mqu 00M Anldll Im cm mm mm MI lunl Chlb If by nu CM mum Album AanN Alloml MN Aluminium Amm an II Maul Inn or NJ III TII mmn In HQ Pun can Imp cm can mum mncmuer they worn lronl nI harm only they rnvellcd rather more llnwly do know my lather plowed wllh mm callrd lham Buck and Mum mall Mr Shunnhnn Ve drovo lo Burrlc Idlnl on lo nono Few purple hnvu IN nu ox mm in nionu driven one hui Mn Viiiinm Shnnnhan 75 now oi Danie rcmcmben driving her iuihcrl team of nxcn io Barrie and back irom lhcir Fourth Lino Vxsprn Farm AI ir can mncmber mu ummvu unucr 10 Between 1567 the date when lhn cemetery was cslnbllshcd and 1877 lho average BID flhosu who dlnd was 30 In new Cmst by law he average life Ipan hnd Increased to the an 00 The oldest woman wns Mrs Stewart 106 who dlcd In 1399 Im oldest mnn lnld to rest lm was John Young who was 01 when hu dlrd In 1952 re marked Waller Downey no wnl oncn lho vulnzc blacksmllh good man and slmnxly bum bInchamllh usually were nnovz ox mm nu In Ihe year of 1877 15 per aanl died In the mmmunlly Mlncslng these only one ex uch hr ago 35 Thlrly Ipcr cent early death wnre by chudgcp under ny Rev Runner aslmd then present to ask themselves ll thelr faith was strong and unlnllcrlng that of those now departed who do zplta great hardshlp worked wholeheartedly to carve the has la the conunnnltlcs as we know them now out at the wilderness Falth he aald passed down tmm genem ion to genomtlon lle conclud bv saying that to ccrtnln extent parunu nu respomlblo or the nctlons of the chlldmnl And In lndlcntcd by the ra tlwr shacklng stntlstlcs ol the hurlal llst tncludlng some 700 nnmcs the plonccrx llllna slug and othnhcommunltles needed tnlth abovo all nvl Mon Am me AIM Aludk mm ï¬lhll Mnhuy Don MINOR mu Av mu mmmm up In 11mm mlnno on runm nmn Mu wlg an un JQ mun luv1 IV c1735 mm The xcrvlcn was taken by United Church Minister the Rev John Bunner outskie the new chapel recently donned by Mr and Mrs Walter Downey Mine sing By BRIAN BAKER Lika many other cemetery commemoration services held ihmllghoui the county the com memnrnlion service held in the Union Cemetery Minesing un der the Anglican and United Cnurchns drew large crowd pny their respect and recall the aid days VImu by TOCK PRICES StressesFaith Moved Pioneers To Pave Way uncn uumpmr left no cepu the Jayme Float tram dub president 51d Tay Wing Commander Qumpsoefl len ao n1 ni law HM an mm llud III Ml lmv lm Oil In IMIM lulu Mml lulu Uflllllt lnltrrvov Ill MICK Clllb um In gnunu in nu ma YulM N1 lulu Mml muma mmrm my Niel Club In mmmunlly or ogc ex Dam mm on mm Dom Tu lAlu on row mm mm um mam mm on llud nu how wma COMMANDER MEETs lawnnu III II man SI Bum Mkomn Vhllo um region Mulan lunny loduy nnd Silur Lnko St Clalr Lnko Erta kc Huron Nlnknrn wastem kc Ontnrlo regions thdsor london Hamilton Toronto Mnlnly sunny today and Sutur dny will amonnblo tempura turu Vlnda northwzst 15 to dny light Saturday lZnslrm Lnko Ontnrto th burton rogloruz sunny wtlh cloudy pedods today no satur day Cooler Wlndl northerly to 75 Gmrxlan my nmnxaml ro glom North nay Sudbury Sunny with cloudy period and cooler todny Mulan runny and tumlnz wnrmor 5nurdny Wind north 15 to 25 today 11th SMuany around the no mark in he warmer air in the 605 and 70 in the cooler air Wnrmcr cnihcr accompanied by some flowers will relum la ihc north munlry Sniurdny with lho mi oi Oninrio continuing mnlniy sunnv Synops Cooler nlr nnw cav 111 Onlnrln except tho ex lrcmu sauhwcslnm comer ol the pmvlnce Sklc nru mostly sunny today with afternoon lum pemlures expected to rungo around on Forecasts won ping Al 11 ml 29 mu ncwmmg hlsmry by the Minesing Wm mens Insllxute was washed away during spring flood when only their children were home ma children managed to escape Among the ï¬rst ultlm nl Mineslng Smlon were James lomilson and his wife who came from Yorkshire England In 1545 Tho ï¬rst lug cabin hull beside the Swaley Creek ding la Inn AL You wouldnt recognize Mine slug or the place knew when was gin and took maple syrup to sell In Barrie The lnh Uno Vvsprfl had not even been cleared My father cleared 75 acres of bush by hlmxelL my 51qu boat and coming through Mld hursl sand plain as we called It and would be blowing hvross the