ï¬lmy ijéik Call PA mu An Ihm clnflflId ad Mm will In mul alrrnm ucr on plyan flrnnulnr hm Innmlnlu mnmvnl Hm uhUng unto Inn um All nthrr walk me wary nr romle my Mum Iwrfllrmlunl IN mm Irmler may lw MnMrml hr Sinima mmly Hnglnrrrl WNW nr Al he Hum 01 III onwlllnl Ichlnmn In rm mill or llm mm ley Dollan 2000 MINI IN Hlllmlld Trmlm mm Arronmnnlwl Ivy mmlml durum or nmuuM mm Hm lm drr and II aucmulul Ivlrldn muII NHVME vmlud howl lnr 1m nl he Mal lender 11w knml or Any under dull mmnvlly In fulï¬l CLARK Ivnu Elmo Cotme Englnm CmMy NImIRILlIMMI MIMI MINE OMAN McCOllMNK AND RANKIN LIMIT PAINTING CONTRACTORS BARRIE ONTARIO SEALED TENDERS wlll be re celved by lha underslzned un Ul 300 pm EDT on TUESDAY JULY 13rd 196 or ï¬le Exterior palnllnz ol nine Ontarlo Provincial Pollen ncsldcnce at Battle 0mm snoclllcallons and Tender Docu menL may be oblalncd mm or vlewed Room 6630 Do partmenl Publlc Worn Eu Block Parliament Bulldlnu Tomlo Onlnrlo or vluwul ho Bulldm Exchange Emil Ontnr10 ll $30000 Bid Hand and 100 Parlormance Bond wlll be rm qulrcd spcclllcd Tendon will not be coruldcrcd unlcss made on lonm Iupplled by lllo Dcpnrlment The lowcsA or my lender no noccunrlly lnr llu rnmlnmlnn lhrco Iqmn me out long rclnlorcmi rnnrrm nml pmlnsxcd can rmn nirdcr Mrutluru ovrr lilo Iluync hrr rm 51mm ounly llnml Na 10 This work In IIIth lumvlylnz rmd anl IIMI th vllinu unwnlulnx nntrNE ln hlnlrlumi mme inn and mum pmlmxrd mnmh bean npmnncn um COUNTY OF SIMCOE TENDERS F0 BRIDGE STRUCTION AHALED TENDERS plainly murle muMs will tmlvcd by the Clerk at ID ounly Slmmo unlll 00 oclock noon ir NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF IRENE HINES All persons having dulm against the Estata of IRENE HINES late Lha Town Weston In the County of York Splustcr and lonnerly the City of Barri In the County of 51mm who died on or Ibout the Fourth of February 1963 ambewa notttted to send pm tluflars of same to the under signed an or before the 31$ August 1963 MM which date the Estate will be disul buttd with regard only to the claims which the unduslgned shall then hava notice DATED at lnmnto the 37th day Lnrgamernatlnnal company has openings or mngqre hen and women on ales um the Banlo aréa No péniimm Must cur Writs Box 73 Ram Examiner 31 June 1953 THE NG TRUSTS COR PORATION 311 Bay Street Toronto Executor by MesaL Stewed Eman Mcmrk and Mills their solicllora hemln NOTICE OF SALE UNDER THE MECHANICS LIEN ACT TAKE NMICE that Helm Gross faxme of 0m Onmio ls lndcblod to Ansllns BAP Scr im pm In the can In the sum $105 or re mlr and storage made upon 1953 Chevrolet Sedan 1962 HC ence No 16408 Serial No amassoxo and in that the sald Austins BP Scrvtm has rz malncd unphld or more than thrce months pursuant to Sec tlon 43 the hlcchnulcs Llen Act use 1960 Chaprer sale at the said vehtcle wlll he had by public nucllon on Mon day July at the hour at to arm at Austlns Service Auctloneer Dated at Barrie the 51h day of July 1953 IO ll LEGAL NOTICES 12 TENDERS Deputy minim Drpnrtmcnl Puhllc Wnrkx Onlmlo TnunsnAY JULY ya mm rofu cnnvn amino Minn Milne anhank 90d JERRY COUGHLIN HELP WANTED SALES HELP AGENTS MiLLAn ONTARIO CAREER ilN SALES pig 11w mnln pmMIm or ldlll llm hu hm hlnllmu lhc various Iypu of mm mm wiyyh hok Allie Mr lllnlmh deulopod ledlnlquc In ldnnlllylnl the mm whlla Ilwlylnl Ior MI Asgm ll UllUflhIllflf uwu Vlrnllukn Nyurnhl Jupan rlu nmhnrliy rm unzl in In Vlrlnrll hrlp ulmu MM lm xIlunIu nu wltlu mud xlnmm In Ilnllnh nl umlvln omll vm rnnlnl pmth