Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 Jul 1963, p. 2

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hm Amal nm Cupput mm mm III my cum ran up nu ma nunnm um mm Ivl Do lmv am run 60 Imp Call an Ilnm TI CI MI Ill Chtmlul lu Illu on In rum InI lnmhvlfl hint NA lllll nun Alhnlu Mum Alluml ll Alumlnlum lllnm 0n Amu no Amvl Incl HIl Impnl ml Nu mum rman Tum mutual mm IDII Anunn IndulMll Mr Im up vl Ilumm Mn 11 muunm nocl canal Ml lfldufllllll up Lu wag an mm to Al on Oomuklnl enxlnoer Willlnm Alnlle Colllngwood mponcd In count on work In pronm an some of Iha own dikhrl nlu prulrd mm mrunlly mmpld ed lnvol clcnnlnz whimlnl Slnyner hm one luIHlma pol ka constable nob Chnrmnn and mm parHlmo oHIccr Dub Ilcnh In another movo count up proved Mntduln advert In to Mn nn exlu pollccmnn or part llmo dunes TM om ccr would help out on weekend And alto poll mu pmcnt men on their lme during the wmk STAYNER Stall Pros peat of havan rteAssessment or the town led Stuyner Com cll to appnlnt commlltce Tucs day nlgllt to look lnto the mat ter Named to the commlllee wm Rocve WIlllnm More and wunclllon Art Pool Alllster MacDonald and Kenneth Kerr Stnyncrs lust mnsscssmcnt wax made In 19w clerk Culhnm sold Only mlnur chan ges In the aucssmcut structure have been made tn Ill lnter vmlng yum rcnssrssmcnt now would hrlnz severnl ndvnnlnges It would hrlnn Stnymrn unus mmt more In llne wlllt the equalle mmmcnt of the county Then too It would rnlxc the lawn bonuwlnx pow by provldlnz hlzhcr fl urn munlclpal mm SK Mnryl School We go Jo Blind River ur while 11 up by Sudhnry where we used In Hva like It up here hecnuse havent really to media Barrie yet play bnxebnll or the Syracun team ha Legion Minn Easnhall Magum May ReAssess Town Of Stayner MARIAN CARTIER grade Jnaul School Tannin Im going in my in Barri or month iikl ii up here during the summer With six hmlhm at home ynu havu to at away ior whiiei But wii home in Limo in my birthday on July 29 INQUIRING REPORTER ASKS ompr by I17 Dunlap EL IL TODAYS STOCK PRICE 1m an nutIII lAnlh IMln Am nmwl MM Mrmmu levmlt IL Hum Nlnlnll Nnkm IntM Nb lnm mm Inm uumln Inlnrnv mu or cm ml H7 and me for In Mum ram hm hm Darn Ham Ham ma rm mL lnw mm um um many llama on In II hm mnurnul InmpAun CAS mlor or the damn Sud hury wlm announced lml week lhnl ho Iacltly may hlvo lo lakn In 00 In 500 children un der prnlrcllvo mvlcu pm ram nhl he wnl dlsnppolnlcd In bonrdl lnlluro la Ind the funds Everyt nu ha been cut to the bone snld Mayor Wllllnm Ellis cant whm lhu money going In mm mm unlm we dnlm or cumll Iomu nlhorprgjecl Contra If Mu Sllvermnn could not get support or Minn quwaln my money be allgltq 13 CAS SUDDURY CF Bond control rejected wxxextlnn sadly that ll lquEnd ll don conlrol prolrnm and alvo the £10000 It would can ma Chil drcnl Md Society The CA5 qugtcd UAW Emu met this requested by residents will be ordered or Chm1c Street and Plus Sued council doddmt Staynor top In the Georgian Bay Development nocluIIon Dava Philippa xavu council dascrlpuon ol Iho ro cent GBDA Ion mecllnu huld 1n Collinxmod and strnixbttnlng dflm togjn needing allzntlan Take Dogs Money Give To Children MARTIN MURRAY grad Hillcrm School Pretty won Im going down the station to ma my aunt who has been In England We In Lwlmmln Wan Each lot live on my bicycle time Ind like on bikes with my friends MARIE CARTIER 10 grade St Mary School lmgn in la Tomnlo nr two wacks nlwm have Inn In go lug to the movie and shop ping dnwnlnwn There Is an much more to do down