road like now HullId on mu mun Dman lor The RCAF Station Ed gar float In ha Dominion Day parada In Barrio was judged has of the da he trophy Nwnmh mm rum llmym ouurcn mbom nm mum on wny up hymn Monlrnl or WEATHER FORECAST We luv by the mummy winds llghl Cochran western Jnmel Bu regions Mainly cloudy and cooler lodny Clearing um um Ingr Vurlabla cloudiness and warmer Saturday wlu saluted or lhundmlnowm Wlnd northerly 15 today llghl Sulurduy Forcurl Temperntnm Mulovemlgm hllhr suntan Windsor 51 Thoma 50 so ndnn to Mount Fare 15 Wlnlzhnm 45 7a llnmlllan 50 Cnlhurlneo so Town 55 no Pclerbarougll 7d Mullmka Il gay Warmer Saturday Wlnds ah erneu It took mqu As Kai we morn Ilvlng colxnmunld uanr declami It an desire to make or he pioneers to the wild One unnamed contribumr de mlbcd the heavy work enlafled In loam bees and haw nearby neighbors with their horses and nxen war pmenl help Inn wum no 0531ny escape since the openlng abova was loo high and narrow AK nrnl they felled big tree to cross Willow Creek mw Emu ed by ngllway 29 While Illa Tomllsan boy opened up road nem Dunn Hlll the rlnglng how wolvascnnlanllv ï¬llsl lurde the allence laid lhat they kept Rub lhu creek to pull thelr mceflu ac Nil Wool was an important plo veer Item but wolves made sheep raking dilllgult Ink llll In luv Give yourself break up or the second year was won In 196 by the Kinsman Club Barri Examina Photo ward To Jacqueline Bell John Campbell Knlhy Carlson Pllli Edmton Paul Green hllz Hilda Hashes Human To 5r Gmlo Graham Webb Teacher Mu Blanche Cowm JUNIQR noon mu ulhy lrum ay Duvld Tyndale Wand Wlxulnl Lenore Yuung To crude IV Wendy Cook Stephen Andy Carol Hod Robert Lennnx Dnvld Port Debhlo Raymond Paul Rey noldl Gregory Sarjcunt Daug lu Slnrlr Ricky Thoma Hm ï¬byflrymblay Duvld Tyndale wwuu mn mnn Donald Lcnnaxï¬ Denku McNamara Kathy McNamm Debra Monger Brucu PM Heather ï¬eld Margaret Ann Rcld Madtllno Reynolds Rob en Sheald Edward Small Leonard Trumblcy Donald Webb Karon Webb Richard Wiggins David Campbell Beverley Chap WW Hp Webb mu Young Pr nulpal Eldl Shun non 5an I390M To uncle VI Wayne Barnard Luna Bell Moll Campbell Sharon Cook Diane Handy Lin da Lennox Yvnnne Mills Don Ild Reid Paul Shemd Debath Webb Lynn Wabb Jame Io Gnde VIII Sharon 58F and Philip Bel Jamel Chapv man Gale Edgennn Janka Mc Kenney Bert Van Langu Isaac Van Lame numr son Rec Gerald Rugman Kenneth Shannon Erie Small Rec Catharine Tyndale le Webb Leah Young and IX Stephen Alkln Rec David names Wlmnm CalInn Pamela Cook Ban Hul man 111 Lgmlzux qulm nim Palnswlck School N0 13 In nhfll Promotions June 190 SEqu ROOM uwwu wt unrauén plant mm Al ma mlbla mmedlu but despite mamas water the least expend anemalm would cost morn than 31500011 The commlsxlon can water from the river Into the mm mm which It now take water It can build reservoir Ind pump water Into from one of the nearby lakes or II can aka wlter out ol the river at 000 or construction N0 13 INNISFIL PROMOTIONS lawn wnturinz driveway wuhlnz and car washing us being denied domestic water consumers In past years water an extended only In 1an sprinkling The lownn water light and power commission hulhreal mum MAL BRACEBRIDGE Ont CF suunted on the Muskoka Rlvar and within walking distance at flva lakes Bracebridga In no the mm mm curtailment of water Inc in It history Susun hlmbull 18 Feel 5L and hex put em am have been reunited hm what hm ther Mu nun buu called night of men Ind excitement am mu pet with Bracebridge Faces Water Shoxjage Girl Pet Together Again THE HARM canaldin me umu Sun when the run In law point 1m and Iunspol nc llvlly SUN QUIET Jan 19M mnrks the open In of wwenr study of the lnlemuflonnl Iollhg ngld Sun Mum Muiï¬imt NYHnrold Dow 64 prcfldcm lhu Dyson Shipping Company ToronloAthr Allan Chrls llnn 5a dullnan ol the board of Equlllblo Securlllcs Canada lellcd come widelyknuwn Montreal lawyer who was john Crown prosccu or in Montreal or 15 yearn ManualSonny Lr Elllull 31 Canadian hlslarlnn author and onetime radio commcnlnlor and newapapcrwomnn Wlndwr Enmnd General Ybem 70 nonrlcgcnd ary hero dashing exploits In two world wars Mantra Gcorge Wz Hlll mm la Grade MeiSemple Pal Small Jleyn Teach My 1h Grldo Jeannette Brew ster Donald Cook