AJayurlnld um In mm Krlmrlh Wnytw mmumnn Md Frlduy Imw he Iurvlml any an lnlnlul nurlhrrn hp lam wllh only rnw mlnlml In Ml nml hll mm In th lllx A7yrnrvnld Irhnul lrnrlwr mm TMrIIrn nl Cunlllnln MIL Ill drowned May lml In My unnfl muml an hmn 20 Flmrrnl mm Mlu 11m rh um Md lrldny wasnl alrnhl lflll Kflb WU qunlmnn mm Alum Arr menmnn an ovannlld hum Mlunuyl IVVIIHHK In lhc Nvlhwnl Tenllnflrl My Ymnwmnn InIII he 1ka hm ml lMUw In Hun uhln on an unnamed Inland In we Im Illrvr nlwul no mllen mm Furl Smllh war he ml of March II Ilodvd lva uhln wllh helm IMVlnl Ilmn on Irlun MIMI mu kmn had llllwln ml Irllrr buy hml 001 book Mlu Thleum OTTAWA CWCanndn wlll pay or any Inrm canccsdonl oblnlncd lrum other cnunmu In forthcoming lrndc nrgnllnlinns Trude Mlhislcr Sham 101d Hm hlnun Common Friday Cunnqu ls nlnu la harmln or access urchin mnrkcls or which we nu wllllnu In my equlvnlcnl Vulm he NIH 1W wlll nay pl what we no called or national con vcnllan la strike the dnputy leaders job mm In Ilst of of ï¬cers In an apparent rckronco lo mombcrs criticisms of diver on skntemcnls hclwcon Mr Ihumpsun and Mr Cuouclte the councjl dlssocinlcd 51 mm nny unwarranted slalo munls made In he past nrlmlnl In Iifllu MI nil llourl lho Hausa nppruvrd Ibo uumulu lolulllnz 1731 Th Lpnku In nnmlny rnde dutynlpaludy nl lhu 1061 pcpdlng cfllmnlfyolr hlu dc Tho lrndo mlnmer commonl on next ymrn lnlcrnnuunnl culling mgnllnunm 1in xrxlrd lhcy would mull both In new rmlo Openings and nlllfrr mmptllllun for Canudlnn ifldlll Mr Cnnueun rallied bchlnd him most of the Is Quebec Sm clnl Credit MP and the exam we his Rallicménl dos Cred mslu Thuy Issued ï¬rm unlcm that they stand by the Missing 40 Days He Wasnt Afraid as hi Icy OTTAWA CWSocial Cred vIln national council and the artyx Quebec wing collided eadcn Friday he one urging Iboiilian Real Canucties post dcpuly nulinnul lender and other firmly rejecting nny lessor rule inr Quebec in tho partys nilnirs The cauncii concluding ma gay meetinu at which there was in crillcism Mr Caoucue or undnwuuing National Lender Rohcrl Thompson of lirmcd sluppnrtfor Mr Therm Canada Ready To Pay For New Trade Marts 39 Yur No 157 Social Credit Party Ripped By Dissension REAL cAOUEnE depuly leads the Social Cred Early holds press confer glce in 0tawa following GOUNCIL BEHIND THOMPSON jonT 51mm nwrr um For Examiner Want Ad Tele phone PA Hm The telephonl number to call or III Bushes Edlmflll Dem LI PA 66537 Our Telephones sï¬okéémnn on party Krnnelh um he Ilvwl on pow Inn and vulnln llnll um hll hlhor muted rn mm lhu ll md ll Iald hp lulnr In lurr lylnl law any 11an the Mn Kmurlh Inlvl Ml Tlllmm Illmml lnln Ir male almul Mny nllrr Hurlr rnlvln mama mm an rlrrlu golnu Mll In III lhnl Ill loll In lml uh dMul mm up alum Iv rhlmh In Im AMI lrnru Illwr lrlzhlrlml hlm lu nml Mm lhlurn llvn mo of In rnhln Fur lhe um lw dayl Hwy hm nnlmnn In ml and Iupl mm by lur In paper mm mo Iml humlnl IL 0n Mny llw My lunlo In hrnr wnlrr muhluu nnmm Um rutIn lln HIM he wen nulqu nnvl hrzrm Ilullnllmz null lllï¬MlR WATER lnlmhl Ilm boy Gum 1th wnl lhrm Hausa business on Monday ll upwind lo Includo dlmmlnn lnrnxuru whlch would Iplll llm Nnmxwm Tcrrllnrir lnln lwo Ilul Mom Imporlnï¬ III Flmmru Mlnlnlrr onion II nrlwduled mu Mumm announced Thum dny ml um noun wlll be M1 for ho hum prnlmbly lhh cunning wcrk nuu In two day lhu Cum mnna hn suddenly rnndo lwo nuhslunllnl conlrlhullunn lo