Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 29 Jun 1963, p. 1

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3345 111m mulrndlcllnnm hnwevrr In lnnvrmnllon lup pllrd Fvldny hy lllulrhnl luc ully mrmbm and by unim lily olllrlnl 1th about flu num Iwr lhnn lrnvlnl And about mo ulenl dhmlhlndlnn Jrhwlm Rololvy I11mm lo we play 9pm nl who Lu filling nun TOHONN Cl Sntrnl mrmberl In luruliy nl maul Yuri Unlvmlly ha mlumw or mm on luv mnlrl nccuullmu of lurk nl Mlfl dam In Um unlvmlly pim Murray on vvmrnl who nixan yml hm In lo Jun ell Unlm ally Al Walnut Mun uld hl underflood ll lull mm mm bm Mn mum ar In an Inn Um Funny uld howr In mount York Profs Discontented cny ammu tolled 1qu Ihlrd um El5min Thousands To Cheer Kenned zIS Granted Galway Freedom wound up umphnl lhmdny tour or hll lnmlrnl land with qulck wlnz Around lho ruuvd Wu Ireland bclon handing for quit rocepllon In Ioulhrrn Eng land and Inllu wllh Prlmu Min Macmillan worm cw hy hullcopm hum Dublin lo Gnlwnyl Ipam groundl than motored down town In Eyre Squm lor nn dnm mtmunlnl lull Mom enmmlnm GALWAY Inland AP Pmldtul Krnnndy arrlvcd In Gnlwny lody on he 1an In MI lrlsh Republic our and mi uccurdcd the freedom ol lho all lhnusqndl phborcd Coincidlnz wllh he summit lalkl the Kremlin puhllahed Khrulhchnv upccch In which he Savle premier Atknowlcdzcd Ill now wonhy President Kennedys call or rtnewed worn for pence Realmmed no prlnclpla pencclul coulllmrm Ry lrnsl an Gagmunlsl lud rcspanded lo Khrushchevl uil BERLIN AP Premier Khrushchev turned today mm lukewarm Berlin reception to major Sovietbloc lummll con lerencu culled apparently to consolidate ls strength or an Ideological showdown with tho Communlxx China Thu khanSoviet Ideological feud bro open agaln In yunclpw Islam In the 2min lino our lorelzn poI tv Chgmd um he Ihlrd mmHon hn mm blck harm Chlnm Km undulan unqu In nonmnd Tomnlo am In wtrd lo Inn In enmlmrnl nl 7000 by mo 11m hug mm mm xIImnlml mmmu Ic ully mmlnn In mun any Mu bum cl llul llrl ynu mud on In In Iha mnnock WI hll out nuly nlmul In ml at Um llvm pralmlrly nnly lwn or mm mm who an unhIWy ank Unhrnlly to we Min In lemparlry nmflnlon wllh lhv Unlvmlly of Tumnla In mm In an lllldrnl 11w Dnrrlu Exnmlnrr wlll not prlnt on Monday Domlnlon Dny Kcnnrdy luucd plcdxo In the Irish nrllnmcnl Friday In nun rl prnpmnl Ireland In lpomorcd In the Unllod anlnnylo hnll lhl prrad nuclear wcupom N0 EXAMINER ON MONDAY may make In Gnellc Ind Eng llxh with he cmphnm on the 1th lonxue ll flourllhu mom lhll wul cans am Iro lnpd lhnn In the Dublin rm tall mwr it was that month the Kremlin ruled out pabiicai an at bitter Chinese attack on May cow Peking opposed in 100in iencu wiih the West in eiinct called tar Khrushchev lcnip The mimward document aim tried to dictate thn agenda tor the meeting tha Chinesa and Russian havu lthaduind Friday in hioscuw in an altempl to iron out their dliicrnncu run mmmlml mm In mflmln In Imknn yur Ems nmw KHEushchev madn the much last week at meelkm the central commmco the Sovch Communist puny ASK F0 5CALP 61 sharpened 11ml Rfim wxmi Mnmw and Accused them of marlin lo radal approach In an Illempl la wln Axluns and Africans to llgxelrslde rather mm IL until we ramcr an to the lid of Communist on If while lho Dublin capl lullu Inhl Jam Tmmur nl Tonma wn rummlhlt lnr hurl lhe mm mm mm whtlmhll Ir nmmu all of whom molml minor humlrn 0n Ifllrrr mu pm Mr Ml In hls hamll um um In Ibo brawl lhnl In In Tomnlu 90mm umlld mm wan lho only Cllfln la elp our pullmmn Illhl crowd 300 In Imlll Mun mm Irvan hm Friday Policemen Hurt In Brawl unfilllo henclm or lorll m1on lClDA Jmln By THE CANADIAN IBM Not nll Cnnmllnm urn upmd Ina MA mum Ncnr linmlnllnl Qur 14hour alum Into Hal proforllam al the pcfltfnflllry prl jam mm Tho hm been brought Inln mullllrulel court or prcllmlnnry hunrlu on the Mmrmu mm unmum Wood Gerard Canxvy 23 