there this trip hope to havn ride on the subwny in Alluv hfim mum on mun mun llmu Imth mm In Nun III 07 nu 910 inn1Tpr mm Mrln rm mm Ma hm hm IIn II at Nll II In nod Ilm mu MU llul at cm Tnthm ll hm rm on up mi ll um Ahond II I1 INC lnywu nfl Km during vur hm hl Incrnllully moved build lmm wflMn In at Ioldlumun In Damn most Imam lrrr wlnunllm ho Idomllied hlm v1 Dr 10 Cyr of Grand hill ml 01 mmmlulon mgmnlleulm Inglln new In In llc imv on avnnlelhl hi hi Unlon llucuu Mlulon an Aqqqn nkld mud In vnrlom lumulul nuwuuo ndu Demur hnl hem Royal Cnmdlnn vay dodur Inn venode urnr1 In K0 nun Wnr mu IIrIIOII Inc don In Tun Trnwlnl monk vol legor Ind Lhrlfll dcwlyinWInlllnhon Mala Ila now on avnnlelm ll Wlmhcndon In th Conviction mulrl luvs brvuxhl mulmum pmllllu at mm Im In yun In prim ur Demnm had plnmlnd no conlul In lhu that lund jury Alleged lhnl July ma Domnn med lm lldllloul nlmc Jellrmn Ilnlnl Thom Ind Iuwlled lulu romd to ll lugghlnl Dlflrlcl Jud Thunan Clnr mo pIu xlm on 1r pmmqun L08 ANGHLES AllFlrdb nnnd Waldo Dcmnnl cele bmlod In book and movia an The Gml Impeller drew 11000 no and yur In jnll mu nu nderlhmdny on char min the mill In do lrnud Aixomn While River regions Sunny lodly And ihurldny No quila moi Thursdag Wind nonhwcsl 15 to 15 ecominu iighl this evtninl Fomnxi inmpcrnlurcl bow overnight high today Windsor 75 London 50 71 Winnimm ll ilnmiilun 50 75 Tumnlo 51 75 Trnnlun 50 7D iiiuxkaku 70 North Day 70 Snuil Sic Maria 45 70 While Rivtr 75 Timmoxu 77 7o tiniih xinn Buy iimnxlmi rbgians North Bay Sudbury Sunny with cloudy period today clearing thin eve ning Sunny and not quite cont Thurldny Wind nnrthwut 10 with trust this attemoan be urjgiuy Great Imposter Fined And Jailed La kc Erie Lake Huron Luke Onlurlu Nl nxurn rezinns Windsor London llnmlllon Tornnlo Sunny and can today and Thursday Winds northwest 20 with gush today hccowlnx light Iunjghl Synapsll Sunny Iklu Ind cool temperature are gonna Icmn the Grant Lam rezlonl lodny Thu lne mother will penlsl lnlo Thursday The cloud um Ilngers In lhe extreme northeastern mtlon of he prnV lnce wlll he sanU clearing out today Gusty surlaca wfnds that reported In most sectlnn Prlnce of Wales School Ive no bike and that lot durlng the summer sure love to iwlm and pl baseball and just fool armmd TIIERESE grade two St Marys School Im ulna to my home and play and eve thing havo two sisters an Iva hmlhurl There In Ilwayl someone to come out In Queens Park to play on the merry go round and the swing and to go in swimming mm filmy 10 grade WEATHER Marla tr July dwrry nrrmp Inu hm hupny rude elxhlu ml wn the ma Mxhnn In an pun Clnldl OIth Wu nu urnmum al In My Hotel which In lowed mm Each lndl vldunl laur mvhkul up wllh Im portanl nml anranl knurled whldl mail Ml laruvl Wu link It lhmk Mr Ellwood Mnchll Member at lullamcnl or Dulforlnfilmcoe who mule nun olfllhl lnuu poulhle W0 wrnl lo vnrlnul mm It Han Iuth Aulllvu 10 war Munum Hm lllduu Canal lhl 01mm Illwr lho llnynl funndlnn Mwmm lollu Tu Inl omrr lllllrnu Hull VIMrh In In mldrnrp ol lho Unvrrnor lrneral lho ntrlmmlal hum mhx Imbnuln Va Ind Hm nmwtlunll hrnr Mr Thumpsnn murmu lnx llw Eoclnl 0mm lnrly nwnklnl lu Hm Home of Com mnnl Ono of hu Imuulnj Illum Ilunl in lhc Houses Common wnl th nompwm wm dll lbultd nnd member actually ml lhnm Mills Inc lfllfllrnfl Hm wm IplnkInL NHHITI In In Purlllmont Hulldingl we wrre nhuwn he lihmry rynllnhug 300000 lmkn In the procan mnklnl mlns lhe wnrkm Wm exhume ly particular mm lhu money will lust penltd Ml Imported calm