null lrlloulhlp hy II Nth MAI Ilonrnrfll Imrll In hqu In Ilm rumpIx uaInl mm lung lnmvn AI 11 An alum M1 Hmlu at mm in Unn In lml mm In vino Mill wher hnl llllM IKIIIIIIHII Wednesday July 24 at 1230 Slmrp lST hr CllAllllH WILLIAMSON Connsalon 10 Fun Townshlp li mlch Wu ul Thornton Village and am mllu south SALE hnrm llnlulrln rnlllc plu poultry mllklnx tqulp mm mm mnehlmry mu hmmlmld cllecln Tm cm No rrnm In tho mm mld JlIllln TOUGllLlN Iludlonur Saturday Ju 20 1230 pm Sharp or HARRY and PARKER KELCEY Al Lot Conccsalan no lnnlsfll Townshlp mllcs ens of my way 27 on mllcx slrnlnhl west Stroud Villain next lo 00 llllhwny SALE ol hum flock Impr mum mullry household ell rcla Includan mnny Inllqum Tcrms rush No mom mm In told lpm pm pm pm or the TOWNSHIP OF INNISFIL SCHOOL BOARD N0 SALE pmptrllcs behools and equlpmcm For lunher Informatlon com um School Secretary COUNTY OF SIMCOE TENDERS FOR PAVEMENT CONSTRUCTION Sealed lenders plalnly milked to content wlll be recelved by the underslxnod untll 1000 NIL DST THURSDAY JULY 18 196 or Mlconskmctlnnol an lllA wphnk pavement on Cmmty Road Nol l0 lrom Tollenhnm northuly dlsiance ol ammx Iqatply Amlles lnlormadon to Bidders Spee mcauons and ï¬nder Farm may be obtained at ha om oLhe nndurslzned AUCTION SALE Saturday July 12 Noon Sharp 140 MAINST PENETANG For MRS MAE DONNELLY SALE hlzh class household lumllun Including electrical appllances anllque umllure all klnds llncns Klasswam ail verwnre dishes plane and many other arLiclcs Terms Cash No reserve lha house ls sold AUCTION SMILE Thursday Evenmg July 11 at pm sharp or GEORGE BAllEflS Lot Canmsslnn ll West Gwilllmbury Township right on Highway 21 two miles south Cookstown SALE 29 head good cal tle pigs poultry many housa wme machinery and some honde effects Tender must be accampanlod by marked cheque for an amount equal to of the Ian der and the successlu bidder must vrovldo contract bond or 109 at the total lender ï¬elowm or any lender not necessarily necepicd CLARK PEng Slmcoa County Engineer County Admlnlslrallon Building Burle Dnmrlo Terms cash No reserve as the arm sold phi Fungi Expert Helps BC Forests l2 IENDERS l3 AUCTION SALES JERRY QOUGHIJN QUmON SALE AUcï¬N SALE Salurqay July 13 JERRY COUGHLIN Auctioneer worm SALE EDGAR STURGEON Chulchlll or JERRY COUGHLIN Aucllonm JERRY COUGHLIN Audionecr Audlonecr Um nu Hm mviro Mllrlwll WM prurnlnl with rhequn by Jim lmmll on MI he rnnarauum Mn 11cm prrlllflnl Mu Mll dwll with up ml Inurrr lmnl ll um um lllllo Ilmm Inn In llflull hlll Mr m1 Iluv luluII nth wrmd lhelr Ilunhu Allrr Um mvke Mr ml Mrl annnl Cnmplwll nnluulned Mr Ind Much and chlldqou and my IM MllrhrH Irrnrhrd hh ml mman hm Jun 10 Mm lnklnl up Mn nu Iulirl Al Hrlmmnlrr Inlnrh Mr Mllrlwli MumII ml lur lmlnu dun In uln am all In iml pb crplul nummtr pollllan Artlvnn Camp Hullun and MI leu ï¬zmhlar work Wmd 1m tollrllnlc Kepler dm lmvlng 11mm Iho wnl Um ï¬nal hnnnr mnny pmllu Rho urrivrd valunhlo um mm HI luh girl and junior lnnnru hm IAJIIZ T0 MINIHTHII By MIKE CAMPBELL CDHKIMUIHHOHI on tho arriv nl hnhy boy to ML and Mn Gordon County In nnnia hnxnllal Juno 27 Man vlsunrl were Mr and Mn Mex Sllller And Iour chil Lml cl Vlndmr wllh Mr and Mn George Her Mr and lu Pm Jnmimn In lrnnsll lmm Sept Nu Que Foy mnunl Onl wllh he lnrmcrl llrlllll Mr and Mn Jnm Mr 14 Mn No mounl Onl nrmcu llrlllll Mr and Mn Jnm an Mn and Mn Mc anhllll llllmlllml wllh Mr ml Mu Newton noun Mn Manh Colllnuwmd wllh In Mlu lunbelle illthrhl hm re 1an III home