and nynn Carlson are chnrzcd wflh lrylnz to break out at lho Kcnllcnllnry hero Apr ID wllh oldlng nnnrd hnslnao knltcnolnl Amhzuhl 1p Imhbing hlm Thomand mil qcrpu flm nlmlru mum Fifty Canadians Predicted Will Meet Death 0n Highways Nolmn Bernard Mod 17 was beina led by guard mm the cuurl chambers when he hurled hll accusation Tho Suprcmn Cour Juillca had lusl Iound Wood In can lluLnn earlier outburst NEW WESTMINSTER EC CWA convict sluad hnluro Supreme Court Judge Sui llvan Frldn and shouted You an Nuz you are anll Says Lodges Run Illegally Vhoopee Vhoopee SChDoll out mu ha exalted sludenl rlnnlan Street school tho longawaited momnnl my lixmmrr ro muss scfioovs 007115011de WHOLE MONTHS NJ 5mm 1200 mm up rum nl Hnlurnn 1mm Im wrm Vuncuuvrr Inland um llrllllh Cnlumhll mnlnlnml for In nun lnmh lwbmw llllny wrnlher In Imllrlrvl or UNI unkind in mull Thu Hurt lmllnm will he pm In lhslr mum mnr Cll ury la munM powm um vlllln lmllnnl lrnm nunr Mlmln Ivllm Moulnnn Ind Nullnuhownn Munmlm and Winnlpu will luv rlplnl nml dunclur mmpellllum mm llnd Unmun Ullnwn lrlme Mlnlurr lrnmm wlll fluW mend Mu uhnln rim In ml He in luv npcrulnl nn lad lur re muval ml rum uln ml Kama 1200 pmplp an up perm ll HAIurnn 1mm uL all mllu nonhqu Qurbcc My 500 mm wlll llknly mend mo whale wulmul Killing ll Iqunromllv lorul re nw mm wnnlhrr whlch mado II mum nummrr mll day or mon 01 Eulrm Cnnmm cnnlrlhulm In Um tom lro hnmrd In Eullcm nrnvlnm Thu hrnl hmuuhl olhrr un Ionml Ihlcllxhla In Tumnln rmr mm rollupml and dlr lmm Um hull llnmllton 20 month old Nlchom llnnluny luddlul Implant an In mm nun linked alpha Illlnulu Frhlny nnd hall lhlnlllrnrw bum lull Nl hy the llnw he Iluluhlml nl Vniuninry Iinicmoni in line In mecc legal pmrcduro at which Um Menu My luh mllilovidcnca iniendnd lo qumh lr Preliminary hearing ni iilih laur unbrlel Mom MI lnduslrlnl dcsluncr nay mmd Vlllcnnuve ID lludcnl Jacques Glroux ll pholop rnpher and Wm Lnbonlc Ia clerk um lo appear or volun lnry alnlcmcnl July MONTREAL CP Judlo Emllo Tmlllcr Frlday mm milkd four youths lo voluntary slalnmem or noncapllal mur dcr In lhu dcnlh nlxhl watch man Wlllrcd Vlnccnl ONu 65 klllcd when llmnbomh 0x4 plodcd nulxlde an army re cmlllng olllco Aprll Four Youths To Appear In Watchman Hearing ally arrlvu Teacher Ind nu dent packed up their pencils rubbers Ind book yesterday or month holiday Ontario Clnlda SiiurdayLJuna 191965 The Judge Mde lhc Crawn lo cnmldcr chnrulnz lhcm and School with obstrurung Jus llce Maximum pcnnHy or ob Hudon Vulcncuvo and Glroux mum lo csllly Schoclm prvllmlllary hearing and Juduu Emile Tmlucr ordered mom held In cell until he hcnrlnn 35th pmau charged with noncapital murder In ONullla death Georges Schoclm 33 ll grad unlo ccanamica studcnl was ad Joumui In July The mm tearful goodbye or some Ike graduating class and the younger stud cms looked ahead to new anchor and new grade MARILYN MANDY RICIDVIII Auuulll Thu lhrw others also said may reluaul to lcxllfy on mounds polillcnl prlnclplo and Hudon nddul dnrlnn Schoo lm nrcllmlnnry hcnrlnz lhm he wants lo he lrlcd poll llnl prlsouzr under common law mucunl Jusllce we year Schnclm cnllcd la lhe wil nes box during Hudma pm lmlnnry hoarinu shouted an my pnlrlollc mu pallllcnl con vxcflnm reluse la lesllly and he Judge ordered him removed rain he caurlmom trugtlng jusllce come Soplumbor Let rlghl In the picture are Linda Grclg Ian Poslmkall Margie Daidgc Glnny lflclmnr and Tom Guthrie CAMO mwlmim doluml umo lflwlmim and Arab nopubllc bu broken Ml dolumlle nCllou wllh Pulud ho Mlkld MIMI But um OM WM loan mlAWA MSWAn obflmued nilvny land mmmd uccuuluily mm Hm skin mm Mlnlller Immu Mk III Cvlc lloupllnl hm today Th Myurolxl prlme mlnlbler um LInmlh IM Imrlmu ululry tn good IIIm And hlu MI momd an ullmrwu mm Breaks neiauom wan Portugal CMIIO mmmugn uu uuNV Undor trnu unmlnnllun hy Hum Iodny Mln HimDavin rrpcnlnl