had In made over nznln In the mnnulnclum coppm mill copper were ltd lma machine that made he plnln mppcr coir Then the calm had lo wulmL FIHIIU mm Mnmnlnl proczu wlulch wnl lme mnlnlllctnl hocnm om mnch no wuuld Mlmp bolh 1ch once In mnllar or mouth Thtn all ropptrn worn checked and mmlo avnr nulln II Men Ill Tho molt lnlnmllni Ham lound on Kim rip were lhu In and Inn Inrllnmcnl Bulld in the morning we visllcd he welikept ground oi the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Training Schools They showed us the harm We crossed gigenlic bridge which led across the Ottawa illvcr lo iiuii The log boom were neatlooking lyinx in group in the river Wn visited the Miami in Gai lcry where we were lhriiitd by he llmoul eolieciians On our way home we Iiapped at the bus terminal in iclcrboroush iohnd rcaleurnnl and all our wpper We arrived home at 5mm at 050 ENJOYE MINT LyfiiVFerxuson 911 her Impression Bl Inflows lhe Hotel be May we rented or the nlthl There were eight or more at us In roam Our room wen equipped with light syllem walllownll brondloom mowers television tel Ind telephones In six oclock we 15 supper and at 715 lhe next morning we had hreaklasl First we went in the Parlia menl Buildings where we saw lim Peace Tower We went into Session and saw Mr Dlefcnha ker Next we visited he Arch ivus where we received lec lure on how Ounwa was discov red When we mat to tha Mini we Inked or aampini but lhny wouldnt give sunny Here one lrom Donna Rowe The Gradr Eight In the North Inntsfll communlly took an Interesting and luxur Iau trip to Ottawa June 14 1961 Some of the parent accompanied us so there were 75 ollus In cluding the two bu drlvers at 530 am Impressions some of the pup an gleaned from letter written telling of the trip mggnassmNs Then should have been one more but the parent slap through the alarm and on Min et boo pupllmssed the bus With the permission of Mn her Area Board Grade pu ii at North Innisiii recently early ed chnriex bus trip in Ottawa Including the chapcrones total 75 made the trip BILLY FAHEY made one St Muryxthnul We to to our grmdmolhgrl 1n Blind River There play with two bikes and warm We swim lot and someflme we 10 or Like in the hush summers fine but Im going In school in the fall Pupils By Lls Reflect Ottawa CREAM SIIEIIIIY CAR KILLK CHILD TORONTO CmIllndy Hur lhcnhom daughter or Mr and Mn Samuel Herahenhom Toronto was killed when struck by Ill car hm muday Them Inner were chosen at random from several submitted All were from girls as noun the boy whom than Wu air percrnluge cured lo put lhclr Impression on paper The chnperonu who nccom nnled the II wow Mn 54 um lMlncts Mrs Helmer Mlncls Johnson prlnclpnl of Mlneln and wllu Mr und hm NewmanJones Strand nnd Mn ParkerNance principal Strand SclmoL mum rm mum anuNly AAm Cnmullun Cum Vvmy mm only In 0mm lvfxnl ynu Ivy HI lmn man than mm Camlln mule hul um xldelalyly lm lhanzompmblo IMIIIPLWHIIBVNthchouMly oloviginWchvpuynuwlllum mm nu mumcnl IL Blfi mt cmmm Im um um ed the Nullonal Art Gallery II 1115 Hmwe had two hnurs rcctlme and we had our=lunchulVe then hemmed to the Pnrllnmenl Buildinfl when the bus picked us up All the people present were pleasantly Ilrcd We would Ilka to commend 1h bu driven or puulng up with our oxcllcd and rather my chatter um no wine wu mm mi ladny which fraudun You may rm mm lhl ypu wine unu Ihll lppllll In em mic Jul ll youuulamn CmmShmy on many people no my WWI ynu The next morning hall of us were still asleep whm we cum to breuklul but we