nnllm Hy objections In In minimum llorlololll nxrccd do take nlon younucr mun an the lrlp Ho chnso DnvoGo rnrduul nixfiling 66 to go with Mmun lrlp In cinch llvn nnlmnls or use us mum In hll um In lnwa Iporllna gawk slum In llgocnlx Am It was polnlcd out to he or mer Detroit mnnulnclurcr lhn ho had ruched Um nxawhm lho only jaguar ho would be mnccmcd wllh were Um huh wtmlgd vnrlelyf Gordon To Talk On Sales Tax Eipgcted To Ease Its Impact DETROIT CF Wltn WH llnm Honolulu 67 nnnounrcd In hed no down to South America nnd hum Jnxunr InmA Ily objections were lnud and Im muflule Firemen wet on the scene In Ive minutessums from the airfieldMd had lho lnmcs out In no mlnulcs ml ms may Km Navy spokesmnnaldrflle mal Iuncllon apparmlly occurred In the eleclrlcnl aylleml IS NEAR CAMP The end or the alrfltldn land lnx slrlp only 500 look from ht Grcenlllll day camp whlch the plcnlckm had rented or uhelr annual reunlan Cup Butler Bull ing Springs Pa Mrycnmld Marine Reserve pilot WII headed for lnndlnz at Wlllaw Grave Naval Mr Station 18 mile north of Phllndelphla when mmelhlnlwvm wrong wig the F4 Fury nst Get OutOf Rut Try Jaguar Hunt Mrs Jeanne Arnold 40 her daughter Judy Arnold 10 Em anunl Milton Flne 47 And Caru linc llushlinld lo AllLivcd in mgmdelp winner xHown at rlghl avold ed collision and mm the heal Driver Dan Wilson Miss USV was not hurt AP WircphnloL HERES ONE LONDON lllrnlrul Margar rl Rulllh Aunulln In the umvwna IIMIM lllle In llw Willihlfilflll lnwn nub hum rlmulvlu lmlny Mall lllllre Jnn mm 1mm mm In the llml 1mm 0mm and Anlnnlo Inlnlox Main won he menl daublu lmllnu llme lmmrm ml Junclnude null rum flle Incl llml he wlll mull nmr llu llmk mnrkrll clum nml lhc lrllm llmu lul Irnln hullma nurnmlly no mo nrnluIhnn lrM wmhl Io upro ulnllun llml lm may Inw lho lmpnfl llyu nu Mllwr cmII Hm board or on rmnln Indul Mu Mr lnnlnn will mnkc lur lhrr Ilnlmmvl rm ho Illkfl lnx wlwn Hm Communal oprnl Ill wenlnu Illllnn pm lIDT The anlonnl Snlrly Council hnd numnlcd mm pcrmlu wnuM No In lranc nccldmll durlml Hm lqnu weekcnd Aussie Wins Singles Title nulnlcd report probably ulll boosl lhn llnnl llxurn There wns hmvy mm In lnklllllu nu lnllllon molurlnll Jummcd Muhwny in the hnmownm nuh Sundny cost the we ol person during the loZhaur hulldny period cxlcnd lnu rum pm Wainuduy mldnlghl Sundny The previoul hlah loll or ourAdny Fourth July holldny WM 509 not In IDOL CHICAGO AP lrnfllc death In lhu Unlled 5mm MI record hlnh lar laurvduy U9 npcndgqcc Dny hall Aso the Chlncse withdrew 1mm lhn Moscow Inlumnllonnl Film Festival Ihnl hngun Sun day night and Pekan mnu menUm In harm five Savlct expelled Chlnm hoard Russla accused unremannblo be hnvlor Duran the weekend lhe signs trial In MoscowPeking rc luklana saw Moscow rndla drup wlhoul cxniannllonanu cl its rngulnr Pcklnx Calling pro grams nbpul Internal China Sovch and Chinese gutgallon cm m1 mimlngdrweImolhe munds the House may Iiom scene the clnscddoor sessions that began Friday and were Interrupted by lhu Rus alum Sundny Deaths Hit New High MOSCOW Reutcm Rus alan and Chlnese Communist delegates run In ad lhnlr su crccy Ihmudcd talks on he MoscowPeking ldenlaglcnl rift here today amid rash slzns 811 mm between he lwn on Four vlcllms released early Sunday were Joseph Sheridan Brockvllle Gnrdnn Johnston Frank