Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 29 Jun 1963, p. 6

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In Allu Tgmomv llfllilfl MinnScorpio mn lmmlhm will hrlnl MI IM up mulmm In nun peer llumnnu lnml and wlnl Irllvillu um hlml nn lhu Mom llul when your prlm Ill tnncernnlawllh rmplw mmnnra bdrmn mm and mldJuIy in Keplvmlwr ml Jnnury on luv in July An lull ml Nuvrmlwn mm or lama vrry good new lullnl naluu nm DmmDnr rhlld lmm IMI Iny nll he cmlavml wllh mumI In lelllxmce lmt may have In nub lmlency umnl olLInncy lnmormw ynur hlrlhdny llm um monlhl promlsu run dcnl In Um way or nualn mull both In bullnm and per Ionnl mnurrm Iho rHurll you pul lurlh hrlwrm nuw Mu lhn rnrly ml of Mind mphd wllh Inmc unununly um 7p uunlllu lo ndvancu thrown nllucnllll mnlacll would con lrlbuh lrully lnwnrd he uhlevrmonl nl urn llu Inlnrnl ol lqnla Look or 11qu mull mm your mom hrlvcrrn lnla Aulunl nml mly Drrrmher In February nml MMKII MKMY Insplrlnu llnyl Plnn rlnry lnllumm Imlln on mlncr lrnval Ind Ioclnl ncllv lllu Illm pm hmm will up tomvnn no ptrlnd In whlrh mm plnnl lnr Hm enman wukunwlully lhm ol nu un usually rnlrrptlnlnl nnlure To mungy For Tomorrow Examiner sports editor Rick Fraser better known as lovely Richard is walking around on cloud these days awaiting the arrival at his wile Bernadette end their tour children The Fraser family will nr rive by plane from Nova Seotla on Wednesday Rick received telegram from his wife yesterday with few lastvmlnute instructions lm really the boss thouzh says lllek But just havent got the nerve tote her The telegram told quite ditterent story Pick up the freight dont forget to have the light turned on get the grocery order meet the plane letc 0hI its great to be married Rick said ater Splnshpool rogram tor children 1mm live to seven years wiil held in the afternoons at Queens Shear and the community pool Re istmtion day was yesterday but late registrations wil be taken at the parks on any day between 1130 and 12 am WHOS BOSS Programs include baseball leagues boys and glrls tennls croquet qulet games acuva games art crafts spcclal projects carnivals along wlth man other agedal actlvllies to be announced and ex ncd on summer program There is also yslcal lt nes program for all levels The Barrie recreation committee has summer of activity planned for the youth of Barrie which in eludes programs for children up to 15 years Programs will operate from to 12 am in all par Each park ls staffed with trained leaders to conduct the activities most enjoyed by each age group Some parks will also have afterhoon supervision and splash pool programs The above is the familiar er of students on the last day of school Now that all over mothers are faced with long warm summer days and lhlnklng up schemes for the children who always have nolh In to do It is assumed that lileguards will begin duty on July but there ls nothing offlclal at the moment he stated The llfeguards are the responslbllity oi the recreatlon committee whlch is under the chalrv manshlp of Win Law No more encils teachers dirty qoks PLANNED PROGRAM Swimming at the Kinsmen Conservation Park will commence this weekend according to Ken Johnston secretarytreasurer of the Parks Board Work on the pool commenced three weeks ago when the pool was drained because of dirt in the water It has been necessary to draw in tremendous amount of sand to cover the black muck which has accumulated this year Mrs Johnston explained The bottom has been com pletely resurlaced and when spoke to the secretary treasurer he mentioned that they had started to till the pool again Whether there will be enough water of sufficient do th for swimming or not am not sure but there will enough for bathing said Mr John lion Although Barrie is situated on large body of water there are very few areas in the immediate vic inity than can he termed ideal for swimming There is of