Wm on E1 hm um DOMon 01 In hkonhndll um knot Amm mm CanI Ilbll Illch my cm club dfl VJ on can Dlvonlll lfln llun Cm an no an In In MnnL lull ul NA Cdnlmp can cu llmur Cal ComM cu chmml cup lnwu Can am gun r9 Iu uvcl Oulllllll an HUM hp Annu Ahmhl Allnnu 5m IIumnIlm Amn vlmINl nunnnunn mmsz 5m mu mmmn Mr Hnrbmn mu Ipenker It lcadcuhip eminence mom lured by the YMCA and Ihe Tomato branch ol tha United Nation Assoclmlon Al um re wrt village 65 miles northwest 01 Torana Student mm on larla and New York state are attending the eightday conic enca which mnm Saturday Were only 15000000 reap but were lhc realest Inger nlnlm and do say not do guy 1n he world he MM 75 Canadian and American high school sludcntx Bannlgmnygmhï¬sEiiiuus John Halan Tomnto edllar Execullve magazine Saturday dumbed Canndu we worst nation of linger painters In the world GENEVA PARK Ont Canadian reclance writer of Lakln American ovum says Canada hal any conviction about the Ihrcal of communism In Latin America Aha should Join the Organlzatlon Ameri can Slam mmsz mu HILL IAIyrlCUMRH AHOUI v0 WITHOUT ANY onuaAn ON MY mm mm MME DDRESS IARIII IUSINIS consul as Tououm Awareneu at their handles and program directed wit this In mlnq mm guaran One the essentials of cripp led childrens happlnesx that they are aware of Ihelr handl cap sald Peter Sutherland pro gram directur the Elm Moun lain Camp near Callingwood Sunday Urges Canada Ioin OHS Dlsc 10¢ka Stan Taylor em erge mm lhe water nfler being dunked at BaxHe Fair Grounds yesterday Dunklnfl AT CAMP ron CRIPPLED CHILDREN Cumpnlra Flynn YOUR GATEWAY T0 OPPORTUNITY ESTABLIIHED 97 66 TORONIO SWEET BARRIE COMPLITI COURSES Pagan omca AND Open House Visitors See Happy Children Dunn NII Hum Ill IlaHlnllr Nummh JX M1va II Noun lamdot IIOMIIII an 190 Ill Dunn PAPmun nln 4w um lrnlpulnn Lalln Am mm 10 lantouyl Illa MIMI Il Nldo Mon 1m Mnuxmu Illnv Mel flexn II Ilnlnd on In Mum Manl Wlllruy XI Nulon wmm VI Ml Amvl Ilocu CPI In Iu Cum Namel Nannqu lowdown all luau mnnmo OCI llcnflnl mull 0mm UDMI Hum up 01 PLAN NOW TO AWEND THIS SEPTEMBER THIS DI IS ALL WET Debby dub us play cuunstllor lend mull Aorta out mall and keep gencrnl correspondence In good naming order he rule with all children some of Mir nnllcl are hilarious One of Ihe funniest lncldcnls occur ollen enough The children add ress their letters to Mummy and Daddy Ontnrlnl AEIVE CHILDREN ium as TORONTO in Included in the worklna raster are two or three volunteer work ers between the use of 18 and la Secretarial assistant myenr old Debby Pencock Toronto uld Thu chlldren are wonderful and so are the coumellorr mm eileci The Camp is operated by 60 yeopie most oi them university students Diredor is Miss Hazel Salmon oi New Brunswick Eunlaln Camp held open house or parents Sunday and bou wJplgqple turned out Paar director was 013m inousa Ira stud anonlo adeWï¬Jr mm num mm Id Peter mum pullllcal science and econom Ira student at lha Unlwrsflyml mm MI MN Nummh rm lrnlnulnr mo Illa Alum mnu mm no mum on mum wmm the DJ was on of the high lights 01 lbs BIrrIeJnycoes Domlnlon Day Festival Taylor and Dean Shevalier spent In YOUR ï¬CllOOI 14ch mu hefldarlly program In this year is program lilo Cam Last year swimming nstmctor Im dnln J1 OFFICEAND nusmsss I1 II um LUILNIV nnl llrynn we rnd gall Mm mmllcnn Ihnl hm bolaImam In lhe mo rmmd um um Union nu Vnrluhho touro ï¬undny llrynn hold em on he ï¬lth and lDlh hnlu turn put Her ll ubuul 1m yardn The On Io Society for Cripp led Chlldrcn in associauon with scrvica clubs throughout lhe province spend the Easter Seal dollars In conslrucllvo pro gram anld Mm Salmon Over the years morn lhnn 17000 chlldrtn have cnhyod ham day nllhll cump In 1937 cnmpm one time were ac commodalcd Today each camp period accommodate 70 The couggallor come from Ontario Quebec