Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Jul 1963, p. 2

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Mchny superintendent of Raul Public Schools om clally opened the Junlor Bdu callon Summer Course or Tea chers at Oakley Park Public School yesterdnyl MPP for Slm toe Centre had been scheduled to open the courses Mr Ev ans however was in New York on act finding commlsdon of 1M Mlnjsterjal Assncgmlon Principal rat the Summer School Towmcnd said mm at the rteachngs n1 lha numth sclrnbolnre mm Bil But we have them 1mm qujy djswnfc ooi my sald am pleased welcome you mud happy we were able Io adjust the weather Wu dldnl so it jus right know but well fix that Inter pp Mat the opportun ity of being here with you an chers who Are following your chosen galllnz Teuchm mu duflculcd people and we are nappy hat we have such lnrga gmup We ms you wlll be successful it your ludics Noel Slcphcmon chnlrmnn of hu Banlo PubllL School Board welcomed Ihe teachers and suld dont lhlnk youll ind bcucr centre or this than Barrie Album AbNM Alloml Em umlnhm Ann Mm um llk ol Mom mm at NA mu SIMCOE COUNTY Public School Impechrs look ova the lalnsl educllnnul aid at llA on Ilc Inwu can my Ill Com can mm CH II chuman cum row con llnkSln Con rum Cam In MClYOI Welcomes Summer Students mm mm mm Clml Cd Cdn in um Donllfln Mall mum um 5mm BMVNF hwrlnll Hord on IL Mrlnlm nppunllml lu Vllwn Mom hrro an In pleu winninl lmlunm ml your rum Hm lrnvlnrlul lnlllluln nl Alllvmnllvs and All ml lrmlu annrglo Stayner Lad Wins Award N0 mhu mm nucn llL down 11 Olh My r1 humm um My ifie iriddnllhn umlm Hour Ill Inln NI 24 my Chlh ma Ilunnnn mm Ilm loer All Wu HI run 7m AI bow WATCH REV Comyurd by 37 TBDAYS STOCK PRICES Blll lEBOEUF Junflm unn Amvl Imcxl rIll Tflvllfont Lll nu mu hm ml unwwuu luv you Avllflllll Clma Tm in nu 11 nil pom Klrr mum Dullufl mu nun Avar menu Inudn lirfllmu MrKnlh IL yum Muqu In Ill am Dom ruum Dum Slam Dam Tn mu rm llmu uu madm mum on Ilud um um my mm mi icyEL nunn N6 lulu mm mm uuunu lnlumcl TIpl Iorlu Club luau mnurrun Hynn Dunlap 5L mm Mmma the mun Schvol Board can be of any assistance in milk lng your stay more enjoyable just call on us Junlor Education Summer School being held Oakky Park School Ban1e L011 Io right Macklem Bar Erlnn Willlam Wiles son of Mr and Mrs Wllcs nl lVllllnm Slrccl arndunlcd Irom Lnkcshom Teachers Collage Mr when has ncccplcll pay 11le Earl Grey Senior PuhA llc School Toronto 1M 1m Mu no TEACHER Mnnlml Lou an Nor om Nu Moan corp Ilcln Im rum run Im nayI lllnl filld rwh filmpm Emu mm cm abhor rug Tnnl run Tnn MI rrm rum Unlun wmu GLW lulu Iiu rm Emergency Measures Organ zatlon olflchls sold today the EMO auxlllary pollm who help éd the ally police control traffic Ihc Dominion Day parade will also help with the Orange deon July The Mldlnnd area EMO aux lllary police are continuing lo train and have almost complel cd basic lmlnlng They will be OAKLAND HILL PROMOTIONS Tn InIla VII Cathy Manley Mlclmcl Foley Kay Jamey Ellubelh Plalrowak Donald Urry To Guru V1 Marcel Caron To Gnde Myrna Clark Jane Grant Paula Holdcr Dnnc McElmy Carley McLeod shlr ley Plolmwskl Carnlyn Pmllll Lola Smllh mama iron taken ln Mld lnnd Peneung and Tiny TawnA nhlp police Result Onkhmd Hill School 013 Alphabetical 9mm To and Mary Mklnson John McElroy Fred Nellson Elaine Rolnhardt Claudia Schcnk To Senior Grade Rebel Glgnn hclla chllen To crmux Lnnnn Clark Kathy Nye Dnvld $1st