55¢ It mm no we 3324 Jinks mm on mm warm In 14 ll In mm vowmu no cumn run um on imam mm Emma 74 nu un lmln um nu Am rmmgl HARDSHIPS FACE WRITERS Quebec ChmulchTelegraph An one who hax Ideas of writing hook ant them are many folk who hnld lhat nhxcsslnnshould consider lhu plluhl ol authors holh In Canada and In Hrllatn Canadian authors for years have been complatnlng about the dlttkulltcs they lace And Ihcrc no qucslltm but that thoxu dlmcultlos are very real Now ltrltaln Socloly of Authors In thal three nut of tvc It mm mm earn less than $10 week from wrtllnr That 11 scamly munltlctnl mm hnlccd aparl rum kctpllt lhn vnl rum lhu door It dnuhltul thal It will buy very murh nnpor and lrpnwrtlcr rlhhmIsIrnvldctl that the am nor has lyltntvrllcr The xlrnngo thing It llml In Hrllnln me am more hooks hclnu pulllhlml now than evrr lmlnro and llrilnna nro mm 600m cumn When an Inn ll mt hm HumI Ivvhwflrflrn llll lll Hm nun unq play my Munulna run omu opmun mun flymlnl ov you In mun tum n4 mum mm Mun um ru nun lullmt um fl ll IllIION nulu 74H rum Hum lulu Mm mun mum AlumIn VIII nmmuu an MIMI mm In em BarrieExaminer June 24 1948 Dr Scott MBE outlined to Simeoo County Council details of how the new County dlealth Unit would function Stewart installed as Vltl Kerr Mas onic Lodge William Stewart develop ingsplendid park on his property op poslte Barrie Arena open to public on Sundays Barrie Public Utilities drilled now well at Bayview Parki Dr Geor Seymour elected president Barrie ons Club Jack Batstone took over Dunlop tire agency on Maple Ave Sign of the Bear slogan at Simmons Co slore got new bear only third in 00 years It was stint by Bill Fleming while hunting in liallburton stuffed and mounted by Toronto taxider mist Donaldllell elected president Slmcoe County Federation of Agricul ture Len Tripp engaged as instruc tor Barrie Fl lng Club Thornlon Continuation hool discontinued Pupils in future go to Barrie District Collegiate Rev Eric Mcllwaln ol Barrie ordaln ed minister in United Church or Canada takes first charge at Piumas Manitoba Le Ion Carnival drew large crowds three rights Mayor Grant Mayor Pro aldent Bob Bibby of Le inn amt Presid ent Peter Sinclair on made draws The subject comes up with the recent news that Roy Klghtley had been transferred fromRenfrew to Ottawa as senior ofï¬cial in the Delivery Require ment Section Mr Kightley was the first of the record seven After war service overseas he joined Barrie Post Ofï¬ce as assistant in 1946 and later succeeded the late Nicol Thomson as Postmaster Then he was transferred toPeterborough as Postmaster and from that city to Ren ISWYEARS AGO IN TOWN This must be some sort of record Bar rie Post Office has produced no less than segen Postmaster since 1946 Jaycees Plan Celebration On Canadas 96th Birthday This year Canadas birthday has more significance than in any previous time Serious talk has come out of the Prov ince of Quebec where not insignificant portion of the puguiation is talking aration Sucha lng would be trage for this young nation just as it would almost certainly be for Quebec The grievances of Quebec must be studied and rectified where possible Otherwise we would see the breakup of the Dominion of Canada into several splinter countries and no doubt the Maritime and British Columbia would become part of the great nation to our south Such unthinkable matters we trust will be firmly resolved before 1967Canadas Centennial Year On Monday July