pro nrm In lnckllnz new business Ilncc It lexnn nllllnu giny lo Thu Commnns also time third and Inn rcadlnz In In lirsl mm Jor Icuhlnllon he Msxlon blll crcullng new dcpnrtmcnl Industry II now lots to the Senate prior In ncclvlng royal usscnl MAN ES PROGRESS Mr Cnouolle said he will aka another three or our months all Rnuyn Gum home In recover mm kind of ner vous mulling mm strenuous I96 and 1061 clccllon campaixnlng Only nppnrcnl remonce by he Cnnucmsle contradic Kory slnlemmls between the two leaders was shan paragraph that may be Ihul lnoppor tun unlomans were made In variuus purl of Canada but ml moiId no cause to lose sight of on age Snclnl CrcdlL Both Mr Cnouelln whn until 1th week was away tom Par liamenl for mom Ihnn manlh resting on medlcal ndvlm and Mr Thompson lell town alter the council mccllng They rejeclcd achlchcd proposals by pravlnccs Ihn have been more burden than an asset to the movement which would lend la diminish the Frenchspeaklng Influence with the movement 1961 national canvnnflun decl slnn mnking Mr Caouelta dep uty nullonnl leader REELT PROPOSALS mommandniion oi the Na lanai Council Ihat the party abolish the position of deputy leader Mr Caouefla said 55hr min Examï¬wr illllfll UL mu HENLEY England 1C1 nw Unlverlly lxlmlnn anyulghl nllhll duhMM CNNXI Unlvrully In lhlllml Elm min In 1hr Hun of lhe Grand Gulrnge Hm wpmlrr PM Hu and Ilmlry Ilgnfla The mulan mm mi lha mullnl calurp mm by lhrrr quulm Iznzlh 1mm Ihe Tm 931000 rlnin Imill nml nutran II Ullllrll ankm wild and Work Allflry lnr lnlrlflnr llrlnzrrl whhll nn munml Hue mman In slnlo Will Ime Mm arm nmnw II In nnmllnn Mm wmlml lnr Hm UN mull hrr llrflll In IML UNITED NATIONS TlA rllnlc lur lnlnllno rrlngrrn lrum wllh llnnnllum lrom Innn diam Wlll urnml nlllclnlly an IM linm British Team Tops Americans He than was marina lhn nnhcomlng Mk Hm ï¬rmml AuraanI an 1mm am dea with no govv emmull pollry lnrmulnlld In mm vulntmhlo Cunndlnn In dunhlcn 11w MINculling dlsruulon nm hand an US prupvsnl lnr ncthholnnrd lnrlfl ducumu 50 per ml In hldny lrndc ILhale mid Scull NOVToronto Dantonh called or menu blnlcmrnl or Kuvcmmcnl pnllcy cxprmlng ll omnlon ml many Cnnmllun mnnntnclurlng lndusru would ml nurvim Ihe cold wlnd lncrllnlnnlll lcompcllllomï¬ on June hudgcl probably concernan uppllrnuon IM 11 pcMlnl mics Inx on hulldinx mnlrrinls nml production mn chlmry This tax Imposilion has been my crillcizcd Canadian Built Clinic The council ix composed oi be two lenders the cxccuilvn oiiiccrs and rcpmscninlivc oi can oi ihe provincial nssonln Ions Pnriy membership is on line basis membership in provincial association There is lug nniionnl ossocinlion member The Quebec wing Rallie mcnt do Crcdilistcs now has laurmcmhen on lhe national councilMr Oman dep uly leader Gilletï¬malre MP for Lapolnle as Muunnl vice president Laurent Le gnull as prcsldcnl of L0 Hallie mnnl and Roland Demand Partncul Que as Rallle mcnll delegnln The Cnouclllsics alalemonl cxprcssed Firm demands to be floated on an equal looting capacity as represcnlauve of lhe Punchspeaking element In the national movement and In Conlcdcrnlin Mr Thompsan loll by allJar hl hume in Red Deer Alla but was scheduled lo return next week WtNl EQUALITY ycsmdny that he Quebec wing rejects anything which fifmlnlsh lls influence within the movement Hamvar we are luv Mur Mm IM mlmlnlslmunn my hm In mind One lhu mullzlllly nl Innrnllnl lha up