Slcnklewlcke and John Lynch all of Winnlpeg Sllll In hnspflal were William anurgne and David Sheard Field 30 Emergency calls gathered lee of vehicles In rush the 25 hardesbhi workers to Golden haspltu The man wera working In the CPR lower splral tunnel ln Mount Ogden 40 mlles east nl here when calbun mnnaxlda lumen from diesel and gasoline machinery suddenly begun to tell Ihe crnw All but our of the men were released 3H2 treatment The other four were expected to ho rclenscd today Moscow Peking Relations Seem Growing Prostier During Talks GOLDEN 30 CHCarbon monoxide seeping thrnugh Canadian Pacific Railway tum nel sent 15 mumhers of 170 man tracklaying crew to has pllal Saturday Tunnel Gas Sends 25 To Hospital Race crisis BreWs AS ThousandsRiot Emil Onflrla Curildl Monday July 1963 Mlcmlllnn mi lo nmm lMth nlfrd lb Mar Ind Iw lurlly public Ill ml mm II would pain In umflly ma In nllruvd mem Iwr he nomnmrnl nl Hm IMI nimmlul pool In mun Hm lnclqu Chrlulna ler In thin mlnlnlrr In ulna lhu nuhjrd lumnr Ihu mn mrln Mm wllh 0w Chrlallna Ruler Ami Dmnhu hu Iwen old at dmulln Mm 11m wrlurc Ix Ml Ilnkrd In Mr wny wllh llm lmhmln Iqu Iln III In nnruml plclmu nhnul uhlrh 11ml Drnnln hll Ilrnnl uman Ion hur dlrldly Ollq all In Mcluru WM In photograph pmdnzcd In mm llvnrce mu lho pn wr snhl Some penplu tlnhn Hml lomllnl mlnluw In maze nimble In xvhnlnnraph Mlylfl III LINK 11w promo nu n1 hm hem luld tnmurumhlnu plmm rrnxihl rxlnl lnvnlvlng onu mln Ilr and mum Iwu 1714 Sunday In People Inld Iho mlnl nnmu hnvn been lumul aver lo Lord Dtn nlnn who II lnvmlgnllna In and Iccurlly nnuu In lvlgh rlr clu lrlmn Minlslrr Mncmlllnn nmmlnlcd Dunnlnl lo lmmlnlo Icrurlly nsprtll lormrr wnr minlnlor John lmlumul anIr wlu ml lltl Clulallnu Keelor while Ihe Illlu wnl Ihc Inhlml Suvlcl nurnl nllndw LONDON AP millh newwnpcr Inyl lhrco mum unv trnmcnl mlnlalm hnvu hrcn llnhd In Ihc ux Icnndnll ex clLllm gm kmh pubflc The olxscrvm Iald tho tnlh prnbnbly would last only few days and that but the two 11ch would agree on mlllnz nn nlhur worldwldo confercnce of Cummunlu pnrllos McnnwhHE most Western ab server wan accpllcal about the lnlks mlvlnl lhn unprecedented crisla between ha Communlu Mi Iwn By had hm anything ahaul the cm clnlfinlkx and plalnclolhesmn wmcd Weslem carrupondcnu keep away from tho vIclnIly ol the House of Rcccpllona roanroofed cream colored Villa on tho Lcnln Ill over lookan bend 1n thaMmcaw River No Entry algru were up It the head he wu streets leadan thoChlnuso delagullou vllln nearby and Wosiem mmrtcr ulllnl thorn lhla mamlna In nn eflort to an marvch wnl llama down by aaldlcr pm lhixrmnmlniryleilfiér Ilia Pravda the Suvle Commu nls party newspaper carried reparls ol Latvian and Armen hm Communlu party lenlunl cantalnlng as In past storm his lype reflection Chinese luck on Ihe Soviet party as baseless nhd Ilandemul Wang New Names Given In Word Scandal hind bcin irephaced Dr pp ald the men would eel weak or two or three weeks unlll thpir red blood cells whose nxygcnmnrrylng emclency wax EHJecEcd by carbfm munnxldn lonked ch baulcneld with bodies lying all over the phage Jae Robson gang worker sald ThéCPR said the men slurled colupsjng nyo Some nl them managed to reach the end Ihe Iunnel be fore callapslng Others had to hedraged The men suddenly alerted staggering around