Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 Jul 1963, p. 5

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5W OBTAIN MINCE NEW YORK Sing fiohm Gonlcl nml nrtrm Carol Mummy oMnlned mnrrlnzn Can Frldny hulll who won pmmlnfllru In Um IImmeny munlrnl Cnmrlot arm Cunn dlm lclcvlnlon rnmr nald hey plnnncd lo ho marrlml nu IML 317 NY Special on June 23 graduation cxcrclse took place hi ivy School with one girl and uh boys graduating Kenneth liaggarth acted as chairman Tha program began with Rhod Price reading the Bible pamgc PresenIuLion oi flowers lo ihe graduate was made by mum hen the Junior Room Grad males and the member who gave Merl Aulo Mann Co wns Ioundcd 1an July lay Mu Chrh llnu Cook and Hobart Klrldsl Tarnnln Tozclher wllh cno em ployee Hwy mnnularmrc nlmul 15000 nlnrmn In car lnr sale In Clmmln Mu co lnmnlcn and Saul Mrlcn Thu firm nlm lrylnu In Imllmm In Krnyn Nnrllmn Illmdull mud Malay Also work as an accident mm the nutomnblle Ll hlt by nnolher vehicle lhu mum will met In um lflml wuy IVY Special Ivy senior room pmmolinns In Septem unber 1961 the pupils will he in the grades as listed GRADE James Carmlhers Alien Ei Jis Lawrence Spec Larry Smilh Michael Ruby Robert Javia Stewart Berry Teny Ar nold nnd Rusomary Slurgm GRADE HGRADEL 6x Kenneth Hoggarth Linda Sperm Sharon Pnllnn Stephen Any vlbmtlon caused by lam perlng wlll lmmcdinlely lrimcr hu alarm and cause ho hum ll blow lnlnrmillcnlly ar 15 Candi lhn lumpcflnx ton tlnuc he horn wlll saund Peakdly April Lee Michael Clarksnn Healhcr Cunningham Susnn Harper 1an Marlin and Larry Gllpin Working on flu Ihcnry that main he beat prolccllon tho Alcndcr 5bymlnch box con nected lo ll cur horn and may also be hooked up to he bundlights TORONTO CmA burglar Ind nchdnnl alarm for autumn bllcl Inns been devlscd by ma Tomnla firm bclng nflcrcd or in our com Mu Brian Slam of Anlnn Mill Waves from his neck little car during open house at Blue Auto Thieves Will Be Getting Blast MUNIMY JULY lul llllchael Wilson Malcolm Vll Ion Myrna Carrulhers Rhod Price Murray Cochran Robert Rain and Don Gllpin GRADE BINGO EVERY MONDAY Present Diplomas Awards To Class Leaders HtIvy Aha NuSorvko Clumn $22000 SHARE lHE WEALTH Admlnlan 14 HIGH ST 000 pm SPECIALS JACKPOT RCAF ASSOC LEHDS THE WAY AT BLUE MOUNTAIN CAMP IVY PUBLIC SCHOOL PROMOTIONS llure MM 415M natural luhllnl wllh Jlm Cnmflhm unvn thy vul Mlttory mldrm Mln Dun nlll prucnltd he Krndunllon clnu will no plnl flcv Humor gava an nddrm Grmlu um good Ivyo Inna Lunch wnl urnd by In nDCC KIKIL On buhnl her husband dcp uy rncvo Gmmo Davll Mn Dnle pmcnlvd Jlm Cnrrulhcrl wllh l5 Irnm Em Township or platlnz In In Slmcoo County exnm It pmurnm Wfll put an by lhc pupils Ivy Boy Quartet nnng couple noun The puo pH of tho Junlar room put on two short min The Wise W0 man of Gotham and the Ugly lrnll Heather Cunnlnzhnm and Susan Itnrpcr each two pl nno snlo Sandra Kunla and Karen Mur ahnll Jpnlnr mm uludcntl pro aenlcd Mlu Anna anar Jun lnr mam lcuchnr with an AI bum on hnhnll the Junlar room as wingAway munM Illlllfi PERFORM nose Mnry Slurgcss and Al Ian Elli prcxcnlcd their leach er Mm Gram Dunner with an engraved aluminum Irny mm 1961 graduates Rev ll Harper preunled he diplomas Mn Eaten Dlvla on behalf of Mn Davll WI president present WI pre sents to tho graduates Also medal present went to Jim Car rulhcrl for placing in in Slm cog Coupp ugmu the flowers are Terry Arnold Debbie McLean Stewart Berry 1on Berry Jlm Carrulhm John Mnrshnll Bab Davin Lar ry Davis Allen Ellis Kevin Hughes Mike Ruby Martin Ruby Larry Smllh Danaid Dav ls Lawrtnca Spec Alan Spears and Rose Mary Slur ms Gordon suitcase Joey Berry Robert Bumy Marilyn Gllpim Angola Harper Jimmy Hayward Eddie Patton Martin Ruby and Gordon Shun gess GRADE Gayle Baker Kathie Bursey Stephen Eursey Larry Davis Lynn Davis Sandra Kursis Kar en Marshall Runny McLean Michael Price Brian Reid and Myma Smith GRADE GRADE Promotions