Monaminl lor Humn nunly and LI nllnldlnl he Dwmlmrnl ol lhlucnllml Iummvr haul In Tmnnlo mm In 3an loprlllln to tenth In 0n Sundny Rev Mr Jackson Slmnd conducted lacrnmcnls of Holy Communion and llnly Burr llsm nl Gillan Unllcd Churth Nonen Lucy Infnnk daughter ML nnd Mrs Gordan Huuhu wn lmpllzcd Guests at lhc Icrv Ice wcrn Mn and Mrs Mo Knight nnrrle Vikilbfs In and Mrs Hob en KcIlx were Mr and Mn George Km and son Ottawa and Mrs Kiichen Atwood and Mr and Mn waiter How elL 0m Siallun amended the chrislminz of their granddanzh ten Tracy Ann Edgar United Church Sunday morning mnin dinner was held at the 1mm mm parean Mr and Mrs Mel Howell foilowinz the service other guest pre sent wera Mn and Mn McNeil Dundas Out and Mr and Mrs Maglzeog Edgar Wiener roast and plcnlc lunch brought an enjoyable oven lng la close last Nesdny at Edgar School ball game and race had been huh during the evening or the pupils their pnrenl and friends Prim were Elven lo the oldest resident pre sent Jess Bldwefl largest lam lly Mr and Mrs Slmpsan and to little Kenneth Shonrdmm the yaungqslunne present Mn Hazel Kell ls spending Iwo wncks with relnllves In Ihe cainmunlpy Swlmm n5 cssons wlll begin al Glllord Bench on July On June 23 the pupils from Was Gwllllm bu ry Township School Na look bus trip In Canada Dry Darrin the lira hnll Harm Sprluanlar Park or lunch and the Tree Nursery Mldhursl Tracy An infant daughur of Mr and Mrs Mel Howell was christened at Ednr United Chgch June 30 Mn Dunn Ednmr Beach Mrs Goldsmith and Mn Erupp 01 Midland vlslled Mrs Cecil Sheanlewn and Mrs William Shemdown last Wednesday Miss Helen Lauder Cooksvllle spent the holiday at her home here Congratulations to Jacqueline ilulchinsnn Im winning the We mens Institute mm $5 for lap grade student for Um year By MRS SAWYE Mr and Mrs Paul Russell and sons Eddie and Ronnlc left from Malwn on June 20 to Vancouver Last ï¬ne cï¬d Mr and Mn HerMe Hughes vlsllcd In Ottawa may dimmer Mnrgageg ms flanKarel Snvvynr Sunday night from Mnllon tgur all Eugypc éonxrilulallnns to Mr and Mrs Eabcrt Hughes Kleinburg up the birth of daughter Juna Congratuln la Camlyn Hughes Dobbin James John Kell Judy Neilly Kathy Tm or and Elizabeth Hall on pus mg lhclr Roynl Canaanawry pl ano gxnmlnnllona In HunIE Thu lervlce Edgar Unlled church wlll bu akcn lay mem ber 01 the Christian Buslness Mens Assoclullon or the next two Sundays July and 14 at 1130 am Rev Mr Thorpe wlll be onvacallon Mr and Mn Mmre and family Saul Ste Marie spent last weekwilh Mr and Mrs Ggorze flail AROUNDSIMCOECOUN TY ml hy firnlrmlnl In Mr Unit mm lhul By MRS HAYES GUTHRIE GILFOHD EDGAR III II Iellrlmi loll fur hum llfllllltl MOMIPGL Foumll Clmlllnn Tnv umllln CHIby lnll vhllul Im Inn lnl Ind lumlly male mlmlm nl mm In nu Irmwny III In mum at annllllhm Mm rm Menu Ind this um lncludlnl up Ind Mn and NIL Imlmr Mix Cnnnlnnlnu Iprnl Turulny with In Inllnl lhlur JIM TMlen Mlu Clm Arm Hchrlmr and lrltmll ol Tnnmto uveul Ihn hollvlny wllh her unndmdlhzr My ll grout7 Mr ml Mu Dirk llnpwnml nl mum UM Ind llmy WII Inn at Dullun vIIlnl mmlly wllll llwlr Rrfllll Mr Iml Mn Tlm Wllmn llmnl vlnllorn with Mr And Mu Ntlwn Hlnrllnu lntluded Mr nnd Mn Henry Starling ML and Mr and Mn lolnl Hus Klrllvnhlck ll hnvlnl lhl Mm lnlhglled nnnrnlulnlionu Um thh Mhml Imdrnu nl thln gummun My whu wmy Iurcrulul In Mr yrnrn work nl Elmvnlo Dhlrlcl Illuh Sclml They no Warren Wmlm Murlny Mklmnn GM fluvlrr Shawn Wank llnh Ixmm nml Kcnmlh mun Thumnx say Hrnnlnrd chnt lho