Canada celebrates her 96m birthday Locally theeverac live Junior Chamber of Commerce is sFonsoring again parade and celebra ton to mark the anniversary in Barrie which community is 14 years older than the Dominion Could Be Postal Record ETTHELM It was on July 1867 that Canadas The Barrie Examiner Walls Publisher Earth Examinrr OTHER EDITORS VIEW Published by Canadian Newspapers Llde 16 Hayfield Street Barrle Ontario DOWN MEMORY LANE or Brian Slalght General Manager mummy JUNE 1m 4m In Ir cri mm the popular car cnlum oi Blimp may no pool In oflon pnlnier and is man with no illusion About lho horror wan As mm he uuuiiy rnnku in Integrity niillliy llid humlnliy iur nlmw lie cnniemporary politicians who mhlnnutm In nnmln hero in nu qurslinn about Hm rcslmmlhilny for nallonal pnllcy Vnrn are cnvalml by the fully or he ml ralvulniinn nl polmflam am pmle nu by gonurnh It Is the job an oral It lmplcmonl the pulley III clv Inn mnslcru lml he can such pullcy l1 ghmlllslh lhcn llm mllum llu wllh hr unvornmcnl lhal flamed ll nnl lhe unvrnl who muxuxmllc ll Urlllln lnukcl and 11mm Wars are made by mlluclanm nml In llmnucrnclox by pman nut by grncr nlx ivnurnh In Tmmnumvcnlth coun lrlvn an lrmllllmmlly lchlInU of tho mrrmncnl nml mually lrmllllnnnl nrc nlwnys nwnrdcd the Hmnkkss Mk tryan In ml war prcrlpnnlod hi the urmru of lhnir nllllml nmxloru 1mm weaknlrd 6y crlmlnnl lack lorrxlghl mm lhus ll ls not very cnmurnnlrm plu lurc to ac halorc budding nulhur llu vlll need to have 51mm dclcnnlnnllon llu will need lo he burdened wllll lllc message he has In scl lmlorc lho people Vrlllnn book vlll have lo he nn ohm xlnn lmlml he hudde nulhor In lrnnalnle hla ldcax lnlo rcn lly buying more bonka than ever before In of this publicallun and salts however Is In the form paperback mlllium mul them F0 reduced royalllus rlulr ll were Ross Turner HnFold Henry and Thomas Wauchnpe Beau ilful stalncd lass window dedicated in Collier St Un tcd Church in memory of Flying Officer Murray Allison Cope and iMac Mills younger son of Mr and Mrs lllllls Clement Harold Wright rcllrod as organlsl of Trinity Anglican Church Brakes failed out of conlrol 10 ion soft drink iruck hli five cars on way down Hayfield St and crashed into Sier llnq Trusls building No one hurt for prizes At annual meeting Ont ario Historical Society at Fort Ste Marie lnn near Midland Hon Drury gave paper on the 0m Negro Settlement Piano pupils of Miss Dorothy Johnson gave recital at Trinity Parish Hall assist ed by Adam Gaw tenor and Frederick Skitch of Toronto Plans made for Tereentenary Celebration of Mount St Louis July 34 also reunion of Medonte Townshlp iolk Lance Rumble torm orly of llillsdale and prominent General Motors executive appointed Acting May or Speeial religious ceremony in mem ory of St Anthony Daniels martyrdom at hands of lroquols Indians Sermon by Rev Father Lawlor ot Barrier Barrie Business College purchased by John Jose from Ross Smith Founded in 1897 colleges previous prlnclpals were Ross Turner Harald Recently Waller Bell who served 1n Barrie Post Office from 184610 1957 was appointed Postmaster for When The other former staff members of Barrie P0 now Postmasters are Thomas Tyr er al Lindsa Charles Clark at Angus Victor Murp at RCAF Borden and Grant Awbury at Camp Borden The second of the seven would be Bar ries present Postmaster Thomas Kerr who succeeded Mr Kightley The ilrmlyElanted ideals of Confed eration have come deeprooted pride in