Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Jul 1963, p. 6

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$531343 Ills Dyson born and educat Ted In anonh hold hnchclur an dcgrce mm lha Unlvur aily Turnnlo More Mnlnu chcrnllon she WM with 55 and Hoblnsnn Canada Ll nllnwlnl Invernl yum nrva with the Canadinn Red Cross Sotlely lulu Slxurjonsson was born In nrandlan Mnnflohl She Ilnnd her hnrhrlnr am de wllh honnrx mm the Unl wrslly ol Mllnllnhl Ind hrr buchclnr pncdnxou deuce Three new execullra nppulnb menu are nnnounud by the Fnderaunn nl Women Teachers Assoclnllom Onlado repre nenlinx public schnol women teacher provincm Miss Knlhlcen Dyson MISS Andrea Knudsen SigurJony gun and M15 Joan SluhlEy all nl Tamnln will Juln lh Fud emiun lhls summer execu Illva assistant accordlnz to Miss 015 Reilh St Thomas presldcnt ol FWTAO Jun lhc lhnl lo lulu ym huh Ichonl In Ilyla The chlrmlnl umllln hlmlu II iniurd an bl need In your mm mm umdl and lluI lmlmdlrmq Ill Ivrn lnr III It In um To lay ll Ill 11 um um um WOMENIN NEWS Women Teachers Federation Appoints Executive Assistants GEORGEITE this spring got her fin chance in purudpale rcxularly harness racing drivcr at Mon lreal Richelieu Raceway DR CHARLOTTE professor of medical nulritlon It Cornell University receiv ed $1000 Bordén award or lundameninl research In nulrillnn presemed by the All erlcln Home Economics ASA audition She wu cited or researd in pmblem air eslly AP Vlrepholo Our three new exccullve slslauu bring la lhcir now pos Ilinns ncndcmlc pmlcssiann and huninns qunllflcnllnns which will nxslsl us in lurlhurlnx lhe xnncral nlm and ohkcllvu our decrntinn Inld MLss Rnilh lmm lhe Unlvcrslly of Tornnln Recenlly sha has been with ma University Toronlu Press Previuusly she laugh at ha high school level under the jur Isdicllnn lhc Proeslnnl hard of School Commisslnnm Que Dec and the Vancouver 51th Board Miss Slubluy born In Orlllla holds bachclnr at am degree from he University Tomb Sincu me she hm how clnss mom Iucher wllh the Noth York Board Educnllon Be Inm lhnl she taught In Barrio Lclmy and Orlllln JUNE PREFERRED All esllmnled lf00000 Amrri cun women will mnrry In mu wmn 200000 did an In June mu Ilmply um named null uldmml ennlopo to IM Nredlncrnn nmnrnl nl lngcom Sol lulul Numlur EVELYN GILL Nullonnl Aeronaullcs and Admlnlsln lion astronomer will team up wilhlhe seven Mercury lero nulls to lake look at the lolal 11px of the sun July 20 Sh will fly In Jelliner Inbornlnry with NASA Islro man to explaln ln hlm what Ihcy will see through various slurs ol the llixhl AP WIre plmlo Georgeue out of llva mem bers the Plouno umlly in the sport The other 10 mem hers nm the family farm at they will an through vnrimu PA Mm Dunlop You are pu prelly low price on your scrvlces If you In wllllnz in Mrs yamsell uul as tank and hnulmwnshur or $5 wmk 1PS Ipulnxln ll ndvlca Isnl 1n keepan wllh my usual breezy uplulhemln his style Dru Ann Lindm have pmhlcm which may not mm lmpoflnnl In nlhm bul It has umml me no mm nl unhappi no My husband lnruxr mo chnnlc II one ol lho Ms men who aver wulknd In Ihuo lenlhcr wouldnt trade hlm hu mchlrd Durlon nul hll course at UCLA hava ranted com Iortnhle room near campus with nlca Iamlly can have my meal with the Iamtty hut It would cost 20 month extra Im trying to get by an Him as posslble and this Is why Ilm wrillng lay your man with lhu lamily Tool And you are so eager lo experlmnnt wllh new rcclpc ask he woman you can prepare some of the mnnl In her kitchen Shell probably be dfllghled Dear Ann hndm hope you will answer Ihls in your us unl breezy up In Um min ule Please dont turn nnrmw mlndcd upmc or Ill Just