holldny weekend at lhc home or hls xlslcr and hm Innml Mr and Mrs Fred lnoy and lumlly Mm Sandra Flnlny of Wu crn Hospllnl and Mr and Mn Lloyd Plrkcrlnx nnd lumlly of Landau were weekend lelmn ml the homo 01 Mr Ind Mu AIL5 FlnlprnndJumlly nirid Mr Emma Madlll of Brndlord wm Sunday vhll ms with Mr and Mn llnmld Snfllh nnd bpys Mn and Mn Allen Sinclair and uh vlallcd Sunday evcnlnx wllh Hm lnlml parcma Mr Infill Steve awn Mr And Mn Elmbr Mllnwn nml nlrl nl Drop nlvrr villlcd Sunllny ll fl Mklmon nml bay Manic Wayno willer Chirnxo holhlnyln wllh Ml ruuslna Frnnk and Jlmm Mllv Ilgnn On June 28 he teachers pu pils and parents ol Guthrie Schooi held noon hour picnic at 010 Memorial Perk Alter salad luncheon the Grade red ultes were presumed wiih mm from their 2th ieiiowx and their leather Mrs Camp bell Carine Wiggins on beheil the Grade pupils gave Mn Camgbeli 8WhllbBK Enlh teacher Mrs Camp bell and Mrs Campbell lave special award for perk al lrndnnce and to other outstand fly MRS WANLESS TM lenrher and puplls of New Flo School marked the cluslnx at school wllh plan at Mid hurst Park and vlsll lha Sign Cpqqu Museum no New and lnmlly wont to Mnllon airport on Friday nflcmoon ln see the lullcrr father Dnrtholnmcw Guthrie 01 on hm week Vlsll wllh cousins In Ireland They were supper guest of Mr and Mrs Tony Tomek ol Tor nnlu mm ny wllh Ihc llth family Intludcd Cllfl Burk haIdzr of Quccmvllle Mr and Mrl Hill Wllllum and Mr and My Noqnpp nrgwn pl lgyncn Mr Ind Mu Campbell Strait Jlm Ind llnrold Mklnlnn Tor anln nnd Dale nunIo wm hnmc hr the holldny wnkmd with hclr molher Mn Clnrcnu Mkhuon suddendenth nl the foFmerl mother Pllkey Feriux pm Thevlignernl wag hell July wk Interment In Stnï¬e Cgmelgyy David Pllkey celebrated 7m blnhday last week wlth lamfly picnic It On Memoria Park Congralulauonsl scuooxï¬ PICNIC Kl i100 gram wa Irwlmmlnx cekcnd vlsitoru with Mr and Mrs Jae Agostun and family were Mm Agostan brnlhcrIn law and ulster Mr and Mrs Shirley and cousln Mr and an Arsamemer of flex l3 Mr and Mrs Cecil Denney ol Fairpon Bench spent Saturday evening wilh Mr nnd Mrs John Ellls Mr and Mrs Jack llimns and Joanne 01 Scarborough spent the weekend with Mrs Hirona parents Mr and Mrs John Ellis Mrs vém Weilan and child ren n1 Angus spent Sunday wlh Mg and Mn John Ellis Mr and Mrs chard have sold lhe nlchbrook Gol Course to Mn and Mn En dlcotl of Anqu and moved to lhclrnnwhomu nnnr Dnlslon on Friday We wlsh Mr and Mrs Endlcon success In lhelr new project Mr and Mrs Jack McCann and Dawson spent last Monday in Toronto whlle Fred McCann vlslled In Brudlord wllh Mr and Mrs Bardm Jennelt large number of parenla and children enjoyed school picnic at Little Lake Park last ngursday Friends 01 Mr John Mason were sorry in hear ho was taken in he Rnynl Victoria Hospital Barrie on Monday They wish hixn 51ch recovery Mllfl WNE TOTTENHAM By MRS KEN BUSH NEW FLOS UTOPIA pm run on sports Dm Iollowcd by 111 no mlll will In 1mm Inmewmn In villa rlrclc Innml lullk mm In Inulhrrn Fibula mummle Ivy lull nlnndl 1anan Hm her The mlll In ulmlulrd lnr muwy Aln mm TM MI mnlmhly IM lulu alum mum bo lwrm tuna and Ibo mm Unlnn 11w Cnmullm cnmpany lnvolml II Lewis KMIH and lrnllthl Manlrnl MOWOW UP The havlrl Man II lluylnl ammo uIlrn mmlun Cnnudiun uwmlll nml Rovlel drivn In muh 15 nu ramp nl flllmln children HouatunTcxal are spending the xummer with her parents Mr and Mrs 6991 ngl iMr aid Mrs Jack che Heather and David at Sudbury Ivglent Frldny with Mrs cc Mr and Mn Bruce