7an IM Imulnr linnaun 4L lmmrxly wt Ilamll ton uu onxmlllcd Wednesday MI Harm illnwa and Unlzmy HI In lunmnlnl llculrnnnlrnlnwl mul np yvlulrfl mmnmmlnnl the inn lnnmllml mlnnmn Ian mm MnMIrnl MI Mn Ilunnu has lwn IIAIH nllucr llwv Qumlcr nr llrmmh nml Ifnflnour ommmul UH Anny In mt Mm um Ml Robbery Chemo Appointed Head CIMNIHIOOK ILC CF Krnnrlh Llnyd kacr And hll JEyulmld hnflhcr Jmncl lwnurd Imlh nl Klmlmlcy 110 were charml wim cnpilnl murder hue Wrdncsday night In lhv ux slaying lunar01d Mch Mnlhrrs nwr Mission In lhu Frmcr Valley MONTREAL CPI Eric Klornns presldcnl the Mun real nnd Cnnndinn stock cx chnnxcs announced chmsdny he will be In candidnlc or he lberal nomination Mnnlrnnl NolrcDnmbdcGmcc when provincial hyclcdion Ix uhcd ulcd la be mm Liberal nomlnnnun meeting to choose candidate has hccn Int or July 30 airman he board snld nflcr lhc meet In lhc board deplored the at on the professors wha com plaImd publicly or malndminls lralinn on he put President Murray 1105 TORONTO CWThu com plainu group of dissident slafl members York Univer sity Ln Tnmnlo were rejected completely by the board 01 gov erflnrs at fuming Wednesday Pair Charged Th rolve the Eastern Can ada synnd of he Lulhuran Church in America the Can dian board 01 American mis sions of the Unilcd Lulhcran Church in America and lhe Ukrainian Canadian Inundnlion Tara Shevchcnka OTTAWA CPLBills incor porating lwo religious grnups and Ukrainian cultural organ Italian were approved Vndnes day by he Sennles private hills commitlea Kierans Runs nyin xs survived hy his wife and five children His parents live In Digby NS families here Taylnr from Trenton 0nL Joined the army In 1954 His wife and two ch11 drcn survive Lance Sergeant Taylor 28 died on the spot Lance Car pornl Ryan 3n died in camp hospital two hours lalcr Hath men lived with their families here Taylnr from 11 nt gained the army rcm m3 Camp angciovm soldiers were killed by llghlning ngnesdzly Complaints Out Bills Approved MAJ IIMIIMTT CAPSULE NEWS Governor General Vanler becomes an honorary member at the Queslnrs as he accepts the traditional black Me of the organization mm head girl Julln Parker of Man 351 cAgETowy NJ Storm Kills Two Soldiers VANIER BECOMES AN HONORARYQUESTOR NUllTII WW Tl Dnnkl Ymnna nl Nuflh my HUN Walnuday whm tlmrl null Inlumlllm Wilnmu MM llw My lnylnn ml at lmuleuvd leI ulhrr mumm and Mn lnlu 010 ol um um mmwy Snrml MEI punn rmnuy In llrmhlllu mllrl mu IIIH nml wllm helluva Hm rum mum Hu lvllll are Irmllnfl nl mum nw mun nmnlw lE 510177 In on all all OIINWALL CW Slum hmwn nml Imnkru III Corn wall hm hm warmd by Ike IlIZMI he on he tmIuux or wunmlrll mm North Bay Bay Killed By Truck RCMP Warns Of Counterfeit Bills An rxlrnunllnmy 1mm lmn will Mr MI wk urslrd urlhcr canvrrlnllnn WI Mr Herrllluo llllr Um mlnlslrr and MP tlvlmlnl lhn mini llcv 1le Mlnlslrr inrllmdlhl munuyn avenue mlltdnr So he produch ha 000 thtmlv Mi HughJae Imd diflcr cm undcnlnndlnz namely Hm ll uuld Ibo lpo costly mum Mlnislcr Lnlnx said he lhoughl his uncullvc mislnnl hm ulllcd lhe mal lcr wllh Mr llcrridxo namely would be Impu nhlo lu pull much mnlcrlnl mu Mex bul he MP wn welcome volume mull rlnl ml surer wuuld Inlisly MI ulrlnsll THOUGHT ll SETTLE He was born in Guelph but In ms went to Toronto where he worked or The Daily News and Saturday NighL He didnt say why In wnnlcd Ihis Presumably ll con unclcd with 15 unllnwnn In lcrcsk in he quumbln River GUELPH CPIReuben Bul chart former newspapennan and pool who celebrated hls moth binhday In April died In hospital here Tuqsday Ml crï¬dgc NDPKoollh nay West nskcd or late telegrams and other docu mcnu exchanged between 111 deputy minlslcr of northern main and nullnnal resources and the sin H10 water re sources bnnrd Iince Jan lOGI It lumnd out Um govcm men kept hc cheque But Mr Henich didnt gel Inn commitment that the cavern mclnt