soon wnku up when Ilarted lamIn the clgxuby Inn Iqu yam no nmr lwclvu can In my wm able put on he markcl mull clluln Ullzhu Clnminn Clgym hwy Wo rode In our bum to mole just aulxlde Ottawa whm accamodnlmn had beenmada xar us to sleep Those who want to flee alepL but those who didnt want to didnt ium IIch bell and then tha large hell whlch welsh 11 ans We want to the Min where only coins are made The madame here make mflllan ol dullnrs day Then we walked to the Archive Where we saw the cords of Canadas history thn entering we saw many mnnsluns wllh huge lawns Upon ranching the city limit we went lmmedlnlely lo the Far liament Buildings wherewe watched our great political mm In sesxlon Wu heard our ormer Prime Minister Mr Dlefcnhnker speak Alter his Inlcresunx In Eerlude we went to the high Peace Tower which was way ahuve the oily When coming down we stafped first sea gha smvnllgr pels then the med En mule lo winning Lhe trip Robert won ha junior dlvlslon public speaking chutes North He took an lnlmst ln publlc xpeakinz In Grads chm 16 public school Oro other studenlerom the area tome ram Midland and Orlllla Last year winner In this dIv lsIon wuAMIu Leslie Coxall aLio North student prerlu laplcthat won him the trip was Rnclnl Discrimin ation In Conjunction with The United Nations Robert reférn lo lhoUN an assembly pro moting Regan lhgqughou Athe warld Robert Haidie of 0m Station won ihe iri in pubiic speak ing contest cideariiur this year at Midlaan The contest was eponsoredby the Odd Fellows and Rcbeknhsoi America well as New York the highlight oi the lripRoben and mnny other similar contest winner will Wait Montreal Ottawa Washington Baltimore Philadel phiafing Niagareliipiis Isyearold Grade student swan1 North CoileglMe left ladny for lrlp la New York 019 Youth Sneaksm To New York Tour MAKE SPACE TEST WALLOPS ISLAND VI AP The United sum National Ae ronautic Ind SpunAdminb mum flred wmund mien um package Into the orbital path of the Cnnadlan will Alouem Tuesday 50 DUNLOP II am ROBERT BAIDLE WALKE RS Bm 101er TShlm Dom wnm mom leh comm TShlm Anond sham lu Mlm mom and lop HOll IIOUMI llllly Wedmm Ml mm II nun Ivnul min in tha pool um eveninl chum on Mondu When they called tho children prepnrltory to 10an home June did not an IWII She was lound flaiflnl In pool 1n responu lo crlex or help Mr Hanan appeued and plled moulhtomoulh mphn Uon Tha child hm been partly revlved when Huiold barman local Imdwm menchum lb TOIIENHAM Special Moulhomoulh ruplraflon ad mlnhtued by deh Hanan Tournhlm credited with sav Lna the life of lonryearold Jnna Roman ll um Tallenhlm pool on Monday eveulnl Altar An uvemllht In Stevsnwn Me morlal Hzap tel Alllatnn lhl wu allow to no home Mr and Mn Pa 110an Ind their chndrgn yvere IwLm Councillor Saves Life Of Child BARRIEEXAMINEB WEDNESDAY JULY lmn LII Iron 70 um to 6x lmn 1ch hm Ln Mm la la 10 Inn 71 In com Seyyld Jlm cued his lather Slr Abdullnh BIn Khallfn who died Mondny ha PRDCLMMED SULTAN ZANZIBAB ReulenlSeyyld Jamshld Bln Abdulll 33 day was proclnimed mllan of ovalEly Emlyn inland um sellgoverning British Nana madame 911 the 51 African child we rushed la the haspltnl clay police escort In car own by Wayne Mollett she wan kept In an oxyuen lent council can never be less than was eyed to hex pagenui yum Mu Hunman laid um Mr Hanan member of KM locnl cauncfl can never be less lhnn hero to the Ranman lamlly rived on the scene wllh ram plrakor owned by Ina Flremenl Agpclalfinn Kg

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