McCallum and daughters Nuth Bay Mr and Mrs Allnn Knight and famfly 01 For Wuyng Indng Mls Merrilyn Sarzznt Balhunt has been Imusa guest at the home or her bra Iher and family Mr and Mrs Don Goldrup for the past month otherrvlsnnrn with the Gold rnps were Mrs Goldrupl par cull Mr and Mrs McCabo ol Toronto and Brian Scott also ufrfloronlo Mn Thomas Chmielnickl and our children are spending couple month with her hm her Paul OLeury Ind other lrlendl Mn Wllllam Noble Tor onlo was weekend vlsflnr with her snnInlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs Wufler Browning and family Nelsen Brawn ings were Mr and Mn Nnr mun Bmwnlng Toronto and Mr and Mrs Jack Smiths were Mr and Mrs Peters also To rontn nu Qlere gecent he Mr and Mn Stanley Malou 51k and baby Ian 01 Tornntv are vlsmnz the Innerl pmnls M5 and Mrs H111 In91p Mr Ind Mu Bah Rodrick Bullonvlslted Sundn with their Inf Mrs neg Mr and Mn Jack Dunstan and family Washington DC are visiting Mn Dunstnns mm Dig Mrst Gnlbnlth Mr and Mrs Harvey Simp son spent lhe holiday In North Bay with Mr and Mn Garnet Ryan Mr Mollnl Mrs Wllhen and Mr and Mrs Jack Ander xon and children all of Toronto were weekend visitors with M13 Lllllm Sloan the Sloan Cob tage Cedar Harbour in hhd Mrs Adi Walsnn are an motor trlp to tha West Canal The barn on the arm torm Irly owned by Mr and Mn Nelson Browning burned on Nesday evqnigg last week nn ir and Grcu Davis and Amlly Ihe wtckcnd were Mr Mrs Hcclor Pnrrlll Grnce Cathy Mlsn Dianne Form The Enï¬ual SE Peters Ceme my service wlll bu held an Sun day Julyr 14 32710 am ms Maï¬hfnuslmmm is In Tomnlo taking cows bqunus Neil Slurgton and Mines Brenda Allan and Jean Spence were men hose who alluded the YPU camp Mldlnnd last weekend Puplli cxpuflla parents and lrlmds are ram nded of lhe Ffllh Llne anlon Amelallon plcnic actlageumr on Salurdny July he Ichgo grpunda Costly Modem Canada Sawmill To Be Delivered To Siberia NEW YORK AP Thlnxl columnm mlxhl never know ll ha dldnl optn Ml mull pay lo Imp your credit good Il hm been found lhnl people who am poor credit rhh aha more Ac cldcnl prone Speaking Accidenu dld you know who In many ptr ton dla In bathtub In lemmlnu ppth Illflatkll lmn muldhm who nl one lan of III In tilted an min rim Ilny llnllly dlrd nruln In dhnlllnm urlnl bu hmml new Ilnllu Iymbol In Japan To Impml their neighbors poor mum end In mm om their Ahnclu whclhtr nr no lhey uclnnlly TV ad Dolhrrtd by llrtd lullnzf In tour llvu um doctor ny uu nun Imt Vorannlc hul nrurnllc Imt or nnlc hul nrurnllc In luau you dawn Illg worrying Hm wonder how bulw fllu gal lhelr nnmoI llo tausu In old lolk hem hut Uuy nlnlohullcr andrmlrlk THE LIGHT TOUCH Butterflies Once Thief Suspects CHURCHILL By HAL BOYLE vlslwra wlth James Tough Sarzznt find Mm Mid and and II Imlmlmkl Hm mlll wll luv the Inlul nl lu Hnd In mm witlily nnlxulylnl mulrr mm Incl In Imamu In IMlh wood can In nunqu II in capable ol lulu ml mlt In 500000 bowl eel dally Tnhl ml the mulrncl wlll rmlmhly urer 950mm In Vlllllllml lluulnnl mum In pun hr Hui lulul wlluHr um the aunt llmmk In dull John Dales all Toronto Mr and Mn Early Dam and Betty Ann Mrs Panm Harold and Fred and Mrs Dale all of Glflonl Mrs Panm In malnan or few days visit wiï¬h he daughlgr Rev Frea Jackson Strand Wfll in chemo oi We service Churvhiii United Church last Sunday when Deanna Mae uauxhlu oi Mr and Mn Gregg Davis Kathleen Charlotte daughler oi Mr and Mrs Kreu rer iodd Allan Sturgeon son Mr and Mn Don Sturgeon and David