would supply the male na Dot Sgt Robert Stirling Iold magistratns court lhal ï¬ve days uncr Ihe robbery he Iannd $3500 worth diamonds In safe in Szmaus Hamilton Jew elcry store So he handed his personal cheque or $1000 In the gov emmonl In the Commons Wednesday to covar the cost of digging out nearly 10000 lcum and other document be wnnts lo peruse power and ilobd coanDI pm jccl or trial or possessinn of stolen gems aflegcd lo be mm 315000 robbery ï¬ve years ago in Toronto holeL mbbery charge against Szmau was diy missed OTTAWA 1CPH Her ridge isnt one to put lhe tax payer lo cxlrn expense just or his benefit Poet Dies CHEQUE BOUNCES AROUND BS COMMONS QUIBBLES real Quest Is the Common wealth Youth Movamenl pm gram designed Io broaden education Ihrwgh travel 111a presenlaurn was made by ma Canadian Qunswrs who wlll II II ralimulul lhnl ll cnsu npproxlmnlnly nvn nu lo nhutmlm cnch page mnlu rlnl Some 000 News rnr mmmlrnno Mo hrllcvrd be Invulvrd In lhu Nlll mrm brrl mnml ML rhlgc old report ha ha hrcn lulnrmcd he will ctrive lhn pnprn In quulcd 11m cheque luuul an In Canadian lmpcrlnl Bank 01 Commerce account was type wrlllcn and mm uul lo Hm rmivcr zenernl II wnl lencd Mr llerrldab hellrcvlugll amount 31 Ml blank bul non Kymd ntmsn lha cheque mid not or man lhpp 000 Law novcmmnni rc lurnnd ho chpque In Mr Hur rhign Mr Garland Inuchcd mm Inuuhlcr by saying lhul like many Ihu sum llons 1mm lhc opposillon sldo the Commons Mr llcr rldxua suxgcsllon mm lo be lurking In auhslunre After announcing lhn lower domestlc rates promise made by the Liberals in the last Th mics would all alter by September ha latest he said adding that changes may he made in them lalar the same time he said it is hoped lower industrial and commercial rates will have been drawn by the end of Mr Hurldgc thn chamber mo sped back Inla lhc to Inquire whether had cast shadow on chequc It was he mid made out to lhe mclvng pncml Mr Levesque annuunced mos arms outside the Montreal and Quebec City am can expect my pnwnr ale as result of the lnlcgralinn 11 private elcclrlclly companies Into the Hydeucbcc system The mm panics were exproprialed ear ntr this year Mr Garlhnd aFcifxy replied Ihat Mr Nowlnn cnuld see Ihv thcquc he would ï¬nd th answer In It Meanwhile Mr Lain In an audlblc stage hispcr pmmplcd Mn Garland to say Ihu chequs yn blank QUEBEC CWLower tales Im home users of clearlch we announced In the legisla ture Wedmdny night by sources Mlnlsler Rene Levequ who in flu next breath Inm hasled the federal gnvcmment for Its percent sales tax on huild mnkerinls Former Iinancc mInlslor Genrgc anlan asked Mr Garland whether the cheque was mndc out to he rccciver general Canada and whclher It could be classed as luxdcdupilfle gm ruched nver and plucked the cheque of Mn Lalng dusk PAXAIILE TO wnoim om mm Bnyfllld so hi mu mun non AVAILABLE Von mum OnrHour Tour Pltlumquu Kumpcnlulv Buy Levesque Blasts Sales Tax But Names Lower Power Rates leave for study our Great Britain and Malta on Thursday Th Canadian com tlnxent is received annuaily by the GovernorGeneral at Government House DELANEY BOAT lINES SCENIC BOAT TOURS DAILY TOURS no no 710 Mo pm whn had left momcnlnrlly lhc chamber vhcr summin 10w doubt somrlhlnl In pander snld Dmicl that mnn like Tnbcr wnuld worm Ms way Inln an posmon on lhe CBS Ilnfl not him assianrd CBS mrrcspnndcnl In Cuba In tho pe rlnd prcmllng the Cnslrn uku ovcr nnd lhcn hnve hl lolnlly pm Cnslru prcscnlnllnn pur lhe Amcrlcnn pgbllg by no nl our no mm Itlch lion networks He noted lhnl no lesllmony Ihowcd Tuber born In ChILaun In 191 had hccn CBS cm Noyce far 10 years had crim lnal rccnrd and had travelled rum Havana In Prague In De cember 1951 an Cubnn plus purl and had stayed In Prague with In Cuhnn nmbmndnr Dodd who presided nl lhc closed hearing on Anrll 10 1961 described lhe Fair Play or Cubn Cnmmillco the