Ivy Junior Room In September 19631he Bum win be In the grades as shed shine am In alphabetical on El Berry Richard Lee Deborah Ruby arithmetic Jack nuy wnrd larilhmellc Teacher Mlss Dunnlll AIRCONDITIONED coma min ADAMS Ainom PALMER Mountain Camp for Crippled Children Brian is just one at the hundreds ui children who enjoy he summer monihl Evrnlun ll 7M lnfl no Conunuqul lmn pm TRY EXAMINER WANT ADI PHONE mm FOR YOUR COMFORT Now snowma 155 nclnmr Mnry Manner John Buchanan Dauglnl Envoy nnd chlln Gm nlcr To Grade Steven PMlnxe To Grndo Kurt Bellingr Dlnnn De Gmm Harch Gm In and hilly Pollm Pnfialhy Miller To Grade Vlllx Kent Pollake Annnllg Grcnlur and Carol Llnnny To Grade Vllx Eileen nurh nnnn Donnl Expcy and Tnny Kinl To Grad Janet unn Polar Dunner Jonn Grcnlrr In Emula To Grade IX Mlchnel Klnu Elv Pfldhlm and Gerard Bel anger MOUNT ST LOUIS Special Lls promotion or Medvnlaz The Angus branch of the Le glnn and Ike Angus district Lions Club ialned In sponsoring this Held day and modeled morn mm over the holiday weekend Th1 wu ha Int llmo luck pmjecl has been sponsor ed by the mo groups Fraued went for spom Mpmen or the minor ball team sponsored by the Legion Ind Lion Club rum as were prescn ed he winnern by Albert Breau president the Royal Canadian Legion Brunch M2199 Angus About 12 contestant from the area including Angus and Barrie competed In the horseshoe pitching events SS Medonte Exam Results also won the men llugIeL healing all his opponents In every game played Scares were counted on lam pom system for game played ANGUS Special Twn Barrio men Bert Boyd and Wilma Mitchell combined to win he doubles holsuhoe puthm can lus at Angus Community Park lag Saiurdgy meond Bumy and Bonnie Mudfard Teacher Miss Wax Bonnie Bum Jimmy Clark san Kevln Hu Brenda Jen nelt Debbie McLean Rosanne Robinson Malcolm Ruby Alan Spears and Jane Wilsnn GRADE GRADE Donald Davis John Marshall Denise Ruby Joan Spears John Walwn and Judy Wilson Barrie Men Win Angus Tourney working learning and playing through the elfnru at the On ltiarln Soder or Crippled CM ren TH pver see This author worked In Home under Cardinal Monllnl then In the Sccmmln ol Stale undu Pnpo Pius XII and came to know he new Pope well and rccognlze ho renlnm win which led Ml fellow clrdlnnh la IS lhlm ha Mu Vlur of Christ Thu ha ll The book on which Iha aw ihar Monsignnr John Clancy ha been working or over year lmces the career at the worken bIshap Imm hII chlIdiIood la bu asczndnncy to tha throne oi Peter Ihowa how in new Parol churncltr Irnininu and incl nation fit him to carry Iorwnrd Illa open window policies Io vigorously begun by illl predeccmr Pope John XXIII TORONTO Apostle For Our Tlmc the story he newly elected Pope Paul VI will he published by Thom Nelson and Canada Ltd on October Later during camp model Ilnx substance was made lrom fluur salt and water End at was given project to construct Some very realistic model Ind urlginal Ideas resulted On Sunday he Roman Calh nnc Club atlendedum South at John Blshop from mum ALLISTON Special 54 Cub rum the is Aliision Scout and Cub Grnup arrived at Camp Warren on the 5th iineEm incur here in Friday Camp was mostly 59 up at them Atm npcning ceremunie and remarks by Camp Aheia Mn Elsie Fisher it was iimu or welcome swim This Activity throughout camp look preier ence over all others owing to Ihe extremely hot weather in spite ni more active program having been planned Sevml session of handicrafl proved bath popular and auccesk In In one period each Cub made name plate far him using popslcle luck and macaroni 1mm Apostle For Our Time Is Book On Pope Soon ToBe Published Those receiving their grade diplomas wero Roland Alex Linda Atkinson Dwight Bouncy Mike Bowman Dianna Caldwell Waync Caldwell Jeannette Cock aura Bah Drury Laurence Fish er Tani Foley David Garner Lesley Henley Harry Huyer Marlin Langmuir Donna lave Darlene Neabell Jerry Nichol son Hal Roach Caryl Anne Roe