George ton Mr and Mrs Dale Miilar receiv ed baptismal rites Mr and Mrs Dale Miller were rcceived inin the Church by tramier from Fairvlew Uniled Church Peter horo Cummunian was also ob mved at the morning servicer Rummr Inm Work Van rmlver And Furl Hmllul nl vanlull ollmr nnmllnn nnlulnwlvrd In in Ilrnl Miss Norma Campbell accom panled by er sinker Mrs Lorne plarlgnon Boltpq MUM wgek by plane rum Manon or visit with FM Ind Mn Tom Brown lega¢ Winnipeg nullm lulrxl mm yrnrl In lmIny warn the llnulnn lllotl In Nlhlrln II mlmmuhln In lfnnndlnn work In the lar nmlh MmCharles Spencer spent plr Inst week at Kempvllle Agriculture College attending short coma Miss Myrna Spencer spell Jun al Simcoe Presbytery Cami Midland where she was an nslructor in camp crafl work Dr Cameron Hill with his wlfe and family of Calgary are hol ldnylng here with Mr and Mn ballot Hanging Durlng the regular Sunday ervIcv at Trinity Unlled Church June 30 Mr and Mrs Maurice Hutchinsons baby son James Sega was bnptlzed Trinity UuL rd Church UCW are remind Ld thal this months meetlng wlll ha the Lake on July 10 he glnnlng pm The baking sale at Innis Park MI begin It pm My 5mg guyz Mr and Mrs Jack Landry and family matured to South Purcuplnu or the recent hall day vlsltlng Mn and Mrs Mann Mr Black and Mrs Black were among lhose lrom here who allendcd Miss Audrey Mllllgam piano puplls recital Trlnlly Parish Hall Eggrle Josk Fridpy evening llr Groat and Mn Marla Caldwell have relurncd mm Jellghllul vacallnn In Scotland vlsitlng relative and lrlmds In lle nrlmey lslands Edlnburgh Glasgow Aberdeen Dundee and um ancestral home of he Scol llsh Chlcflaln John 06an Mu Hope Oakvlllm bandy Karen Ind Steven Cald well llamlllon spent llm past munlh wllh llral Grout and Mrs Luck Recent vlsflors wnh Mn Johnson were her sister Mrs Johnson and daughter Vuncouvcr Mr and Mrs Mann Glenn and Larry Mr And Mn David leggil and zanne Toronln How long do your houw hold nppllnnccn mm Thu US department nzrlcul luh r1 wnslxlnz mn china ould lnxl 11 yea rdrllcrnlorl lo yum elec lrlc lewlnl machine yum vacuum clumm 15 lo yum laulm 15 year Quldlnl Nuwhnrn him In row 1n welsh in 10 mil an hour nm An ndul mny wcluh In much III Hm cnllra populullon lawn 1500 mum Kama llnh hulk null Marrlrd wumrn on III Mum ol Vnp wur lypcwrfler rlh bom Mould lllrlr lurch Ilounnold blutx th Irrnl Illppcry In hundln ll yuu In dig my llnggn In lull moulh Expcrimcnu at low Slula Unlvculty lndlcnln lhu huxbnndl mos Innucntlnl In ddcrmlnlnn Inmlly decil lom Ira lhnsn able In nul lnlk lhcir wlvu Whalll ulan Ind an nun wimhrnéinhmux Chll hen hnvn become l0 cxpcn Ilvo only hm an rcllrl run Allard lhrmArnold Glu THORNTON THE BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY JULYV twink LONDON CPlBritnln ls ly lnl 145 additional soldiers to British Guiana lo halp cape wth racial clashes Ind an 11week Keyral spike llle deicnce minlsiry said llle situation in the South Amcrlcan colony is deteriorating The troops are in reinforca detach ment oi Royal Marines and battalion of Coldstrenm Guards END VMATION LONDON IAINSir Wlmlull 1mvchlll name Mum 111man rum thm If Mnnlc Carlo hulldny Am mm that Inland In mm mm Allllnlll DnAuIn ynrhl 11w mymm pm pm Mumwa wed pal Raclnl clashes have become daily occummce In British Gul ana and civil war In feared Dynamite expioslans lucked movie lheatre and van ofllce building In Georgemwn the col nnyu capital mesday rush and 50 persons were taken hos pital alter clashes between Ntr am and