the hearts of most Canadians But we as Canadians have for too many years re mained reserved We are constantly swayed by United States influence through movies magazines and televlslon and there is also much evidence of An gloSaxon and French traditions so that we fail to boast about Canada and pub licize our nation as lt deserves Let us make some true that old saying that the last half of the 20th Century belongs to Canada Irew as District fathers of confederation saw four rov inces join together to form the back one of great stronglywelded nation that has grown to take its lace among the leaders of the world They envisioned Dominion from coast to coast united by common heritage and gave the funda mentaicfrinciples of legislation that have endure to this daily There is no doubt that if these princ pies had been adher ed to we would not have agitation from Quebecat the present time GENER POINOT MAKE WARS inspector in the Ottawa Postal Ilhmrr low Mulls Isl Hun Anle vmlml In Iuvlullnn Irum lhl lmnnmem in In In Mind hum In Ihv nullmr Iml IKIPNI lo lmlr I0 Auh MAIN Ill unlrr In will hunk llml mnlld Imrnl In Ive Wnl lrnrul ikluw Midi Hull wllh Iprtlnl mute la llw lnlullu rul ly 6M nuulv um IIIh human mlnlIrr lhe 11th qt Iraq whunlhl nwl Mm Mumln um Almul um um mmlylu 1th mm ml Lllmmuh hmlan ylln nu mum mu quhHr nml mm mm Mr andL mum nnwu pnprrmnn pmqu urll mm mu nynuullvrllr nrrnunl AIIWJINI lllhllmlflllfl mill lhnfr urnml sunk mum Um Wll Wall Law In In Anhl 11w Mllhur durum nu dmly mum at he vm an llwlr rllllmlrn Inumtl mm mm mm llllmmm nml wmu nml lhn Imlunl lumrnlvll my rm Mn nilma Ilrplnlhor nnd mm llun Wm srquIMy Irnwn Inwull lhll ulllnl III bovk nm nrlullrl Im nrcmml Elinn Inner xlmule mu Ulnlm nl Hirlullpnllr Thl hmk he laclnnllng no mum of lhn wllrllcrnfldnmlm nlrd IIenl 1h Vul Wills prhnllvo lrllm In nrulsh ulnnn ll nlsu loll of the changes lhnl lunk ylncc In he Mich locmr Him and Mn penplr wllh lhn mmllll he Amulcnn mlulun Irlu 1rlxll Vllcluloclnr mum Ilrmmd Elkn who bdnrc um lululnnmirl Irrhnl llnd mm nl Iguuhlmz lrlhnl flu lo lvmnnn mm wllrhtloclnr IIlkrl IHtlhmul lhtI Mrrrrrr huu In real In Back Of Beyond we no Juno Kjomel concern or those pcoplo and also her rulimllon he vruhlexm lo be laced In luluro CIulIlI llchdoclor by llamrr 5an The author lull hcr nrrivnl lhe humor lhe pulho and he my 01 Mark under prlmllivu cundlunnx wllh people who wm lovinu und Mud and cxaspcrnl Ink and cruxl She wrilc with pride about lho sludcnl nurse mind In their hospital and the work hey did ntlcr gmduuUun Many llmca when something wxu nudcd misc mantle and tn tourmzc he unrk he misslnn lhc lmlm urmcr lludnnl reassured lhun Nama customs and band had to he considered and uvercomc Zuu bridn lives In her hus handl home and sublet In har molherlnlnws whim Ind lnncim The Zulu are very sup Inlltlau about twins Ind be llcve they bring Illness or mis Iorlune lo bunny The un wanted one lhe second born wnuld be sancnlcd at birth or put out Im the wild nnlmnlx ta devour nr to starve lo death Jnnn Klome was sent to Lu wnmba ln Zululand lo nssls Millicent llnugebnk in small hospital wilhom resident duo tax gavernmml district sur mn visitcd the hospital when possible and any severe use Illness or any In need sur grynm unt In he govern ment hospital 20 milc away Ullcn pallenlarwould relusa lo 30 there In Back Beyon um Kjome nurse relate her per sonal cxperienccs in Luther an mission in Zululand The author live the under gllmp