Jane De Gmyler Billy Hodgson Sandra Ladle Sandra Lewis Dale Mc Glrr Dean McGhr Wendy Min nlkin Brian Monger Diane Porter Billy Rumble Deborah Sarjeanh sniéuf Hofman Martha Jamlcsnn Jan rum Sham McNamara Sunn Mlnnlkln Ronnie Noordhofl Brian Small Debra Taylor Douglas Walnn Carol anlca Cathy Warnlca Gordon Webb Leonard Wallar mummy Mn Mary Greeley for one am certainly hap py to know that this company provides services which run to move first aid and the gen eral weilsre oi the community she conumedr Susan could not be contacted for comment this rimming Hill was granted the privilege sleeping in Susans room ins nidnl They cnuid not be separated said her mother They are both sleeping it ofl now lflfl the crisis and near hennbren last night mum II med Mn mmu Mrs Elleen MncGregor InF whose tree Bill war entangled uld lhla mornlna mat the flu nd Howavar they sald they Wm unable to help in the mlals WIndow Clea ners wn called They deserve great deal email or com ln¢ wt In the nigh and belng You hnuld havu seen haw they put up the ladder and Use gentle manner In whld the cuer handled B111 35 he hmugh hlm down in earth ualdMn mm rm CANADIAN mm very lame iievgknfi trailing hi chaï¬ng string inst night He ended up in atree at 1030 hanging by one 100 and unable Iolree himself Senior Grade Billy DEATHS ramm mu Luballs 50 A10 Mar pooplo ï¬lm it ovary day Barrie lira department was called to luvuflgale fire In nave bumer at resident at Sunlord Street Yasmin al lemoan at 413 The Hrs was out by Una lime the flu truck arrived me call Wu the first nlnce deputnwnl was called upon to exllnlulsh ï¬re In soft drink cooler at lhe Allnndale Fish and Chip store mesday evening He was taking part in the debate on government hill to establish new department of industry in the lederal gnvzrn men Referring to cinuse in the bill which would enable the government to engage some out side expert for stated period time to aid in establishing the department Mr Smith uld that the Ho what kind of person going to need In Ihe Darlment Fire Cal Not Serious OTTAWA Special North Siméoe manufacturers are no mangled In having more lov emmcnl experts tell them how lo nu heir business Hebzr Smith MP for Simone North said In the Commons Thursdav Manufacturers Not Interested In Government Experts Smith the Commons Thursday kin pm in he on very ceilaln unnel he was the new de mil was en fled EXAMINER mm Ans PHONE PA 021 Mr Smllh laid Ihnl would mean DIM ll holding valunbh emplayee and Ihe government wanted to Imp Mm on pennam enlly he would have to lake reductionln pay to stay on In Ihe cMI serv Mr Drury xald mm that the people lo be employed as expert would not be paid higher rate Mary lbs per son within the clvll service or mmmmtlve Jobx wanted policies that wouid In crease he bushel andjlw them chance In survive Later Mr Sï¬ulhuked 11 Mr Drury would Assure the Hausa 1h elpeoplg lo be employed Ha laid them wen lat ofzx part in all these areas llrondy and the manufacturers didnt need more expert but ramm paflclps that would In My riding in typical Ideon dary manumturlng indunrm riding explained Mr Smith The Dominion Government Im pinge on the nriair oi mann lactureru there In five areas oi tutills taxes export policy the Industrial development bank and shipbuilding 1w um mean Mr Johnson sold the requnst or recommendation was ac uolly courtesy move data It In Included In lhe ofllda plan to perm mnslrucllon or such buildings In open spaces and the Planning Board did not need to PAM 1111 hnson secretary the Planning Board sald the request was tabled or the next meeting wm Emle clly council hu asked the Planning Board at re cummendauan lo Imend the zoning bylaw to permit con strucllan the new Ireml bufldlnz mum yeswmny Aliennoon at three oclock Thu investigating oiiicer or the Ontario Provincial Police manned iilni 1960 compact Emma of RI darriehwu pmmding south on Highway 27 When it miiidcd with north bound 1957 vehicle owned and driven by Aured quqks oi Main meet Caiinnder Dnmazm were esiixjnnlnd Further Action On Police Building Set For Monday hour headan collision resulting in 51225 estimated da mage Damned on Highway 27 onelenlh ol mile south of the 400 clover Damage $1225 In Car Crash 9513312