dle very nice fellow who is in my sociology class has nice apartment with cute kilchcn eltei This boy has oileer buy ihe groceries Ind can have Ill my meal wilh him it yill do the cooking am znnd can and womd like to lake hlm up an his arm It you say 0x Also it wnuld ive ma chance lo ex perimenl with some new recl pes What do ygp anylSUNN CARE HAVE FEVER CHILDREN 111 number nl families live or more chlldmn II de masing In Canada 0n duelr relum from wed ding hip to Vlulnh the newly weds will wide ma June AVI Infrapylon OuMHown guests were pro unl mm Totlcnham TM may Allislon Pllgrava Ind Hamilton The attendant wore mild dusm of French blue silk ch on over pnu go rundine melr henddmse were floral crown of mulching blne Thgy eluded cascade Shut ask WHIIIm Emlgh n1 Tbtlenham was the monumln The ush ers were Mr Gregory Tot rnhnm and Peter Windsoru Burllnglon Ills Suamn 01bnlo ulster of the bride was mum ol honor The bridesmaid wen Mluu Palllei and Glorll OToole mien of the bride Rev Kl Mcllllllnn olllclnud at he weddlna of lemme Kathleen daughter Mr Ind Mn June OToole ol Burllnr ton and Wnlter George Walk em cl Tattenhnm on June 15 Pan Nelson United Churdx Burlington was the selling for the ceremony The brldedioso Indium hrldll gown of whiio Alanna into and peau de sole Her lm trimmed iinzertip veil was cauzh to cmwn oi pryaull and pearls She cfliiitd whit orchid with slepiunolln ANN LANDERS Summer Weflding Of Local Interest Free MealTicket With Price Tag THE BARRIE EXAMINER THURSDAY JULY nur Not Fact nboul men lal Incas IMuld be purl hi tducnllnn In children hum nnco Inc ml hurdcnnai lull your chlldren an rmpcrly Inmmrd my wlll nave cnmpnulon nr Ihrlr all lng lrnndmolher nnd wlll lrut her wllh Hndnm Ind undu Ilan Our children whn nre club and 11 yenrl In havc told us Ihnt lrnndmn doesnt keep her promises and uh then do In ever hnvlng mad lhem My husband duunl teal wn ahuuld hurdnn Ihe tMldrm wllh he mu because lhey In lno younu lo undmland Also he urn lhcy my my tomuhlnx which mlihl hull hur lullnul Haw Ihaud deal wllh thln Can you hquYNm COPING Conniulhl to In Lon Aulm ll hardly pay or you In mm Den Ann Lander My hul bandl mulhcr make her home wllh us Sh plenum pct xon but In the past your the hu lulled hndly and he doc lor my she Inflerlnl ram hardenan Ihu arlcrlcx Un mnunmly thl II nflccllnl her mlnd Excellent soup whlch will re move cvery bll of grease and grime are nvallnblc man who wlll no lnko lhn llma la use them speclal soap musl no cepl lhe llbcl of careless be cause lhnll when he ll cgumssz hands and malls never look clean There alwnyl race of grease amund hl knuckle Infiunder hl fingernggls 4101 doMFomAuLi Dear Not Camlnrtlhlo Han es llbor nothing be ashamed of but manl handl need my label hlm Whenever wu urn with friend or relatives have Iho uncom fortnhle letling that they noman lhls No one has ever snld nyqllng bu It bothqu me told him about my cellngl law months no we the first and my lime aver brought up In thus 10 yam weve been munltd He lay them Is nothan wrong with hon est llbor and he doesnt um Ml hand label hlm working man becausu than what he 1L Mn and Mn John DAm bmslo are shown Iallowlnl their wedding at St Maryl Roman Calhnllc Church on Saturday morning The bride he laxmar All Cunnlng DUNLOP IT IAST PA mu OPEN FRIDAY UNTIL 900 PM Dream For Tho flrldo For Tho Bridesmaid For Tho Mother of flu Brldu AT STRANSMANS Fashlons For Your Beautiful WEDDING Chom From Our Vidu Solccllnn of Barrio Mlny buslncsl mullet were dlncumd dccldcd lo lupply hotdon and Icemnm for tho Ichool plcnlc No man mum wu churn lnr lhll yur hop to Joln wllh tome lltno Mnko lhll mlrrlue work You wlll