Duuald Sanderson Ronnie Som mcrs Dennise Sultan Brian ayilzr Dianna Tuck and David Pa pruldcnl of the rim and School Assoclatlon condunted the program Guest speakers were Howard Camp hell chairman of 06 School Baald wave Oro Goorxa MncKay and Dr Lin bagrn Earrleu SHANTY BAY Speclal gradnallon party was held June 29 ln the school The room was dervrated wllh blue and gald streamer basket yellow mum and the uraduatlan cake ndlorncd laps cable Alliston Cubs Go To Camp Warren Tlop Students Get Awards Athhdntv Bay Graduation CONTINUOUS SHOW SUNDAY FROM L110 HA STARTS SUNDAY Lzbmsxwiio2mamm tamum WWW Mu PLUS mo ma mr Monsignor Clancy received his Docioraie in Canon Law lram Iho Latern University in Run In mo and tho lama year an tered iho nervlca oi the Vollcan Socreiorlni oi Slnie in 1952 in In the int American la grud ualo mm the Panlillcnl Ecclcr inlllcni Acodemy oi Diplomacy iSubIcquenlly ho mod on First Suntan of tho Aposlollc Dole lotion in Souih Alrlco and South am Rhodesia and VIII named Chamberlain ol tho lnpnl llouuhold In 1065 ha bccnmo pmidoni oi the lolliiuio oi Siudiu In Social CMpcrolioo Ind in 1958 Pope Pius XII db totaled hlm with lhe Gold Crou Pro Eccluil Ponliilcei rmleuor ol Theology ho ho oclurod widoly boih in America Ind Ihrold only chronicle brHllnnl cap or but In catch the Intelligence Ind humnnfly of this man In ndlcalcd the when of am Mrl Grace Howard had been In Charge Ike lost and laund section She fled to find owners or the unmarked mlclcs turn of In runglnl 1mm mom to Cub receiving good luck lo km wen Paul Donne Jack Barber Ken Farquharsnn Eric Rubmn Bobby Earns Raymund Neeley Dfler Eisner and Larry Wgay Allemardl camp Akeln El lie Fllher conducted the official camp closinl Each leader was Introduced and spoke briefly Mrs PM Miller read the camp lag Ken Delaney presenled ward to Black Sb which stood first In paint or an and per Ional dines lnspccllons and 091 behaviour At noon Monday Parents at rived with picnic lunches They were welcomed by he cub and taken on out the camp Hoadquarlera Staff Camp Ear denjconducled Scout Own Service the Protestant boys and lander Spelllng awards were present ed to Allson Robins Elam Ree vie and Debra Mossop Grade Jennller Edd Dora Koole Gradr Sarah Andersen D1 ann McCracken Frank Veen emu Grade Joy Sanderson Grade Karen Brooks Grade Gwendn Hubbert Jack Rob bins Grlde and Lylll Pla lrnwakl Clark Bouncy Grade Congmlulatlnns IJDennls ton who received 5year per legl qggmdanne award Pupil receiving erlecl al lendance were Ela ne Reevle and Kurt Salndana Rnnm Waynl McCrncken Deals Bell Wendy Caldwell Dale Emms Room Lawrence Hell nml Nam Caldwell Room Grace Veenemn and Ted Garner Room Tan Foley and Du IlllA Sullon Room The Valedlclmy address was ulggn by 131m Mk resenlaIIons wergmmadc to Mrs Pnlk GoorgeCmpcr Har olq Dempsey and Morley Clem CRASH KILLS MAN PORT CREDIT Ont CPD Mlle Lesklw Tomato died In hoapllnl Friday when the panel ruck he vm drlvlnz blew Ire and rolled over levml lvmu on Qunn EHan ny The arrangements or lhe pur ly prnvlded th It would fly back ram Montreal on August 28 But unless they can quickly secure some klnd 01 cm by mcnl the majorin wlll not ave lhe necessary unds to carry them over ungll that llme spokesman for Cnchnnlan Mrwnyl lnld Our only ohllgu llan was to fly them In Canada and back It not aur mpnn 5lein lo guaranka or prumlxa j0123 Na zavn than iludonu lhe prnmise of Job when they reached Canada The party hu been there Hula more than week We know there are ample jobs available such as on arms nr with the trnsport authorlh 10 Thu sludem cunwnm must be rather than Du In Glasgow ellnwaIudcnl John MacEnchmn whu repre gamed travel nzency which made the nrrnnuemenu Inld In ebultnh so In much wllh these firm they thought wa were crazy Them ls My um employment problem In Canada and nearly all hm firm hlvo had In lug daljfll flat The riparl which ha congs back from Montreal unit by leader