Snskclchuwnn New Brunswick and Nova Scocln 119w curmnm yummu The children gnln Incentive as they see progress made by other children They soon forget their dlsnbillty and cunccnunle readfly an heir re milnlnx aneh Following them are the Junior girls and the senlnr girls The camp Scpgcmben The camp Sunday was the Junior boys which will run until next Sunday when the senior boys from Lo will take over the camp or twoweek period parlance in camps elect days progum and alwnyl keep in mind what ha children can or cant do They usually we to do more than schedule campg afternoon cooling all while ihu public gut halter and hoiler throwing ball lbs radiamenr Examiner Photo 1n IIIIn mm SPECIAL RISK COVERAGE FOR INDUSTRIES Heel and Cookw swim clubs If Jointly at Mr honaw Cookstaw na 28 No excellent classes allu Ilarled ha meeting on This was lollqwed by dlacuulon on red and endan ol leno as discussed by the memben Carls llne Sungm Wayne mum Lama Bell mm cums muu Thu heel member under tho lupervislon of Mr Hermann and ML Harvey Judged line class of Shortharn com Th was lol lowed by Iced and ceding of the heel herd Iod by Mr Humans The dairy club opened with the ludulng two classes Holsleln Cattle followed by lep stale discussions In lunlor and lenlnr member on nutrient re quiremml and economical feed hgnnl dnlry with uuuu The dairy and beef club me June 25 the dairy members meeting II farm Allan Homer and the bee memherl at ha mm of lender Donald Ilnrv¢y nupervxsxon of Dale Miiler me at the home of Bruce Fudey is meeting also was on the impelnines oi cultivation and weed control In corn In addition members wen aim given lest In 31m idenliiigajian TheE on Thursday eveMnK lho SARJEANT INSURANCI AGENCY lellod TAILORMADE COVERAGE Inu parade led by the Enter Juvenlla Band led of the villas Plum ram the lo Proceeds no or equipment for the minor ball teams smmed by the two groupa Board of Trustees chalnnanA Duck wnnh out the ribbon at the park cnlranca or tha 0mm open fll Sparta evch predominated In program at Anna Commun fly Puk jointly sponsored by the Royl Canadian Legion An Branch No 499 and the An gus Lions Club Corn Club Hg Active Meeting ANGUS Siaii Dominion Day celebrations an innovalian here thin you matched on over the in oi the holiday week flnglisl Qelébfatés For Ihrée Days Conwll 1mm YMNM Mr run rumr mu mm up moon plan menu In nmnumm Ma 7mm IporlI In mum Ml rum bun In In nu mm ml mm In ph ul mmm mun mumqu nu ma pm In yum ml Ill mm 0mm mm mm lunl rm cu humn Tia1M um mm 1m ii was blukEél Limo Cnél 31 and he Consuls rom Tnmnlo In mile he Iwelterlnz has at the Embasxy ha dellghled everyone In Ihe crowd wlth Mu renditions of Palllandcs Park Tnllahnsm Lassie Pnlu Ruby any Okelqwkee ornnénturday prngrnm he ap plnred with PM Hervey Ia yin old Camdlian Ilnxegï¬vyhm on manugngqa gm On Sunday he was lealured the Dardcnellu Dance all In Wganga Bench mir crowd of over 500 Ieenmrl Ilormzd out to tha Embassy Dance Hall Saturdn night to and hear Frcdlv rCannnn popular 22y rold xecarding part were weed mnlml by Sandra Dempster Insect control by Bob Wall and disease mm ml by Brian Little ner mnns and club lender Harry Cross misled In the Beelon Grab Club meeting at the lam dze hiemhentqk Membm taking part in the meeting waravLes Scrivener who spoke on weed eonuol John Mnye who discussed insects on gum and their control and Bruce Flldey who outlined dis case control In cereals Al the lan1q Mme Mr Her Freddy Cannon Slays Them The cookslown min meet mu was hald at the arm ol the county Weed Inspector Bill Peamk Mr Peacock xhowed the boys excellent weed control plan In corn and In mature well the wee oi almlna damage an onu Noltawasaga Swim Club me the Marrow arm Gldsf team fluted tn com pote In Sundgv game were ram Allluan Utopia Creemm Anv mu Air Force Camp