no in heller nut llmnInd lmm every Indlcnllon you will probably do worn Mr Agnew xhowed two Inlnr 51an lllml one on the Life and Work ho Honey neu my cducnllonnl rum and the other on lho building lhu Monlm lo Tumnto pipelint Mn Ktndrlck axprmcd ho think And Ippminuon ha 93 Th course wll provide the above quartet with further know lcdn In mist kn lhelr training olher majoreues 1n lhe corps The course has been sponsored by tho parent of the III Il endln camp Mn Tallon Convmcr Axrlcullure and Cnnldlnn Indu Iries wu In charge of lhn program Mm Teflon Introduc ed the Ipeukcr llnrold Agnew District Supcrvlwr ol Tcxaco 0H The Harris girls are Drum Majorcue Mb Ronnie Wood ward daughter Mr and Mrs Woodward Ardnxh Rd who Ilrst honor student of the Elmo Central Cullrglnle Mlsl Elizabeth Georle daugh Ier Mn George of Bradlord SL and Iho llle Lt Col George MBE MC Eliza beth end Glrl Sludenl ll Prince Wales Ichoal Mlu Sandra Vallnn daughter of Mr and Mrs Walton Néwlan SL an Miss gporze Craluhurnl Womtns hulilule hld June meeting at In home ol Rny McCrackcn Four Enrrla MnJmlm are sllendlnl summer training camp under Iho leadership of Miss Elsie Ewald bl Kllchener Thu lhll memhcrs the Barrie Kempcnlell Trumpet Band Paw der Pulfercfles commenced training yesterday at pm It llsulllllhtnp1arnpE Beamer sevenvpnrt drnma urlu on Look Up and Live le exnmlne mudcm mans alllludn award on CBSTV surfing Jqu ll Barrie Majorettes Attend Course At Hilltop Camp District Supervisor Shows Films At Craighurst Institute Meeting hum dluxhler Mr and Mn Lee ERA Birds The hrldumm the son Mr Ind Mn Vincent DAm broslo BIrrIo Phnm By Eric ol CameraCraft Roll call wul Inswmd wllh My lavourlle chlldhood llory book Hallo Th0 but prepari Ion or tomorrow to do lo duyl work well Lommem was liven by Mrs Cowrd Ipchnl mecflnl will he Md on July nl 330 um lha homl Mn Sun flownd 0111 llml plum wllI he mldn tr our Annual nu Trm The Trnnsurcr guru her repod ol the Dlslrlcl Annual Luncheon which 01 brunch provided Ex vcnm were elemrd wllh mmlnrtnblu mnrzln Ono hun dud and lwcnlyle plnlcu were larved KIWANIS CONVENTION Lt Gov Kenneth Wail of District Ontario Quebec Maritime Division oi Kiwanis Intemuuonni and Mn wan are attending the an Annual conven ilon oi Kiwnnis international in Mimic City 1M week During the sessions nlenainmenl has been manned ior the wives and families oi Kiwoniuns including fashion show with lhe win ner oi Miss Americl mu can test as models Rev Alma Wlllls of Angus ofllclnlcd the urcmony On their return from wedding lrlp lo North Bay and outer point in Nurlhcm Onlarlo Mr and MrL Martyn will be at home to friend ll lhelr Ecclcr SL mldcnce Miss Joyce Marie Morrow and Michel John Peiiiu have chosen July 20 as their wedding dale The brideelm in lhe cid esi daurhier ui Mr llld Mn Arihur Moer CWk lawn The brideng ll the son Mr and Mrs George Pelliil oi Smrex England The selling for the marriage will be Conksinwn United Church Exchange Vows At Home Ceremony quiet June wedding ms 01 emnlzed It ha home of Mr Ind Mrs Marlyn Eccle SI soulh when Hnnnuh Smith Mlmmp hell or Barrio hecama the bride 01 Robert Henry Martyn Nlaura Falll Onllrlo Mr and Mrs Joe Rulhcrford 01 Beelon nllmdcd the bride Ind brldczmm nelzhbourlnx Inlumlu or mum Ivy Fmbyterlm Church wm be the telling or the maxrim Miss Mule Anna Demon cl Thurman to Orville Amy Bry Inl Mm Mrs Har ald Bryant 01 Renown Sukar chewan The brideelect In the danahlar of Mr Ind Mrs Milton gartuft momlom mdluz Mr And Mrs Von Jack Dacnuuu Illlnols omenIra Hlmlllon have announced the enlistment 01 their daughter Lorena ery to Rlchard Secord non of Mrs Se cord Burle and the lat Sund The waddlnl