and chok lng Waller Pnlllck gang nu pnrvlsor staid Extensive use oi exhaustpm duean diesel and gasoline equip ment combined will lack oi normal winds was believed re spnnsiblc or the accumulation oi gas swu 10 CHOKE and Joseph Gorskl and William Senpfl all Winnipeg sumu hm mmd auilni tho In Io run In Ina IMI nu huhl qum nui ck mo lrlcll Ifld num nlmlu mutton unleu lhunmfle Ihrl mung In mnl venom Alla Inflated um puMIc mo nay Ihtmld In med lo wnllmd mm mm mm to mm mlnlglun rm lot 5mm Iulmrbnn Nam ankl parh Ind runUm lfl reclar on 1mm mm 1M mmnmended Amlll pnr mm In lundlo the man en mm Ihrllluemu lm al 11m poll allowed mlrwy We Mm rucmllun rimm mml ofllrm and wllnra mum rJlu II III In mauled to tho Turn ng NMONTO CPIA mporl he nxccnllvn ommlllee Mel mpolllnn Tnmnlo muncll claim fuvenllp dellnquoncyln 1mm nl lenmly hm Ind service In hnndla II In hopelmly In mlequnla ll wnl rmrally bellcvtd he dlvum nrllon cllrd by Um poo rlc wan to tho Arm the he mndlino unmllan two month nxu nrllhh pnpm Mk Baum dny lhnl Dmnlng hnd tniled lvr lrnnucrlpl IhoArwll Io Hnn Tho Judu In lhe Auyll thlb laund lho nlycnmld Duch cu Amy um 01 mlullrry wlm our mm An named lho duke dlrurrc Delinquency Reported Up Um 360m Pa lrlclnn waxholed Ind Innk In tho Slralu Glbnllnr 15 mln ules nfler Ihe collIsIan with ha 725Hon sum Emuln which brought lhmwrvlvm hm The Sunlu Emllll was hnled above lhu wnlnrflnc Aflxrcarch bctznn or the min Int men IUWIVOH worn Innfied hm GIBRALTAR lfleulerl Brlllsh Irelghlcr sank today nIler colllxion In lhlck on wllh nn Amuimn vesch Ind Ila rnplnln thlcl male and radio nHlcor werq reparpd mlulpz Mum lllln ayemm doc wr held Itudy lendu taunt mg 01 1h vole continued but he all far 11ml the 51 per rgnl required or elecuon SHE it appeared however that about 2000000 Argentinas 1500000 eligible voters an ed home dupiiu line rescribe in the compulsory vo nu Iawi nu could be dun lo resenlment at the Darrin Irom the race oi iha Pcmnls candid Vicente 50 who bathe the Only ll per cent the voter heeded the Peronls call to cast hlnnk hallall tn Sundayl elecv Mon In pravlnus elecuon hay coned by Pmnlsls blank bal mts have run high one third of lho vole Freighter Sinks Three Men Missing EUENOS AmESArzcntlnax Valera Iodny pushed munlry doctor toward Ihe presldency of South Americas second largest country and also gave set back to exiled dictator Juan Iemn Exiled Peron Falls Behind In Argentina DE ARTURO ILLIA s¥¢1mmw if nun pm elven Iu gumad mum The lnlcarnuonlnu cnmo In groups 10 In 15 spaced mlnulu apart In tho arm or der wnro nlvcn or each group lunch on lhu pavement Ilnl Ufider Maryland lnw nbusi nan pmprlclor may mm ud mlgloqkn whom hn choom Police Chlel dared Kfi dag lnw action Sun day um um demonstrator arrived mm the lunar of mu crowd became an pmnl Lnlly Icrmcd ho onloo an vlcloul crowd and uh Ihe Ilinhlul provocation could have lauchcd mngqr ml In tho Baltimore luburbnn community Woodlnwn when the amusement park L1 located clnrxymon were among those nrmlcd The mean brought lo uenrly 400 the number taken lnln cullody llnca July CEOWD XS VICXOUB The moderate were unhlppy wlth directacllon attacks used by New gmup and mld no publicly Th1 brought Ilmnz reprimand from Re Wilkins execullva ol the anonal Ano clallon ar the Advancement Colored Poo Argg lfalqpudho Mm