tumnclu wllh than unmlllu Ihlrh DunHaul nun plum nl Amrrlran dollar In puwrnl lmtlllnll Ida 1m the dollar Ind lo dluwr than Tnnuuy Srmlmy Douala nlllnn will In lomlul wllnm Al the lwnduy lwnnnu lml um mm my lm In enwrlul unwll any mn new lur llvlrl lnr mlllnl 6m US nu nl flu umlmmrul 11 mm My plm rmphmln on llu Inn mun uuumk Inklnl NI mllmlvm ol lh duler wllh antpflfly lvmln npnmlnu nml Ilm urndlml Imlfll In Mann and Vnrrlln ml Ihavlnl wrnllhy nlllu WASHINGTON 1UP nm Kcnmdy nvlmlnlnlmflon will ha cnllni on he cnrml hrlom llm Julnl wmnmlc mmmlllru Cnnzrru Monday In uplnln he Unllul Slnlrn In all lvuinl dollan nlul inld llmn Mun Hm unmmurm had low ml ll noun wuhl he nhlo llhulnnlo II lnlcmnllmnl my mrnu Ilrllrfl clnnum lhnl Irlhc Mlnlslcr Mncmlllnn was not mid of he rrlnllonshlp bdvmn mm Kenlcr larmcr wnr min Inlrr John Imlumo and Snle Cnm lauurnn Ivnmv unlll II had hccnmo pollllcnl dynnmflo LONDON cu ml Chrll llnc chltr by having ximul luncous low nflnlrl with mil lsh wnr mlnlslcr and Sovch nnvnl nllncho mny hnvo pro voked lho mum mlmkeup In Um hlslnr the nrmm mur LEWIS The US has been produelng lvnrlmu slug nuclear war hands at the rule al lhausnnds year Ind now reported to have bulll up stockpile far greater lhnn whnl wwch be re quired In destroy all polcnllnl or lhcorellcnl enemles Th Lurplus ol weaponry known as nvcrklll has been conslunl source criticism by peace Id vucnlca wlm mnlnlnln lhu eon llnulng nockpllu could In llsell US Still Losing Dollars And Gold WASHINGTON CWAn nuv lhorllalive nuclear snurco any the Unllal Slate dellnilely moving lownrda curtnllmcnl of nuclear producllon wllh only the llmlng and demo curtailmcnl slill to be de cldcdl lle nnllclpalcd samu plu Ianlumpmduclng planls may be shul dawn belore the end of Christines Love Biiairs May Cause Historic ShakeUp the root at De ltnce Minister Hellyer Indica unn that he may be forced to junk the eightship superrigate program hcis llnd down or five year such an upenslve pmgrnmminlmum cost $314 000000he feels he wont have any mane 19 to spend on any nlhar pro out he might want to undertake To proceed on certain defence courses charted by the former Cnnservnlive govemmem ML Hellyer Aald lhls week would The key departmental recent yamhas been pn lies Translation What am we tackle ï¬rst that we can at lard The translation of opuons We mustnt get lied to one big lungterm costly program that would conslrm our Irecdom choice future OTTAWA new phllay ophy emerged from he defence department tth week mmmed Lin pie vmrd foptlnnsfl Options Is Key Word Inpefence Department States To Cut Nuclear Output 2R DAVIS RED cHINA FAULTS FORDISPUTES Bnrrlo enurlo Canada Syllurdnylluly 1m wmk fur lenl chum nlmply human lwlnn nu unlll lhe mm In n1qu wllh us And In man mp mi ralhor Ihnn pltmnlllnl Ionian wl mun tonllnul out In In Inlonlovl hrra FlldnyV Ilnnre NRllnul¢ mlvl lur Im ummned all wnmmn nrxnnlnllann nhnukl he wlml um and evrryum wmk nr lenl chum nlmnlr 1le TlMull mu IMHI mumlulu mum lull ulm wmcn wmnl lump IIII mntlnue In ull um mnurnlullve he anlmul umlr ul Wman ol mm IMF nln munlrlu mm min llwlr dollurnlmldym Inlo gqld Women Want Cooperation From The Men Amlhcr Mulnbln nxpan Hum murlllnrry lhc lnlcrnullnnnl melnry Fund Inf nlnhlllxlnx nnllnnnl currcn Ion Mncm an Hm lacll In would nlmnsl cmnlnly hnvn mowd lmlumo mm omcu below Imlumo mndo MI ponti rallyuplnslvn lying Ilulcmcnl lo lnrhnmcnl dcnylng any