the graup Graham Masha uayl Those students were part party of 98 who flew out rum Prestwlck Airport on plane chnncmd from Caledonlan Mn nhnrtered from Caledanlan Alr waya They clalm they had been given st of Canadian firm who they were assured hlred Inrelgn sludenls or lhe uumA wgns rvmvm DOWN By MCINIYIIE HOOD Special to The Burris Enmlnu LONDON Repurts coming back from Canada to an organ izatinn which spansnre slimmer vacation visits to Canada or university students who had planned to work there lor the two summer manlhs are my discouraging lo the sponsors 0nu repurt states that sin denis ram Giasgew University Ire stranded in Montreal They claim lhey were misled about jobs being writing or them on their arrival ihere and were being aeeomadnled in iraiernity houses at lileGlll University while they engaged in what hnd iar been fruitless search or summertime Jobs null rulcyi Tim iiiur Scholarship for 11¢ highesl marlin in grade in right1 boy and highest girl want to Caryl Anna Roe and David Garnnr Graduation gills domain by 121 Home and Scth were pre wnled by Mrs Paik Closing marks were made by Mr Cooper principal Reireshmeni were served by the Home and School Social Commillee Pupils Peeved 22 Stranded In Montreal Jlm Huhbcrla cup or spelling in grade was awarded to Cu Anne analL Ionllfulgy mu mm looming your tlmbln Inmlmonl In your outboam molov heal and ltallcr lusl good buslnoss Iho Economlonl Uulboavd floach pollcy plolccls you agalnsl oracllcally olskl axcoplinu wear and leav mochanlcal lalluro elm anywhm In Canada lho Unllod Slam whelhov you an Illoll have or In tampon clvo yom Economical mu all lodavl Mnlconmm lnwnnu one Snrlunv lmuunu Anon ll Dunlap Sl Em 715 49 Dunlap 50 En AJ Moon MA 3mm rm Hawkmon one SnrluM lmuunu Auun LM 715 49 Dunlap SO Em mm Smomon Compln PA MIN 3A Dvnlop Em PA lol DEWMilan um Two Convener of Community friendship and visillng present ed an analysis oililisphase oi the UCW pragrnmMrs Gor dan Caidwcii reported an worksth which sho hnd nuund ed in Barrie She slremd thn necessary characteristics ol heipiul church visitor and challenged all members to share in Ihe visllnliun lusk Mrs Mur ris McArlhur read paper pre sented at the same workshop by nurse at Royal Victoria nmcmosnv HOBHDPE WWUMA pleasant nature was tho presence of Mrs Wallace hunk of Dalston lmmndlnle past pm sident of Gulhrie UCW who conducted Blble study ram Ill Church Christ ma mum Ihe Fall Rally be Mid at Burton Avenue Unilad Church Barrie on Oct 22 The offering was received by the treasurer Mrs Lave and dedlcnled with Prayer by Mr Compile aumma Special Gulhrls United Church Women met at the home Mrs Howard Cnld well or hair July meeting with Mrs Keith Sanderson vice pruldenl lnthc chnlr There was report an the vlsll several members In Hillcresl Ladle Orllllm on June Agnqunc ent was made SHflNTYv BAY THE BARBIE EXAMINER SATURDAY JULY WHOS 601 IHEAGHOI UCW iii Guthrie Get Advice Concerning Hospital Visits Tonlgh9 Only Dun Mmln Lam Turner III II llcller In Pink mm Sophll lam Anflluny Quinn mlqu 11 It Gulhfle ngmm BIG HHS msaumou rs uuch WHEN IIIYAINI to onlnv YEAM SNUW mzkumous 1min Irwin McMahon MON TUES ml WED SUNDAY SD PMIINI AND NUlSE IAHONS pm 0m 2m mm SHOW STARTS AT DUSK SUN MON TUES SENTENCE SUSPENDED VANCOUVER CP Alan David McNair yearold ab couninnt who admitted stealinl $81500 from city produce ilrm and losing 573090 in six day gambling at Las Vegas was given ruspcnded aenb mica Friday and ordered in put up 31500 or good behavior or iwo years Mrajnndersnn thanked all who had contributed lo the aller nwnl program and profiunced the henndlcuun Tho hostes served refreshments and 30 CE halthour was enjoyed by linspltal Barrie deallng eapw ally with hospllnl vlslllng thla Ava Can FAST TIMES TONIGHT aDLOSIVENEW COMEDY QJ 3sz WADE DRIVEIN THEATRE FORT MASSACRE ALSO SHOWING Sidney hide Paul Newman HURONIA In Colour

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