chlcl public relations Instrument of lhc Cnslm network In he Unllcd Slnlcs He made he statement as the Scnnte lnlnrnnl security Mr cammillce released secret mu many taken mm Robcn Taber New York City formvr Co lumbia Brondcnsung Syslum rc porter who became Ihe ï¬rst ex cculve secretary or lhe Fair Play for CubaCammlllcc WASHINGTON AP Senn lor mm Dodd Dem Conn sald Wednesday US new media have an ohllgatlan to check Inlo the character and loyally their rcponm well heir ability In Ihe next ï¬ve or six yean Hydro expects to invest some 000000000 In power prnjecu lhe tax If maintained could cast the Crnwmwned commis sion between $500000 Ind $10 000000 annually The tax had hit Hydro when it was being asked In lower rakesme new domain ram will mean revenue loss 01 $391100 annually he saidand the same time Increase in Investments He said ii lid conTe bad lime for llydeuebec in par ticular and the pravlnca In gen eral mellow campalgn which was based on tha power takeover Ix ueMr Levesque li lnlo the ledernl sale tux cm 3411 mm Wants Check News Staff For Loyalty Another said he noted 0an Matt In ofï¬cial Cludhn attendance It function It Rm ï¬lm and Sovlpt bloc embassies The detenee depnflmwt viewing at least sums of the eumy pmadures as lnId dawn bygyvemnll qinqflva In 1965 One said there appear to have en mar questinnlnl of person In sensitive govern ment position who might hava coma inlu even casual or om cJul contact wllh member at Ihe embassies communist countries mAWA 0P Some Infoh mant nythayvbeflave there ha been zeneral Lightning security In Canada re mm of the 13mm lcandll and Phllby case Brlhln and um am In lha Inst lwq weeks of Soviet spies In Sweden and the united States The RCMP as Is IL cuslnm uecflned In conï¬rm or deny Um report IA lNll IMYFIEIJ llr nlrl la III nl can run Pickup um Delivery 0AA NAL ICE Informaan ma wig Spies News RCMP Getting Tighter TUNE UPS WASHING LUIIIHCATION ZMIOUH TOWING STEWARTS GARAGE Security riskl include persona iudgco vulnerable in foreign alum whether becnum of ham useme tendencies big debl or nucleii misdeeds or simply be nus may might take drink iog mafly Bl cocktail Ramps Canadian xuvgrnmenls have been deeply concerned about se wrlly slum Igor Gouzanko Russian embassy dark lingered Sovie my ndwork in 1de in 1915 more lbnrnughscanning of se curil dossier ol pnrsouom up an intuitive position 11 In One cam is the affect now nanwnnv ONTARIO LIMITED renew curily leaks have on relations wtih nlllu country L1 unlik ely in not all 1119 information mu wish from friendly murkyIn Canadas case from the United Slatesii in secur ity leaky Canada has been involved in number 01 spy cases since 1945 jimuxh oilnothing Ilka the maI thai yuan in air least iwn cases Saviel spic in Britain were carrying Canadian passports when cup lumi TRY EXMIINEIL WANTADS PHONE PA um IIIIrate bear Whats great taste QIIO CérpentéxsyUnion Wants Access TolLumber And Mining Camps P0111 ARTHUR CHThu Ontario Cnrpentm Council de cldcd Wednesddy to ask the pmvlnclnl govcmment Ior legis lation allowing unlun organlzerl mu nccesx tnlumber and lng camps The demand was Included ln one or resolution passed at the annual convenllon he nrovlnclal councll of the Unltod Brntherhood ol Carpen Ing anq Jalner CLO nu ma access malt said Iha problem hasbaen In this unvernment before the slluallon uaclly SHIRE EXAMINER THURSDAY JULY ma 33mg rhsulullon but the The delealed resolution Iub mmed by Nlazara Falls Ialdl mere ls qulle dlllerencu ln wage rate throughout the prov lnce due to local agreement ln lhg vnrlous arena Four resolutans asking for changes in Workmen Campem salInn Board pollcle were up pmved by he delegalu same If not worse when Ihs problem was In broughk lo the governmentl altanllon The voting delegate do tented resolution recommendt In standard wage agreement or carpenter lhroulhout the pvance