To Cornell Boulus Susan Glenn Gwnn Mo Lean Brenda Melted Margar Plelrowdd He Scott Barrie 51115 Midland and Law Orlllla The school will run or five weeks Examlm ToSenInr Enid john Gal hrnilh Teacher Mn nulh Fm ALLISmN Sptdnl Two Allslun lludcnls Mllchcll Slollz will he monz lv 100 In grndunle July mm nu Unlvcnlly or lef rm h¢ co upcrnllvt enum mrvvz nronrnm Thry Ilrl wrll bun cxnrm lhls Wk Auxiliary Police Work At Parade Thu unlvcn yl un ruliv rnxlnccrlnz prnrr be 117551 for In RL Tlm mvo mm nllmwlr an lllllmul or acndcmic UHHM mm In industry or uuurnlscd Hugfl upqucnru Alliston Youths Will Graduate TM Mike OErechta ver lion what the Boy Scout Wax1d Jamboree means lo Mm Mlku Queen Scount with Fourth Barrie Troop WM huvy bulldozer are busy levauing the cnmplng spot at Marathon in Greece Warren and like all Mher Jamboree scouts are maklng our own pra parallom We are learnlng term vocab ulary of the lulleral Greek lan guage and knowledge French and German W6 rhnulrl know Hon dm hia lor ancient Greece Dome Basrarpm representative oi this dis trict we am doing rescarch in to in Interesting background have Ilnnily despaixcd oi inn iniing line story at the Fort Wil low cannon which sank in the awamp near the for However with scrle of plb urea we should be able In spread knowlcdae 01 our coun Wu both have two uniforms sleeping bag personal gear and map klt all which must be condensed to 45 At the Dishlet Councll meet Inx in June the compamlva merlu taking mnvle cam em or nude camera were discussed The views were that although movies have am up pen in more Informal to show color slides along with In unllmlled narrallye are busy this wcck scurrying about making issiminats pre parations beiore swapping their civilian dress for army bush clothing this weekend ior their annual trek to militia summer camp July 613 laclaslvot This year the la Militia Group at which the Grey and Simcoc Foresters are part will swap the historic Nisxarsoavlhe Luke militia training camp for the Canadian Armys sprawling Comp Petswswa located 100 miles northwest Otiawl on the Ottawa Riven SCOUTINU AROUND They will lake over barracks and quarter made vucant by the annual mow 01 Regular Amy nldlen 101d fixerglsq In New answlck The unit will be in camp wllh mm as far away as me hand Canccnlrnllon 16 Group ll Cnmp Palnwnwn will effect tonsldernble xuvm In hlVll mm Ind make uvnllnlfle Itosquare mlle lrninlnx mu equlppcd with modern artillery and tank ranges Forecnsl by he publlc weather Duke II Synopal hlah prmum mu mat II ccnlmd over Luko Michigan nnd drlnlng Ilawly namhcnslwnrd promlscs give nr nly sunny sle In lhe erl Lnu raglan lodny nnd Friday flu er the band 01 cloud lhal James Bay his mum gushan noulhwnrd lnlo lh uc rune realm and will IDMild lnln northern Hnllhurlon mc lonlnhl and Frlduy mnrn na Foresters Trek To Summer Camp The Jamboree uelr mu only Examiner Eh hepofler Scouts Studvv Greek History veaumi fllE HARRIEEXAMINER TMBDAYJ IE WEATHER FORECAST lucnl unlu luke week and the following two week will bu apen touring flu south oi Greece The Canadian contingent leave Once on An In The one week at mull lam bareew will be one at ml activity When nnk among cam eras wu wll be uwlmmlng 1n Marathon Bay plum Held sport or parflclpnfln 1n camp wlde games Well be uble to visit nnuonnl dlsglnyl mend talent Ihowx an vllu other campllm In IWIP bad Im great deal mlormIUon has been mm on to Ill ln lhu Marathon