Borden the Bamnelles Camp rden ArmyL Mondnyp the senior learn named ta play were the Banh NwSIam Edenvale Angus Femdale Grenfel and Mlnnlnu uuwh FWWHU ex union marched In the panda mm the piglet dawn 1pm themes cum to the park Also In panda was lost mm the mu 3mm Bay 91 and decorated New Quinns Mrt iner unuucuuu ur will remove wuru Dam Chic Cannabis Ed Tichlrhm has on ma mm on ml the clly wlll endelvnur lo do everylhlnl In In power to mm Ihe delcunlu dellbm 10 nd ncllvmu lumu rt 17 Jim nm that lha julca or th dolly Sam peo hold the be he dn Maynr Lu Cook received the assaclnllona Acceptance the name lnvllnllnn Thu push dam for tho convenllon will be In In lho ncqrjulure 1965 The annual convention lhu Chief Constable Auoclnlinn Pularlu will mm In Hanla In Bob will mum cf Harrie In month two during July lnd August lale 0n cnmpletlan at Ma twmyear course PIIVMG Ley expect to in Into clerk lccnunllnx with the Department anlonal Dr lenpe He recaived his eduu llon at Barrie Conlrnl Collu Barrie Gets Police Meeting The awnd Viapresented at he school by MajorGenerll thuh Majorflenual of Survival Private Lay all wan the awnrd the best apprentice 1n ï¬rstyear academics Winner al the Elwood which pmznlad allmum soldier sppre Tm hy 21 the Royal Candin ordmnoe School League Palm wu Prime Dunlap Street Barrie Quebec My 94 BAYER ASPIRIN bollle ol l00 11 BANDAID Plastic Strips 49o GlllETTESuporBluoBlADES100 SCHOllS Corn Callous Plasters 50c 612 INSECT REPEllENT 79c PALMOllVE llapid Shave aerosol 89c AQUA SEAL BABY PANTS 39c PEPSODENT Tooth Paste 93c Barrie Youth Wins Award Rs Top Soldier MY llgup mm Norlh nay Sudbury northém Georgian Dny Alumna Tlmnz Iml qulhern While ï¬lm It Elam Sunny wim cloudy pe riod loday and Wzdnelday Cooler Wind norlhwcsl 15 Synopsis Southern Ontario had another night ot record warm temperatures However In end 01 the current heat wave in in Him Cooler air reached the northern portion Lake Huron this morning and will cover the entire provinestw night Lake St Clair Lake Erie Luke Huron western Me On tarto Niagara regions Ham ilton London Windsor an onto Sunny with cloudy riods today And Wednesday Cooler toninht and Wednesday winds westerly lltn 15 shitting ta northwest 15 to 25 this ailer noon Southern Georgian Bay East ern Lake Ontario liailburton regions Sunny with cloudy pe riods today and Wednesday Chance of few Isolated thun dershowera this afternoon Winds anuthaust to west 15 to 25 yhiitln to northwest 15 to 25 this ntternoonxgooler tonight and Wednesday 1125 NOEL STEPHENSON RE OPTOMETRIST AT YOUR DDCIORB In For GMSSEB nu Slophlmona walk and Ophmflrlm FOR APPOINTMENT BUNLDI zm PHONE PA um MERE ONT FOR COMPETENT EYE CARE RUGS LIMITED HARMACV RUGS LIMITED CONSULT Lake aeohlm nay West In hwm wind blah today 52 ID 60 10 Windsor Thoma Landon Kitchener Wlnghnm Hamiltan 5L Catharine Tomnln mnlon Sudbury Saul Ste Marie Knpuxkallnz While nlver ï¬mmam In 25 comm vat northwest Ill evenhu mums lo Wndnud Scltlmd undernquuh moman an Mormon Ilr nlgh and dnuday North Whit Rivet C01 wure Mainly dwdy du Su with cloudy pom Wednesd CooL Winds non west 15 25 vnm dm near hm Saturdly 1mg while lwlmmlnl wl our llher boyl Alannder Emerlch Lorain Ohio vm Mmmlnx feet than when hi to cramp run out of breath 11 124 of mm Aii 3th muster 7PM McGer 51mm MP Dr claimed the Orlllla in Mr Rwal um am Egmme County cam Mr Rawa wn Hellman It ADM data wu hmn by th mmm SchoylE came Mr Row lowing Induction Allisfor Was Firsi DRILLIA sum lawn ofï¬cial Ire um oflenae at llalemenll day dalnunzrlhnuhe n1 Lieutenant vGDVE Rowe nndMrs flaw 1m nmdal visit of renal couple In Slm Mr Rowe presided llclal opening ca keltbntlonl In ï¬nch Park Snffe ed Cramp Y¢u Drowns may ï¬lm PA mu PM HARBOR Stall year old only bu near hm Saturday laxemu lo 20 macaw 83c 44 89c 41c 69c 79c 33c 89c