cm plan In St Eugenel Church Hlmllton on July21 It 12 oclock ATTEND REUNION mw Ind Mu Houzh lpn ol Weadxport New York hm been vlnlllnx It um home of Mr nghlona nephew and MI wlle Mr and Mn Herbert wm cl swu 5L Want Whlle In the clty Mr Ind Mn Hou ton warn enlemlned It plcnc wiper the Lalnm home on aunt SL The ough Iona travelled north to Attend the Houuhlon reunlon whlch wuheld Newton Roblnson and In vlslk will lrlendl Ind relluves quMgn pmnzs VALUES T0 19 NOW ONLY VALUE TO 59 NOW ONLY VALUII TO NOW ONLY SOCIAL NOTITS woMiNI Conullvi SHOE 10 ILLUSION and HIGH HEELS WHITE SUMMER SHOES VALUES TO SI MENS SAVE $3 60 ON WHITE SUMMER SHOES or and LINCOLN SHOES EATURE VALUE OVADS ARE IDENTICAL CHICAGO AWDoctor Bl erhne Reuse Hospital ru parlcl Wednesday they have de Icrmlnnd lhnl qundmplel glrl born Sunday are ldnnllcal rhcnumcnon occurrlnz but once every 2000000 or 5000000 blrlhs Mn Bernard Harris In said she will name her duuuh lm Sheena Alice Shawna Dc nym Sherry Julienne Ind Shun nun Venlo NEW YORK AMThe man who jesllnlly threnlzna to keep his wile In papzr luck may soon do Just that Ind Ilyliahly II no any 7mm cheaply Already in sacks Ire back But base are refined Into body sklmming bellless mm wllh more sex appeal thin thus Lois Anne Pom will become hrde Thamu Robert Van July Cmmony Thu brIdMIccl the flush lcr Mr Ind Mn Kenneth Polk Nulluwn The bride Kroom clock ha non ol Mr Ind Mm 11mm Robert Wntwn of Shlrley Avenue The woddlng will take place Cnlllnuwood Mlulonary Church on July 130 pm Lex Cowpcr Studio Mr Ind Mrl Edward Stan ol 0m Station haw nnnwneed the engage ment of their daughter Dom my Barch to Peter Scho The Sack Is Back And Its Disposable lul Anna PM PA 57 uxnn rum CANADA LTD 55 DUNLOP EAST PA lJIH HAIRCUTS smo sorr winm Appollllllll Dull EVES BEAUTY SHOPPE JULY BRIDE PERMANENTS SUMMER WEDDING DATE 550 88 488 683 wm Frank we could no la the undordcvo oped caunlrles right now and Elva them paper fabric which L1 xuperlur Io any of lhelr own any Marks W9 already have somu now al homespun slnue like dcnim hut Ihaln not good Enough or he sonhlsllcalod ushlon mar ket will havo to compete with hm cnnvcnllan In Miami Beach last your member 01 the American Home Ecnnomlc Assoclallnn saw Dioru mulch bnxdcslgncd xklrt lransluled lnlo pnpcr verslon Later lhe Nullnnal Imlllule ol Dryclenn In Reslcdrll lrvm yarn nrlglnallng lrom pulp and knlL led on convcnllnnal machlnasl than mlghl have maclml drm ulons already except lhnl ex perlmcnlm such as Rnnald Marks nl Dallas lexu want llhre camparable ln durablllly washahlllly and In lael In any olhtr lnbrlc made from any other film passed cu clunnhle Marks reports But we have vnslly Improved upon that garment Ilncc lhnn especially ll Abra slvo mlslnnc Ccrtnln types ol dlspoxahla paper wearing pure are here tool And lllghy fashionable reusable mlumu woven lrom pulp are mm year and hall lmm reuchlnz the market nller 11 years of experlmenlr lion Recnmly graduates at some hallowed hall or higher learnlnu received lhgi sheepskins waar In paper caps and flown Doctors holpllals Ind Even beauty parlor nnw Ire provldlng throwaway lawns made of reinforced paper and crepe paper allppzn Yet wamcn will not dream ol crumbling Into the wastehnxket the paper garments theyll soon bu ahle to buy PAPER FABRICS less dresses slx year ago which men protested wera myth more bags than Inch Dunlnnfil PA um sun lucock Prvp anus of Barrie Th marrlaxa will like pllco In airman Reformed Church Banla at DJIL on July 21 KAY PNE by iaéem NOTICE SUMMER HANDBAGS rams 499 l250 To Clul 10 OFF In Prim mum pm ulauu ru manu Nu lncuuo

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