Into the lives or the Zulu people and their response In the work of lhe mission Jung Kjéme Zulus Suspicious 0f Twins Lutheran Mission Nurse Says 11easlvyogze To WlsctgamefdeB mmttmaucur ON THE JOB TRAINING hnv lyplnl Ilrlnr Im Inn Ahmad Ind Hm mm mm nltu have urnlyvhnld Inr nrulnllnm nnla why IMHINI an mnml unlml Irmklnn wnlrr nr calm un rmlrtl llulll nr lnlflhlu Il rrpl In 1hr mum tllln lm Influva mm run mall panda rrrfly mlxrulvk unlm Hwy m1 nul Ihull Plule Ilvlnl In um um duan mIInnro la mm urrmu Am rnl wllhuul ulllllrully hr um mull he ran main Allmlrnnl Illlardly Imlu Iwn lrrllmlwl luv uulle mmlly Hum mmm All had Imhnmuy Wflrmrl vim INHIIHI repl nr 1m ur Inn who hvl he lnruHfl In lyrhnH rivalyphnll almlu For Ind mnm am mnxl dcnnlmy nppnml In nu human mu nr mm mil II In rnllml In numaplur lrlmlxml rth urn lylrnlry lml lplmhl lmlll under Kuml rnnlwr In III rmmlry lml NI xrrllll Ilntl Krill lmuml lhm lllfllfnlul dlmuu Tim fly Inme Iran1m by ho wlm mman ruln Imm murlu Ind lhr hnnllln lnnlrn nuln um hy purle wuvhlnx In lh fldl llnrmful xrrml mly nflrn In phunl II mm mrnn lhnl lha dlnmu Ira Imu mlllrd In plant Ind Hun hark ln pcnplu ha ul lhl ulnnll llnwovrr um um nh vlnlnly4 rt 1mm Hm oulllda ul hull nnd curlnplry rnnlrd The wlmu mcnl Human ucrcll Iurd In mnny nlhnr cuunlriu ham mm of III In Ihz Ortnl ll runlnlm nllmucn va olhrr mlh man usnlul In lrrllllm lull llm Incl lhnl In um Ilnu nol mum II ulr Me hm lwo bushel of canned lamalau which Mr xlmu la me Um wont be nhll ouch unlil know or me um way or he ulnar Mrl D4 xn The nlllcr xlde arxuu um my dlscuc mm or rusu Mould he cnnicd lo whnlovnr runs and withch ll wnl used on Dear Dr Mulnerx An argu ment has Alumd in our nmlly om the us human waste or lerllllm One nlde declare that II sale and hm bcen used or yum In Europe By JOSEPH MDLNER MD The camp contained thou And oi people living in primi iive condiiinns The author Iiso visited hospiiais and inund lhcm overcrowded poorly equip pod and incking proper drug in but this dlxeuse This book describes many aclnallng place the Mid dle East well Is the refugee camps In Lebanon Syria Jnrdan and Gaza Lance For The Arabs more than travel book and gives an Insight lnlo many the problem the Middle EusL their country Thlx was he be ginning of har trawl In the Middle gm YOUR GOOD HEALTH mmi lmln anliiu In Youth 19 Snores Is Getting Worse 1min Imlh lame clnccn lho lwa llfllb Yo Fruler my Hymn um Inna nl mm Elm Iu an mm mm Im pm Mr my mm llwir Imumvv MHIIIy ML You If dwmlm to II Mm Ilkcly cnurm Hm may lye hclnlnl are Hm hlm nmlnrd In Ihnl nn mun ah plrurllnu In mllinfl Mm to ho mnulll brenlhrr lry In EH Iulm In slrrp an hh IMF Iw rum lying on Um lmrk llclfl lunlu the mnrlnn Dnr nr Malnm In Hum nny Why In mm II My 19 mm morlnx My mm mm In ha mum Mrhl We wake hlm up nnd he nun rlghl back lulu hi1 umrlnxAJI nl prnbnhly that In Is mm mum llllllcf mu xclx re Inxul lhnl his Inlnla lulttrl 11 me nnim which the maple are living very clusu In lhc nine slnrvaliuxl dont see an likelihuud um we can pcrsualn Ulcm In aban dnn thls smnll nlnounl DI llliznr far lhclr mm pmsed fnrms WII Imvc nu surh excuse hm uhcre AnIa Ivrllliurl ara plentiful In all Hmsc rnnmd amn lncs lhcyll be min to an ll ynu slew Ihum Thu cunkinz will destroy harmful hnclcrm If any are DIEanl By THE CANADIAN PRESS lflIrince Bernhard Ibo Netherlands was born Eight Cnnadmn Jesuit martyrs were canunllcd in Rome 33 yam ago today In 1930 The first saint of lhe