Courier small new thee written by thu Jim 501 PVEPnlm The lndla Tea Council has do nated all the In requirement or the Jamboree Swedhh flrm Ls grim the lamboree badges ve mmmemomlva badges have been prepared or the ocpnloq We have learned llnl Unlt ed Kingdom Jamboree in has taken tame ln Gm languaga and hilinry Finnlsll troop will brlnx along ll uvgn brag hlml alon awn bras hmd over the wax1d mm working lawnd the Jambore lhermnn Scouting higher and Ed Note This column In early this week duo In re porter Baaudoln having decided to nation In Quebec or waek Any mnlflhullom for SI urday could bu orwarded soon wanna to lhq editaria de partmenlL Advance my members wlll proceed Frl my to cunp allow ed by the mnln convoy an Sal nrday 0n arrlvnl the advme party wlll lecura accummoda lion and mm at stares whlch will be used during the week lrulnlnx To the local boy Camp Fell wnwn will mean levenl hum dredmoru mlqu or unyelllnx amiiinr raw and raw ui tent at lira Niagara Camp will aLw disappear this year Modern lwoslorey barmk building will pruvidu um ac commodation The man will eat in modem camp mes hail capable oi urvin several hun drtg hungry gppelile It limo The camps modem rtcru tionnl incliiilcs an beinl mud avnlinhia in lhe civilian toidim luch Ihoalre bowling alley Iwimmlng pool soiibal dllo mnnda acter ileidI Ic it ha been lndicnied lhul ihhlnx In excellent within lhe urea All In all the week camp ahnuld prove very educational and extremely lnlmsunz la 11 hm attending The tape of lrnlnlnz will emphasize national lurvlul and carp lrllnlnl rune nylons Sunny wllll cloudy lnlcrvnl lodny law Isolated lhundmhowm lnlo to Partly cloudy nnd llllln cooler Frldny Vlnd northwcslcrly 15 10 15 and northerly 15 lo 15 PH ny Algoma Whllu Rlver rulom Sunny and llllle wurmer hr duy and Frlday Wlndl nurlh wcucrly In 20 bcmmlnz 1th mum ELMVALE sum flla 0n m1 Water 11mm Commu Ilon wants Elmvnlu council to pick man tn be re mlbla or mnlntennnce new newer system new belnu Instill ed In the vlllm Council also needs to mike Arrangements to have newer mainlenance ulp men unable either by eu Ina It or buying It No OWRC npruenmlvu at Wednesday anhIl councll met In discussed pew sewer maintenance They also told Reev Max McAuley lhu OWRC would hen wane arrange the pragmn or the omdnl opening the sewer mum NEED CELEBRATION This bl profit in the the community Reeve McAth add should be appropriately ulehraladfl The OWRC spokesman dlvlded the mulnkenunca schedulq Into three IecLlon the lewers the underground pumping luau Ind ha lnzonn For sewm the villa was advised to pass newer hylnw to protect In lnvtslmanl am In hlve the sewer checked at lnlervnll duran the year lo guard aznlml pinned drllM broken plpes and encmchlnz tree roots Sundn Bentley Ian Ind Hm will be uponlulu children ualnl the wadln pool In Queenl Park during week day nflurxioou flail mmmIr mpan station llsell needs dnlly check even though Its aulumellc ln make IUIB everylhlnz In orden coun cll we lold Snmeone wllh eleclrlcnl knowlcdle Ihould be nvullablo lo cape wllh mlnur breakdowns We cm send our expeiu up to do bl rtpllr k5 LAGOON EASIEST proceduru was described the slut all AIL you need to do is keep the gum on the Inside nl the bank an hm or our llmn ye Otherwln It wlll be IL wlll lakann wimmd lwo ar Ihm morn weck lo llnllh Iveacre Moon now being Tells Elmvdle Get Man Care For Sewer SyStem OUT WEDLOCK One of even 20 blblu born In