East Indians KENNEDY AVE HORTON MWM all Krmmly llw lLH mummy rmml gnvr Mllh Thumlay In bully My hur MIMI lllhl hmlvllnl main man nhl hath mmhar and lmhy Will my llnu Racial disturbances alsa wen reported In twov11lazes near Georgetown East Indian nutnumher Ne gmes among the colonys 600000 inhabitants but Negroes predom tnate tn Georgetown The gov ernment In In the hands East Indians headed by Prime Mln tater Chadd Juan lmmmunm flUlHiEllV IIYANNIH Mala IANM 1mm Kemlrdy We 01 ï¬rnnlmr dwnnl Krlmrdy llkm Mn undnrwcnl lluunl nanny Ihumll nml nlrr vu durrllml In nod mullllun npo Tm lluwllnl er llnbfll Wall null III INN In re nwvrd hum Ilm lehl nlde he Ilulllc bl Ivor llmvnl nnd Ilw wnl mllul mnlmlnhly Discuss BED SIIORTAGE TORONTO CP Ontario Health Minister Dymond prem ised Thursday in call meeting to discuss Metropolitan Tor onlns hospitai bed shortage He said he will call conierence oi the Ontario Hospital Services Commission and Metro execw tive committee as soon he read report made Wednesday charging that Metros 8248 hos pitai beds are 2360 short of the existing need NAMED REGXSTRAR TORONTO CBRichard KnoxLceL wns named reg istrar oi the Ontario Securities Commission Thnrsdoy Mr KnoxLoci formerly senior at sisinnl registrar has been ud ing registrar since he mignm lion oi Wiilinm Duggan last July He has been with the com mission since 1946 RETURNS FOR VISIT TORONTO CPloDr Gloria Pearce Bakhllur returned to her nallve Toronto Thursday from Agill Iran tn vlsil with her pn rcnta or Ihe summer The 23 yeawld doctor who married Perslnn land owner whom she met at university has been try Inu lo bring th century medl time In peasants living In 11th cal nnvimnmenl GETS APPOINTMENT WINDSOR Onl CP Ap polnlmcm of Edwin Ralph low zee Sarnln prcsldent and managing director cl Polymer Corporation Limited to lhe banrd governor the Uni vmhy or Wlndsor was nounccd Thursdny by John smart chnlrmnn ol the board Bate Trouble In Guiana Is Settled By British Soldiers DEFENCE COSTS DQWN UIIAWA CPIAs propor IIon grass nalIonal product Canada defence spending db dined lo 51 from 51 per cent belwccn 1061 and 1962 Canada ranks seventh among Inc Is NATO nnlInns In lIII regard however Alr Chlel Mnrxhal Frank Mlllcr chnlrman at tho chIcII sin commIlIcc lhurl day gave the Common delcnce mmmlllw ha llamas LlIHIIML HOLT PARTY VICTOIIII CPITwo Iormcr oflicluls of he VlclorIa leeml Assoclullon announced Ihura day Iny have IwIchud In In SocIaI Credil party because oI unprIncINed actInn by the LIbernls Gwflrcy El and SId ney Smlln aald they mm 250 each or Immycnr SoclnI Crchl mombcnhipn CATCH CDSTLY HALIFAX CmAn lBlool Ahnrk wclxhlng nboul IV lam lore an we ulmon net to pieces bul only brought llshcr mcnl mmkcl hm The flunk mum Wednesday all ha nonr by shlng village flour Cove wns bonzhl Il lhe mnrkcl Thursday prlmnrlly Iur uhlbl llon purpmu RAILS WITH HRKIMOS MONT IAL CPLTh Ice Imnkrr flown ml Smur dny on her nnmml wpply rip la Iho Canndlnn nurlhlnnd Elm ln In carry home number Eskimos Irwin In wapllnl hm nml In llnmlllan Kmr um parl lrpnrlmtnl In hronkm nrlmlulnl In Irnvo hm lulu III man on llfllllllf vaner Hm Mrltlm John Mncdnnnlll and llllwrvillo WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF delence mlnistry spokesman announced Wednesday nlghl that one company andtha tactical headquarters at the 2nd Green Jackeu Baltullun were mnvlng lmmedlately In British Guiana In relntorca Brit lah troops already on duty nut atde the capltal pl Ggorgetown As the