North American Conun enl were the l7lhcenlury Jesuit Fathers Jean de Era bcuf Gabriel Lulamanl Charles Gnmier Anlolnu Dnnlclp Nael Chahancl Isnuc Jagucs Rene Gnupil and John de Lnlande All me lhcir dcalhs ar Ihe hands or hostile Indians dur Ing their Inbur to bring Chrlsrlunlry lo Canndn In the early days of the French 090 Jqu 21 ms TODAY IN HISTORY SCHOOLS OUT FOR JOE FOSTER mm In hll ml In 1w lull lmnml Ivy Donna mm and hula Mdnllnm lvh Ill mm who ml lnled nltllu um dllnn In In him lmnm Mum pomr lo you and more power In more tdxlnrlnl tll vnurnulnu you do pmplu In mm hrra nnd lo my her and hrlp up wunlry rnw Your rry Iruly Onknh Jnnra lhls xrawm Alnct Mm wcnl In work In Capo Brclnn rlgl all lhe First World War And nxnln you are no right Ilml here are briuhler prospect nur lho horlmn BUT units wo kccp nmindlnx pcoph Iuch mm chemiral cnuimcn he zraduulr or our high arhmlx nnd our WHORE whn no In the Stale or to England or Europe and Hum dunl mmc hark nrcnl we gum In ha lured wilh manpower Ahurlnxc Hm manly cnpnMe pcnplu um wo nwl la tonlinuc In Rmsp and mnxolldnln lhm brighter pm mm It does an own bettor Jab than trlcd to do In my talk to the chemicnl enamelrs am glad to lind someone agreeing with me mld also gottan llrcd of us you put It In the last paragraph vocal citizens who are ntwny anyinx whats wrong with Constructive criticism will buy but the constant can In that mm to no on tram so many quartm gets mighty baring You are so right when you my we have cementum way In the last 20 or 30 yuan would ex pand it to on even greater num ber of years because have Your cdilorlnl an Monday June lolh headed Canadians Not 1015qu But Have Come Loni Vay Is good one Bear 31 ilun silage three men stand oulvns being In the running in Ihe succession In Harald Mne millanl They are ll Al Euller Reginald lllaudlinz and lard ilailshnm In quicklylnken Gallup Poll ll revealed ihal illr Butler in lhe public mlnd lends by short head with Lord Hallsham next in order allowed by Reginald lllaudlinz and Edward Heath The key polnl however lhlt the public wlll have nothing in my about the selection at tho new prime mlnlsler There will are not whether Mr Macmillan will resign but when he will resign and whn will Iuccecd him lie is not likely Io resign immediately although many Conserveilvns favor the idea that ii li weru in he done re better to he dune qplckl This is not entirely due to the nationshaking disclosures at what has becomu known as lhu Proiumn case and the Prniumo debuts in the Hours oi Com mons fihnt was merely the cui mination oi mics oi lovemo mcnt crises in which Mr Mac mlllnn suliered trnrn hlEh de gree oi vulnerability and which had much to do with destroying the tumor favorable image at the party in the public mind in deed many Conservative apen 1y expressed their conviction beinre the Proinmo scanan broke that change leader ship was desirable The vote in the House at Commons in which 27 Conservative abstained rum vnting in support of their party and its leader served notice on Mr Macmillan that the time its game fur hlm ta withdraw LONDONWho zolnfl to be iho next Prime Minister oi Greai Briialn Up in law monihs ago the only oliernailve Io Mr Macmillan would have been the leader oi the Labor party But ii now seem loirly certain that liir Macmillan will resign and fess lnio the iwiliglli of political lie with an earidem and ihni there will be new Conservative prime minister nleli in advance oi he next