course the Johnson Street beach and swimmers and sun bathers crowd this tiny beach area on warm summer days THE BARRTE EXAMINER SATURDAY JUNE Speaking of taking refreshing dip the commun ity swimming pool on Grove Street West was officiall opened today and will remain open seven days wee during the summer There will be qualified guards in attendance showers and check room facilities and supervised swimming and no wasted time getting in the water since the temperature is 70 degrees Its been wonderful week for vacationers but for those of us who are still pounding the typewriter on these long sundrenched days its been real scorcher However they tell me all you have to do to kee cool ls think cool thoughts Well It doesnt war as far as Im concerned Another member of the edl torlal department tells me he keo calm and cool on bllsterlng days by thlnklng of oshlng cool one This one misinterpreted because later discovered he was referring to taklng cool dlp SWIMMING SPOTS Hy ESTRELLITA WHAT THE STARS SAY SKIRTING THE BAY No more books No more Imk lor Iomn Illmulnllu In ml um romnnllc upcrlrnm leun MW nml mld July xqulcmlwn nmmbur And Jnn mar Dnmullc Inlrmll will bl under hmllunl upm duh Inl moat Ihq wmlnl yrnr nropl lnr burl mind In Im mm and Nnvomlur llnnl mm Mw lnr Mumy in Jul Aunm Imivnr Navlmhcr lthlJ wmk oul ulnmely II thlld born on Mn lily wll In uneditqu Ind lrmlwotlhn nulplomlly modal ml unu lunllnx Illllll HUMMER KIMHBIIIJEV ll 01 Hummlnl Nu mule pod pm ma Mr nnd Mn llavlu Hunk In Injund hlnl lhey mm It Hm born In lhelr home Ihmln on honey nmh In On An ll Maudy II our hlrlhdny Mn yur uld ouhllndlnx when mu Amt Ind mull lim no concern Your plmelary Influencu lndJcnlc um you run In mulunl no oxnluon or pull mom ho lwctn Auuunl Ind Decembm ulna 1n Fchnmy And Mmh rhm manned In rmllvu pub ID cnn pram In Bcpltmhtr and Newman on Mondly l0 be on Alert ll plannlnu name new enlar prln uhirh roquim lho alum nnlvl numxlvcncsx us I0 hm advmllu nlhm uu lhclrl lo In your my ra mnln men In lhlnu In Ilrlde Fol no 1311th DIXON RECEIVES AWARD Denr Ann Linden am he moth of our lmuzm Them In rllou lime or growan up at am not concerned So plnnse tell the flu Flasslcs lo slop moaning they had lo wear double cup Iheyd know what trouble hAll Ma Dcnr You Im embnrras mm of rlchu you might call ll Heres your lover and lot hope It cheer up Ibo lat Flossch although they wlLl Erobahly Hm Hula cvmlm 1n nowlnl lhnl somwnn else has loo much ol what theyd like more 01 You cant Imagine whal Its Ilke or young girl never to be ah la wear sweater strapless dress or Iowan gown And whnl Job lndlng decent ill need xlzu 10 dress with ll lop Gllu TflOUIILE Den Ann Landon wish these girls would qult crying because they have figures like Ironing beam My problem is just the opposite and would gladly change places with any lhem Its easy to add to what you dant have but noun lng can be done when you have too much Ever Ilnc was 12 have been subjected to crude re marks because ol generous aver endowment All through uhool Ive had collection 01 prlvale nlcknamcx you wouldnt believe tried walklng hunched over carryan my book In front ware loose blames Nothan helped Imr eryh Krndunlnl Mnuar humus Im mlnhlrnllnn mm the Unlvtr ally ol Tornnln llo mrlvnl lhu Sluvrnmn Krlluz uwml or llulnm mm lcm Um Inn Mr Mud Mu llnmll Wthl Hun lklI nml In married In Hm armor Juno Ayrnl limit II now wmklnu wlm Internllo nnl llmtnclu Mnrhlml an onlo Film Land of the Morning Calm man lha work 01 the church In parts of Korea was shown and lound qulta Interest lnz Many phases Christian Education 1mm Sunday School classes for Ike very young to the beautum modem colleges for the education or young adult presented vary forceful Nb ture of tho work mada possible by mu contribution to the M1 slanary work 01 lb United Church Women short paper was read poin unx to the accomplishments of me three Universities pictured