nho and mi Auur had nmdn lava Burp You were plum In Pearson Operation Successful mum 11qu um cumlm rrnlnl Vnnl nlnw mum llu tune Admin Im in lnwnrd Ward the any more dld not to 50mg flew am undrr mnlrucl lo IDV cm newspapers ms NpplALICE Ml Every person In this use under tunlrnct to some paper md dont use why should ml yum Altar Rachmana death and her sulcldr attempt last year Mlsx Davie was taken to Mld diam Hospital in London and her parents wont lo live with Ward nurue accused her of using her rule In the case to act pub Holly by clalmlng attain wtlh lamalu persona lncludlag lord Astor and Fairbanks Sha admitted that aha realized the more sensauonal the case the morn moncy IM could maka by selling her Mary to Inc press would be somellmo she mauled Bil asked hor ll she do almycd lwawny mirror In tho npnrtmon she ed with Kashm flurgo asked her if she knew Ward had laid her pnrcnin she tried to comm suicide inst No vcmher her lover Peter Rnchrnnn icii hnr M1114 in in his will Mk5 Davies laid it was i001 Lsh oi Ward la say this because Ruchman gave enough in law airy and mink to keep her inr ynnu muuun Miss RiceDnvlex key wlb neu in the case against Ward admitted she lrlmi to kill her sel shorfly alter the dcnlh of the man who had kept her or My years NEWS BRIEFS wun Mandy also stuck to her claim Friday that she knew actor Douglas Fairbanks Jr She said their acquaintance In vnlvcd screen lest and two meetings along with ChrisUne SAID SKIICIDE It quite unlme ho Mid for you In suggest that you have had relation with Lord Astor Of course It Is not untrue am not going to Mdrl chihm mmhlw Vnnl Mano 0n MI hmuenlly nhrm In In or upper cnlst Britons and liv uff the earnings M15 RiceDavies and her rcdhalmd roommate Christina Keeler Wards lawyer Jame Burn opened todays hearing by try lrlz lo break ML Rlcevbavlcs or IM TIMUNV unmlnnllun hy MI Inna1mm Mandy Wont Back Down On Astor Fairbanks Story any mnllca cvcn wan sunny and wmn lodly Ind Sun day Chance showcxx Low tonight 59 High tomorrow 90 For summarme page two No Man Than Pa CopyM ume HIM WM lmm Nnnry anhornn In Vlr IInln 51w wan Hm llul Human munlwr ol lullnnwnl and In twin old Cllvrdrn 5N lnlrlllxmcc ugrnl hm Ador Um lnlmrr Il llnm Wnldorl Anlnr In um mu In Icrnnrl Vllruunl Allor over and ly Anmr wpu wul luer Wmd lookan man In an Iult lehl Ihlrl and dark llu wnn brought lnln lho murlhouu hundrulfnl prlwn 9an Ho manned Inlnl mm he rnuml lho buHanL The oriulunl dhclosum have IL 19 5mm gTflsfls nice Dav witness was tall dark halrcd girl dammed only Mn urnJ unuulflfll mm abaul ho cheque which Miss KceILr Mid Aflur had handed to Ward Bum md You know perfectly well mm was loan to ho accused1 No dont she replied ENTER MISS Followln Ml ween London Lady Asim Illa armor London ashmn model Bro Mls Rico Davies and lb also had met lard and Lady Astor together In their upm mnnt In Upper Gmsvenor Sheen London Lady Astor In tho armor Lnndnn Inkm muux much publicity possible mm lhl case but she med the know Christine sold her memnlri to London Sunday newspaper la £15000 $45000 Thu News of the World 1111M ChrlsLlnel Cordu iions AMls Rico Davin nlrl Sha dented gumfig mm that she was much nnhllmu Mk lilacDavfé He would wnuldnt he Of course It not untrus am no going to perjure my sell in court Barge Do you know In lac Lord Astor has made sun men to the police saying that these allegations 01 your an gbsolutely untnlel did Except in connection with lilm test No Nico had meeting with him not in connection with iiinu and iwice with Christina Koeicr it is quite untrue ior you to suggest that you have ind ialion with Lord Aston drag In the name of Douqu Fakhank and hm Asm yes terday In tact you never had any muting with Mr Fab bank at all dig y9u1 Local Weather mu um downfall nl lormcr an menmlcd only Ward chnrzqd with l4 Pngu

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