Im pronrlglan hln mlnllom wllh has xhnknn lhc uovnmmunt nnd Um prime mlnlsmn own posi Ion Tho head of scenrfly has dl ml access at any lime to me prlmu mlnlnlnr who ulll mnluly rosponsihln Io Pnrlln mgpllnr my Neverlhclcss abllily lush nn powerml nuclear warheads smnllcr packages and con ccnlrnllon on lnlernnlionnl bal Hsllc missiles lnslend nuclear numbers the prlme miklnz force In lhc event attack has led to reduced need for tho Inrgcr and mum cumhusoma warheads ulx KicIéF Hnwaver alllclnls modeled with nuclear production and lcsllng have argued that the llinnlcn ol overkill hnvz been vnslly exuggernlcd malntnlnlnz lhe US cannot be no sun hnw many weapons may be work able and nvnllahle to reach as scnllul targets lot lirst and sec ond strikes ln Ime of nuclear nllnck tame In accldanll nuclnnr war The drawback to thls ants any Is that at some or other he gnvemmcnl wl have to choose some major weapuns program and all or them are expensive Once done this llmlls lulum options un less ll could drastically reduce armed Iorccs manpower ï¬nd some currcpl npcrallaxls lenly sue rodu¢ Hons iniormnnts say are the aircraft Bonaventure and her planes manpower coslly radar slallona and home Inlnnlry brigade bind my present governments hands and prevent mm hav ing chalce ol opflun In de lance tasks In the year ahead lsjlDVING REVIEWED Eariler the mlnlsler put lhi way Any pgchrerpent 11 new Ilvlliph Huh Com mlulnm Cumin Blr Hon Umdl In hm hi Gnluw The new agency named lho man as Corporal Brlnn Pnlchcll nnd nnld ha had been serving In tho commnnlcnllona dtpnrb gun Ill lhu IMF nullon ll wrmrn Uomd In West Bellln has du lecltd lo Ens Gcrmnny nnd asked ior pallllcul asylum Hm nlllclal East German new agency ADN repamd lndny OTTAWA CF Thieves mndo of with an osllmatcd $30 000 In vnlunhlc coln curly la day after bmnklnx In the Coin Centre Canada Th shop which claims to be lhe Inrxcsl coln and mm mun centre In Cnnndn was emch lhmugh wall 1mm an adjoining minu rant Barrie North Collegiate and Allislona Banking Memoml High school resulu will be found on Page 10 British Airman Said Defected To East Germany I1e choices stockpillng In Europe equipment or two nddIlInnal brIgadcs pvasIan of nlanes In aIrlln the two brlgndcs lhcir equlpmnnl In Europe In Canada comm VATO to the IrIgaIe pm Amman mlrucllon oI nu Ines In Canada nu venlInnql suhmarincs BY Thieves Take Valuable Coins Mr Heflyer already has so many options belnre hIm hel beglnqlng toulroak llke jggglen He ha outlined tome Juliesé option himsell For Instance there are three options concerning the future 01 the 8500mnn Canadian Army NATO Brigade in Europe and lb rcinlorcemenl by two brig ade 1mm Canada In case war VLIN ennuiA Anyone for oï¬lluns EXAM RESULTS NEW HIGH COMMISSIONER T0 CANADA hmdnn home will Lady Lln MI and link lvm thlldun mm Ind Jnhm l5 fllr Ilean mu wet mm Ibo Unlon company negollnl nu rlnspcd hand and grinned In relic Ffldny nlxhl nTlvr reaching agreement on three year rnnlrncl or some 12000 Inca cmplnym in sudhury and Inolhnr 1500 lforl Claiborne The ltrm he aclllcmcnl will nul ho mndn known unlll npruenlnllvu tn Unllcd Slcclworkcrn ul Amcrlcn CLC mldrm mun mmllnks ol lhclr mrmbm In Ilw lwn cummuni In and luck lhclr approval he ncxollnuon mulll TORONTO CWWalker at the ï¬lnnt lnlcrnuuunnl Nlckcl Nick Compuny plunl in Sud bury and Port Calborno vol Sunday on arms or sclllcmnnl to cud lhe hm1 slriko against