in film huslncss session followed the pmgram Arrangemenu were made for tho bnke sale the lake on July 10 with meeting to allow at Mrs Spencers made do nnoLher qulll Thank you notes weru read from than who were ill Quin gho month Trinity United Church Women me in the Sunday School room Inr the June session with Mrs Cunningham as hosrm Elghmn members and five vlsl tors were prmnl The meetlng was opened by 19 president Mn Bream Thu program was taken by Mm Gelhons and Mrs Stir andlcnr The scripture from Num bers chapl la and St John chap ter 21 was rend by Mrs Schund len lha rumination was given by Mrs Gphhahs pinnortrip by Ann Altman Christine Finkbelner and Shhlcy Wynuamslgn was enjoyed by all The oflcrlng was recenfld 71y chhjer andr mend Schandlcn Trinity UCW Enjoy Film hnmwm mum Iallvmd In Inn All you don mm om mmm um nm mm mmnln build style Inachwwas ser CUSDENS ANN LANDERS Natural Endowment Cause For Complaint grew up during the dome Alonr Every evenan gown ever owned won In lent cur prams My mllaralty drrm wrnl the round loo Nothing was wasted When we moved In another city offered name tloihlng to wamnn who husn IpOkln to mo Ilncc So when my husband decldod to dllcnrd nn uponIva sport Inch gingerly onerod Jl lo mother who could well Iflurd to buy her son new one She Envc me In mum lama plny cloth or my ynunzrr chlldrcn It leI Inc to tend kldl out In hrnnd new clalhu lo play In lhn mud mu dellxhud lo hnvu lhn hnnd modownr Don In Thumb or nlto Immry Icllrr nurro mu mum In mu yml lhnn lhn 001 In And Im ulmL Du Ann Linden Several letter hnvn appeared In yaur column mm moths who cclvcd used clothan or their children Some worn delighled olhm Insullcd how you win llnd space lo prlnl just one mom nlll womnn And are now ood Mend4 111 were In In now which mud will Im at lendrd Ind whlrh onr wlll In lcnlcd Aml Hm only way to lml am II In MILDid HIV EXAMINER WANT ADD IHONB IA um Dur Allnn The world has nlwnyl hnd shnmem le male and are no evidence that fill Lori at woman div appenrlnlr Your work is done mother or lxnl ll your boy were laugh early In respect them selves uni other you med nol worry ll you lulled to leach them worrylnz now wont help SECONDHAND Now Ihnl school out the phone rings night and day BoLh My hnva summa jobs but when they com home 530 thch is His girls who have telephoned Every Nth wo or hm girls drive up ln their oonvcnlblcs Sunday 111 came over In her car She was weafing kInL won nl lh nk allowlnz my daughters In be so ahnmo lcsL What can mother dol Mllnu GI Tom In 18 and Jim They are obedient and respectful cellenl students well behaved and ouLstanding In athleuu So what the problem ha way the girls run aim them that worries me flck How much temptation can younl lellow 5mm ved by Mrs Black and her committee with Mn 13 Jayson presiding the ea la 10 even remotely about my daughters Ann ha boy thy wafryjne Miss DlAnn Muznritelrntt Ind Gary Jahu Sootheran ex changed vows mumlng ceremony at SL Mary Church on June 27 The newlywed are shown as they cut their wedd You 2an Ill an Ilnm amtl llurlm Anny ll DONALD 66085 ANDERSON CHARLIE IUNE WEDDING CEREMONY Mrs Jnmcs Morrow and dhll drtn ol Wlllawdnlo Ave ha clly yumday mute lo Wlnnlm Manitoba or lhrce wcch VIICIUOII my wlll bu mm ll thu homo Mn Mor mwl IlstchnAlnw Mu Inn Montague VlKllfl mmcu Holiday wmkrml unis ho hum ol Mr and Mn Dill SOCIAL NOTES Mu Ilclcn Snow NM mnrkcl was aural nl he mm mrr ruldmm of Mr and Mn led Barker Onkvlcw Hench this week HID IUEflEC HOLIDAY IN WINNHEG un enml loch III at qt unmet Wedding In nlnmrlu blnhdnyl bridle pull comlnl 01 pm flu vhllrm Ind mullet nn Ill lleml n1 Inlcml Io women undu ol lhh pnxe Your help In Iupplyln lhll new wul In may Inne cl Ii Pllllo phonu 1110 Hm Eumlner II PA 537 AM II or Elma Dixon nr Audrey Coullul he Waln enn Depanmllfl Churchill Uniied Church will be the wetting for flu marriage lilnriiyn Patricia Todd and