cars szr 10 mam ms mu Negroes were llzhllnzmnonz themelvea oniheubest way In In more dvfl right ar their Governor Millard Tawu ar dered zuardsmcn lnlo Cam bridge town of about 12100 June ll alter demummllnm erupted lnlo violence on our prgvlnurnllhta Mn muble was brewing In Maryland with me icheduled withdrawal troops from Cam brldga today loan as the troop Iuve Integrationlsu pmmlscd Io healn new Ill1n demoniradona because Integra Hanisn1prolrenlnum enough In the Chesapeake Bay Inlezratlonlst called demonstration Long Island Beach am Sunday when threat ened with Icld mowing and mflmm uum In the mum 67 elggnlplgngmp ugh om Generally he raclnl scene In tha United Slates on In first July weekend wasnt pretty unar Thousands rInled In New ank my early Sunday and new ernl person were hurt but pm Ilce raId the ram problem was nnly nr nl Ihe reason Inr the dIslu ances thIe youth was shot In the Inca In the same area Sunday nlthr leflEATEN ACID ma CANADIAN PRESS 1m kill all lhu black nig lm one man screamed police arrested mare than 100 whitevnnd Negro lnlegrallanlsu Hymn to open prlvnleiyowned amusement park In suburban Paltlmnm to may enh an In whitening lavln with trn lhouled angular Several white cler en ware among hose arrest as Hco ordered dog Into action 11 mob some 8000 while patrons hurled canal andpbscenMes Catcall Acid Threats 15 Some Gets Worse NM Man Than 7eParCopyll Faun Mainly sunny on Nexday no so coolLow lonlm Huh Inmormw 75 For complm Jan to put two Knmml The MIMI Open 51 Wfiqeulfyrnlmerd lho Ilrsl mnjar Alrlku In mmmmlnl mnslmcllnn In dullry hm lylnu up buildlnl hum Onkvllll lo Mu finlonl mcmbm relodtd 1mm onu aver the nut lwn yrnn Angus Smith Iccrclnanns lrcr the unlonl district coun dl Inld today lhull pollcom dllnuan meeting hm he let up with ma Toronto Comlruc Mon Amdnllon or Wednudny nu cum lo noznllnle ul llamLnl he mm was called to en om wan demands by tho Unllcd Brotherhood Cm and Jolnen CLC It L9 prolonged monlh it could led nboul moo omplvyru In Ihe bulldlnxlndnsry Local Weather 0003 worlholmnmemialcofi smlcllon In Emilu radius Toronto TORONTO CF Some carpenters went on atrlke Ib IngyyApurnlyzing gm Thousand of youths hurled rockl can and lomaluu at so Negro and white picket Mora than 60 police were needed to control he crowd and at least nine persons were lreuled In Emily or cut and brunet No teemxer ware anened The nhoollng look place um diner In tho Bronx when dul disorders broke out gun1y Sunday morning The race prob lem entered the picture when Integrationlxu up pickel line oumde the dlner area the mnnnzement to hire more Nexmel In the New York racial Imu bles the whlt youth who wax slmck In th Inca by bullet but not severely wounded uld ha was shot by Negro who llrfli qum passlng Mgr pence walked uni carried the demonstrator to waltlnz school buses and patrol wagons roar went up from the unlock era white woman man dem onstrate who waded stream lo get Into the park was siruck ahnve the righl eye by rack It required 10 stitches to close he Wound layup 1111s voum Many were young adults Ic lnu arrest or the first time Thelr hand shook and several young white women taught back em as they laced the while mob only 10 feet away $200 Woxkers Strike 30E ol the CM nxhuniév mam

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