the worldl lnrxul Mikel producer The daily Chlng Po compared Khmshchev Presldcnl Ken nedy saying each trying Ia becomu lhu worlds males hero with one uslna the other In allnin lha goal pm In an new mm from ï¬whonhyq hyndrgdg nomic agreements china and Russil Into plem Soviet newspaper had 11on lo say about the meetings between experts the Soviet and Chl nose Communist parties dispute on how to attain world aupmmacy tar communism is not ofï¬cially stmxgle between Ike lwn governments but on between the parties Pravda Ihe Soviet party newspaper printed deienu oi Khrushchevs pencelui wads Incu policy but made no men lion the meeting It said Khrushchev set the dlreclian or pmpunigh in his sycech dus MOSCOW ANCommunist China mulled Premier Khrush chev again today In seven man mission to Moscow wen ofl with Kremlin team appar ently to open the Its real work lng sesxlnn of the ldoologlcnl feud between the worlds lwn largest Communist powers Alter gelling lozeliler Friday or what appeared in be largely ceremonial and mum izaiionni meeting the two dei exalian drava lo villa In the Lehin hill overlooking Moscow ihis morning Their meeting was being held In secret To Vote SunM End Inco Strike munlsm In his mad dus jlll visit to East erlln this Press Ridicules Khrushchev For Building Berlin Wall mUSflCHEV Mnese newspa nflawed up cm by sin name gm man NoDMoro Than For CopyH Fwd Partly cloudy Sundny With schi lmd showers haw onlaht 55 high tomamw 7310 mmpleto amqnaryfplease him to pm mm In ovmnlnlimer rmd Amm Md nl Odd0n ifl Wktvhou hum Amcmd Imn Lodal Weather Ilnnuing uvnr he llnnl MRI was lho threat wlldcnl wnlkoul by unlun mcmhm Smclworkm ufllclnll rcparltd growing lmpullcnco among Hm membm nvcr dclnyl In Icllllnu ho dlnpuln nnd Incrrnslng Mk unnulhorlxrd lrlku acflnn gnlml the company Labor Mlnlslcr Lulle lawn lm announcing he settlement prnlscd Inn mnlun we term llun of 1mm company an un Inn nprcscnlnllvu duran lhrcu any oi lnlcnslvc lnlkn Bul one report said the break hrouxh nner nine month of ne nllnuons came on he basis new company proposal denllng will It conlrovcralnl penslnn plann kcy Issue whlch wllh wnzes nnd unlon lccurlly hnd ngllcd ha talks Soviet Premlcr Khrmhc vmrum communism un aprtad without war Itrlkea at line heart he SovIeChlneso um Chlncae Communist boss Taolung 1n openly chnl Khmshchcvs leadership 01 Commungxt world unl marl Tong Hmoplng ham to tougher Hue Slmllnrly than who lalkcd about peaceful coexlslencu be In the only ullemullva were preclsely prnnchlng pence ful coexlslence between the op prfmgra and lha gammy It not difï¬cult in see lhal lhose who talked luudly about general complelo dlxarmamanl helng hmonly way to world peace and hum who spread the illusion that Um lmperlallsu wuuld agree in disarm halt own me will were dccelvlnl lho people and divenlng them from the smuggle against HI moral enemy penceImp Hallsm and old and new calo mum thing Po ridiculed Khrush ch bqut thy Herlinrwall vuv nu Unionunaieiy the Berll wall was built by Khrushchev it said Otherwise the two Ks cnuid have met In Berlin during lhgir men European visits or peaceiul coexistence summit conlerenc 0111mm sauour Péklhi charged Khrushchev selling out communism and 1beln 0039 on ha Wash The New China news agency In bmadcnsl rum Peking said Khrushchev was prenchï¬nl paqceful coexistence between ho appressars and the op pressed The broadcast munllarea In Tokyu snld