Jim stood on July 20 Mr and Mrs Iillan Todd oi Churchill have announced the engage ment oi their eldest daughter Marilyn to Jim Steed Lon oi Mn and Mn Jack Steed oi Crenmorei The couple will ex change vows oi oclock ceremony Photo lily Smith Studio at the Conunenlnl Inn On their return from wedding trip to Munkoka and New York ML and Mrs Sootherm will reside on Essa Photo by Lu Cowper kg Agakaaln rgcgplym hejd DUNLOP 5T EAST PA um OPIN FRIDAY UNTIL 900 PM Dream For Tho Ilrlda For The Bridesmaid For Tho Mother or the Bride Note an blended lo cover AT STRANSMANS BRIDEELECT Fashions For Your Beautiful WEDDING Choose From Our Wldo Sulecuun TRANSMAN of Barrie pink lemonade parly was held on ihc patio at the Steel Street resldmce oi Mr and Mrs Wayne llowell in honor oi their daughter Wendy prior Io gradu alion exercises al Sieel Street Public School on Thursday even mg Among those aliendlng were cinss associates Donna Puddcn Dev Ilnrvey Elaine Winters Sharon Elmer Dlnne Tartan Sandra Sutherland Judy Tn conn Lindn GIKK Debbie Gur rcii Llndn Smith Margaret Nur ion and Dlnna llaycrnil Mr and Mn Cllfl McLean Clappcflon SL motored to St Maryspmarlo where they ab ended the funeral Mrs beans hmlher Her McGauley Mrs Gwen Smith sister the hridewtll be matron ot honor Mm Lyn Drury sisterAinJaw the hridegrnom and M15 Judy on will attend the bride as hrtgtesmalds Carrying through he iheme of the bridal gown the mniron oi honor will wear street length rock designed oi romance blua styled on similar lines to that of tha bride nra hridesrnalds will be gowned alike in dresses shrimp silk organza styled similarly to that oi the matron Malchlng flowered headdress as be worn by the brldal Eltcndnnb They will carry nose ays while reached carna Ions Judge at Napier 51 are Mr Judges bmtherimlnw and lcr Mr and Mrs Fred Corbin and sons Allan and Freddie of Chateauxuay Quebec GRADUATION PARTY BrideWears Peau de Soie Gown Far Wedding Date This Afternoon Vlclor Knox Harris wlll be vocallst His selecllons wlll in clude he Lonls Prayer and Panls Angellcls He wlll be accompanled by nrganlsz DougA lax Garroway at Barrle lRADlTlQNAIi GDWN The bride will be escorted down the aisle on the arm of her lather For her special day 5h has chosen traditional gown of peaude soioi The iitied bo diceni the dress is designed Chantilly lace and features scalloped neckline Centre panels oi mulching lace enhance the human skin lhe brldo will wear hula whlch will holrl her chapel length vcll of emhmldercd tulle llus lon and carry cascade of sweetheart roses none Basket of pink and white pennies wlll decorate Burton Avenue Unlled Church fur the wedding of Miss Sherryn Lynda Annette Laumer and Robert AI vln Drury both or Barrie Ruv Davjq Rgeve will omclnle at the lha bride Is the daughter of Mr and Mrs John unmet of mmberlmd Sixeel 1h bridegmmx palml are Mr and Mn Herhefl Dmry Well Inglnn St West oclock ceremony m1 afiel Dulth Minn Drury brother of the bridegmom will be groomsmnn The ushers will be Ronald Smith brotherlnlaw the bride Bar rie and Dona Camemn cou sin of the bridegroom Barrie nacnmon weddlng supper will be held In the social hall the chde followed by an evening rem don Baysulr Lodge nu molfier the bride will recelvr guest gowncd In an alternoon dress at Fenian lur quolsu silk mum and Chantilly lane with white accessories wge of pink rose and ste phanofls will enhance her en IR EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA mu Fu weddlnl trlp Aland auln Park the bride has dlosm dress of bulge brocade an of her own dealins Sh will wear bulge mum It with travelling attire semble The bridegroom Illll wear blue Illk aha ml mmth aw moms carme pink roses WW mu nure In i111 7mm Plan IA 65571 Causativ Olhun on It All lhnmm Dani WI sorry mm Appointmqu only HAIRCUTS $100 PERMANENT5 EVES BEAUTY SHOPPE llc lel all 550 WI Kg

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