lho Unlled Shula lllexlt Imus And In 1960 then won 114000 Hakima blruu Cant Beat Natural GAS STUDENTS AT WORK Conversation Inter nbou pum house Inllnrennnu gm Cler Harold Nash All opening The OWRC men had said lml maintennnte man untrained In electrical repair work would be menace around pump house The only trouble wova hld around thn Bump houu In hr wal caused one or your own upertn Whu Ian am of the valves partly open Mr Null uld Wu had to get our man out of bed onn night last math get via back on fiio MVRCw mun LIEhad We mike mistaken ha answered When the OWRC delegatlnn len council wen Into commll lee the who to cunler Wm Inn HuUer consultlnz engineer far Procm and Redfem lhls flrmb repmenuu me vulm In the sewer prokcl COMPLQINS 0F DUST M13 Bandey In Idum of North Cellulite attended Likth Teachm Coll 1m mt Sh will be teach lnu public lchool In the all Min Hm graduated lroln ELMVALE 15ml Rev Locklel leller la councll read at chnesdayl meellnl plunlng or planner horns lo be up as vlllnle museum gamed lmmmllule sup rt lrom Roovu Alex McAuley though It would be an Idea project In mark Elmvnle share ol Cans dns ccnlennlnl cclchrntlona In 1967 Clerk Ilnmld Nuh wu In slrucled lo wrllo Slmcou North MP Hehcr Smith or lnlormn Man an lndcml grunts avnllahla for centennial prom In another motion passed councll approved 825 mu In tha Flo Aurlcullunl Society or In 1063 all lalr Commenllnl on the nodal union Slmcm County Coun4 ell ho alluded In Bnrrle Tues day Reeve McAulv noltd um Elmvnla ranked llrd he equalizrd nucslmcnt rallnxl Only Wllflln Hench Ind Port Mchcoll were ahead Behind Elmula he llllcd Breton Cold walcr Cooknown Creemoro Ind Totlcnhum Cnuncll decided to aka up an nllcr to buy mum proper Carmine cEEhmena reports You ELMVALE COUNCIL BRIEFS Still when the nubile maellnx resum ed ware all hrlel Public work chllrmnn Ken Knux complnlned about the dust nthred up by In much mmmz eonnemd with HI newer construcuon proled He said Inn wu belna mlde wk the calcium now In Ihnn supply In In eflor to match ant Councillor Knox wanted to soak the dustlut streets with fire base but Wu warned suing It The preuure lrom he hose would spinner nearby window and ma hausewlvu up aqua bf was l91d Jun be plllenl band to rain mm or Inlet Dr DA Mitchell finance chllrman told him private grader will be Mr ed to rtpnlr dlkh In UM west end the Flu grader no avnllahle Weed are Inoum ruhllc work arm lo be tack ed More the next hear wm Irrlves llsled by Burris rul male rm and owned by Harold Bushy and Thame Fowler An Invitation went Flo Tawn shlp lo share on An equal coal hash In buying the $1500 prapv any and In In upkeep antr wnrdl This land near the v11 Ian ulnlcd or urban dh Poul me It also wnlnlns sage gravel Centnl Collexim lhll cu Ind Inn Ln enter me on Tn erl Callus 1n the Iu¢ urnn swam at Wmk In Iulnmlr mum at The Ex Imlntr Exminer Photo Parka mmluu chulmun Norman Crane told council um blanchurl recenUy bull the Ilrlcultunl pnrk had boosted ntlendnnco ball game In lhh fur Elduly people es peclnly Ira luminl wt in 9mm number In aur umu new but they have place In In down new ruIdenl ol Elmvnla Rum Dryldda hid bl ro ucst ranted by councll He II lnkln olbnying 10 wnniédto knoW hd 7111 rofild txlend wnlar cannecliom Thu nul regular council mceb lnu la uhndulcd or Aug Duran July Ind Auxull meet lnzl on the lhlni Wedneldny luv been dluanllnucd

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