elec ion REPORT FROM UK Bi MclNTYRE HOOD Butler Stands Olit In Leaderéhip Race LETTERS TO EDITOR goon zmronm MI and hlvlhduy vu um prouhlnr Ilr Foul WM Inyl hr In mouth mmmrlem all nine ymn ml the 1011 mm 1th In my awn thlldun lCI Wham Thru um Inunrl mlvlre lor Hm dlsciplu and even hrllrr ldvlu or In ho 1m ladny And he IAhI Ilnln lhun coma ya youmlvu up lnla vlnre m1 ml nhllu or lhtu mlny rnmlnl Ind lolnx Ind lhey had an Itlluu no mud to hurt ll In he llsl ol possiblllllcs Mr Macmillan numswr some of Him previously In no runnan hnvc been chlniuly mumcd out Thch Include lnln Mnchod House Cammom lender Duncan Sandy minisl nr or Commnnuenllh Rahth nnd Eduard llculh Lord Privy SML 50 ll ooh as Ihc choke uilh Mnmllmz the momcnl running on the rails What has not escaped the Ln bnr lenders notice is the in that In ponse to Gallup Poll questi Iire ynu rntisiied or dissatisfied with hir Macmillan as prime minister 54 per cent said they were dissatisiind nnd only it per cent that they era satisï¬ed It is sirniticnntly nat rd that only once beinre in Gnli up Poll history has higher ï¬x me ni dissutisiactian been chur tcd or any prime minister Thai was in 1910 uhcn 58 nor con said thcy um dissniisiicd with Neville Chnmberlain ns prime Minister Within month uitnr thni poll llir Churchill had ink on aver the post from ilir Chamberlain The inuicnl mn mcnl on this is Will history repent ling BIBLE THOUGHT In conversation with Hamid Wilson the Labor leader at lhe annual diner oi the Common wealth Press Union along with some others rounded him out on the question ol his re ercnce for prime ministcri mm the standpoint oi Labors chant es of winnlnl the election Whnt Mn Wilson had to lay wu en tirely oi the record and could not be directly quoted but thered the impression that in irit Labor would be much in tcr oil from the standpoint of winning vote in the election ii Mr Macmillan were to remain inuqflirq until that time lf party oplnlon becomes almnzly cryslalllzed In favor of lllr Maudllna ln ha near ul ure then wlll be Krowlnz de mand for an early chanxa and an early reslgnatlun by Mr Macmillan But present lnrllc allons are that he mllhl his tak hls llme although ll would be much holler or he parly set the new prlme mlnlslu ln alalled to glve hlm ample lime In hulld up lhe parlya lmaze ln preparallan lortha general elec Ilonl Around Westminster it is olr vlous at the moment that 46 year old Reginald hlaudlina Chancrllor oi the Exchequer is most highlyiavored of those be ing mentioned He stands well ahead oi Mr Butler so tar as opinions oi the members are concerned Those who favor Lord Haiisham ara handicapped by the fact that he would have to wait until the Lords Reform Bill is passed to permit him surrender his pcerag and qua ify tor seat in the Commons because ï¬lm minister in tho House oi rds is today quite unthinkable But it is noticeable that many of those who say they iavor Lord Halisham also any they would switch to Mr Maud ling it they leit the party want ed somebody who already was in the House oi Commons be In conference than would be In Canada or the Ilecllon new parly leader The cholca wlll rest In the hands the hierarchy of the Tory party And In the llnal annlysl Mr lllncmlllnn wlll huvn to to la lhe Queen and advise her Who should be lll successor Naturally there will be much consullallan with the Consen ntlve members at parllnmenl and lt thelr oplnlons the wlll carry most welnht In the Ilnal telectlon