general strlke In the colony entered It 7slh day to day Brllhh Gumnn depuly pre mier Brhrdley Benn was In London dlscusslng lhe crlsll with politician and trade union MIN TALKR CONTINUE WU KUNU lllrulrm 1nd quanI mld hm lnllmll huwun ranmnm lwn Imam Mllrlnll and him mmmlnm mnmnlm Ilm Ir nl comm lmtlwlu Vnnmlmn Ilwal MI mmlnulnfl Thu mm um Wnlnurl Manmnlu xhlrl 071 mluhwr HH lnnamm mlu lunul val hrllovrvl III Ivyan mnrlmlfl new Imh nul Ihrnl flnm dul rum olm Nlmnm xlonl munlwr but lpirphmm nnw lwlul Id Ilnllï¬l In Svmlrn suIthn mm lmHum mnuwfldinl In tho dim He was understood to ho stressing thy need or decisive union by Brllaln to avert pos Ilble civil war 11 colony ls internally self governing but Brltaln l5 responslhle far de tense andjmlgn poUcy llr ummv mmlnlulnn lnnlml Imvlly on mm 04 ISM hum In nmlllrrlnu lnxi Him Her In place lhe hum wllh Illlll mm Mn mlrl Nah Halt rmnmluloncr Jnlm Mdmllnn 11qu mlxhl he my nrmlml 00000 drllcil 1m lull xlvu Irrvlcc In llu pulr The strike was triggered by he controvenlal labur relations bill that Prime Mlnlsler Chadd Jagan wns Trying In pas mgough Ifnrllnmgnl Opposition and Irades union leaders claim it would apply stringent lovemment contmta to existing uniann SHIN AGREEMENT Muos Nllcrln mimi ngcrla and Canada WMandny algnvd ltchnlcnl mlslnnrv nnrcemcnl or defence chcrnl lezrlun cndcll are currently hndcrgolng lrnlnlng Cnnndn IIIUIICII MEETS GUEIJII CWThe mn vnnllon he Churclm of mm Disciplu 0mm our dny lunlnn hcrn Wrdnrsdny wllh Im Amtricnn and PM dlnn drltznln In Mltmlnnm as he was helped down Iha alr Hner steps but he had the usual cigar handy POPE VISITS ROMANO VATICAN CITY AmPope Paul VI continulng round of vlslls Io various Vallcan Instal lnllons called Thursday at the edllorlal olnces and prlnllng de partment of LOsscrvataru Ko rnmmr The Vatican newspaper has Its olficc Inslde the stall at anlcau City ASSUMES NEW POST OSLO Norway AWTrng Lie s7 anner Unllcd Nations secretary gemml look over Thursday Namnyl new min lsler 01 industries Since relin quishing the UN past in 1951 Me has been engaged malnly In private busincsi He succeeds Kiel Hnller who reslgnod as UN result or disaster In stateowned mine that look 11 lives TORONTO CWThe 1301 cenl Moral sale lax on bLi1d lhK mnlcrlnl will add $5000000 In lhc ml planned expan lnn nl Torontos subway 5y icm lhn Toronla Trnnsll Cam mlulon wax luld Wmncsdny REPORT RED SHOWMGE TOIIGNTO CPlA Ipntlnl mmmlllce nl Illa Onlnrlu llns pllul Snrvltcs Commission Wllcd Wednmlay lhnl llnlrw polllnn Toronln has lho grulul bospllul bod shurlngo ln 01m la The rcpnrl uald lhm la bed lm only In of every 1000 Midml hm compared In an wvcrngo ol llfl ol every 1000 ln lhc ml nl Ontario PM WONT ATTEND CALGARY Cl Irlmfl Mlnlml Irnrwn will um nllrnd ho npcnlnx lhe ntan Ilnmpcde Mrmdny bermuo rercnl ntrk umrnllnn ll WIN nnnunrld erlnrsdny 10 BUILD MEMORIAL BRUSSELS Eclglum Reut emThe International Dachau Committee omer prlsonen lhe anl congcnlmllan camp will lnunch worldwldo appeal or $400000 to build Dncluau memorlal lhu all of flu camp ll wax disclosed Thun dayA minmunlque aald lha cummillca greed lo establlsh museum at the camp PAMCHUTISI KILLED UNION CITY ind ANA inlhcr six children plunged nearly mile to his deaill Thursday night when both his parachulu allied to function in lumping exhibition balme 000 persons Evan linll 28 an electrician was killed when his body plummeted inio pastur about hall mile lrom iinncr Pmk MAV USE TAXI HIMNTFOHD CHITho 1va puns COST